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Weekly Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date :I Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to differentiate kinds of media

- Knowing the using of media’s tool

- God’s creature through the equipment of Media

4. Sources : Internet searching, learning skills series (mathematics),

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ Day 1 2x 30’’ Reviewing the topics given by using 30’’
“games” related to the lesson previously.
Opening;  English;

- praying; Introducing kinds of electronics media

( TV, phone, Radio) Asking the students about the topics
- Al fathehah given

- Prays before start lesson


- Good morning

- How Are you

 Math

Differentiating kinds of media

Day 2 2x30’’
 Math

Count and circle the correct number

based on the picture (learning skill series;
mathematics ; page; 25)

 English

Introducing kinds of media (newspaper,

magazine,) by using flash cards.

Art; Making Birthday’s card

Day 3

 Language

Mengenalkan media (newpaper, 2x30’’

 Math

Counting and tracing “How many

magazines, newspaper in the picture?”

Day 4

 Sport
‘Senam sehat Ceria”

“ lompat tali”

 Math

Matching the numbers based on the


Day 5

 Religion

“ tracing hijaiyah letters 2x30’’

Telling story about God’s creature that

he gave us beautifulness from things that
we need.

 Math

Count and draw more things to make 15

(Learning skills series; mathematics; page
Weekly Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : II Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to know communication’s tool

- Drawing some communication’s tools

- God’s creature

4. Sources : Internet searching, learning skills series (mathematics),

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ Day 1 2x 30’’ Reviewing the topics given by using 30’’
“games” related to the lesson previously.
Opening;  English;

- praying; Mentioning the electronics’ media

Asking the students about the topics
- Al fathehah given

- Prays before start lesson

- Good morning

- How Are you

 Math

Collecting “How many phones on the


Day 2
 Math

Count and circle the correct number

based on the picture (learning skill series;
mathematics ; page; 31)

 English

Introducing kinds of media (newspaper,

magazine,) by using flash cards.

Art; Draw and colour the pictures of


Day 3 2x30’’

 Language

Menulis huruf Alphabets dan

menyambungkan huruf
 Math

Let’s measure with our books. ( learning

skills series; mathematics; page 44-45)

Day 4
 Sport

‘Senam sehat Ceria”

“ lompat tali”

 Math

Sticking the picture of Radio by using


Day 5

 Religion 2x30’’

“ tracing hijaiyah letters’’

Telling story about God’s creature that

he gave us beautifulness from things that
we need.

 Math

How many things on the pictures and

write on the boxes given. ( learning skills
series; mathematics; 56-57)
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II

Theme : Communication

Week/date : I/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to know communication’s tool

- Drawing some communication’s tools

- God’s creature

4. Sources : Internet searching, learning skills series (mathematics),

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

The teacher will ask the students about
Introducing kinds of electronics media; 10’’ electronics media. 10’’ Introducing kinds of electronics media by 10’’
using flash card, then, ask them about that.
Let the students to ask the questions Example;
about electronics tool.
If we want listen music, we use….
- Who wants to watch “sponge If we want to watch movie, we use…
bob” movie?

- Who wants listen music?

Radio games;
Differentiating about electronics media,
10’’ The teacher shows kinds of media, such as 10’’ - ask the students to listen the songs 10’’
Prepare the kinds of electronics media “TV, Radio”. Then, give them copied pictures.
by using copied pictures. Therein, ask them to differentiate kinds of - Ask them to mention what songs
media, such as “TV, radio”. And ask them to there
count” how many pictures there.
- Make it into fun,

- Then, they must dance based on the

songs given.

Snack time

Play time

Closing; 30’’

Counting numbers starting number 11- Praying; go home

Singing “Kring-kring telephone”
10’’ 15’ 5’’
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II

Theme : Communication

Week/date : I/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to know media (newspaper, magazine)

- Able to make birthday’s card

4. Sources : Internet searching, learning skills series (mathematics),

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

Allow the students to do the exercises on the
 The teacher will explain the 10’’ 15’’ Counting numbers using numbers board 5’’
“mathematics” book. Based on the
numbers, starting number 1-
10, explanation before.

 Then, the teacher makes it

some pictures on the white
board based on the count

 Ask the students how many

numbers of that pictures and
matches them into the box
which contains numbers based
on count of pictures, and make
it circle relates through the

 Count and circle the correct

answer based on the picture

Learning Skills Series; mathematics; page


English; The teacher shows magazine and newspaper, Telling story about “ My Father’s Reading
10’’ 10’’ 10’’
then ask them about the function of magazine Newspaper”
Introducing the kinds of media by using
and newspaper,
flash cards
(magazine, newspaper)
- We can read the information and
funny pictures by reading

- We can get more information of our

world by reading newspaper.

Snack time 30’’

Play time


Make birthday’s card 20’’ Sticking the cards on the wall-magazines 10’’
Make it funny birthday’s card using origami
paper Praying go home
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : I/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to know media (newspaper, magazine)

- Sticking pictures

4. Sources : Internet searching, learning skills series (mathematics),

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

The teacher shows magazine and newspaper,
Introducing the kinds of media by using
flash cards 10’’ then ask them about the function of magazine 15’’ Tracing alphabets on the white board 5’’
and newspaper,

(magazine, newspaper)
- We can read the information and
funny pictures by reading

- We can get more information of our

world by reading newspaper.


Counting how many magazines and

newspaper on the pictures. The teacher will show the copied pictures and 20’’ 10’’
explain them about the numbers of pictures Sticking pictures of magazines using cutting of
Internet searching
there. newspaper

Then, gives the copied pictures to each


Then, ask them to count how many numbers

of magazines and newspaper and circle them.
Snack time

Play time 30’’


Singing “ I love Read”

10’’ Reviewing the topics by asking them to tell 10’’ Singing “ Aku Suka Membaca” 10’’
simple story about themselves
Praying Before go home
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : I/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to do sport

- Counting and tracing numbers

4. Sources : Sport’s cassette

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

“senam sehat ceria” The teachers and students will have sport 20’’ Take a drink 10’’
together on the field.
“lompat Tali” Take a rest for while
Then, the students will have “Jumping”, which
rearrange by the teachers based on the
attendance list of the students.

Snack time

play time

Ask the students to trace numbers one by one Singing; “ I Love You”
Tracing numbers 11-20 on the white 20’’ 10’’

Closing: Counting numbers starting number 1-20

10’’ 10’’
Praying go home Singing; “It’s Time to go Home” 10’’
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : I/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to trace hijaiyah letters

- Count and draw more things to make 15

4. Sources : Copied Hijaiyah letters, Learning skill; mathematics; page 30

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

The teachers will give copied hijaiyah letters.
Tracing hijaiyah letters 20’’ Singing “ alif, ba, ta” 10’’
Then, ask them to trace it.

Then, after finish tracing hijaiyah letters, the

students will listen story about God’s creature
that he gave us “TV, Phone” for us.

Snack time 30’’

Play time

Math; Count and add on to make 15

Count and draw more things to make 15 The teacher will give the exercises’ activity to 20’’ 10’’
the students in order to count and draw Counting numbers -15
things to make 15.

Learning skills series ;mathematics; page 30


Singing “it’s time to go home” 10’’ 10’’

Singing Alphabets Pray before go home
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : II/ Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to know the electronics media

- Able to differentiate the numbers

4. Sources : Copied pictures, Internet searching

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

Puzzle games;
Introducing kinds of electronics’ media
using flash cards ( TV, Phone, Radio, - The teacher gives copied pictures of
Computer) 30’’
“TV, Radio”.

- The teacher will ask, “ where is TV,


- They will come in front and stick the

pictures on the board

Collecting How many phones on the

The teacher will give copied pictures of 20’’ 10’’
phones, Then the teacher give to the Singing “ I want to watch Movie”
students. And ask to collect how many
phones there.

Snack time
Play time

Singing “ It’s time to go home” 10’’ Counting numbers 1-20 10’’ Pray before go home 10’’
Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : II / Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :
3. Indicator : - Able to count the correct numbers

- Able to know kinds of media

4. Sources : Mathematics book, Some of Cutting of Newspapers, colours

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

Count and identify numerals 10 to 15.
Count and circle the correct number 20’’ Submit the books that already done 10’’

Learning skills series; mathematics; page  The teachers will give exercises by Then, the teacher will ask again the students
31 using mathematics book. to count the numbers there.

 Ask the students to do the activity

based on the book.

Introducing kinds of media (newspaper, Sticking the results on the board.

magazine) by using flash cards. 20’’ 10’’
The teacher will show newspaper to the

Then, gives the cutting newspaper to the


Ask them to stick it into paper.

Snack time

Play time 30’’


Draw and colour the pictures of Pray go home

20’’ 10’’
The teacher asks the students to draw the

Then, ask them to colour it.

Daily Plan

CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : II / Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to trace the Alphabets

- Able to measure the things using books

4. Sources : Learning skills Series; mathematics

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?

Guru menyuruh anak didik untuk menulis
Menulis Alphabets dan menyambungkan 20’’ Mengumpulkan hasil aktivitas 10’’
Huruf huruf A-f di papan tulis,

Kemudian, guru memberikan aktivitas untuk

menyambungkan huruf yang tertera pada
kalimat yang telah di fotocopy, dan dibagikan
kepada murid.


Let’s measure the things using books.

Measure height and length using irregular- Counting numbers 1-20
Learning skills Series; mathematics; page
sized/non-standard units 20’’
Discuss why the numbers of books differ.

Measure lengths using irregular-sized/non-

standard units.

Recognise the need for standardised units of


Snack time

Play time

10’’ 10’’ 10’’
Pray before go home Prays for parents Tidy up

Prays hadists Make a line

Daily Plan
CLASS/ semester : Kindergarten A/II Theme : Communication

Week/date : II / Teacher : Ms. Dewi

1. Standar kompetensi :

2. kompetensi dasar :

3. Indicator : - Able to do sport

- Able to stick the pictures of radio

4. Sources : Sport’s cassette

Introduction Time Main Activity Time Closing Time

Circle time; 30’’ The teacher asks the students about their Singing together;
condition today, and then let them to pray
-Opening together before start the lesson. The teacher - Good Morning
asks their activity previously.
-Singing - How are you today?


“Senam sehat Ceria”  The teachers and students will have 20’’ 10’’
Take a rest
sport together in the field
“Lompat Tali” Take a drink
 The students will have “ lompat
tali”, and playing “ball”

Snack time
Play time

Sticking the pictures of radio using The teacher will give picture of Radio and Stick the results on the board
Cotton cotton to the students
20’’ 10’’
Then, the students will stick the picture of
Radio by using cotton

Prays parents Singing “ It’s time to go home”
Prays before go home 10’’ 10’’ 10’’
Prays hadists

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