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Money Manifestation Meditation

Visualize the ocean. This is not an ocean full of water, but an ocean full of milk. It's a milky
ocean. It is endless, with waves of milk dashing against the shore. It is so brilliant. It's all white.
And now you see a moon, a full moon, coming out of this milky ocean and shooting up into the
sky. The moon moves up and up and up into the sky.

And now you find a white elephant, an enormous white elephant coming out of this milky ocean.
And it walks on the milky ocean. And it comes toward you. And this white elephant goes into
your third eye and becomes part of you.

Now you see a magical horse. This horse has wings. The white horse is coming toward you. It
also gets into your third eye and then merges with you. And now, you see a money tree coming
out of this milky ocean. It has no money on the leaves, but actual gold. The tree with gold comes
toward you, gets into the third eye and merges with you.

And now you see the goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth, coming out of this milky
ocean. She is golden and carries two golden pots. And the pots are filled with gold coins. And
she is coming toward you. She is emptying the pots of gold coins into your head. And then she
gets into you. She merges with you.


[Pronounced: Shreeem Lahk-Shmee-Yeah Swa-ha]

Visualize gold everywhere. Gold is the purest emotion of creation. Gold is the emotion of God.
That's why in every culture people have accepted gold as money.


Just visualize abundant wealth, all that you want in your life. Just visualize with great emotions
and joy, as if you have already manifested. It's not that you're going to manifest, visualize that
you have already manifested.

Embrace this manifestation. Live through this manifestation.


Close the meditation and bow and give thanks to the Divine for the enlightened teachings given
to us by the ancient Siddhas.

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