Soal Ulangan Semester Kelas 11 SMK

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TAHUN 2019/2020

Complete name:

Instructions: Mark the correct answer for each question

1. Habibi : I think our house is so dirty to held a birthday party tomorrow.

Anis : Why don’t we sweep the floor and clean the house?
Habibi : …………………
Anis : Okay, let’s do it!

a. I agree with you

b. I’m not sure
c. Probably not
d. That’s not what I think

2. Hery : I think it will be nice to watch a new movie this sunday.

Fitri : …………………………. I have scheduled to go to the beach
a. I’m sorry, but
b. You’re absolutely right
c. That’s just what I was thinking
d. I agree with your idea

3. Nopita : Is Indrayanti beach near here?

Faiz : ……. It’s about 100 kilometers from here.
Nopita : Oh, really?
a. I think so
b. I couldn’t agree more
c. I disagree with you
d. That’s true

4. Ricco : …….. about the Avengers movie?

Indri : I think it’s great
a. You’re absolutely right
b. What are you going to do
c. How are you
d. What do you think

5. Anja : So what do you think of my Brownies cake?

Rozi : It’s really delicious, but I suggest you to add more sugar.
Anja : Thanks, Zi!
Rozi : No problem, Anja!
From the dialogue above, Rozi statement is….
a. Giving help
b. Asking for help
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving attention

Read the following text to answer questions number 6-8

The Steps to Make Apple Juice

First, choose the sweet apples. Then, core the apples and chop them. After that, prepare
the jar. Next, cook the apples. Turn the stove on high. Once the water is boiling well,
turn down and continue to cook until the apples are soft. Then, strain the apples. You
can run it through a sieve or colander. After that, Heat the juice on low until you’ve
collected enough juice to fill the jars. And finally, can the juice into canning jars.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the reader
b. To explain how to make apple juice
c. To describe what apple juice is
d. To explain how to drink apple juice

7. What is the second step to make apple juice?

a. Cook the apple
b. Heat the juice
c. Core the apples and chop them
d. Choose the sweet apple
Complete the following paragraph with suitable words to answer questions number 8-11

Omelet is an easy dish to make. First of all, prepare the…. (8) . They are eggs, finely
chopped onions, chopped chilies and tomato or other vegetables, salt to taste and oil.
…….. (9) the ingredients are ready, beat the eggs and add the chopped onion, chilies,
tomato, until they are well mixed. …………………… (10) oil in a frying pan and add the
mixture ………………… (11) over low heat and lift it and turn it over when it’s already light
brown and firm. Enjoy you omelet.

8. a. Equipment b. Ingredients c. Dishes d. Flavor

9. a. When b. While c. After d. Before
10. a. Heat b. Heats c. Heating d. To heat
11. a. Boil b. Fry c. Cut d. Stir

Read the following text to answer questions number 12-13

Glad if you can attend and laugh with us in

Graduation Party
In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and persistence
Maudy Ayunda has graduated from an Msi
(Master of Science from Gajah Mada University)
Accompany with us on
Sunday, June 30, 2019 at 8 p.m.
The Ball Room, Tentrem Hotel.
Ronny and Melati
RSVP 65412397

12. Who is graduated from Gajah Mada University?

a. Ronny
b. Melati
c. Maudy Ayunda
d. Ronny and Melati

13. Which statemet is true based on the text?

a. Melati is Maudy’s daughter
b. Rony and Melati have been graduate from Gajah Mada University
c. The party will be held in Tentrem Hotel
d. The party ended at 8 p.m

Read the following text to answer questions number 14-15

To all members of UMY English Education Department Student

I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on Tuesday, 24 September
2019, from 7 p.m until 9 p.m in our meeting room. There will be some souvenir from

Best regards,
Anggit Ikhlas

14. What is the purpose of invitation above?

a. To share some souvenirs
b. To invite members of English Education Department Student to join the
c. To inform that Anggit had come from Singapore
d. To describe about the what English Education Department Student is

15. Based on the invitation text above, the following statements are true, except …
a. The meeting held every week
b. The meeting always held on Tuesday
c. The meeting will be held around 2 hours
d. Anggit will share some souvenir from Singapore

Read the following text to answer questions number 16-18

Dear Vita,

I’m writing to you concerning of our last day in Jogja. Rio and I just got back from
Borobudur, the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now
staying in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are treated well here. It has many
excellent staffs who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the
children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having “Lesehan” there. It is a kind of a
restaurant but we sit on the ground.
Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro Street. Both domestic and
foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenirs. Don’t
worry, I’ll also buy you the most interesting one.

16. Who is the sender of the letter?

a. Vita
b. Rio and Putri
c. Putri
d. Putri’s friend

17. What kind of personal letter from the text above?

a. Farewell
b. Love
c. Congratulations
d. Holiday

18. How do the staffs serve the customers of the hotel?

a. Terrible
b. Nicely
c. Arrogant
d. Rude

19. The letter gives us information about…

a. Borobudur is the biggest temple
b. Lesehan is near from Malioboro street
c. Putri’s last day in Jogja
d. Local handicrafts are so expensive

20. Which part of letter that the word “Love, …..” is usually found?
a. In the Greeting
b. In the opening
c. In the complimentary close
d. In the heading

21. This man ………… as a famous actor

a. is known
b. know
c. knowing
d. are known

22. These pictures ……………. by Yoga

a. were painted
b. was painted
c. paint
d. painting

23. Febri : Have you done your mathematic homework?

Linda : Not yet, I do not understand some questions
Febri : If you don’t mind, …………….
a. I will help you to do it
b. I should ask my English teacher
c. I can call you
d. I can lend you my homework

24. I will go to Tania’s Party, if….

a. She invites me to come
b. She brings me food
c. She gives me a gift
d. She gets the invitation

25. Fina : Can you give me some tips to learn English?

Retno : if you………., your English will be better
a. Watch movies a lot
b. Listen to English songs a lot
c. Read more novels
d. Do more exercise

26. Triad : Hery, if you do that again, I’ll call the police!
From the statement, we know that….
a. Triad gives warning to Hery
b. Triad offers help to Hery
c. Triad gives some advices to Hery
d. Triad asks Hery to call police
27. His house is………. than my house
a. Most biggest
b. Bigger
c. Big
d. Very big

28. Mr.Andi : Who is the ………student in this classroom?

Fendy : Alisa, she is just 17 years old
a. More young
b. Young
c. Youngest
d. Most youngest

29. In addition to his apartment in Bali, he has a villa in Bandung …. Lombok

a. And
b. Or
c. Besides
d. Although

30. You can choose whether red …… black car

a. Or
b. And
c. Although
d. Besides

Give your opinion about this situation, whether you are agree or disagree.
Complete it with your statement or reason.
 Breakfast is really important before going to school
Agree/ Disagree:
Your reason : ………………………………………………………
 High school students should wear uniforms
Agree/ Disagree:
Your reason : ………………………………………………………
 Wearing a mask in the outside during Covid-19 pandemic
Agree/ Disagree:
Your reason : ………………………………………………………

 Traditional game is more interesting than modern game

Agree/ Disagree:
Your reason : ………………………………………………………

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