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Oracle Autonomous DB Cloud Specialist

 Oracle Autonomous Db:-

Complete Infrastructure Automation + Complete database Automation + Automated

datacenter Operations and Machine learning. It includes provisioning, patching,
upgrading, and online backups, monitoring, scaling, diagnosing, performance tuning,
optimizing, testing, and change management of complex applications and workloads,
and automatically handling failures and errors. 99.95% SLA

 Customer Workloads Example for OCI Cloud:-

1. Oracle Enterprise Applications (Siebel, E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, Hyperion etc)

2. Customer and ISV Apps on Oracle Db
3. Performance Intensive Workloads
4. Cloud Native Apps

 Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW):-

Best for fast complex analytic workloads like Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Lake,
and Machine Learning. Has a columnar data format. For memory usage does parallel
joins and aggregations. It ignore hints in SQL statements.

 Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP):-

Best for transaction processing and mixed workloads like Transactions, Batch,
Reporting, IoT, Application Dev, Machine Learning. It uses Row data formats. For
memory usage leverages Data Caching to avoid IO.

 Features of ADB:-

 Self-Driving - Automates db & infra management, monitoring, tuning. This

saves cost on human labor.
 Self-Securing - Protects from external attacks and malicious internal users
thus preventing from human error.
 Self-Repairing - Protects from all downtime including planned maintenance
and does this by no human intervention.

 Self-Driving Attributes:-

Simply select DB Region, DB Type (ADW, ATP), DB CPU Count, DB Storage limit size
 Self-Driving - Physical Schema Tuning:-

Physical Schema tuning is not required and not recommended. Tables do not
need to be partitioned or configure f for in-memory. Indexes and Tablespaces do
not need to be created. Compression does not need to be specified.

 Automatic Tuning Benefits:-

SQL plans adapts as data volume changes. Indexes adapt as nature of workload
changes. Changes in data volume and SQL Workload are continuously captured. ML
algorithm processes changes to find new optimal plans and indexes.

 Automatic Indexing:-

This is repeated. Automatic indexing creates secondary indexes that are used to improve
SQL performance other than primary key and foreign key indexes. It applies to tuned
and untuned applications.

 Automated Management:-

Nightly backups and retention is 60 days by default. Full stack patching, once a
quarter, in a rolling fashion across nodes of cluster for availability.

 Self-Securing:-

ADB stores all data in encrypted format. Only authenticated users and
applications can access the data. All connections use certificate based
authentication and SSL. Certificate based authentication uses an encrypted key
stored in a wallet on both the client and the server.

 Security Auditing in ADB:-

Leverages Oracle Unified Audit to capture security-relevant activity. It includes

Login Failures, changes to users (including new accounts) privilege and roles,
changes to db structures.

 Self-Healing Hardware in ADB:-

Exadata provides predictive failure capabilities. It provides unique detection of

failures without a long timeout which avoids system hangs. Also unique sub-
second redirection of IO's around sick devices avoid database hangs

 Considerations to migrate and deploy apps to ADB:-

Determine the level of automation and functionality required. Determine main

workload characteristic of db. Select ADW or ATP and provision it. Load Data to
new db and migrate app.
 Data Load to OCI ADB:-

Stage the data into Cloud Object Store, preferably Oracle's, but also support it are
Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage. Once the data is in Object Store, Autonomous
Database can access it directly. Tools can be used to facilitate the data movement
between Object Store and the database, for example, IMP, DP, and for export, DMP files
from other databases, or Parquet, JSON, .CSV format, among others.

 Physical db can't be migrated to Autonomous Database:-

Because the database must be converted to a pluggable database, upgraded to

the current version of the database, and encrypted. Any changes to Oracle
shipped stored procedures or views must be found and reverted. All uses of
container database admin privileges must be removed. All legacy features that
are not supported must be removed, such as legacy large objects.

 Data Pump:-

Data Pump Import lets you import data from Data Dump files residing on the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Store, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Store Classic, and AWS S3. You can then use Oracle Data Pump to load data to
the Autonomous Database. Oracle Data Pump offers very fast bulk data and
metadata movement between Oracle databases and Autonomous Database.

 DBMS Cloud To Load and Import to ADB:-

DBMS Cloud allows data movement from the object store, data from any
applications or data sources, export to TEXT, .CSV, or JSON, o/p from third-party
data integration tools. DBMS Cloud can also access data stored on object storage
from other clouds, AWS, S3, and Azure Blob storage. DBMS Cloud does not
impose any volume limit, so it's preferred method to use.

 Important DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms:-

CREATE_CREDENTIAL: Stores cloud service credentials in Autonomous Database

CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE: Creates an external table on files in the Cloud. This
allows you to run queries on external data from Autonomous Database.
VALIDATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE: Validates the source files for an external table,
generates log information, and stores the rows that do not match the format options
specified for the external table

 Important DBMS_CLOUD Subprograms Contd:-

COPY_DATA: Loads data into existing Autonomous Database tables from files in the
Cloud DELETE_FILE: Removes the specified file from the specified directory on
Autonomous Database.
PUT_OBJECT: In one form the procedure copies a file from Autonomous Database to
the Cloud Object Storage. In another form the procedure copies a BLOB from
Autonomous Database to the Cloud Object Storage.

 SQL Loader To Load and Import to ADB:-

SQL Loader can be used for loading data located on local client file systems into
ADB. There are limits around OS and client machines when using SQL Loader.
Data Pump is the best way to migrate a full or part database into ADB, including
databases from previous versions.

 SQL Developer To Load and Import to ADB:-

SQL Developer provides a GUI front end for using Data Pump. They can automate the
whole export and import process from an existing database to ADB. SQL Developer also
includes an import wizard that can be used to import data from several file types into

 The exclude and data_options parameters:-

These ensure that the object types not required in ADB are not exported and table
partitions are grouped together so that they can be imported faster during the import to

 Log files for Data Pump:-

The log files for Data Pump Import operations are stored in the directory
DATA_PUMP_DIR. This is the only directory you can specify for the Data Pump directory
parameter. To access the log file, you need to move the log file to your cloud object
storage using the procedure DBMNS_CLOUD.PUT_OBJECT.

 Use Cases for Oracle Golden Gate:-

Using it On Premises to replicate data to Autonomous Database for real-time data

warehousing, replicate on premises data to the Autonomous Database to set up a
staging environment for downstream ETL, or real-time data warehousing. This service
can also be used to migrate data to the Autonomous Database.

 Data types not supported for replicating data the Oracle Autonomous



 Create User in ADB

Just specify the password. DWROLE is a predefined role that includes all necessary
privileges for a DW developer/user
 Scaling in ADB

ADB allows for independently scaling of compute or storage. Resizing occurs instantly,
fully online. Memory, IO bandwidth concurrency scales linearly with CPU, so when CPUs
are scaled, the system automatically adjusts other resources to match.

 ADB Backups

Automatically backs up db - Retention is 60days. You can also do manual backups. They
are stored in OCI buckets. Restore can be initiated using console or API call.

 ADB Manual Backup process

Get the OCI Object Storage credentials and your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Storage tenancy URL. You also need to create a bucket to hold the backups.
Configuration tasks are a one-time operation unless that URL, the credentials, or the
bucket change. Set the database default bucket property to your Object Storage tenancy
with the ALTER DATABASE PROPERTY SET default_bucket equals bucket name.

 Components of ADB Monitoring from cloud console

Storage - Chart shows the total and used storage capacity of the service.

CPU utilization - Chart shows the historical CPU utilization of the service.

Running SQL statements - Chart shows the average number of running SQL statements.

SQL statement response time - Chart shows the average response time of SQL

SQL statements executed per second - Chart shows the SQL statements executed per

 Priority of User Requests in ADB

The priority of user requests in autonomous database is determined by the database

service the user is connected with. Users are required to select a service when
connecting to the database - low, medium, high, TP, or TPURGENT.

 Pre-defined database service names configured in tnsnames.ora for A TP

TPURGENT- Highest priority app connection service for time critical transactions.
Supports manual parallelism.
TP - Typical app connection service for transactions. Does not run with parallelism.
High/Medium - High or Medium priority app connection service for reporting & batch
operations. Operations run in parallel & are subject to queueing.
Low- Lowest priority for reporting/batch processing operations. No parallelism.
 Oracle Machine Learning

OML is a SQL notebook interface for data scientists to perform machine learning in
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. OML is a good tool that allows collaboration on
building, evaluating, and deploying predictive models and analytical methodologies.

 Steps taken when working with OML

1. Create Oracle Machine Learning User 2. Create workspace 3. Create projects 4.

Create notebooks 5. Run SQL Scripts

 Upload Data to tables in an Oracle Cloud database using options

Data Sync (recommended) Oracle Data Integrator Oracle SQL Developer Oracle SQL
Workshop Data Upload Utility Oracle Application Express Application Data Load Utility
REST APIs PL/SQL scripts

 Data Sync

You can load data from files (CSV, XLSX), various relational sources (tables, views, SQL
statements), OTBI, JDBC data sources, and Oracle Service Cloud. You can load to
relational tables or data sets.

 System privileges user need to create analytic views?



 PL/SQL Functions to validate analytic views


 Capture process

Optional Oracle background process that scans the database redo log to capture DML
and DDL changes made to database objects. Capture is not supported on ADB or Oracle
Golden Gate.

 Database Links

You can connect to ADB from remote Db using a db link.

 Import Tables into Oracle Analytics Cloud

Create a Data Set to import Tables into OAC.

 Primary and foreign key constraints on tables in Oracle Autonomous Database

Customers are allowed to create any constraint just like you do in a regular Oracle
Database. Additionally, you can create secondary indexes, partitioned tables, or
materialized views in ADB.

 How to monitor performance in ADB

ADB provides the following monitoring consoles:

Oracle Management Cloud - supports monitoring Autonomous Databases via its Oracle
Database Management console.

Performance Hub - provides real-time view of performance data directly on the OCI ADB
console. ADB Service Console - is a web-based service console for each database.

 Change the CPU/IO shares for the consumer groups?

The 'Set Resource Management Rules' pop-up form on the administration section of the
service console has been extended to allow the modification of CPU/IO shares across
the different resource groups. It is also possible to change the resource shares within a
script, application call and/or via a SQL prompt using the cs_resource_manager

 What types of database workload are best to run on ADB-D?

You can run all your transaction processing or data warehouse or mixed workload
databases of any size, scale or criticality on ADB-D. As well as supporting application
databases that may require highest governance, consistent performance and
operational controls.



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