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A Framework to Refine, Verify, and Identify

Aspectual Requirements
Safoora Shakil Khan, Shaukat Ali, Jaffar-ur-Rehman
Center for Software Dependability
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad


Aspect oriented requirement engineering is concerned with capturing crosscutting concerns at an early
stage of software development life cycle. Early identification of concerns enhances modularization at early
stage and avoids tangled design and code at later stages. Furthermore, early identification improves quality
of product and reduces maintenance costs. There are four main approaches to identify concerns from
requirements: viewpoint oriented approach, scenario/use case based approach, problem frame based
approach, and goal oriented approach. Each approach identifies, classifies, and refines concerns from
different perspective. In this paper, we have combined viewpoint-oriented approach, scenario/use case
based approach, and goal oriented approach. A framework is proposed based on this combination, which
refines and verifies concerns identified from three different models. Duplicate concerns are removed and
finally refined to generate aspects.

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