In Campus Work Exposure

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35-Jared Vicente

12- SJC

In Campus Work Exposure

What I observed in the exposure is the way teacher treat their students compared to grade school
and high school students. In preschool, teachers treat their students in a playful and simple
manner. In grade school and high school, it is much more serious and less playful. The nature in
the workplace is just like grade school and high school. There is a teacher and his/her students.
The teacher guides and teaches students how to become better persons and students must learn
how to apply it and when to use it.

What I learned in this exposure is how to deal with a toddler. Since I aim to become a doctor
when I grow up, if there is a chance that I will stumble on to a toddler, I would know how to deal
and communicate with him/her. But not just in being a doctor but also in being a parent, if ever I
get one, I would know how to teach my child and how to discipline my child. I also learned
patients because me experiencing the children being rowdy and out of control, I learned that I
need to keep my cool and not get angry. I also learned how to adapt in scenarios. What I mean is
that I learned how to speak with certain audiences and how to act in front of them. Since I am
with toddlers, I should speak in a very simple manner and use words they would understand and
how should I act.

The values and insights I discovered is being a role model and how being a role model affect the
influence of people under you. Also being a good role model especially to a toddler is good
because they're easily influenced and you could easily influenced them with your good traits and
being a good person. This help me as a graduating student because me and my batch mates are
the eldest students in the school and our attitude and our actions would greatly affect how the
lower batches sees us and we need to be gentlemen so that the next upcoming batches would also
be gentlemen.

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