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   Materia Medica revision – Allen’s

keynotes & Boerick

 Dr Lizmy MD(Hom)
Lecturer. Govt. HomoeopathicMedicalCollege.Calicut


 Child cries & whines if any one touches it, will not let you feel the pulse – Ant tart, Ant
crud, Sanicula
 Women esp. widows, children & girls who generally careful becomes awkward & let
things fall while handling them – Apis, Bov, Natrum mur
 Excessively nervous, easily frightened by the slightest noise or an unusual sharp sound, a
cough, sneeze, a cry, lighting a match, etc. – Bor, Asar, Calad, Tarent, Nux, Therid
 Constantly dwelling on suicide – Naja, Aur met; but afraid to die – Nux vom
 Children fear of falling, grasp the crib or seize the nurse – Borax, Sanic, Gels
 Chronic blue condition, everything seems so dark that it can grow no darker – Lil tig,
Lyc, Puls
 Assumes strange attitude & positions in bed. –Plummet
 Afraid of sharp pointed things – Spigelia
 Faint & weak esp. when going downstairs , can go up well enough – Stannum, Borax,
(opp – Calc)
 Naturally of a sweet disposition, now on the borderland of insanity – Tuber
 Hereditary tendency to alcoholism – Syphil, Asarum, Psor, Sul, Tub, Sul ac
 Cannot sleep lying on the back – Acetic acid, Amm c (sleeps better on back – Ars)
 unrefreshing sleep more tired on rising than when resting – Mag.c, Bry, Con, Hep,
Opium, Sulph
 Cannot get asleep unless legs are crossed – Rhododendron
 Cannot read what he writes – Lyco (BOERICKE)
 Feels that death is near & must hurry to settle affair – Petroleum
 Always washing the hands – Syphilinum (BOERICKE)
 Ailments : from suppressed grief and terrors of conscience; from duty not done or bad act
committed – Cyclamen 


 Great falling of hair, after chronic headache or at climatric – Sepia

 Headache as if a tornado in head; as if head had  been  blown  to pieces – Carb an
 Headache, as if a rubber band were stretched tightly over the forehead, – Carbolic acid,
Gels. Plat., Sulph
 Eating a little too much causes headache – Nux mosch
 Headache in occiput, which is as heavy as lead – Petroleum
 Headache of students, teachers and overworked business men – Picric acid
 Headache always hungry during; > while eating – Anac. psor Kali p
 Headache from too much thinking, too close application or attention – Sabad, Arg.n
 Coldness of the vertex with headache – Sepia, Vert alb
 Heat of vertex, Calc., Graph. Sulph.
 Headache at sunrise, at its height atnoon, declines till sunset – Spigelia, Nat. m., Tab.
Glon, Kalmia
 Sweat on the face on a mall spot only while eating – Ign
 At puberty : acne in anaemic girls with vertex headache – Calc phos


 Eyes burning, biting, smarting as from smoke, must rub  them – Allium cepa
 Eye  strain  from  sewing – Ruta, Natr mur, Arg nit
 Sunshine, light & wind are intolerable, cold air or water very pleasant to the eyes. –
 Hemiopia;   sees   only the  lower half – Aurum met
 Hemiopia;   Sees only the left half, Lith. c, Lyc.
 When reading, the letters seem to turn, go up or down or disappear – Cicuta, Coc
 Eyes – sensation, as if room were filled with smoke – Crocus
 Intolerable pain in eyeballs; could not turn the eyes without turning the whole body. –
Spigelia – seems as if eyes were too large for the orbits – Actea, Comocladia


 Hearing confused; cannot tell from what direction a sound comes – Carbo an
 Eustachian tube closed; catarrhal deafness and otorrhoea in psoric children – Merc duls


 Epistaxis: when coughing; at night during sleep; hangs in a dark clotted string from the
nose, like an icicle – Merc sol
 All    irritating   things   -   salt,  wine,    vinegar,   pepper    -   immediately    produce  
cough – Alumina
 Cough, during pregnancy – Apoc, Con, Kali brom, Caust, Nux mos
 Laughing   excites   cough – Arg met, Dros. Phos,  Stan
 Dyspnoea or asthma, where the patient can only breathe by standing up – Cann sativa
 With every explosive cough there escapes a volume of pungent, foetid air – Caps
 Lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing – Bad., Chel, Kali carb
 Want of  breath in those engaged in athletic sports – Coca
 Cough has a gurgling sound,  as if water was being poured from a bottle – Cuprum met
 Cough only in the day time – Euphr
 Cough only in the night – Petroleum
 Great weakness and loss of breath on going upstairs – Calc.; during the menses – Iodum,
Alum, Carbo an, Coc
 Dyspnoea  > by lying down – Kali bi
 Dyspnoea worse when lying down – Aral., Lach, Ars, Grindelia
 Cough deep hollow, like coughing in a barrel – Medr
 The least thing coming near mouth or nose interferes with breathing; – Lach
 Dyspnoea and sense of constriction; can inhale with ease, but no power to exhale –
Medor, Samb
 Cough going from warm to cold air – Phos (opp: Bry.)
 Cough returns every winter – Psorinum
 Expectoration  profuse, like the white of an egg – Stannum met
 Expectoration   salty – Kali i., Phos, Stannum, Ambra, Sep.


 Stammering, slow difficult speech – Bovista, Stram, Kali brom

 Excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of mouth when sleeping – syphilinum
 Saliva and all food has a salty taste – Cyclamen
 Saliva – tough, ropy, viscid, frothy in mouth and throat, with constant spitting – Lyssin,
 Continual rising of white froth into the mouth – Mag mur
 Hay fever squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm; brought on by exposure
to hot sun or intense summer heat – Natrum mur 


 Sensation of lump in throat; descends on swallowing, but returns immediately – Rumex


 Spine aches from base of brain to coccyx, very sensitive to touch or pressure – Lac can,
chin. s., Phos., Zinc
 Sacrum extreme sensitiveness; cannot bear the slightest touch, even of a soft pillow –
 Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to neck – Theridion,
Anis. Myr., Pix, Sulph
 Great sensitiveness between vertebrae, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against
spine – Chin. S, Theridion


 Sore   and   raw   spots  on   feet, especially   heel,   from  friction – Allium cepa
 Hamstrings   feel   painfully    short  when  walking;  tension  in  joints  as  from
shortening of the muscles – Amm mur, Caust. , Cimex
 Gout  and  rheumatism, with great  fear  of being  touched  or struck  by  persons coming 
near  him – Arn
 Ulcers : irritable, inflamed, sloughing, varicose; painful as if beaten (Arn.); excessive
secretion of pus – Calendula
 Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children – Causticum
 The fingers “go to sleep” frequently and easily – Digitalis
 Affects left shoulder- and right hip-joint – Led pal, Agar.Ant.t., Stram
 Painful contractions of the hamstrings – Natrum mur, Am. m., Caust. Guaiac
 Acute inflammatory swelling of joints, wandering from one joint to another; severe at
night; < in rest and during rough stormy weather – Rhododendron, Kalm
 Lameness after sprains, especially of wrists and ankles – Ruta (chronic sprains, Bov.
 Burning of soles of feet; must uncover or put them in a cool place – Sanicula, Lach.
Med., Sang., Sulph
 When singing or using the voice, aching and weakness in deltoid and arms – Stannum


 Heart   troubles   from reflex symptoms of uterus or   ovaries – Actea

 Angina pectoris intense throbbing of heart and carotids – Amy nit,Bell, Glon.
 Palpitation, worse from least exertion – Iodum, Dig
 Palpitation, From least mental exertion – Cal. Ars, Lith carb
 Palpitations violent when lying on left side – Lac can, Tab – go off when turning to right.
 Sensation as if heart is suspended by a thread – Kali carb, Lach.
 Sensation of coldness about the heart – Petro, Carbo an., Kali m., Nat. m
 Irritating, dry, sympathetic cough of organic heart disease – Naja, Spon
 Pulse suddenly increases and gradually decreases below normal – Vertram viride


 Belching; eructations; foul, putrid, like rotten eggs – Arn, Ant t, Graph, Psor – (Like
Onions – Mag carb)
 Stomach; pressure as from a load in one spot – Bismuth
 All-gone sensation in stomach, in tea drinkers – Puls
 Chronic heartburn,  sour eructations, sets teeth on edge – Sulph acid, Rob
 Nausea from placing hands in warm water – Phos
 Pressure   as   from   stone at pit of the  stomach – Bry
 Eructations,  frequent, of  very little wind, as if stomachs  were full  of  dry food –
 Distention, flatulence, excessive tympanitis; meteorism – Terebinth, Colch.
 Colic  from cucumbers, salads  & over eating -  Allium cepa
 Colic : < at once by uncovering an arm or leg; with very sour stool – Rheum
 When passing flatus, sensation as if stool would pass with it – Aloes,Olean. ,Mur. ac.  ,
Nat.  m.
 Chronic  eructation  for years – Alumina
 Vomiting : as soon as he raises head from pillow; from a bright light – Stram
 Gagging until he vomits the breakfast just eaten – Euphrasia, Bry
 Swashing sensation in intestines, as from water, before stool – Crot tig (rumbling before
stool, Aloe)
 Stomach:   sensation  of fasting “all gone,” comes  on  only  when stomach is empty and
is  >. by eating – Chel. Iod
 Stomach: feels relaxed,  as if hanging down – Ipecac, Ign, Staph, Tab
 Better during process of digestion – Anac [rev.  of Bry. , Nux].
 Better going without regular meals; – Natrum mur
 Gastric affections; from bread and pastry; acids, esp vinegar; – Anti crud
 Constant  discharge of flatus, up and down, for  years;  belching – Anti crud
 Belching accompanies most gastric ailments – Arg nitr
 At every attempt to eat, colic pains in abdomen – Calc phos
 Vomiting of drunkards, in pregnancy, cancer; of dark, olive-green fluid – Carbolic acid,
 Child vomits : curdled milk, in large lumps; as soon as it has nursed, after mother has
been angry – Valeriana, – Convulsion – Cham, Nux vom


 Urine passes unconsciously day and night – Arg nitr, Caust

 Enuresis   nocturna   of  delicate children, strong characteristic odour, excess of uric acid 
– Benzoic acid
 Child screams before urine passes – Borax, Lyc, Sanic, and Sars
 Urine involuntary when coughing, laughing – Caust, Puls, Squil, Ver, Natr mur, Rumex
 Enuresis diurna et nocturna;  where habit is the only ascertainable cause – Equisetum
 Urine of a deep orange red color; copious red sediment – Lobelia
 Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water – Lyssin, Canth, Sulph
 Enuresis – nocturnal; after catheterization – Mag phos
 Severe pain (backache) in renal region, > by profuse urination – Medo, Lyc
 Renal colic with sensation of passing of calculus – Medo, Berb. Lyc., Ocim. c
 Quantity of urine voided is larger than the amount of water drunk; – Merc
 Enuresis : from vesical paresis; during full moon, obstinate cases – Psorinum
 Severe pain at conclusion of urination – Sarsa, Berb. Equis., Med., Thuja, Apis, Natrum
mur, Equis.
 Haematuria : blood thoroughly mixed with the urine; sediment, like coffee-grounds;
cloudy, albuminous – Terebinth


 Constipation : of nursing children, from artificial food; bottlefed babies – Alumina

 Soft stool requires   great   straining – Alumina, Anac, Plat,  Sil, Ver, Nux mosch
 Constipation sensation in abdomen as if something tight  would break  if  much effort
were used – Apis mel
 Constipation stool large, hard, great straining, lacerating anus; painful extorting cries –
Lac deflor
 Obstinate constipation, causing retention of the urine; constriction of anus – Cann sativa
 Constipation:   obstinate;  ineffectual desire;  stools  of  hard, round balls, like  olives –
Asterias rub
 Constipation : with the odor of limburger cheese – Sanicula, Sel
 Sense of weight or ball in anus, not > by stool – Sepia
 Obstinate constipation for years; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was
used the agony of passage was like labor – Syphi, Lac c, Tub
 Diarrhoea: watery, brown, gushing out in a violent jet – Asterias rub, Crot. t, Grat. ,
Gamb, Jatr, Thuja, Phos, Podo
 Liquid   stools running right through the diaper – Benzoic acid, Pod.
 Diarrhoea < in morning,  on  moving, even a hand or foot – Bry
 Diarrhoea : of children with sour smell -Cal., Mag. c.-(child and stool have a sour smell,
Rheum); clay-colored stool – Hepar sulph,Cal., Pod
 Diarrhoea : violent cutting pains after stool,  lasting for hours – Nitric acid, Rat., Sulph.-
during and after, Mer.)
 Diarrhoea : from boiled milk; – Nux mosch
 Diarrhoea when she urinates – Alumina
 Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks – Arg nitr, Ars, Crot. t, Throm.
 Diarrhoea : only, or usually at night; cold food or drinks, ice-cream – Puls
 Diarrhoea : painless; not debilitating; – Phos acid
 Diarrhoea : with sago-like particles; – Phos
 Dysentery; with ischuria, fruitless urging; long interval between the  stools – Arn
 Sour smell of the whole body; child smells sour, even after washing or bathing – Rheum 
Mag. c
 Early morning diarrhoea; from5to10 A.M.– Rumex, Aloe, Nat. s., Pod., Sulph
 Piles swollen, pain most severe when sitting – Thuja


 Discharge of blood from genitals during every stool – Lyco

 Sensitiveness of vagina, rendering coition painful – Lyssin
 Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of the vagina – Thuja (Plat.-by dryness, Lyc.,
Lys., Natr.)


 Amenorrhoea  after fright – Aconite

 Chorea, hysteria or epilepsy during time of menstrual function  – Actea, Caulo
 Severe left-sided infra-mammary pains  – Actea, Ust
 Menses; exhausted physically  and  mentally,  scarcely  able  to  speak – Alumina, Carbo 
an. , Coc
 Amenorrhoea   in young  girls, with bloating or dropsical extension   of   abdomen and 
extremities – Apoc
 Least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow – Calc carb, Sulph, Tub
 At puberty : acne in anaemic girls with vertex headache and flatulent dyspepsia, >> by
eating – Calc phos
 Menses : by putting hands in cold water – Conium mac, Lac d
 Menses : too early; too profuse, black and clotted; membranous (too late, pale, scanty,
Puls.); better during flow – Cyclamen (worse, Act., Puls.)
 Menses : painful, regular,  now lasting only one hour – Euphrasia, Bar
 Will bring on the menses, when Nat. m., though apparently indicated, fails – Kali carb
 Menses: flow on lying down – Kreos
 Menses flow only when moving about – Lil tig, Cactus, Puls, Caust.
 (on lying down, Kreos., Mag. c.), (Bor, Amm mur – night)
 At every menstrual nisus, throat and tongue become intolerably dry – Nux mosch,
 Menses : too early, too profuse; sadness before; pain in malar bones, during – Stannum
 Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage –Sulphur 


 Itch appears each year, as winter approaches – Aloes, Psor

 Warts on palms of hands – Anac, Nat. m, Natrum carb, Ruta, – sore to touch – dorsum –
 Eczema : no itching – Cicuta
 Intense itching of skin, so tender > by gentle rubbing – Crot tig
 Ulcers : red edges and vesicles; decubitus; violent pains – Fluoric acid
 Ulcers, irritable, inflamed, sloughing, varicose painful as if beaten – Calendula, Arnica
 Urticaria, acute or chronic; over whole body, especially after violent exercise Natrum
mur, Apis,Cal., Hep., Sanic., Urt
 Shingles, vesicles may have a bluish appearance – Ranunculus bulbosus
 Eczema white bran-like scales; – Tuberculinum


 Fever paroxysm returns at11amand11pm.– Cactus

 Fever annually returning, paroxysms every spring – Lach, Carb veg, Sulph
 Fever paroxysm at7 A.M.  with great loquacity during chill and heat; – Podo 


 Useful after Nux and Sulph have improved, but failed to cure piles – Actea
 Useful after Colch fails in gout – Benzoic acid
 Phos. often cures lasciviousness when Hyos. Fails – Hyos
 When Rhus seems indicated, but fails to cure in chronic urticaria – Bovista
 Fever annually returning; paroxysm every spring – Lach (Carbo v., Sulph.),
 If vertigo and headache be very persistent, or prostration be prolonged after Natrum, Nux
will relieve
 Phos. removes the bad effects of Iodine and excessive use of table salt
 Sulphurfollows Psorinum well, in mammary cancer
 Has cured colic afterCol.and Nux had failed – Collinsonia
 AfterBell. fails in scarlatina – Sang
 Blatta orientalis has cured bad cases of general dropsy, after Apis, Apoc and Dig failed.
For   bad effects  of  vaccination when Thuja fails and   Silicea   is  not indicated – Anti
 As a dynamic remedy for the narcosis of Opium – Sang
o When Psor., Sulph., or the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently 
improve; follows Psor. as a constitutional remedy in hay fever, asthma
o Often removes bad effects of excessive use of alcohol and tobacco


 Great    prostration:  after injuries, after   surgical    shock;    after anaesthetics – Acetic
 Lack of vital heat in chronic disease – Sepia
 Lack of vital heat in acute disease – Ledum
 State of collapse, wants to be fanned all the time, skin cold yet throws off covers – Med,
Camph, Secale
 When   symptoms  reappear  they change  locality or go from one  side of the  body to
the  other – Anti crud
 Extraordinary  craving  for  apples – Anti crud, Aloe
 Cold air or cold water very  pleasant to  the eyes; sunshine, light and wind are  intolerable
– Asar
 Cancer of mammae acute lancinating pain, drawing pain in breast;  – Asterias rub
 Mosquito  and  insect  bites  burn  and  itch  intensely – Caladium
 Stammering children – Bovista, Stram
 Complaints of drunkards, after abstaining; craving for alcohol – Calc ars, Sar., Sul. ac.)
 Complaints of fleshy women when approaching the menopause – Calc ars
 Surface cold to the touch, yet cannot bear to be covered; throws off all coverings –
Camph, Med., Sec
 Sensation as of drops of water falling on or from single parts; on the head, from the anus,
stomach, heart – Cann sativa
 Pains are < by slightest touch, but > by hard pressure –China, Caps., Plumb
 Sweat day and night,  as soon as one sleeps, or even when closing the eyes – Conium
mac, Cinch
 Should never be given in syphilis; always aggravates the condition – Ferrum met
 Increased ability to exercise without danger  – Fluoric acid, Coca
 Cancer; hard, adherent; skin mottled, puckered; pains knifelike – Hydrastis
 Sweat on the face on a mall spot only while eating – Ignatia
 Pains as if bones were all torn to pieces – Ipecec (as if broken, Eup)
 Cannot bear to be touched; starts when touched ever so lightly, esp. on the feet – Kali
 Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without this anti-
psoric. – Kali carb
 Chronic blue condition, every thing seems so dark that it can grow no darker – Lac can,
Lyc, Puls)
 When walking, seems to be walking on air; when lying, does not seem to touch the bed –
Lac can, Asar
 Foetus appears to be turning somersaults – Lyco
 Hydrothorax, if occurring from heart or liver diseases; dyspnoea, has to sit, cannot lie
down – Merc sulph
 Idiopathic or traumatic tetanus; brought on or < by slightest breath of air from a person
passing – Phyostigma, Hyper., Lys., Nux, Strych
 Want of vital heat, always chilly, even when taking active exercise – Silicea, Led., Sep
 Chronic alcoholism; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards; “they reform, ” but are
continually relapsing –Sulphur, Psor., Tub
 Sensation as if trembling all over, without real trembling; internal trembling of drunkards
– Sulph acid
 Antidotes, for abuse of tobacco, are :
 for excessive nausea and vomiting. – Ipec.,
 for bad effects of tobacco-chewing. – Ars.,
 for the gastric symptoms next morning after smoking. – Nux,
 palpitation, tobacco heart, sexual weakness. – Phos.,
 for annoying hiccough from tobacco chewing. – Ign.,
 for tobacco toothache. – Clem. or Plant.,
 neuralgic affections of right side of face; dyspepsia; chronic nervousness,especially in
sedentary occupations. – Sep.,
 for impotence, spasms, cold sweat from excessive smoking. – Lyc.,
 ·occipital headache and vertigo from excessive use, especially smoking. – Gels.,
 potentized  to relieve terrible craving when discontinuing use  – Tabacum

2. Boericke’s Materia Medica

1. Cold shivering as if blood were ice – Abies Can, Aconite

2. After operation upon chest, a pressing sensation remains – Abrotanum
3. Stomach feels as swimming in water – Abrotanum
4. injurious effects of fruits esp. more watery ones – Ars
5. Reduces the refractive index of blood serum – Ars,China, Ferr phos
6. Gives quiet & ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency –   Ars
7. Corresponds to the symptoms of air sickness in Aviators. –Bell
8. It is a princely remedy for old labourers, esp. gardeners – Bellis
9. Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants – Calc flour
10. As a heart stimulant for emergency use, the most satisfactory remedy –     Camphor
11. Dislocation of patella on going upstairs. -  Cannabis sativa
12. Hearing confused, cannot tell the direction of sound – Carbo anim
13. Indicated in persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of  some previous
ill-ness – Carbo veg
14. white mucus in stool like small pieces of popped corn – Cina
15. In fever, face is cold & hands warm – Cina
16. Post operative gas pains, no > passing it – Cinchona
17. Snoring esp. in children. – Cinchona
18. Vesicular eruption, itches terribly, worse washing in cold water – Clematis
19. Cough from excessive use of voice, minister’s sore throat. – Collinsonia
20. the slightest abrasion or ulceration will cause the intense photophobia –      Conium
21. Diarrhoea after every cup of coffee – Cyclamen
22. Throbbing pain at the neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back & forth –
23. Headache > by conversation – Dulcamara
24. During fever want to be held, because he shakes so – Gelsemium
25. Goitre of puberty & pregnancy – Hydrastis
26. Backache, must use arms in raising himself from seat – Hydrastis
27. Wedge like pain from ovary to uterus – Iodum
28. Dyspnoea, suffocation compels the patient to spring from bed & rush for open window –
29. Acts esp. well at the beginning & close of menstruation – Lach
30. Angina pectoris with pain in right arm – Lil tig
31. Cannot read what he writes – Lyc
32. Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth – Mag carb
33. Albuminuria in early pregnancy – Merc cor
34. Albuminuria in late & full term – Phos
35. Albuminuria in whole pregnancy – Helonias
36. Yellow substance like pulp of orange in stool – Natrum carb
37. Infallible for stopping a cold commencing with sneezing – Natrum mur
38. Vesicles & burning on tongue, as if there is a hair on it. – Natrum mur, Sil
39. Feels that death is near & must hurry to settle affairs – Petroleum
40. Hearing difficult esp. human voice – Phos
41. Bad effects of eating too much of salt – Phos
42. Nervous cough provoked by strong odours – Phos
43. Constipation of travelers who are constantly changing food & water –         Platina
44. All the symptoms of acute nephritis with amaurosis & cerebral symptoms –
45. Fear of being assassinated – Plum met
46. Great loquacity during fever – Podo
47. Very hungry always must have something to eat in the middle of night –     Psorinum
48. Often indicated after abuse of iron tonics – Puls
49. Aversion to sweets & ice-cream – Radium brom
50. Complaints from straining flexor tendons – Ruta
51. Prolapus ani every time the bowel move – Ruta
52. Sudden stopping of catarrhal of respiratory tract following diarrhea – Sang
53. Sleep prevented by pulsation in all vessels – Selenium
54. Rheumatism in hot season – Rhododendron
55. Patient will not improve while using coffee – Psorinum
56. Rotten egg taste when coughing, whopping cough that drags on – Sepia
57. Fixed ideas, thinks only of pins, fears them, searches & counts them –        Silicea
58. Child refers to the navel as the most painful part – Spigelia, Granatum,      Nux mosch
59. Very sensitive as to what others say about her – Staphy
60.  Very selfish, no regards of others – Sulphur
61. Talks, jerks & twitches during sleep, cat naps, slightest noise awakens –    Sulphur
62. Excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of mouth while sleeping – Syphilinum
63. Asthma in children – Thuja, Natrum sulph
64. Fear of dogs, animals esp – Tuberculinum
65. To fatten patients after tuberculosis – Hydrastis
66. Neuralgia in brachial plexus, arms feels swollen – Vertrum alb
67. Will raise the opsonic index against diplococcus pneumonia – Vertrum        ver
68. Dull aching about the last dorsal or 1st lumbar vertebra, worse sitting –       Zinc met
69. Can be used effectively in gastric & duodenal ulcers & stimulates the growth of       
epithelium on ulcerated surface – Symphytum
70. Tea tasters cough – Kali iod
71. Sleeps with legs far apart – Platina

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