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Discussion 9 1




Discussion 9 2

Discussion 9

Question 1

Healthcare can help the old to remain at home through provisioning of the necessary care such
as taking the doctor’s prescription and reminding them to stick to it leading to avoiding visiting the
doctor for medication.

Money management. This involves giving someone permission to be able to discuss their bills in
order to avoid getting out of home in order to pay the bills.

Personal care such as bathing is crucial in helping the old to remain at their homes as they will
easily access the various needs as per their desires. House chores can also be done by the help of aides
who can have the responsibility of taking care of the old people ( Hertzog, et. al,2008).

Question 2

The lives of the older people can be planned in advance through improving their safety by the
use of organizations. It can be done through the use of organizational methods in assessing the safety of
the homes of the old people.

Use of elder care benefits. Caregiver services should be enough for the old people. They should
be informed in order to combat resistance to care. The support will help them to support their life in the
best way possible.

Focus on quality of life and quality of care creating a lot of beauty such as through flowers and
music in order to help them think clearly. Their medication should be well organized in order to take
them as prescribed leading to proper medication ( Ahn, 2004). 

Question 3

They should live within communities that support eldercare. It can be through independent
living in which there is free enjoyment of lifestyle without being worried about certain troubles. The
special services which are provided by the support centres can help them in different aspects which are
crucial in their lives.

They can use assisted living through receiving assisted by personal needs on a daily basis. The
requirements for assisted living should be easy to be attained by the old people in order to encourage
many old people to register for the programs ( Zhang & Goza, 2006).
Discussion 9 3


Hertzog, C., Kramer, A. F., Wilson, R. S., & Lindenberger, U. (2008). Enrichment effects on adult
cognitive development: can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and
enhanced?. Psychological science in the public interest, 9(1), 1-65.

Ahn, M. (2004). Older people's attitudes toward residential technology: The role of technology in aging in
place (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech).

Zhang, Y., & Goza, F. W. (2006). Who will care for the elderly in China?: A review of the problems caused
by China's one-child policy and their potential solutions. Journal of Aging Studies, 20(2), 151-164.

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