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CARRIAGE DIRECTORATE COMPUTER WING COVERING LETTER ‘SUBJECT: SCANNINGIDIGITISATION/INDEXING OF OFFIGALDOCUMENTS OF DIFFERENT DIRECTORATES OF DSO NAME OF THE DIRECTORATE — NAME OF THE SUB- DIRECTORATE/SECTION NAME & DESIGNATION OF THE SCANNING. ORDINATION OFFICER/STAFF ima [CH NAME OF THE RECORD/FILE/ “| DOCUMENT/SPECIFICATION etc. AND ITS VOLUME/VERSION | TOTAL NO OF PAGES/IMAGES: Aina! 2A- ce ETE LRG PD Go bai 20 (e/as)= i Total < Yoret 46 ~ BoNwhy, NAME, SIGNATURE AND DESIGNATION OF THE HANDING OVER RDSO OFFICIAL, CAT NAME, SIGNATURE AND DESIGNATION OF THE TAKING OVER CMC OFFICIAL Js ~ 2ilec\re wall uv DATE OF HANDING OVER FILE/DOGUMENT etc, W]e} pe FIELDS FOR INDEXING 7 | Type of Document (File? DRAWING/TECHNICAL CIRCULAR/MODIFICATION 2 | Document No. SHEET/SPECIFICATIONINP) _ ‘3 )SURIECT 4 | SUB-SUBJECT 5 | VOLUME - [6 | St No. 7 | DATE OF CREATION OF FILE i [8 -}Dealer 10 DATE OF RECEIVING BACK THE DOCUMENT | 1 NAME, SIGNATURE AND DESIGNATICNOF THE RISO OFFICAL RECEIVING BACK THE DOCUMENT AFTER SCANNING (No of papers to be checked by department) 2 REMARiS/FEEDBACK IF ANY (Quality of documents. Jobe checked by | departinant A) COMPUTER GENERATED GOOD QUALITY 8) COMPUTER GENERATED (DOT MATRIX) C) TYPE WRITTEN D) HAND WRITTEN | 20 qe" ac igas cep an aaa NADIA SS ea ae eng sateen LER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Sg a a a ag ag a ag PA SC MINISTRY CF RAILWAYS meen tne 3 25 AC DOUBLE POLE, OUTDOOR; VACUUM [NTERRUPTORS FOR RAILWAY-SWITCHING STATIONS FOR 1x25 RY AT FEEDING SYSTEN RGORR —* gy rm e: ce ee © g ai a 9 2 ra ca ies bey 3 w g = ioe) MN 3 oo S AUGUSY 1989 126926 AAS ISSUED BY LLATIOM DIRECTORATE ANDARDS ORGANISATION LUCKNOW—226011 TRAC. RESEARCH Di Addendum & Corrigendum Slip N (11/92) to Specificatian , No. ETI/PS1/132 (8/89) for 2! ac double pole vacuum he Interruptor far 2x25kV AT feeding system. . Page 15 Replace Une clause by as under? Clause 15.4 f “Only after, al) the design, and drawings have been approved and clearance given by RDSD to this effect, Lhe manufacturer shall take up manufacture of Prototype unit for RUSO'S inspection/testing. it is to be clearly understood that any change required le be done on prokotype, as required by RDSU shall be dene expeditiously. Prior to yiving call to the Purchaser/Director Gernera, Traction Installation, Research Designs and Standards Organisation, Lucknow (hereafter abbreviated as DG/TI/RDSO. Lucknow) for inspection and testing af the prototype, the successful lenderer/wanufacturer shall submit a detailed lest schedule consisting of schematic circuil diagrams for each of the tests and the number of days required to complete all the tests at ang stretch. The schedule shal), also indicate the venue of each of the tests. Once the schedule is Approved, Whe test shall invariably be done accordingly. However, during — the process of type testing or even later, the purchaser reserves the right to nduct any additional test(s), besides those specified herein, on any equipment/item so as to test the equipment/item le his satisfaction or for gaining additional information and knowledge. In case any dispute or disaqrecment ari between successful Loenderer/manutackurer and the representalive af the purchase 7 DG 7 TE/RDSU, Lucknow durang the process of testing as regards the procedure for tyee tests and/or the interpretation and acceplabilily of the results of type tosis, Gb Shall be brought to lhe notice of the purchaser /DG/TL/RDSO, Lucknow as the case way be, whose 126927 decision shall bé final and binding. Gniy “ After the prototype of tie equipment is manufactured and ready in ; all respects, shall the | tenderer/manufacturer call for the successful give the actual inspection «and ~ testing with wat’ least, 45.days notice for the purposes °° vin the event of the tests nol beang’ carried through to completion at one Stretch ~ for any reason attributable vo the successful enderer/manufacturer and it required for the representative of the Pugchaser/DG/TI/RVSU, Lucknow Lo ao again’ or more number of times to the works ““of" thes successful tenderer 7 manufacturer and it is required for tne representative of the purchaser/DG/TL/ RDSO, Lucknow to go again. or more number” of times ta the Works of the Successful | Lenderer/manufacturer op other place(s) for continuing and/or completing the tests on the pratotype(s) of the equipment, the Hecessful bonderer/manufacturer shat reimburse tn the purchaser /DG/T2/RDSO the cost for the representative (#) having to visit the works or other Places(s) for the tests more than once. the “zCost as claimed by the purchaser / DO/TI/RUSO, Lucknow shall be paid ‘hrough a Demand Draft to the concerned Accounts Officer of the Purchaser/DG/T11 RDSO, Lucknow as shall be advised to the successful tenderer /manufacturer. fhe following tests shall be conducted on the Prototype unit of the equipment at works of the manufacturer or at a reputed testing laboratory in Presence | of purchase/DG/TL, — RDSO, Lucknow or his authorised representative. The prototype af the equipment shall be complete in ali respects, asswould be supplied = if it passes the tests. Terminal connectors include the part of the bho equipment. “The bests conducted as shall ab protalyye of shali be per relevant Governing Specification and as modified r"anplified. as under. utdoor: vacuum eed 28 Bar Peak System. Replace the existing clause by: the centre "to centre distance of the poles of the interrupters. shall be 1500 mn. | Road the existing mbter as follows: 32(a),Minimum clearance between live part and earth (in air) .. mm (>) “Minimum electrical clearance “* between two poles(in air) fe mm (c) “Centre to centre distance between the poles. Be mn 126928 fay 2 uy 99 Addendum & Corrigendum slip No.2 of August J9¥1 to specification No-ENI/PS1/132(8/89) for 29 kV nec. double pole; outdoor. vucuum Interruptors ror 2x25 kv AY Feeding system. Clause No-14 Galvanising : Add a sud-clause 14. existing clause 14.1, as under. alter 16.2 If the tenderer/menufacturer is uot able to hot-dip gelvenise the steel operating mechanism cubicle and steel supporting frame as per Clause 14, tne item Shall beve tne following corrosion prevention System applied over them with necessary. surface preparntiony as unaer + 7 Surface preparation a) Removal of all é11/grease froin the metal surface using petroleum hydrocarton solvent to 1s L7Ab-78. b) preparation of the surface by bot phospiating to IS 318 Class - B. Pain ting a) ‘priser coat - Applying by brusn/airiess spray \ txo coats of Epoxy zinc , phosphate primer to xDsO Specification fo. & C/PCN-1 86, to 60 miceon minkmum vy film thickness. b). Findsaing coat = Applying by vrusi/airlecs spray two coets of polyurethase v aluminiua finishing to RDsO Specific M & C/pen-LlO/ 88, to 40 micron mininum dry . filo thi BSS6 deuvuuua did Lorrigendum Slip No.1 to techniccd specification Yo.8tl/PS1/132 (8/83) for 25 KY double ‘pole, ot door, vacuun datermptors. t as under: Specifi S91ia cx cal po o4, 5,.Page 8," clause S.2 (tiv) : i / Gr Pages10,-clause 2.9 1S Page 1L,i clause 8.18 "Page 12, clause 2.21 7h Asn clause 9.2 At the flanges grado BXsS A00/12 to a nine a 9. Page i "Ihe waleriaL nat] conform to “yo. Page'13," elause 1 (rid) 11, Page 14, clause I ‘(xi4 ) 12, Page 17, clause exeuedh 423. Page 18, claus? 2nd 14, Page 18, claune #15. Page 12 ‘ Page 19 Qh ling rout 2use 2 reas "8909 4" a5 “zago9 AN Page 19, claus VOB Annomre, page 1, atom i. 20, Page 5, item 45 D Page 9, item 74 clause 79 In case of hotlow insulatogs all the type tests and routine te sonal) be conducted ag per 1S in presence 01 RDEO's representatin In adéition, tests for cantileye gh and withstand’ p fs 1° also be ‘cw: ie test only. type _ In case of solid nis beén uszd as support i sane shal) de tested as RNSO Speckfication No. st 5" as "15.6" C # read Shyructe ass hrote GOVARNMENT OF INDIA . ’ MINISTRY OF RALLWAYS 7 GWS AND STAMDARDS ORGANISATION HAGAR, LUCKNOW 11 SPSCIFICATION NO, ETI/PSI/132(3/89) 25 Ki DOUBLE POLE, OUTDOOR, vACUU te SOUP 1.1 This Speci fication covers design, nanufacture, test- ing, supply and commissioning of 25 kV'single phase, double pole vacuuin interruptor to be installed at unattended traction sub-stations/switching stations for controlling power supply to the 25 kV ac traction overhead equipuent, on Indian Railways, © 1.2 The interruptors offered shall be complete with all parts and accessories necessary for their efficient operation, All such parts and accessories shall be deaned to be within the scope of this specification wiether specifically mentioned or not. The interruptor ‘shall be of proven design, 5 1.3 - The interruptors shall be installed by Indian Railways under the supervision of the tenderer vho shall, however, commission: the ‘equipment, 2... GOVERNING SPSCLRICATEON 2.1 The interruptor, shell conform to the latest version of Indien Standard and RDSO's Specifications of mentioned below, and to recommendations of IM documents and Indian Blectricity Rules, sherever epplicable. 4) TB0:56 - 1987 High voltage alternating st currat circuit breakers. a wo. 2) 18:996-1979 Specification for single phase ay ac and universal electric motor. 3) 1832516 (Pt.I/-Speci fication for circuit breakers See.3)_1972 - \"Requirenent, Section 3, voltages above-11 KV, 4) 18:25 16(Ft.IT/ Specification for circuit breaker Sec. 2)_ 1980 ~ Ratings, Section 2 for a above. 1000 Vac ~ 2 specification for circuit breaker 5? - Type tests and routine tésts, ne ea . Sec. 2-for-voltages above 7000 V for'use in electrical equi prent (arst Revision). Iss 2516(Pt. see Sec. 2) ~ 1980. 6.: 182 2944-1973 _. ‘Speci fication: for’ porcelain red 4 0S ‘post insulators for. systens . with nominal voltages greater Sete: : * than “1000 V. 7... 1825331972. ‘Methods of testing unifor- mity of coating on zinc : coated articles. g. 152555811970 ~- Specification for electric pce, b z : “power connectors. “9. :1825621- 960 . © Specification for Hollow iasulator for use in electrical equipment (First Revision). 4., TS:6875(PEE)-1973 Spedi fication for control, suitcnes (switching device for control and auxiliary’ cireaits intluding \contac— tor relays); =: for. voltages upto and including) 00 V ac’ and 1200 de ~ cmeral Fequirévents, and tests. 11. 1527906-1976 - Speci fication’ for Helical . : compression spring. 42. .18+7907~1976 i speci fication for Helical “ extension spring. . 13, RDSO''s Specn. i gbeci fication for not dip tHe, BIT/OHE/ 73(4/84) zine galverli sation. 14. HOSO's Spex. Specification for steel and Hos S21 /088/ 84/69 stainless steel bolts, nuts and wasters. 6 = 3- Ary deviation from this specification proposed py the tenderer, calculated to improve ugon the perforzance, utility and efficicicy of the equipaent will be given due consideration, provided full particulars of the deviation with justification thereof are furnished, In such a case, the téiderer shall quote according to this speci fication and deviations, if any, proposed by him shall be quoted as an alternative/altematives. In case of any contradic tion between the provisions of the Indian Standards speci fication/Recomendations of the IM and this speci fi- 2.2 .cation, the latter shall prevail. TAACTL 0 SUPPLZ SYSTEM (2x25 KV aT Feeding System) 3.4 General scheme. the electric power for railway traction is supplied in ac 50. Hz, single phase through 2x 25 KV AT feeding system, which has a feeding voltege fron the sub-station two times as high (2x 25 WV) as cattenary voltage (25 IW). Tais high voltage pover supplied from the traction sub-station throug: catenary wre and feeder yire-is stepped dom to the catenary voltage by use of autotransformers installed about every 13 to 17. km along the track, and ther fed to tne locomotives. In other words, poth the catenary voltage and feeder voltage are 25 W vagainst the rail, although the sub-station feeding voltage between catenary end feeder is 50 KV. Therefore, the eatenary voltege is the same as that of the conventional 25 KI systen. ’ Since the power is supplied in two times higher voltage, the 2x 25 kV AT feeding systen is suitable for a large power supply, and it has the following advantages, conpared with conventional feeding systems: (a) less voltage drop in feeder circuit. (b) large spacing of traction sub-station 12693; 3 telecommmication interference by (ce) les of AY installed with edeuuate spacing. w The power is obtained from 22)/2 x 25 KV Scott. connected traction transformer or 132/2 x 25 Hl single phase transformers, The primary windings of tne single phase transformers sanected to two or three phases of 152 bY three-phase ansmission network of the #lectricity & in case of a single phase transformer or in case of the single phase transformers coilnected in ¥, respectively. ne other hand, ‘the primary windings of the Scott-connected transformers are connected to the three phases of 220 IW three-phase, effectively earthed transmission net-work of the Electricity Board, Tne Scott-connected transformer and V-connected single phase transformers are effective in reducing voltage uibalance on the transmission net-work of the Electricity Boerd. The spacing between adjacent sub-stations is normally between 70 to 100 !ms. One outer side terminel of the secondary winding of traction transformer is connected to the catmary, the other outer side tomminal being connected to the feeder. Tyoimer side tersinals are, via series capacitors or directly, connected to cach other, and their joint is solidly earthed énd connected to the running rails. The lo.d current from the sub-station flows through the catenary end returns to the sub-station through the feeder. Between tuo adjacent ATs, the load current fed from the catenary to the locomotive flows in the rail and is boosted up to the feeder through the neutral tap of 4Ts at left end right sides of the locomotive. At the points of sub-stetion end sectioning post, 's dead zone !now es neutral section is provided in 0H3 to avoid & wrong phase coupling. Th? power to the catenary and feeder on one side of tne su b-station is fed by one feeder circuit breaker, even if there exist tw breakers for one side, and each track is controlled by an interruptor. The two breakers are used as a stend-by for eacn other, For maintenance work: and keeping the voltage drop vithin limits, one or more sudsectioning and paralleling posts (!mown es $82) are introduced between traction sub-station and a sec- tioning end paralleling post (Imow as 32). A SSP on 2 dowble track section normally has four sectioning jnterrugtors for ech feeder circuit and one paralleling jaterrugtor, In case of fault, tne feeder circuit breaker of the sib-station isolates it. A figure showing the principle of AT feeding system and a typical power supply diagram shoving the general feeding errangeuent at'a traction sub-station and sections of the OHS are given in the sketch at the Appedix-Iand Appendix-II. * 3.2 3.2.4 tion of traction tr i rels isformers? are provided for the protec- ~5- (a) Differential relzy. (b) Over current relay on 22) KV or 152 kv side. (c) Grounding overcurrest reley on 22 MV or 432 kW side. (4) at gh-speed overcurrent relay on 220 Ki or 2 Ki side, (e) Phase-failure relay (to detect a malfunction of a feeder circuit breaker). 12.8 The following relays are provided for the otection of CHS: 28 (a) distance relay (with a parallelogram progection characteristics). . (>) Delte.I type faw ctive relay. B.S 25 kV 0: Paramete & and Traction Tren sformer-Blectric 3.3.1 The OnS is made up of 2 strended cadmium copper catenary of 65 sq. mm ora stranded aluuinium alloy eatenary of 115 anc a grooved contact wire of ‘07 sa. an, making up a total of 159 or 149 sq.mn_ copper equivaleit, respectively. As a feeder wire, a stranded aluminium @lloy of 240 st.2i is used. The calculated OWE impedance value of AT feeding circuit (OiB: Al 176-Cu 407 sqQ.nn, Feeder virex{ 41.249 sq.mwv) for a single track line is 0.0601 + j0. 1419 olms/kn (at 25 KY system impedance) Traction Transfomer 22x 25 NVA, 220/2x25 K Se nected transformer anda Q UWA 132/2 x 25 IW dingle-phase transformer are 426 (at 27 HVA dase) and 12) (at 21.6 HVA base), pectively ereentage impedance 3.4 Nature of tsa i 3.804 OHS (including 2 feder wire) is subjected to frequent eart: facits causel by failure of insulation, or by the OMB snapping and touciing the rai, th, or by @ plece of wire drcaued by birts connecting the OHE t earthed overlying situctures, miscroant activities ete. Taese faults 2re cLared by he Teeder circuit breaker wich operates on any one or both 6 (a) Di stame proke hor (o) Delta & type fit s! nN 3. a o Nn 4 3.4.2 Short circuit level: The 22) kW and 2 KV source impedance may be, based on a three’ph2se symmetrical short circuit level, betieen 2000 end 10000 HV2, and between 1900 and 5000 HVA, respectively. The level of short circuit on the 25 KV side for:a fault in the vicinity of a sub- station could’be around 0 MVA or more. The exact short circuit level on.25 kV side at each sub-station will be indicated in the teider piers, 4.0 $e Toe vacuum interruptor shall be suitable for outdoor use in moist tropibal climate and in erees subject to heavy. rainfall, pollution due to industry and arine atmosohere and severe lighining. The limiting weather conditions wiich the interlustor has-to withstand in service are indicated beloz: | i. Mad tum anbi my air teperature - 45% iiv Average ambient air temperature ° over a period of 24 tours = 35°C iii. Maximum relativ) munias ty ~ 100% iv. finqual rai: - Renging from 175) to 5 250mm. v, Haximam nase tnuaecr storm days ver annunl YS “= 85 days. , vi. Haximun numberlor daststorm days / per annua \ - 35 days., vii.dunbet of rein¢ day per annum - 120 days vill. Basie wind erasure’! > 20 ke/sa.m , ix. #1titude i \ Not exceeding! \ 1000 metres , Tae interruptor puld also be subjected to vibrations with the passagdof trains, me amplitude of these vibrations lies in the rangi of 39 tov455 microns, wi i instantaneous peaks g wito 350 microns, These vibrations | occur with repidly varying ime i ge of | Panes i | 5. 5.1 The interruptor s oyS rating and other particulars: i) ii) iii) iv) Squipwent voltage class v) vi) vii) viii) ix) h: System Nominal systea voltage st systan voltage wo. of poles fated fr eney Rated normal current Rated insulation level a) One minute power frequency withstand voltage ») Standard impulse withstand voltage (4.2/50 miro. second waveform Rated short circuit breaking current (symmetrical) Rated breaking capacity (calculated at @ recovery voltage of 27.5 KV) Reted short circuit making carrent Rated short time current Rated operating sequence er_particulars hall be designed for the following 2x25 KV AT feeding systen. 2x 25 kW 105 HY -(rms) 250 KV (peak) 12.5 ka 2 34.0 MVA 31.25 KA 12.5 KA for 3 seconds. 0-0.3 Sec.-C0-3) Sec. -CO 126933 -8- xiv) Out of phase rated breaking current 23.125 KA xv) Rating of Auxiliary contacts: a) Continuous current OA 10 A at 110 V de b) Breaking currant xvi) Total breaking time : Not more than 80 6.0 6.1 The vacuum interruptor shall be of the ae type single bottle design, suitable for mounting on ste single pole units operated through a coamon shaft by the operating mechanism, The vacuum interruptor shall compri of 2 sealed vessel with insulating side walls end metal ends containing a fized and moving contact, The movenent of the moving contact in the vacuum enclosure shall be guided by means of metal bellows. Suitable shields a] structures. It shall consist of two separate but “ty te] sk provided around the contacts te prevent the metal vapour release during operation from condensing on insulating wa of chamber Design and construction of the vacuum interrupi shall such be that tae current chopzing level, is kept t the minimum which does not prodce any appréciable swi tchi over-voltages. 5.2 Te supporting structure of the interruptor sh@ be fixed on to a concrete foundation of approved design. Details calculations for the foundation design shall b suonitted by the tenderer. The interrupting chamber coil sing fixed 2nd moving contacts shall be mounted on an insulator, é. The height of the supporting frame shall be sud that in the erected condition of the interruptor, the height of the lowest live part from ground or any point ™ yhere a person may stand, shall not be less than 3000 mie The bottoa-nost portion of any insulator or bushing shall be less than 2500 mm aoove the ground level, Also, the = minimwa clearance betveen live parts and earth shall be 500’ iam. 5.4 The winiaum cistance between two poles shall be 1500 ma. -9- 5 The vacuum interruptor shatl ve designed with equate margin for the vacuun adopted. terruptor offered shall be of proven design. tenderer sial. produce dsounents in support of the same. The main fixed and moving contacts of the interr- uptor shall have ample cross-section and contact pressure for carrying the rated current and short time current without excessive teuperature rise, pitting 2nd welding. Arcing tips shall b2 wade up of cupro-tungsten alioy or any other suitaole material. 7-2 Apart from the auxiliary contacts used exclusively }.for the functioning of the circuit breaker, at least 10 pairs of auxiliary contacts shall be provided for the exclusive “use of the Purchaser in conjunction with extemal circuits. Five pairs shall be normally closed contccts and five pairs normally opea contents, shen tie circuit breaker is in the open position, The design of the auxiliary contact assenbly/ -shall be such tuat it shall be possible to add at least two more addition pairs of axsiliary contacts. SATING M SiANT Sd ‘8. o 8.4 The interruptor shall ve power operated by a motor ‘operated spring charging mechanism. The qotor shall be so rated that the time required for fully charging the spring does not exceed 15 seconds. Tne saring used shall be of robust design using quality material. The closing section of the interrustor shall actuate the opening spring so as to be ready for instanteieous opening as and wnen required. 126934 8.2 The motor for spring charging shall be suitable for Operation from a 110 Volt battery. The battery terainal voltage is likely to vary between 119% and 85 of the normal value end the voltage at the motor terminals is likely to fall further due to drop in tne control cable. 8.5 = The mecnanisn shall normally bs for renote electrical operation i.e, fron the control and relay panel'in the “ sub-station and from the Remote Control Centre. Provision shall, however, b2 aade for local electrical control aad for this purpose 2) !Rui0TS /LOSKL' 2way selector switch shall b? provided in the operating mechanisa cubicle. Far -10- jocal electrical closing and opening 2 push buttons or mob shall also be provided on the ope ‘ating mechanism cubicle. Operationof these imobs/push bottons shall be possivle without opening the switcn cubicle door. 8.4 The interraptor shall also be provided with manuelly operated local mechanical opming device for use in emergency, i.2, in the event of failure of my sart of tie d.c, control circuit including interruptor opening coil, 8.5 The interruptor shall also be provided vith mzaual: operated local mechanical closing device. ( 8.6 In addition to the manually operated local mechanical opening and closing devices as indicated in Clauses 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 above, srovision shall also be made by means of a suitable crank or handle for slow closing and opening of the interruptor for meintenance purposes, 8.7 The closing device shall be suitable for operation from 170 Volts bettery supply subject to 2 voltage variation of + 1 to -15%. The opening device shall however be pie for operation with voltage variation of + 1) to - 30% 8.8 in operation counter, having five digit recording mochanisn for the n er of opening operations shall be sO provided as to be conveniently read by the operator standing on the ground, without opening the door of the cubicle. 8.9 Mechanical indicators for ‘ON’ and ‘OFF! condi tion | of the interruptor shall be provided, so that same is visible from a distance, 8.10 Working parts of the mechanism shell be of corrosion resisting material. It would be preferable to have bearings, if any, that. do not require greasing ete. If the beari: require grease they shall be equipped yita 4 pressure type grease fittings, bearing pins, bolts, nuts and other parts shall be adewately pinned or locked tg prevent jooseiing or the need for adjustments after repeated opera. tion of the interruptor "1 The operation of the power operated closing device he interraptor is elready closed shall not cause teoe to eny part of tne interrutor or eidanger the operztor, ® average power requirenent during, closing operation Cludiag ssring charging motor saall not exceea 75) vatts, waxiaum input to the opening coil for the opaing operation shall not exceed 2) watts. -11- 8.12 The operating mechenism and associated acc: shell be enciosed ina weather, dust and vermin proof cabinet or cubical using 2 mn thick shcet stecl (of teste A provision for pad locking. Suitable hvater( alongwith thermostat control shall be provided, to oserate off 240 ¥ ac 50 Hz single phase supply, to prevent condensztior of moisture during monsoon/winter. A 240 volts, 5a, 3-pin socket outlet for en inspection lamp shali also be provides. 8.13 The entry of all cables inte the operating mechenism cabinet shall be through suitable glands shall not alloy ingress of water into the cabinet, gable gle~ds shall be supplied by the successful tendcrers. Pive cable glands shall be provided, 3 of che glends shall be suitable for cable of 16,5 ua outside dia, and th valance 2 glands for cable of 14 ag outside diameter, 8.14 The wiring inside tne operating mechenism cabinet shell be with 1103 Volt grade PVC insulated single core c. as per 18:1534(Pt.1)-1976, with stranded copper con of adequate cross-section so proportioned as to red volteg. drop and I°R losses to the berest minimus. Phe ends of wires shell be terminated with crimped eye tyce luge. The wiring for 110 V de control circuits and 240V, ac 50 Hz simple phase circuit shall oe kept segregatec And properly identified 8.15 . ‘the terminal end of 211 wires shall be provided with numbered interlock type ferrules which shell be o: PVC or other durable material with ma! gs either engraved or punched so as to the indelible. Ths ferrules shall . “ preferably be of white colour with block le ‘tering thereon, 8.15 Fuses shall be provided shall be of the cartridge type ir the heater circuit C) with suitable fitcing. 8.17 Termina: block provided in the operating mechenism ' cebinet shall be of approved desigr insulating barriers Shell be provided between adjacent terainels. The ae Of terainals shall {stud type with spring weshers. Suiteti wibr. GUSt proof shrouds of /exxzr’ trans nt material shali be Wappbie Provided on cach terminal block. ¥ and ac circuits shell be clearly distingl Separated from each other . 8.18 the materiel used for plunger ¢ block ete., the closis and tripping coils shall b: corrosion resis nee, 8.19 Houlded case circuit breakers of approved quality shall be in the motor circuit, 126935 42- 8-20 The contsctor, if any, used in the motor circuit shell be suitable for operation from 110 Volt do batter supply subject to a voltage variation of +10 % to - 45%, 8.21 For earthing of the operating‘machanism cabinet, two earthing terainals of adequate capacity to carry the rated short circuit current shall:be provided, The terminal connector shall be suitable for connecting to 50 x 8 ma H.S.flats. The earthing terminal shell be provided with 17.5 +0.5 mm... s 5 = 9:3 aia, hole. for fixing the earthing falt. n lee 3. LLON INSULATOR, AND TERHINAL COUNECTOR. 9.1 Outdoor type porcelain hollow insulator shall conform to 18:5621, It shall be capable of withstanding all electrical and mechanical stresses that might be produced during the operation of the interruptor under nog mal and short circuit conditions, The insulator shall be of a Single picce construction with plain sheds i.e., without rios. 9.2 Both the porcelain hollow insulator (interrupting chamber) and support insulator: shall have: a minimum creepage distance of 1300 mm. t ; 9.3 The porcelain hollow insulator terminals shall be provided with Rigid type terminal connector to suit 23.25 mm overall dia; all aluminium conductor (butter fly), size 19/4,65 mm shall be as per RDSO's approved ng. The connector shall conform to 18:5561 and its design shall be such es to be connected to the equipment terminal pad with 2 winiaum of four 12 ma diameter bolts, nuts and lock nuts which shall be of stainless stee conforming to 18:1570(Pt.V) Grede 04 cr. 17 N i 12 No, 2 Each of these bolts shall also have a flat washer -spring washer. a0 3.4 ‘The connectors shell be prociréd only from approved manufacturers. 10, INTERLOCKING ARRANGE 40.1. The interruptor shall have provision for suitanie | electrical end mechenical interloéking with its associated isolator such th: operetion of isolator is possible only when the interruptor is locked ia the ‘open! position and to prevent operation of the interruptor cither manually or electrically by local/remote control unless the isolator is locked in the ‘closed’ or ‘open! position. 13- 40.2 The interlocking device shall therefore consist of pzir of locks having < common interlock key. One of the locks snell be supplied es duly mounted on the operating mechenisa of the interruptor and the other lock shell supplied loose for mounting by the Purchaser on the associated isolator, The supply shall also cover one spere ‘duplicate key alohg witn the common interlock key. “10.3 The lock meant for mounting on the associated isolator shall-oe of the bolt type end of approved desig and shall be suiteble for fixing directly on the isolater. The internal mechanism of bolt type locs shell be made of non-i rrous metal end the outer housing shell b2 of mild stcel not-dip gelvarised, & copy of the drawing, roved by RDSO, showing “ both caste! end bolt type inverlocas is etteched with this specizication. “40.4 - Since et a-switc' station, a number of interr- uptors are provided, it is essential that the inte interruptors are non-Laterc'! ble. Intverlo eys with different key codus shal) therefore be supplied ifor interruptors being instelled et cre switching station The successful tenderer shell thereyore advise the deta sof key’ codes offered by him and shall ascertain the requirements of differeat key codes. 10.5 The interlocks shell bs procured only from menufecturers approved by RDSO. 116 D ACCES kpert from the parts, fitti end eccessorics specificaily detailed in the foregoing cleusos, the following parts, fittings and eccussories shell v2 provided for each interruptor iechenically cpereted closi: device, end tripping ii, Locel/kemote control switch. iii. Locel elvctrica? tripping aed closiag push buttons or hencles. v, Interiocking device, Vi, Teruinel connectors, vil, Supporting from end foundetion bolt. 126933 =1h- Earthing terminals. Name plate/rating plate. Mechanical 'ON' end 'OFF' indicators. xi, Handle crank for charging the closing spring __. manually. xii) Foundation bottom. name/reting plate shall contein the following niormetion: i) Make and type designation. Rated voltege. ) Equipment voltage class. iv) Reted frequency. v) Rated normal current. vi) Reted short circuit bre current (syimmetrical). vii) Kated short time current and duration. viii) Rated insuletion level, ix) Rated operating sequence. x) Control circuit voltage. xi) Conforming specification I $/xD80 Speen, ‘ xii) Total weight of interruptor. xiii) Year of manufactare, xiv) Order reference, xv) Vacuua level in Torr. SLPPORTING FRAMES 13.4. The steel supporting freme for interruptor should be “designed with e factor uf safety of not less then 2.5 with respect to the yicld point under conditions of maximum loeding, ellowing for a besic wind pressure of 200 ke/som on 1.5 times the projected arca of cach meaber of one face and taking into account the deed end ‘shock loeds of circuit breeker. Cnly tested quelity stevl sheil be used end proof of having used Such Steel shell be produced by the successful tenderer, 43.2 For equipaent earthing, each leg of steel supporting frem: shall be provided with tvo eertning terminals of adequate capacity to carry the rated short circuit current safely, The eartning terainal shell be connected to 50x 8 ma 4S, flat, The earthing shall be provided with 17.5 + 0.5 mm diameter hole for fixing - 0.0 the earthing flat. qa. y The steel supporting frame end operating mechanisa cubicle shali be hot dip galveniscd as Research Design Standards Organisation's specificetion No. ETI/CHE/ .13( 4/84; and the wesght of zinc coating shell not be “less thea 1000 ga/m*. All fasteners of 12 aa diameter end posed to atmpsphere shall be of steinless steel enc above 12 mm diameter shall proferesly be of stainie or of aild stecl hot dip galvanised to RDSU's tion No. SYT/oHit/18(4/84) . ‘TESTING (2) Only efter all the design and drawings and clearance’ givea dy aDSO to this e"menufacturer shall take up manufacture of the ion, It is to o& clearly understood that any changes required to be done in the Prototype - as required by RDSO shail te done expeditious! 126937 y (b) Before giving the call to RDSC/the Chief ‘Slectricei kngincer for inspection and testing of the Prototype of the system, the menufacturer 11 subinit a@ detailed test schedule consisting of schematic circuit Giagrems for cach of the tests and nature of the test, -Venue of the test and the duretion of cach test and the total nunber of days required to comp the test at one stretch, Once the schedule is approved, the test shall invariadly be done eccordingly, However, during the process of type testing or even later, RDSO representative reserves the right to conduct any additional test(s} besides tho: pecified herein, on any equipment/sub system or system so as to test the systeq to his setisfecticn or for gaining additional informetion and knowledge, case any dispute or disegreemunt arises ~16- between the manufacturer end RDSO/the Chicf Slectrical Engineer during the process of testing as regards the type teste and/or the interpretation end acceptapility of the type test results, it shall be brought to the notice of the Director General (Traction Installations), 8DS0/the Chicf dlectrical Engineer es the case may be, whose decisions hall be final and binding. (c) The following tests shall be carried out at she works of the manufacturer or at e reputed testing lacoratory in the presence of the Indian Reilwey's fepresentetive,s) on the prototype unit of the interrup- sor as per relevant governing specification and es modified or amplified és under: 15.1.1 Mechanical test: The test shall be conducted in 2ccordence ‘987. but the number of operations shall be 10,000 instead of 2,000 specified there : following checks/tests shall, however, be done before comaznceinent of the mechanical test: i) Generel visual inspection of the equipment to check its conformity with the approved drewin, ii) Checking of operation of verious circuits and device iii) Meesurement of dimcasions of components lizdle to weer, operating springs and clearances of operating coil armatures, iv) Measureacnt of insulation resistance of main, euxiliary and motor circuits, Vv) Hvasureaent of resistence of main circuit and closing end opening coils. vi) Measurement of closing and opening times at” the specified normal, minimum and maximum controi voltages, vi.) Mecnanical test comprising 5 closing and 5 opening operations at thu specified normal, minimum and maximum control voltages. viii) Closing and opening speed of the moving contacts of the interruptor at the specifica normal, minimum and maximum control voltages. -17- The measureaents ageinst items (iv) to ( above shell be repeated efter every 2000 operati value obtained shall bo compared with the previo | after completion of 10,000 operations end before di. ing the interruptor for internel inspection, the following tests shall be surformed: i) Dielectric (110 V de) é 2 kV for 1 sts on auxiliary circuit ‘d motor circuit by applying ate, il) Power frequency dry withstend voltage test on couplets pole by epplying 105 kv (rms) for one minute, Hit) Temperature rise test opening end closing coils, 15.1.2 temperature rise test: test on main circuit end auxil closing and opening coils, auxiiia cts, shell be carried out as per IS:2516(Ft. IV/: c.2), fhe resistance of the wain circuit shall also oe measured and recorded. fhe tennereture rise whcn the interruptor is carrying its rated normal current continuously shall not exceed the values given hereunder The temperature rise y circuit comprising a} Mein contacts 35° ¢ ). Terainals of interruptor to be connected to external conductors by bolts 40° ¢ c) Metal parts in contact with insulators 45° ¢ dj Auxiliary contacts’ 30° Cc Ay case the temp. eed the limits. give of 45°C. ise should nov ambient temperature 15.1.5, eetric te These tests shall be carried out es per 15:2516 gitstV/Sec.2). Tho following tests shall constitute the dielectric tusts:— 126933 unpuise withste The interruptor withstend 250 V(peek) impulse voltage of 1.2/50 micro-second wave shape. Reted one-minute power frequency wet 1d voltage test, The interruptor shall withstand 105 kV(rms) power frequency voltege for one minute. Tests on euxiliary end control circuits Auxiliery end control circuits of the interrup- ing spring charging motor) shall withstend equeney voltage for one minute. tor (ine 2 «VY (rms) power 1 15.1.4 Rated short circuit making and breaking ts shell be cerried out es per IS 2 recovery voltage of not less than Thuse te (Pt, IV/Sec.2) 2 27.5 KV 15.165 Que ruptors shell be able of breaking 25% sof the rated symmetrical short circuit breaking current voltage (55 kV) under out of phese condition as per 1$:2516 (Part. IV/Sec.2), Clause No.2,13. 15.1.6 Rate rt time withstend current test This test shall be carrivd out as per IS +2516 (ft.IV Sec.2), The short time current shall be not less then @ kA for 3 seconds. lectrical 15.1.7 Sp 11 successfully carry out the y appreciable ect on the contacts of vacuum oottle. 11 be carried out at a recovery The rations © operations volte, Test (2) ebov. operetions if cool down to & For db) 2 the open be done with tho supply disc tusts (2) and () need not interrupter. rruptor shall ovo surics of carried out on the seme s the wctricel & provision of At the ond of spucial < interruptor shal} comply with ¢ 2.6 of 18:2516 (2t.IV/sec.2 15.2 All o r tests except specie! electrical test shell be czrried out on the seme interruptor whien may be ruconditioned aftur vach test as per * 1822516 (rt.IV/Sec.2). 15.3 The tenderer may qucte seperately his charges for tne short circuit meking ead breeking cepecity tests described in Cleuse 15.1.4 hercof. No cherges shell be payable for any other type end routine /aceeptence tests. 15-4 If che prototype of interruptor conforming to this specification has been epproved for verlier supglies to Indiza Railways, testing of prototype again ay be waived provided thet no changes in the design or meterial(s) us.¢ have been made. 15.5 Only afcer cluer written epprovel of the i rusults of the tists on the prototype is coamunicated by RDSC/Purchaser to the menufecturer, shell be taken up bulk menufecture of the interruptor - which shall be ctly with th. same aetcriel end process es edopted for the prototyse. In mc circumstences shall the material other oved in the designs/drewings and/or the 2 on 2 approve protot: 126939 15.6 feczurers type test tests carried out on spring charging nsuletor, support Hisit switches end oy ry insulators € rucommendations/- ication tte ad by the successful tenderer for springs, ulators, ing/ro as per shell be subm approval. ~20- 16, ROUTINE TESTS 16.1 Every interruptor s be subjected to the following routine tests at the aenufecturers' Works as per Clause 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4 of 15:2516(Ft.IV/ Sec.2) 16.1.1 Rated one-minute power frequency dry witastand voltege. t The interruptor shell successfuliy withstand 105 kV(rms) power frequency, voltage for one minute. 16.1.2 Dielectric tests on control end euxiliery circuits including spring cherging motor. 16.1.3 Me ement of the resistance of the main circuit, 16.1.4 Mechanical operetion test - Comprising five opening and five closing operations at the rated, meximum and minimum supply volteges i.e,, at 110 V de, + 10% and - 15% for closing operétions end 110V dc — 30% for opening operations. 16.1.5 Menual clo: 1g end opening operations Manual closing and opening operation shall be carried out to ensure satisfactory operation, The operation of interlock device shall also be checked for its proper operation, 7. 2 TICAL DATs 5 DAY 1704 The informetion furnis: teed performance, technical end (Ansexure A} shell be complete is any entry like “shall be furnished later" or blenks are left ageinst any item, che tender is not likely to be considered as such omissions causes deley in finalising the tender. Evidence in the forn of type test reports for besic insuletion level i.e., rated impulse withstand voltage test, separate source voltage withstand test, short circuit test and temperature rise test on the transformer sn2ll also be furnisned. in schedule of gueran- er perticulers in all respects. If there 17.2 The tenderer shal} specizically indicate in a statement attached with his offer, his compliance with each clause and sub-clause of this specificetion, & seperate statewent shall be atte indicating reference to the cleu: devietes therefrom together with 9 ned with the offer 3 where the tenderer @ remarks/ t of compliance tached with the justificetion, If either the st or statement of devistions is n ' ~21- offer, it is not likely to be considered. If there are no deviations, a 'WIL' stetedent shall be attached. 17.3 The successful tenderer shall submit for approval the foilowing detailed dimensioned drewings es per Indian Railveys' standard ia sizes of 210 am x 297 am or aay integral sultiples thereof: a) General asseai showing mounting arrengenent and overaii dimensions, b) Supporting frame with details of fixing arrangesent end foundation giongwith calculati for their designs, c) Porcelain hollow insulator end support insulator. 4) Cross-section of arcing chanber indicating the arcing/imain contacts. e) Details of control devices, if used. i) Operating end coupling mechanism of complete interruptor, 8) Schematic and wiring diagrea, h) Details of fixed end moving contacts and arcing contact, if any. iy) Terminal block. ° + a oO n“ 4 3) Nene / Rating plete. kj Interlocking errange ent. 1) Limit end ausiliery tehes with technical data. m) Details of springs. n) Operating motor with technical specificetion, 0) Terminal connectors, 225 17.4 & epprovel, six copies of apyroved dre along with two sets of reproducible prints shall b supplied to each consignes(s). Besides, two copi Grewings alongwith one sez of reproducible prints shall de supplied to Director General (Traction Instelle~ tion), Research, Designs & Stenderds Organisation, Lucknow (India;. of 17.5 The succes. ref shall supply ten copies of the instruction/me rence menuel gor the interrup- tor to 22 i two copies to Director General (Traction Ir on), aesearch, Desicns & Stendards Orgenisetion, Lucknow (Indiaj. ints ch consignee(s, 17.6 The menufeccurer shell supply a graph showing number of peraissiole loz switching operations at gerious current besLore cheage of vacua bottle. 18, Ensen » T3Pit ABD, CO:MIISS IONING. 18.1 The interrupvor sa@ll be erected by the Purcheser under the supervision of 2 competent Engineer of the successiul tenderer/menuzecturer/supplier, The interruptor shell be subjected to th ecified proving/pre- i Railvay's Engineer at site ul tenderer/supplier/ menufecturer shall eso bs fully associated. For this purpose, prior intimetior. regarding the date end location of tests shell be given by the Purchaser to tac supplier/menufacturer/successful tenderer, Tenderer/supplier/menufecturer shall elso be! fully essociated. For this purzose, prior intimation regerding tne date end location of tests shall be given by the Furcheser to the licr/aenufecturer/successful tenderer, oF) TECHNICAL Co) BION & INDICED TION sation of SF-6 gas circuit brecker covered by this sivcificetion is contempleted, Design calculations, detailed menufecturing processes and all relevent intormetion pertaining to transfer of technical know-how i. regerd will be carried out in such a manner betwee over-seas menufecturer end the Indien menufecturer to ensure that the indigenous content of the SF-6 reuit breekers made in India incpeese progressive 2 repidly without secrificing quality end reliebil searcn Designs & Stenderds Orgenisetion of tie Reilweys ere to be associa- ted at the verious s nndigenisetion so 2s to tak into account servic: nee de. attempting progrussive indigeaisat: 19.4 Progressive ind. ~ 23- 19.2 ‘The information ex seas manufacturer and the Indien menufecturer is not ordinarily "required to be passed oa to the Indien Railweys. However, the euthorised representative of the Indien Railways shell have access to the es0ve information at the menugecturer's Works overseas or the menufecturer's Works/Design office in Indie whenever it becomes necessery for the purpose of inspection end acceptance of the preduct at the uenufecturer's vorks or for the purpose of enalysis/investigation for over-coming difficulties end prooless ead for improving the perfor- mance reli vice. hanged betwee the over 20. 2 20.1 The tenderer shell furnish elong with his offer, a list of spares (wita cost) recommended by him for maintenence of interruptor.for a period of five yeers. 2. LLWAY'S ENGINEE ne The offer shall include the training of two engineers of the Indien Reilways free of cost at the manufecturer's Works in India or abroad end at the maintenence depots/workshops on a railway systum or other public utility where interruptors of similer/ identical design are in operation. ‘The tovel duration of training for ezch engineer hall be 12 weeks of which approximately § weeks will be et manufacturer's Works and S weeks on a reilwey system or other puolic utility. The cost of travel te the country of manufacture and back will be borne by the Indian Railways. Other details shall be settled at the time of finalising the contract or Purchese order, = o 22, ON 4 22.4 Eech interrwtor supplied nst a purchase order/eontract in vhish this ion is quoted, irrespective or origi: (inported/indigenous), shel! be guerenteed for troubl.—free and satis:ectory perforaance for 2 period of 18 maths from the date of Supply or 12 months from the de: comiissioning at the sub- station or switching :tetio. Reilweys, which~ ever period is shorte:, Details of werranty clause, the extent of respons:bility and other relevant aspects shall be as included nm The tenderer shell fu! in this retard in his 9: © purchase order or contract. re 2h successful tenderer sh. errengenents for closuly monitoring the imcerruptor through periodical a two months during the werrenty period)v sub-stecion switching station for on thi observetions. ‘Srrangénments shell also be mede spere parts to be kept reedily evaileble with the uehufecturer/supplier/successful tenderer to meet exig: werrenting repleceaent so es to put beck the interruptor in survice wichout unduly long interr- uption of trection power sugply. 0 : th. verious comporents of vech shall be securely pecked in woodea cre General peciting togy with dimensions of pe ceses shell be furnished for cech incerruptor indiceting the following: Crate/ deseription Approx. gross 2 te Box No. of icem com- weight in ourside ponent in the Kg. dimensions craty/vox 23.2 As fer eS possible, the gross weilht of the crete shell be {80 lept thet it snould be wposiible to do menual handling ‘by Wwo/three persons. 3.3 In dese of oversees supplies, pecting shell be sce-worthy. ' 23.4 + Necdssary instructions for hen/ling end storege shell zls{ be furnished for use et reoliving end, 23.5 Portelein housing/support ins{lztor shell oe supplied sucirely packed in wooden cretus, Not!more tnan two insuletors/ por{elein housings shall be peciud in @ crate as to fecllitace manuel loading andlunloed Be n ANHLXUTE ERC UIUIAN! Unit meesure- ment/informazion ii Kaker!s neme Eb Country of manufecture. 3. Wenufecturer's type designetion: i) Interruptor pole ii) Operating mechanism. 4, Type of interruptor indoor/outdoor Ri = tated voltage 6. Volcage rating class as per IS: 7 Raced norael current a Rated frequency Rated insulation Level of the interruptor i} one-winute dry end wet power frequency Withstend voltage ii) Lightening impulse withstand voltege (1.2/50 icro second wave form) 10. Hated short circuit breaking current: i) Symmetrical at a recovery voltage of not less than 2 kv kV ‘Hz kV(rms) kV (pez) 126942 -2- Annexure(contd,2) ii) Asyametricel at 2 recover voltage of not less than 27,5 kV KA iii) Asyumetricel et a recovery voltege of 55 kV kA : iv) 2reaking cepacity (Syametricel) HVA WW. Rated making current ka(?) 12, Rated short tine wit. and current for 3 secs, ka 13. Reted operating secuence - 14, ing current on out of condition kA(ras) Constructionel features 15. Wuaver of brzaks per pole No. 16. Totei lengta of breek per pole nun 17. Length of contect trevel run 18, Rete of conzect travel at tripping a/sec. 19. Rate of contact travel at closing a/sec. 20, Type of sein contacts. 21, Type of arcing contacts. 22, ileterial of écatacts (including chemicel composition): i) Hein concects, ii} arcing contects. 23. Distance’ between pole centres mm 24, Hinigun cleerance between poles san 25. Shelf life of vacuum vottle + years 28. Weight of vecuua bottle : 27, rressure reiief devices if provided Yes/No -3- Annexure(conid.3} 28. Level of vecuun adopzed oe els or= 23. \het is the Jevel of current oe AADS. chopping 30. Net weight of interruptor complete with opereting mechanism etc. Kg. a Impact loed for foundation design (including deed load plus inpect load on opening end closing et maximum interrugting rati 32. siiniauk clearence between live part end eerth (ia air) om 33. Niainun cleerence between lowest unscreened live part ead any péint where a person aay stend mm 34, sfinimum height of bottsii-nost pert of say insuletor irom ground = am 35. Overell dimensions of the incerrup- tor complete with insulators, mechenism box etc. moutited on support structure: Length mm Width mm Height ion ce Operating parti 36. Closing time from the instant of closing coil energisetion ms 37. Opening time from the instant of opening coil energisetion, 38. Arcing time: t ms i) gt rated normel cur 1i) Av 1004 short circuit erecting, ns 126943 -4&- Annexure (contd.4) iii) At 50} short circuit brezking current ms iv) &% 25% * * aes ms v) At 10% ‘ “ ow ms vi) Criticel current (current giving longest ercing time): 2) current kA b) sreing time ms 4 Totel break time from the moment of trip coil energisation to the final extinction of arc: i) At rated normel current. ms ii) at short circuit sreak: current ms. Totel Length of arc ay Miniawa tine intervel permissible between successive closing opera~ tions (Co-t-Co} Sec. Kumber of operations the interrup- tor can perform with the evailable stored energ; (spring) los. whet is the mechanicel life of the interruptor (operstions} ber of operations periissible without replecesent of vacuum bottle (Electrical life) Nog. a) At 50% reted current. b} At 100% rated current. ce) AS 905 King curreat, d) At 100 cresking current. (A graph for sex tions verous c should be enc. nugver of opera. interrupted 45. 46, Annexure (contd.5) D- Other technical per Meximua ris ambient of 45°C when carrying rated normal current continuous] i) Nein contacts ii) Terminals when connected with terainal connectors iii) Auxiliary contacts Spring cherging motor: i) Nake end type designation, ii) Ratings ili) Voltege (with permissible veriation) iv) Power frequency withstand voltage v) Class of insuletion vi) Time required by the motor to charge the spring fully vii) Power required at normal control voltage to charge Speciticetion epplicadle for design end testing ix) Hode of protection recomsended by the motor menugecturer with their ratings. Averege power required for tripping/ closing - closing/opening: Bo. of springs ion/spiral) ii) Type (compression/t Ww jlos. 126944 50. iii} Ho. of turns iv) Gauge v) Sxternel vi) Stiffness vii) Nateri © ea position, ix) Speci Annexure{ contd.6) Force developed in fully charged fuxiliery control supply voltege with permissible volte a) Closing coil b) frippans coil c) Contectors (if any) a) other item (for waich tenderer feels that voltage is to be mainteined withia certain mits) Coil data: Closing coil/tripping coil/ contector coil a) Wire section b) No.of turns c, Resistence at 20°C d) Cless of insulation Vides $e Vidor w Vides % ication for designs & testing IS veriation for variation permissible. variation permissible, varietion peraissible, a + varia- tion peraissible, 53. Shy 55. Annexure (contd.7) Type of tripping/closing mechanism (sprinz) Manuel ciosing/trigping mechanisa (Lever/Fush mechanism or any other device). Porcelain hollow insulator/support insuletor ation, i) Meker's neme end type des Governing specizicetion Is ili) Nininum creepage distence a; Support insulator mn b, Interrupting cheaber insulator mm iv) Test certificate (to be atteched) Deteils of operation counter: i) Meke & type ii) ho. of digits No. Auxiliery switch (contacts) i) Meke end type di) Normally open contects --Totel--Sgare iii) ifermally closed contects -~Total--Spere iv) Continuous reting of contects. A v) Bree capacity of contacts at 110V dc with inductive Load A vi) Lite {iso.0f 0; erations) Nos. viij Yes/No 126945 -6- (Annexure contd, 8) . 2. 3. 56. ait switch (for motor): : i) Make end type ii) Concinuous current rating A iti) Breaking capacity et ii0Vv de with inductive load £ iv} Life (Ho.or operetions) No. 57. Whet is the type & designation of the vecuua dottle, 58. whet is the contact cleerance when the interruptor is open ration 59. vecuun tube eesily replacecble, Yes/ilo 50. ct weer indicetor for . physical checking cf contect condition Provided or not, Yes/No 61. If provision of trip circuit supervision exists ' Yes/No 62, If mechanical tripping device provided Yes/No 63, If mechenical closing device provided Yes/No Su, (2) Ef locel electrics closing end tripping device provided Yes/No (9) Is it possible to operate these pusa bottons/knobs without opening the switch cubicle door Yes/No 65. If the operation counter is visible without opening the mechanism door Yes/No 66. echanical Glose/opea indicator provided Yes/tio ‘ 67. If three-way treaote', 'locel', off! switca provided Yes/No. $8. - approximate height of the switches fron gound level mm nexure (cont If electrical & mechanical inter- hock with lock & key. provided If the operating mechanism is housed in a dust, weether and verain proof cabinet of sheet steel construction If a space heater is provided for prevention of condensation of moisture in the operating mechenism box If inspection lamp/socket is provided If cable glands provided, indicate their sizes and nuaber ° If insulation grede of PVC control wiring ceble If ac and de wiring completely segregated Are the comnectors as per «2S80's cation Name of the supplier of the connectors If terminals of wiring ends ere provided with crinped lugs If terminel blocks for wi ing are dust proof end provided with unbreakable transparent shroude lf earthing terminals provided if hendle/crank for manual cherging of the closing spring provided Device for slow closing and opening Provided or not esteners of 12 mm dia end less re of stainless steel? psy Festenwrs of more then 12 mm dia are of stainless steel or steel hot Sip galvenised? +9) Yes/xo Yes, Yes, Yes/io Yes/tio Yes/Xo Yes/iio Yes/lio Yes/xo Yes/No ves/lio oO 12694 Annexure (contd. 10) -10- qe oo 84, (a) Is supporting freme hot dip calvenised Yes/ic ight of zinc costing (g/n°) g/m? 85. Is the offered interrupter of proven design? Yes/iio BS. fest certificetes, for ¢ sts as per the specif: are etteched or not a7. ervision fecilivies for er on, testing ead commissioning provided or not as. Z of imported components used in the offered breeker % 82. Are tne working components of . mecnerisn ere of corrosion resistance ! maverial 90. Is the materiel for plunger of closing end tripping coi} corrosion resistance Yes/io a. Is the firm have indigeaisation be procremme Oo Yes/No i o 32. If training of 2 It engineers ay erranged for a tote] period of 412 weeks or not a Yes/No 33. Warranty provided as per Cleuse No,21 Yes/No 3h. 4 list of spares has beea furnished ? Yes/No 93. Is the offered interruptor of s ° bottle design Yes/No 2. iary/contrel supply voltage with sible voltage verisvions for 2) Closing coil V de + % variatio: permissib2 Annexure {contd.11) tripping coil Concractors Any other item (for which the tenderer feels that the voltage s to be maintained within certein limits) ay deviation from this on asked + % verietion peraissiole. + jo ver ion permissiole, it # varietion permissible, Yes/ito LEGEND "D cikewtt preacer ; moe ° i as = TWTERRUE TOR . OD ISOLATOR TY - ee . = io Pre AISTRACTION TRAISTORMER a xT 7 : : a ey ee MY. AUTO TRANSFORMER, -bao Saab: "se CAPACI ion Appendix-1! Principte of AT Feeding Systen Traction Substation | 126949

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