But They Plan

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“But they plan, and Allah plans.

And Allah is the best of planner” 

Quran (8:30)
Before coming to UET, I had no plan of Engineering because I always wanted to become astronomer
since my childhood. But my father wished me to become an engineer and Allah had decided something
better for me , so I was enrolled here in Chemical Engineering. My first day in UET went well because all
seniors were very cooperative, and they helped us to visit whole department, labs and university as well. I
always used to say that golden period of my life is when I were in elementary school because there were
no worries at that stage of my life. We enjoyed so much, and all my friends are best. After taking
admission in High school I was little disappointed because teaching method of school especially in 9 th and
10th class was very poor. IN 9th class, I was very confused about my upcoming result because I thought
Examinations board always do favoritism but Alhamdulillah I got 502/550.It was most memorable day of
life. During my college life, I wished to enhance my social circle, to make new friends but my experience
in college was so discouraged and I used to count this period of my life in bad memories. But
Alhamdulilah, UET provides you a complete platform for learning as well as to enjoy life. The ethnicity
here helps you grow personally. Now I have some of my friends from senior sections. My classmates are
also very friendly and cooperative. I am very fond of reading books either Islamic, story books, articles
related to astronomy or even “Thermodynamics”. My friends often call me Theeta but It is okay for me
because I want to work hard and make my place in this world. One advice which I want to give is that at
this stage of your life, you have to focus seriously on your studies because there was some leniency for us
in college and school level. But now we all have grown up, we have to take the responsibility of our
family and home in next few years so study and work hard by heart. Be loyal to your aspirations. Set
goals and fight with the world to achieve them no matter what. And you are here to learn something so
spend your time doing something useful that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Your parents has
devoted their life for you and your successful profession so never disappoints them and take yourself to
such level that make your parents fell so PROUD. Bless you all.

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