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Anna University Exams April / May 2018 – Regulation 2013 Unique Important Questions – 8th Semester BE/BTECH

Unit I
1. Discuss various interconnection networks used in multi core parallel systems
2. What is cache coherence mechanism? Discuss various types of cache coherence
3. Discuss on SIMD and MIMD systems
4. Compare single-core vs multi-core architectures
5. Discuss in detail about symmetric and distributed shared memory architecture
Unit II
1. Define thread in multi core system. Discuss communication between threads.
2. Explain (a) deadlocks (b) livelocks (c) dataraces
3. Discuss synchronization. explain synchronization primitives used to code parallel
4. Discuss how data structure plays vital role in part of performance in running parallel
Unit III
1. Explain in detail about Open MP Execution model
2. Discuss (a) data parallelism (b) task parallelism (c) function parallelism
3. Explain how data parallelism achieved through OpenMP directives and also explain how
functional parallelism is achieved
4. Explain various types in handling loops in multicore systems
Unit IV
1. Discuss (a) Performance evaluation (b) Collective communication
2. Explain in detail, the MPI program execution.
3. Discuss on MPI_Init, MPI_Finalize, MPI_Comm_size , MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Reduce,
4. Explain about MPI send and MPI Receive.
Unit V
1. Explain n-body solvers in detail
2. Explain briefly about tree search using MPL with static and dynamic partitioning.
3. Explain in detail about OpenMp and MPI implementation
4. Explain (a) recursive depth first search (b) Nonrecursive depth first search

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