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Total Quality Management (TQM) is a project management technique or strategy that

is implemented to assure that an awareness of quality is embedded in all phases of

the project from conception to completion.
What aspect would you deem to be very important in the implementation of TQM in
any company and why?
In a company, as a working individual together with my colleagues, I do put pressure in the
aspect of Foundation stage where Ethics, Integrity and Trust belongs. In any situation,
these 3-basic aspects, for me contributes a lot on the success of implementation of TQM in
the company. Because, it is where all working modes came from, if you do not possess
these aspects, as well as to your working subordinates, working for TQM will be harder
than what you think. It is the aspect where all other aspects depend on. It is the key in
unlocking the great potential of implementation of the TQM in our respective company.
These aspects also manifest, if properly coordinated, the effectiveness of the TQM within
the company. It all talks about sincerity, fairness, openness and allows greater
participation by everyone in the company.

Project Management may refer generally to the planning, co-ordination and control of
a project from conception to completion (including commissioning) on behalf of a
client, requiring the identification of the client’s objectives in terms of utility,
function, quality, time and cost.
In carrying out a project, what one or two features would you think is very important
and why?
In choosing a system for your business, you cannot afford to make mistakes, therefore, on
my end there are two features that are very important in carrying out project; One is
Resource Management, because it is very a great convenience to have a resource
management function on a project management to enable to calculate expenditures, avoid
unnecessary expenses, and distribute the tasks well. Other one important feature is
Dependencies, Milestone, and Critical Path since it is a very good thing to have a system
where you can define all the development stages of a project and setting milestones to mark
specific points in a project to make sure that your project is moving in a right path.

I. Make a network diagram for the project activities as defined below without the use
of any crashing time intervals.
II. A fourth column is added which is the time an activity may be shortened. You
may make use of the values in this column, or not, or just use some of it (partial).
Make a second network diagram with some activities allowed to be crashed. The
object would be to make a shorter timetable by crashing selectively some of the
activities. For this last exercise, the shorter and correct diagram will gain the
better grade.

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