CE442 18S2 Exam1 Solution

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CE442 Exam I Summer II 2018

Instructor: Dr. Souhail Elhouar, PE


Date: 7-25-2018
Exam duration: 55 min
Name: Key
 Phones must be stowed away. You are not permitted to use your phone
for any purpose during the exam. Using your phone for any purpose
during the exam will providing sufficient ground for confiscating your
copy of the exam
 You may only use the AISC Manual of Steel Construction for this exam.
Use the LRFD Design Method for design calculations, unless the ASD Method is
specifically required.
 Print your name on the first sheet. DO NOT write it on any other sheets.
 There are 3 problems in this exam. You can attempt them in any order you wish.
 Write neatly and try to use only one side of each exam sheet. Do not use any other sheets.
 Do not separate your sheets.
 Label all your answers.
Answers that are not supported by calculations will not be accepted.
 If you finish within the last five minutes of the allocated time, please
remain seated until everyone else is done and all of the exams are

Best of Luck
Problem Points
1 /10
2 /10
3 /10 Scaled Adjusted

Total /30 /100 /100

This exam reflects my own knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. I have
neither given nor received help on this examination.

CE442 Exam I Summer II 2018
Instructor: Dr. Souhail Elhouar, PE

1) Associate the given definition with the appropriate letter from the following list:
A: Iy B: d C: 132 in3 D: 6 ft E: 12 ft F: Ix
G: Sx H: 3 kN/m I: 11,200 ksi J: 29,000 in K: 29,000 ksi L: Vn/
M: 1-in N:  O: 150 lb/ft 3
P: 300 lb/ft 3
Q: 490 lb/ft3 R: 1.75-in
S: dn T: 39 lb/ft3 U: 4.45 in V: 3.05 in

N Definition Answer

1) The moment of inertia of an I-shaped beam with respect to the strong axis F

2) The k1 distance of a WT5x56 M

3) The shear modulus, G, of steel I

4) The density of bulk barley T

5) The modulus of elasticity of steel K

6) The unit weight of steel Q

7) The weak-axis plastic section modulus of a W14x132 None

8) The least radius of gyration of a 2L-10x10x1 LLBB with ¾-in separation V

9) The symbol representing the actual depth of an I shaped beam B

10) The unit weight of reinforced concrete O

CE442 Exam I Summer II 2018
Instructor: Dr. Souhail Elhouar, PE

2) The beam shown has continuous lateral support. If the live load is twice the dead load, what
is the maximum service load (wD+wL), in kip/ft, that can be supported. Assume A992 steel,
use the LRFD design method, and only consider the bending limit state.

CE442 Exam I Summer II 2018
Instructor: Dr. Souhail Elhouar, PE

3) For the combined section shown in the figure across, find the
cross-sectional area, the moment of inertia Iy, with respect to
the weak axis, and the radius of gyration, ry. The section is
made up of a W21x44 with two L3x3x1/4 attached as shown.
Also, what is the total weight of the combined section?

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