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Note: To arrange paragraphs just place the number (e.g.

#1, #3) of the corresponding paragraphs in the left portion of the copy.

Slug line: ________________________

Headline: _____________________________ No. of units: ____________

The PNU elementary school launch the anual cleanliness & beatification contest September 16 at the school social hole.

In a mating with Presidents and vice-presidents of each class from Grade III to Gr. Six, Mrs. Alegria Flora Principal explain the
prosedures to folow.

According to the principal, its class class will be given an areas to cleaned. Ones a week, school officials will vissit the area and chose
the cleanest amongst them.

Prices will be awarded to the class who’s area will be pick the cleanest for 3 times. Th

This will give insentives to the students explained Mrs. Flores.

The handsome and intelligent Mr. Garcia Ramon, vocation al teacher who facilitated the meeting told the studes that thru the
contest cooperation will be developed

while order and cleanliness be maintained.

Congrattulations Mrs. Garcia

Note: To arrange paragraphs just place the number (e.g. #1, #3) of the corresponding paragraphs in the left portion of the copy.

Slug line: ________________________

Headline: _____________________________ No. of units: ____________

The PNU elementary school launch the anual cleanliness & beatification contest September 16 at the school social hole.

In a mating with Presidents and vice-presidents of each class from Grade III to Gr. Six, Mrs. Alegria Flora Principal explain the
prosedures to folow.

According to the principal, its class class will be given an areas to cleaned. Ones a week, school officials will vissit the area and chose
the cleanest amongst them.

Prices will be awarded to the class who’s area will be pick the cleanest for 3 times. Th

This will give insentives to the students explained Mrs. Flores.

The handsome and intelligent Mr. Garcia Ramon, vocation al teacher who facilitated the meeting told the studes that thru the
contest cooperation will be developed

while order and cleanliness be maintained.

Congrattulations Mrs. Garcia

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