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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2017/2018



SIGNATURE: ………………….
This report has been written by …………………………………………………….

Title: Eight weeks report in Information and communication technology with accounting

I recommend that it is accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree
in ict with accounting.

Supervisor’s name: ………………………………………………

Signature …………………………..


ITHBAT MOH’D ALI, do hereby declare that, this report is the result of my effort and my own
work. I am sure that no one submitted or did for me this work.

Date …………………………..

Signature …………………….

First, of all I would like to thank God the Almighty for the protection, guidance, and enabling our to
accomplish field report in good health,

Secondly, special thanks to my family, who supported me in one way or another, also my friends
who’s tirelessly give me their support, encouragement and assistance for the period of our field, may
the Almighty bless them all.

Also special thank goes to the management of Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (Z.S.T.C) for
allowing me to do field work for within 8 weeks their firm in different departments.

Also want to thank Mrs. ……………………… and Mr.…………………….. for their assistance,
charming, and all member of Z.S.T.C during that period.

I am very grateful to the School of business (SOB SUAZ) for their contribution,
Madam Najma. And all members of The State Trading Corporation ( ZSTC) for their support to
enable me to complete my studies.

Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC) is a Government Institution based in Zanzibar.
ZSTC was established under the Public Enterprise Decree No. 39 of 1966 through Zanzibar State
Trading Order Section 2(1) of 1968.  The Corporation was established to replace the functions of
the Clove Growers Association (CGA).  However, ZSTC was specifically charged with
responsibilities of clove development, processing essential oils and other agricultural produce as
well as conducting all necessary business in connection with the supply and distribution of
national commercial crops.

The main aim of this field work is to provide practical efficiency in ICT together with

Generally, the findings show that every activity in ZSTC goes systematically especially the
information system in particular.

In our eight weeks of field study we learn about networking, computer maintenance, window
installation, crimping RJ45, IP address and project planning.

Therefore, I conclude that I got so much knowledge and enough practices in my ground of
information and communication technology and nothing in accounting.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................3
Introduction about practical training.......................................................................................................3
Student background................................................................................................................................4
General objective....................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
Introduction to organization....................................................................................................................5
Company Background (ZSTC)...................................................................................................................5
Objectives of organization.......................................................................................................................7
Organization structure.............................................................................................................................8
CLOVE PRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................9
FARMERS LOANS.....................................................................................................................................9
CLOVE PRICE............................................................................................................................................9
BUYYING STATIONS.................................................................................................................................9
SOCIAL RESPONSEBILITY........................................................................................................................10
INVESTMENTS AND PROJECTS...............................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................11
Installation and configuration of printer................................................................................................11
Procedure to configure the network printer:........................................................................................11
Steps that are followed when install the printer...................................................................................11
Setting up remote desktop connections................................................................................................11

Configuration of remote desktop..........................................................................................................11
How to remote desktop.........................................................................................................................12
Maintenance of computer.....................................................................................................................12
Hard disk (HDD).....................................................................................................................................12
How to install hard disk driver in computer system.............................................................................12
How to install RAM in mother body......................................................................................................13
SETTING UP AND CRIMPING UTP CABLES WITH RJ45............................................................................14
Other task I was assigned preformed are:.............................................................................................14
CHAPTER EIGHT.........................................................................................................................................15
Lesson learned.......................................................................................................................................15
CHALLENGES FACED..............................................................................................................................16
EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS..................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................17
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION..............................................................................................17

Introduction about practical training
Field study is the training where by a student participate in field trip and finding practically to all
he/she has learnt theoretically in class. It means that field study provide real experience to those
looking to explore or gain the relevant knowledge and skills required to enter into a particular
career field. Field studies are relatively short term in the primary focus on getting some on the
job training and taking what’s learnt in the classroom and applying it to the real would. The field
trip should relate to specific material covered in class and the student should be able to
demonstrate a firm understanding of the concepts and be able to recognize them. Field study is a
part of University curriculum; It enable the students to be competent for doing practically on
those they have studied theoretically in the class at the University.

Generally field study program has a supervisor who assigns specific tasks and evaluates the
interns overall work. For internships for credit, usually faculty sponsor will work along with the
site supervisor to ensure that the necessary learning is taking place. Interns can be high school or
college students or even adults interested in trying out a new career field as well as to get
exposure to determine if they have a genuine interest in the field. Field studies are an excellent
way to begin building those all important connections that are invaluable in developing and
maintaining a strong professional network for the future. Subsequently interns are encouraged to
develop personal and professional goals, which are reviewed on a regular basis to ascertain new
learning directions and skills, which can be facilitated through our networks.

Student background
I am student who is study at School of business (sob suza), my education level is ordinary
Degree of ict with account at 2017/2018 semester II .Training start date was 20/08/2018 to

General objective
The following list of objectives has been extensively reported in literature discussing field
studies. The college subscribes to the following objectives but does not expect each student to
achieve every objective. Many of the program objectives will only be important to few students,
but each student should achieve a substantial portion of those listed:

a. Field student will provide students the opportunity to test their interest I a particular
career before permanent commitment are made.
b. Field studies students will develop skills in the application of theory to practical work
c. Field studies will provide students the opportunity to test their aptitude for a particular
career before permanent commitments are made.
d. Field studies will aid students in adjusting from college to full-time employment.
e. Field studies will provide students the opportunity to develop attitude conducive to
effective interpersonal relationships.
f. Internship students will be prepared to enter into full –time employment in their area of
specialization upon graduation.
g. Internship students will develop employment records/references that will enhance
employment opportunities.
h. Field studies will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the formal functional
activities of a participating organization.
i. Field studies will provide students the opportunity to understand informal organization

Introduction to organization
This study covered eight weeks to complete the field report which was cared at the Zanzibar
State Trade Corporation (ZSTC). It was prepared by the student of Degree of ict with account at
School of business (SOB - SUZA)

The main purpose of field work was to learn in practical component. such us to increase ability
of understand very well course to help student to get ability to understand to relate the theory and

Company Background (ZSTC)

Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC) is a Government Institution based in Zanzibar. ZSTC
was established under the Public Enterprise Decree No. 39 of 1966 through Zanzibar State Trading
Order Section 2(1) of 1968.  The Corporation was established to replace the functions of the Clove
Growers Association (CGA).  However, ZSTC was specifically charged with responsibilities of clove
development, processing essential oils and other agricultural produce as well as conducting all
necessary business in connection with the supply and distribution of national commercial crops.
For many decades, the production and marketing of clove and its allied products has been the
economic backbone of Zanzibar.  Up until now, Zanzibar relied heavily on the clove sector to
generate resources for its socio-economic development particularly the generation of foreign
exchange and balance of trade.  Due to that fact, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has
decided to take all the efforts and means to revive, strengthen, and further develop the ZSTC so that it
can be increasingly productive, profitable and is globally competitive.
In recent years, ZSTC has been facing a number of challenges that made it vulnerable to both
production and marketing threats and declining competitiveness.  Furthermore, the constantly
changing clove and clove products customer requirements and wants, shifting demands and
dynamics, recent scientific and technological advances, the ongoing global financial crises that has
created a widespread contraction in industrial production not seen since the first oil shock in the
1970’s; the shift in manufacturing know how and techniques; the proliferation of ICT in industrial
applications and manufacturing; the global overcapacity and declining demand for Zanzibar clove
products and services; and the global strategic rivalries that are likely to revolve around trade,

investments and technological innovation and acquisition in the next half of the century.  For that
purpose, the Revolutionary  Government of Zanzibar has set a ten-years of  Clove Development
Strategies with its objective is  to revamp clove production and bendable both marketing and trading
activities. In implementing ten-years (2011-2021) reforms, as one of the measures to readdress the
above mentioned problems, for ZSTC to be more effective and efficient, is to undertake a thorough
reorganization of its functions which will include review of its status, mandates, organization and It
Current cost structures.  Others include review of the governance, business systems and processes. 
The purpose of this process is to ensure the strategic repositioning of ZSTC so that it can be in
strategic fit with changing customer needs, national policies and strategies including MKUZA II; to
enable it to compete effectively in the local and international market; and to continuously enhance
excellence and cost effectiveness in products and service delivery.

To be the best promoter and trader of cloves and other high value agricultural product through increased
quality and quantities, harnessing productivity, competitiveness, sustainable market and income for the
benefits in satisfaction of ZSTC, farmers and processors.

Be a reputable facilitator for the development, promotion, quality improvement and enhance the
competitiveness of cloves and other agricultural product in the World markets.

Objectives of organization

 To reduce and eventually eradicate cloves traded through smuggling

 To increase the quality, hygiene and safety of exported cloves and allied products for
 To attract, develop, motivate and retain qualified, professional and skilled staff
 To strengthen and improve the institutional framework and capacity
 To increase the productivity and competitiveness of ZSTC

Organization structure


The ZSTC ‘s main products are Cloves and other essential oils such as Clove Steam oil, Lemon
Grass Oil , Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil , Eucalyptus Camel

dullness Oil, Sweet Basil Oil and export suchitems toabroad, hence be to replace the functions of the
Clove Growers Association (CGA).

The services provided by ZSTC includes the support of agricultural materials on plant nurseries
for clove trees . Materials such as Nets, spades, wheel barrows, empty plastics polythene bags,
paying wages for nursery staffs and other materials are sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural
resources. ZSTC through Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources provides free 1,000,000
cloves seedlings every year, farmers are mobilized to plant and insure it survives.

ZSTC facilitate smooth harvesting of cloves by providing soft loans to the farmers to the beginning of
the harvesting season. It provides more than 300,000,000/- loans without interest to farmers in every

ZSTC increases clove price in order to encourage farmers to grow this important cash crop and the
back-bone of Zanzibar economy in 2011the price rose from 3,500/- to 10,000/- and now shot up to
140,000/- per kilo. Farmers are paid 80 percent of the world market price and would get more
whenever the price increases.

ZSTC has 23 buying stations Unguja and Pemba which are close to farmers and more would be belt
when there is necessary, this is for simplifying cloves transportation from farm areas buying stations.

ZSTC is in final stage in the process of protecting and increase value of Zanzibar Cloves in the world
market by branding it.

ZSTC the sole controller of cloves business in the islands insures free flow of information, we
communicating with our internal and external stakeholders though all means of communication, its
effectively using Mass Media to communicate with stakeholders.

ZSTC empowers its stakeholders especially Clove Farmers by provided appropriate education. Every
year ZSTC organizes clove stakeholders meeting in all Districts Unguja and Pemba to share successes
and challenges of the crop production.

ZSTC is part of welfare and interests of the Zanzibar society; it contributes to sustainable
development, include social and economic welfare, it helps society and its environment prospers.


The investments and project initiated and or implemented by ZSTC aim at assisting and supporting
the 10 years of reforms or restructuring program, through the development of innovative quality and
cost effective investments, this is for improving the current condition of the ZSTC empowering stuffs
and vulnerable stakeholders in decision making processes. Currently, ZSTC has Investment
Buildings, Farm (Mtakata farms), Warehouses and outlets.

Installation and configuration of printer
Printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the
information to paper, usually to standard size sheet paper. Among the task I was given is
configuration and installation of printers.

Procedure to configure the network printer:

 Use printer toolbox to set printer IP address.
 Then click IP configuration and Uncheck Automatic IP.
 Then click tool manual IP Address, fix the IP address composed of subnet mask default
gateways and WINS server, then Apply.
 Test and read to use.

Steps that are followed when install the printer

 Click start button.
 Click device and printer.
 Add printer that you are installing.
 Add network select the printer you wish to install in a list.
 Choose the name of the printer.
 Click next then OK.

Setting up remote desktop connections

Remote desktop is an application that allows the user to control the desktop and indeed the entire
contents of the computer from second machine, this application gives the master computer access
to all of the contents on the remote computer, and often provides features like file transfer and
text chat.

Configuration of remote desktop

 Right click on my computer then properties.
 Click remote settings.
 Tick the word “Allow connections”.

 Apply and finally.
 Complete by clicking OK.

How to remote desktop

 Click start button.
 Click on accessories and select remote desktop connection.
Enter IP address of the slave host and finally click connect

Maintenance of computer

Hard disk (HDD)

Hard disk drive is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using
one or more rigid (“hard”) rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


How to install hard disk driver in computer system

 Power off the computer.
 Discharge all electromagnetic static current.
 Open the system case.
 Insert the new hard drive on the hard drive socket.
 Connect the power cable and SATA or IDE cable on the disk.
 Close the system case, and plug the source power cord.
 Power on computer

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage which allows data items to
be read and written in approximately the same amount of time, regardless of the order in which
data items are accessed or processed.


How to install RAM in mother body.

 Find out what type of RAM is required for your desktop computer, DDR1, DD2 or DDR3.
 Check how many slots you have for RAM.
 Make your purchase.
 Shut down the computer and open computer case.
 Locate your RAM slots.
 Remove old RAM (if upgrading).
 Insert the RAM into the RAM slot. Press it down firmly until you hear a crack noise just to
make sure the RAM seated in appropriate manner.
 Close up the computer and power on.
Check the RAM in Windows

Read Only Memory (ROM) is the computer memory in which basics instructions, operating
procedures or other data is permanently stored, generally on electronic chip during manufacture
and that ordinarily cannot be changed by the user, but other types of it can be changed to suit
user’s demands. Rom controls the time calculator, peripheral devices and help in boot process.




Other task I was assigned preformed are:

 Formatting and Re-installation of Windows.
 Setting up computer names according to ZSTC standards.
 To make sure that computer is in a ZSTC domain registration.
 Installing basic software’s like antivirus, adobe reader, office package etc.
 Troubleshoot network printer problems.
 Troubleshoot hardware and software in general.
 Troubleshoot network problems.

Lesson learned
 Provide support for network as well and as to assist users to diagnose and solve network
 Performing routing audits of network and performing network infrastructure maintenance
on a regular base.
 Apply network system updates, patches and configuration changes
 Over network infrastructure consisting of switches and routers, installs and maintains
computer and IT systems, local area networks and wide area network and troubleshoots
hardware and network-related issues
 Installing and configuring new hardware and software (switch, router, and firewall).
 Assist in maintaining windows 2003 servers, DNS, DHCP, Domain controller,

Microsoft Exchange 2010 and VPN.

 Ensure network security by maintain a system of safety backups and the disaster recovery
 How to work with diversity, because work place environment consist people of different
origin, culture and behaviors.
 Office rules and regulation, such as dressing style while in the office, and to attend timely
in the office

 According to large number of student on my field work I didn’t have what I expected to learn
 Lack of equipment especially computer that cause other students not perfume some of their
 Field not conducted during the clove season such that can’t participate well on their
activities .
 Staying for so many time without doing any things.

Actually I would like to be employed by the Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC)
organization .And I think they would like to be with me as employee. Definitely I didn’t get any
promise there to be as employee.


As far as gap between theory and practice is concerned, something should be done in order to
enrich business graduates with working experience that fits any work environment and enable
them to compete in the labor market. For the gap between theory and practice to improve the
following recommendations are relevant:

Students should be exposed to some new technology that many hosting organizations use in
doing their daily jobs. Training should emphasize the use of not only technology but also center
the underlying concepts.

The long term theoretical program in classes at School of business ( SOB -SUZA) has finally
ended to give a start for the practical application of theories through field practice. This has
encouraged me to learn more practical application on IT issues that are essential and demanded. I
was assigned at Zanzibar State Trading Corporation ( ZSTC) where my interest was to explore
the extent to which ICT is applied to the field of technology. My appreciation to Zanzibar State
Trading Corporation ( ZSTC) for everything they offered me during my field work place, they
were side by side with me to make sure that I accomplish my goals. (ZSTC) has satisfied my
training needs and requirements in the ICT department.

1. Madam Najma Y. Nuhu (2010) clove advocacy report, final edition, published by ZSTC
2. ZSTC Organization structure (2013), developed by Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein (President
of Zanzibar and the chairman of Revolutionary Council, (2013) enacted by the House
Representatives of Zanzibar

ZSTC organization.


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