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Complimentary Book – World
Class Maintenance
Management by Rolly Angeles 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
We ensure satisfaction in our training courses.
for each delegate If you think this training does not meet the
objective as mentioned in the brochure, we
will replace you with other training with the
Our Consultant: Rolly Angeles same or less value (valid 1 year).


Being World Class means the ability to compete anywhere in the world. World Class Maintenance Management
simply means the art and science of managing maintenance resources performed by best in class industries from
around the world.

But in most industries, the question is often raised, is it really possible to control or the pressure over
maintenance is controlling us? This 3 days training and workshop will outline the 12 Disciplines in order to
improve equipment reliability.

These Disciplines are categorized into three stages, the basics, Strategies and Advance Disciplines. Learn what
these disciplines are that most World Class Companies perform.
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines

World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


1) To reveal the most important cause on why most industries in the world are reactive and what can be
done about it to take them out of the box and provide a basic roadmap on how to transition the
maintenance organization to a better direction

2) To explain the basic maintenance required for each equipment and why the basics play the most
important part of any maintenance related initiative. Understand what the basics of maintenance is all
about and learn why most industries failed to recognize its importance.

3) To unveil an inconvenient truth about Preventive Maintenance. Most industries experience premature
failures right after a PM shutdown, overhauling or replacement. Why does this happen and is there
anything that can be done to reduce or completely eliminate early failures or what you call infant
mortality failure

4) To understand that operators are simply not maintenance customers but rather they are maintenance
partners. Learn why operators are important part of any reliability and maintenance initiative and why
maintenance is always a shared responsibility for both operators and maintenance respectively.

5) To uncover myth behind lubricating oil and how to extend the life of the oil indefinitely. Learn the
number 1 reason why most hydraulic and lubricating system failed and what can be done about them.
This training will also exposed the secrets why most oil industries want us to change lubricating oil on a
running hours.

6) To appreciate that not all critical parts on our equipment needs to be stock all the time. Understand
the main cause of problems on MRO Spare Parts and Storeroom and what can be done about them.

7) To comprehend when and when not to use Root Cause Failure Analysis and why most breakdown we
encounter on the equipment are all man-made. Understand the fundamental principle of Root Cause
Failure Analysis and learn what is the most important aspect of any investigation process. This training
will also allow the delegates to understand the difference between a problem solving tool and Root
Cause Failure Analysis.

8) To grasp the principles of any condition-monitoring instrument and why they are important in any
maintenance strategy.

9) To identify the number 1 mistake about automating their maintenance through a CMMS or
Computerized Maintenance Management Software. Learn why this is an important lesson for any
industry to adopt and how it reflects the overall performance of the group.

10) To share the most valuable maintenance values and philosophies to adopt. Learn how each of the
disciplines are attached on one discipline after another and what is the first step each industry can take
to finally achieve a world class maintenance management structure in their plant.
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


• Understand the need for an effective and World Class Maintenance Management structure in our
• Understand the importance of establishing the basics of maintenance before adopting any
improvement strategy
• Understand when to effectively use each of the different maintenance strategies in order to fully
improve the equipment reliability
• Develop a Corporate Strategy for maintenance function
• Provide a basic understanding on the 12 Disciplines of Maintenance Management and understand
the real focus of a true and meaningful Maintenance Structure
• Understand the real focus of a true and meaningful maintenance structure and finally learn what
it takes to achieve a World Class Maintenance stage in your industry


• Maintenance Managers
• Facilities and Utilities Managers
• Preventive Maintenance Group
• Predictive Maintenance Groups
• Reliability Engineers and Managers
• Maintenance Planners Operations and Production Managers
• Management and Decision Makers
• Continuous Improvement Groups
• People in charge of their assets
• CMMS and Spare Parts Group


Shell Petroleum Devlopment Company (Nigeria), Saipem Engineering Nigeria Ltd, Oil India Ltd, Konkola
Copper Mines, Zambia, Toyota Motor Corporation, Arabian Power, ITM O&M Company Ltd., UAE, Intel
Technology, Reliance Industries Limited, Haripur and Meghnagat Power Plant, Bangladesh, ST
Microelectronics, Fuji Electric, Asahi India, Yokohama Tyres and many more.
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines



Module 1: Understanding Equipment Failures

• The Truth About Machinery and Equipment

• Is It Really Possible to Eliminate Failures and Breakdowns on our Equipment
• What Maintenance is All About
• Common Belief on Maintenance – Does All Parts Eventually Wear Out
• What Stanley Nowlan and Howard Heap Discovered about Maintenance
• Limitations of Preventive Maintenance
• Understanding What Maintenance Can and Cannot Do
• Understanding Infant Mortality, Random and Age-Related Failures
• 6 Types of Failure Patterns
• Classification of Failures – Hidden and Evident Failures
• Types of Failures – Function Loss and Function Reduction Failures
• Occurrences of Failures – Sporadic and Chronic Failures

Module 2: Changing The Culture from Reactive to Proactive

• Reactive and Proactive Maintenance Explained

• Flowchart of a Reactive Maintenance Environment
• Learning the Correct Paradigm on Maintenance

Module 3: Understanding World Class Maintenance Management

• World Class Maintenance Management Defined

• What affects maintenance
• 12 Areas of Maintenance Management Discipline
• Basic Discipline, Maintenance Strategy Discipline and Advance Discipline

Module 4: Basic Discipline

• Discipline 1 : The Need for Training and Skills on Maintenance

o Training and Skills Assessment
o Steps to improve your current training needs
o Reflections and Learning’s from the first discipline

• Discipline 2 : Measurements and Maintenance KPI’s

o Most Common Mean Time Indicators
o Understanding Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
o Understanding Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
o Setting Maintenance Goals and KPI’s
o Reflections and Learning’s from the 2nd Discipline
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


Continuation on Module 4: Basic Discipline

• Discipline 3 : The Need for Autonomous Maintenance

o Why Autonomous Maintenance is Important
o Autonomous Maintenance Basic Concept
o Maintenance Guidance and Support for Autonomous Maintenance

• Discipline 4 : Addressing Basic Equipment Condition

o Importance of Going Back to the Basics
o Cleaning, Proper Lubrication and Tightening of Bolts
o Role of Operators in Establishing Basic Equipment Condition

• Discipline 5 : Understanding Preventive Maintenance

o Preventive Maintenance Definition and Objective
o What Preventive Maintenance Activities Includes
o Feasibility of Using Preventive Maintenance for Age-Related

Module 5: Maintenance Management Strategies

• Discipline 6 : Lubrication Strategy and Management

o Function of oil and its composition
o What cause oil to breakdown
o Understanding how contamination occurs
o Our Belief on Contamination and Contamination Control Awareness
o Absolute and Nominal Filtration
o Filtration Efficiency and Beta Rating of Filters
o Oil Analysis – Level 1 Testing Oil’s Health and Cleanliness
o How to remove contaminants from oil

• Discipline 7: Understanding Life Cycle Management

o Concept of Life Cycle Costing
o Why the study of Life Cycle Costing is important

• Discipline 8: Spare Parts Management

o Spare Parts Management Explained
o Importance of Physical Inventory and Systems Inventory
o Problems and Issues on Spare Parts
o Importance of having a Spare Parts Management Strategy
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


Continuation on Module 5: Maintenance Management Strategies

• Discipline 9: Root Cause Failure Analysis

o Root Cause Failure Analysis Defined
o Evidence – The Lifeblood of any Root Cause Failure Analysis
o Difference between Failure Analysis RCA and RCFA
o Levels of Root Cause – Physical Cause, Human Cause and Latent Cause
o RCFA Case Study – Pump Failures
o Reflections and learning’s from the 9th Discipline

• Discipline 10: Reliability Strategies

o Understanding Reactive, Preventive, Predictive & Proactive Maintenance
o Concept of Reliability-Centred Maintenance
o How RCM is being Performed
o Comparing TPM and RCM and what both of them believes
o Reflections and learning’s from the tenth Discipline

Module 6: Maintenance Management Advance Discipline

• Discipline 11: Understanding Condition Based Maintenance

o Predictive Maintenance Defined
o Understanding the P-F Interval
o Potential and Functional Failure
o Importance of determining Potential Failures

• Discipline 12: Computerized Maintenance Management Software

o Purpose of CMMS
o Application of CMMS
o Role of CMMS in Maintenance Management
o Considerations in selecting CMMS

Module 7: How to Apply the Twelve Disciplines of Maintenance

• Determine where your maintenance is right now
• Understand where you want to go
• Understand how you will go there
• Determine if you have finally arrived

Module 8: Learning’s from the 12 Discipline

• Maintenance Management Maxims
• Closing Remarks on World Class Maintenance
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


“No doubt, Mr. Rolly is an expert in maintenance field. I never came across such a beautiful learning ever.
Thanks to Mr. Rolly and my company BPCL. His thrust on lubrication, RCFA and RCM gave us another
dimension to our thought process.” - Maintenance Manager, Bharat Petroleum, India.

“World Class Maintenance is well defined and an eye opener for maintenance staff who are so caught up
with daily job routine and pressure. Thanks to the instructor - Rolly who is very passionate on maintenance
and bring out the value of maintenance. At least this course enables me to be focused and know where
to stand for my maintenance team. Powerpoint and excel provided makes life easier for me to train my
staff. Rolly shares stories and illustrations through videos and makes the class interesting - Service
Manager, IT Services, Hong Kong

“The title of this training speaks for itself. It is truly world Class. I can honestly say this as I have been in
many kinds of trainings worldwide. No dull moments in this 3 days training.” - Maintenance Supervisor,
Moog Control Corporation.

“This seminar somehow opens up the horizon on how to maintain our equipment and be reliable. There
are things that we are doing on our present practices that are not maximizing the useful life of parts. This
training opens our minds that there are a lot of strategies to save on maintenance costs.” - Supervisor,
Power Generation, EDC.

“Good knowledge sharing with practical experiences. Various aspects of maintenance strategies
discussed. New and advance methods to achieve reliability of equipment. New maintenance tools
exposure. Learnt new methodologies of maintenance like CBM, RCM, PdM, PM etc.” - Mundra Port, Manager

“With my almost 30 year of my maintenance experience in the field of electrical engineering both in mining
and power industry. I thought I was well equipped as a good maintenance personnel, but after this
training, it was reversed. The best thing I have learned today is to go back to the basics and from there,
practice and apply the 12 Disciplines of Maintenance learned one at a time.” Maintenance Planner, Sual
Power Plant, Philippines.

“It is enjoyable and eye opener for maintenance people,” Maintenance Manager, Mahkostia Utilities,

“The course has been very well put together. The instructor had a good balance between the course subject
and some lighthearted moments.” Senior Manager—Operations, Scomi Oil Tools, Malaysia.

“The training breakdown the whole concept of world class maintenance management into 12 disciplines
which is easy for attendees to digest. It also provides the execution plan or roadmap to achieve. Plastic
Injection, Malaysia
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines


Rolly Angeles, is a seasoned international reliability & maintenance consultant with 23 yrs of solid
experience in the field. He had been invited in different countries and have conducted reliability and
maintenance trainings in United Arab Emirates, India, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria and

His portfolio of maintenance trainings include Maintenance Management courses on TPM, Lubrication,
Tribology, Condition-Based Maintenance, RCM, RCFA, Planned Maintenance, World Class Maintenance
Management, The 12 Disciplines, Oil Contamination Control, Maintenance Indices and KPI’s, Maintenance
Management Strategies and much more.

Rolly previously worked with Amkor Technology Philippines, as a TPM Senior Engineer, an industry engaged
in the manufacture of Integrated Circuit products and spearheaded their Planned Maintenance organization
com-pose of maintenance managers and engineers.

He was also responsible for the dramatic reduction of unplanned breakdowns in their TPM Journey as well
as RCM implementation on their Facilities AHU units and as well as their substation equipment. Rolly is
currently working as an independent reliability and maintenance consultant. Rolly had released his first
book on World Class Maintenance Management - The Twelve Disciplines. It is not only a technical book but
this is a book that makes every maintenance feel proud that they belong to the maintenance function
World Class Maintenance Management
The Twelve Disciplines



Please register the following personnel to attend the training as above Call : +603 76511000
Please photocopy for multiple bookings. Fax : +603-76511001/2
Email :
Mail : Unit 3A21(4th Floor), Block A, Kelana Centre
Name: _____________________________________
Point, Jalan SS7/19, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
Designation & Dept. : _____________________________________ Malaysia

Email: _____________________________________
Office (Direct Line) _____________________________________
Early Bird Registration
Mobile Phone: _____________________________________ (Before 21st October 2018)
Early Bird Pricing: USD 1200 /per pax

Name: _____________________________________ Normal Registration

Individual Pricing : USD 1500 /per pax
Designation & Dept. : _____________________________________ Group Pricing : USD 1400 /per pax
(for 3 pax and above)
Email: _____________________________________
Office (Direct Line) _____________________________________ UPCOMING COURSES
i. High Voltage Testing and Measurement
Mobile Phone: _____________________________________ ii. Power System Protection
iii. Condition Based Maintenance
iv. Advanced Maintenance Strategies
Name: _____________________________________ Please contact our sales personnel for detailed of
2018 course calendar
Designation & Dept. : _____________________________________
Email: _____________________________________ COMPANY REGISTRATION POLICY
It is important to read and understand our Company
Office (Direct Line) _____________________________________ Registration Policy before signing or stamping the
registration form. You may get a copy of our policy
Mobile Phone: _____________________________________ from our personnel or from the link below:

Company Name: _____________________________________ CANCELLATION & PAYMENT POLICY

You may substitute the participants any time. No
Contact Person: _____________________________________ cancellation is allowed upon issuance of confirmation
and tax invoice. Payment has to be made prior to
Designation: _____________________________________ training date.

Address: _____________________________________ PROGRAM POLICY

Office (General Line): _____________________________________ Our consultant & topics are confirmed at the time of
publishing. However, circumstances beyond the
Office (Direct Line): _____________________________________ control of the organizers may occur. Asia iKnowledge
S/B reserves the right to alter or modify the
Fax No: _____________________________________ advertised speakers/ dates/topics if necessary.

Email: _____________________________________ PAYMENT DETAILS

Payment is required within 7 days upon receipt of the
invoice. All payment must be received 7 working days
Person In Charge: _____________________________________ prior to the training date.
Email (Finance): _____________________________________ PAYMENT DETAILS
Payment is required within 7 days upon receipt of the
Contact Number: _____________________________________ invoice. All payment must be received 7 working days
(Finance) prior to the training date.

1. Direct Deposit
I hereby agree to Asia iKnowledge Sdn. Bhd.’s Company Registration Policy
by signing and affixing the company stamp below: Account number: 144-900-263-1
Bank: United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, UOBM
Damansara Uptown, Ground Floor, No. 1, Jalan SS21/58,
Damansara Uptown, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Swift code: UOVBMYKL
* Please instruct your bank to pay all transfer charges
Authorized Signature Company Stamp from your account and send in a copy of remittance
advice by email/fax.

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