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Alcohols are a homologous series of organic compounds which have the hydroxyl
(OH) functional group. All alcohols contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and
oxygen. They have the general formula CnH2n+10H (where n = 1, 2, 3, etc.).
Naming Alcohols:

Physical Properties of Alcohols:

Alcohols show a gradual trend in the following properties:
1) Solubility decreases as the molecular size increases.
2) Boiling point increases as the molecular size increases. This is because as the
sizes of alcohol molecules increase, the forces of attraction between the
molecules also increase.
Chemical Properties of Alcohols:
Alcohols undergo combustion and oxidation reactions. The hydroxyl (-OH)
group in alcohols is responsible for the reactions that alcohols undergo.
1. Combustion:
Like alkanes and alkenes, alcohols burn in excess oxygen to produce carbon
dioxide and water vapour. The general equation for the reaction is:
2. Oxidation
An alcohol undergoes oxidation when it is heated with an oxidising agent such as
acidified potassium manganate (VIl). A carboxylic acid and water are formed. The
general equation for t he reaction is:

[O] represents oxygen from an oxidising agent. In this reaction, 2 mol of oxygen
atoms from the oxidising agent are needed to oxidise 1 mol of ethanol.
How is the oxidation of alcohols useful to us?
In Singapore, the police use breathalysers to test the amount of alcohol
consumed by drivers. A breathalyser contains an oxidising agent. If the breath of a
driver contains a high level of alcohol, a colour change is registered on the device.
Producing Ethanol from Ethene:
This is the main method for the industrial production of ethanol. Ethanol is
produced by the catalytic addition of steam to ethene. The reaction between
ethene and steam is carried out at 300°C and 60 atm. Phosphoric(V) acid (H3PO4)
acts as a catalyst in this reaction.

Producing Ethanol by Fermentation:

Alcoholic drinks such as wine and beer contain ethanol. To produce ethanol,
we ferment fruits, vegetables or grains. Alcohol fermentation is a process
in which micro-organisms such as yeast act on carbohydrates like glucose
in the absence of oxygen to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide.
How can we produce ethanol by fermentation in the laboratory?
1.A glucose solutions mixed with yeast and the mixture is kept at a temperature
of about 37°C.
2.During fermentation, carbon dioxide is produced. Hence, frothing (formation of
foam) can be observed in the flask.A white precipitate is formed in the limewater.
3. A dilute solution of ethanol is produced, up to only about 15% concentration.
This is because when the alcohol Content exceeds this amount, the yeast dies and
fermentation stops. Ethanol can be obtained from this liquid mixture by fractional
What are the steps taken during fermentation ?
When setting up the fermentation apparatus, there are a few precautions
to note:

Uses of Ethanol:
Ethanol can be used in alcoholic drinks, as a solvent and as a fuel.
In alcoholic drinks:
Ethanol is used in alcoholic drinks. Drinking alcohol can be addictive and can
cause serious health problems such as damage to the liver and kidneys, coma or
even death.
As a solvent:
Ethanol is a good solvent. It dissolves many substances that are not soluble in
water. It also evaporates quickly. Hence, it is used in paints, varnishes,
deodorants, perfumes, colognes and after-shave lotions. Shellac dissolved in
ethanol is used as a liquid polish.
As a fuel:
In cars ethanol can be mixed with petrol and used as fuel to run motor vehicles.
In cooking ethanol is the main component of methylated spirit. Methylated spirit
contains 85% ethanol, 5% methanol and 10% water. lt is used in spirit lamps and
burners for cooking.

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