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Written by:
Emerson D. Monsanto
Illustrated by:
Ailene S. Fernando
One Saturday morning, Jose and his family
went to his Lolo Karding’s farm. Jose is very
happy and excited. After 4 hours they reach
Lolo Karding’s farm.
“Lolo!” Jose run and hug his lolo.
“Oh! My handsome apo. let’s go
inside the house and eat. I know you and your
parents are hungry already.” Lolo Karding
After they ate and rest, Jose asked his
“Nay, Tay, can I tour around the
farm?” Jose ask
“It’s okay anak.”Nanay said
Jose went outside. He went first to the
“Wow! It is so beautiful here.” He said
The garden are full of different flowers
like roses, gumamela, santan, bougainvillea
and many more.
He also saw butterfly flying all around. One
butterfly flies around him and ask
“Hi, what is you name” the butterfly said.
“I am Jose. How about you?” Jose
“I am Mariposa. I am a butterfly.” Mariposa
said. “I have beautiful wings to move and fly
around and antennae to know my way
around. Proboscis I use to sip the nectar of
flower. A tube-like mouth that I and my
friends use for.” Mariposa introduce herself.
“Oh, that’s great to know that
Mariposa.” Jose said “Mariposa can you help
me to tour around?” Jose ask.
“I would love to help you Jose.”
Mariposa answered.
Mariposa guide Jose to his animal
friends. They went to the backyard where there
is a lake.
“Wow, it is so beautiful here Mariposa.”
Jose said with shock expression.
“Yes indeed Jose.” Mariposa said.
“Jose, I would like you to meet my animal
friends, they are Mario (horse), Charo
(chicken), Hector (frog), Fatima (fish), Cardo
(carabao), Sharon (turtle) and Shany (snake)
and animal friends this is Jose. Mariposa
introduce Jose to his animal friends.
“Hi Jose, I am Mario. I have four legs that I use to walk
and run and eyes to see my way. I have also fur that
covers my body for cold temperature. I love to eat
grass by using my mouth and teeth. Nice meeting
you Jose.” Mario said.
“Hi Jose, I’m Charo. I have two legs
that I use to walk. I have poor smell
but sharp eyesight. I use my beak
and claws to get and find my food. I
have feather just like my other birds
friend that protect our body and
regulate body temperature.
“Hello Jose, I am Hector. I
jump and swim around the farm
using my two strong paddle-like feet.
Also use my sticky tongue to get my
favorite bees and fly.”
“Hello Jose, I am Fatima. I love to
swim using my fins and tails. My
body covers slippery scale to easily
scape from the danger. Nice
meeting you Jose.”
“Hi Jose, I am Cardo. I am the
hardworking companion of the
farmers. Just like my best buddy
Mario I have 4 legs to run and walk,
furs to protect form cold
temperature. Mario and I love to
eat grass using our mouth and
strong teeth. Nice meeting you
“Hello handsome Jose, I am
Sharon, I love to swim and walk on
the land using my 4 legs so glad. I
have hard shell and scale to
protect me from the danger. Nice
meeting you Jose.
“Hi Jose, I am Shany. I have no legs
just like my friends but I have strong
and long body to creep. I also
have hard scale to protect my
body and fang with venom that
scares my enemy away from me.
Nice meeting you Jose.”
“Wow Mariposa, you have lots of
different animal friends. I hope we can all be
friends.” Jose said.
“We love too Jose.” Mariposa said.
Jose and his new found friend played and
laugh around until they get tire. All of them
have fun and enjoyed in each-others
company. That is why Jose is looking forward to
go back in his Lolo Karking’s farm to play and
laugh around with his new found friend.

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