The Dark Side of Corporations A Personal Opinion On The Documentary, The Corporation

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The Dark Side of Corporations

A Personal Opinion on the Documentary, The Corporation

Submitted by: Yvonne Dianne de Chavez

Submitted to: Ms. Alyssa Mari A. Reyes

In the 2003 documentary film, The Corporation, it described the modern-day
corporation as if it was a psychopath. It tackled the different effects of corporation in
our society today. It looks into the corporation as if it were a person, and considering
the effects of the corporation in our society today, it is indeed a psychopath.

One segment of the documentary showed the negative effects of the

corporation in the environment. In order to make more profit, for example in the milk
products, they are injecting chemical to the cows (in their case, a hormone) to
produce more milk. I felt sad because while we enjoy the luxury of the products
produced by these corporations, there are a lot of things happening behind the

I can’t grasp the other segments of the documentary since I am not well-
versed in the nature of business world and other stuffs related to this but I will
definitely allot some time to educate myself on this matter especially that this is very
timely in our society today. I am going to state my opinions on the WHO Personality
Diagnostic Checklist, a diagnostic criteria used in the film, of the corporation since
that part really was on my mind even after finishing the whole documentary.

First was the ‘Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.’ It is about the
cruel fate of the workers from luxury brands like Nike, as mentioned in the
documentary, who are receiving low salaries. This issue remains up to this day. It
disappoints me that we are enjoying having these products when those who really
worked hard to finish those products are struggling financially. The salary they are
receiving aren’t enough to provide her and her family’s basic needs.

Next was the incapacity to maintain enduring relationships. I think that the
corporations does not care for those deep relationships, they are only in a particular
place where the ‘desperate’ people are, and then after being successful in that place,
and then move on to the next plate where the ‘desperate’ people are. I think that this
is like you friend who is only there on your side when they need you, and then leave

when they are done using you.

Next was the negative effects of the corporation to our environment.

Pollutions, toxic wastes, and other harmful chemicals were invented. Remarkable
researches were conducted that lead to the discovery of new chemicals that have
never existed before, this compromises the safety of living things, as well as the
environment. All for profit and all, these corporations have ‘reckless regard for the
safety of others’. As much as we need those products to make our lives easier, and
has became a part of our lives, we might as well know that it compromises our safety
and the environment as well.

If the safety of the environment is compromised, the living things will also be
of course, in trouble. Nowadays, the probability of acquiring non-communicable
diseases such as cancer, and genetic diseases are significantly higher than before.
As a medical student, this is a serious issue. Antibiotics are becoming useless
because the harmful pathogens are now becoming resistant to the drugs. The
corporations are deceitful, they lie to gain profit and wealth.

Next is the incapability of the corporations to feel guilt. This is connected to

the previous facts stated above, they don’t care if they harm something, or someone,
only to gain money. It really is true when they said that money is the root of all evil.

Last is the failure of the corporations to conform to the social norms with
respect to lawful behavior. I have mentioned this a lot of times in this paper, that only
to gain profit, they’d do everything, the good and the bad things. They’re willing pay
large amount of fines only to get what they want. They think they will be able to
replace the money they paid after violating the law.

Corporations lie to gain profit. Corporations have destroyed lives.

Corporations act only on things where only them could benefit. It really made sense
to me that if the corporation was a person, he would be a psychopath.

I think I have only stated my opinion on the dark side of the corporations. It
provides us the goods and services that we need, it provides jobs to the public as
well. Corporations are also one of the source of tax revenue for the government. If
the corporations are to be removed, we will have to pay more for the products and
services that we need.

We have viewed the corporations as strategists having the different ways to

make money and influence everyone, it showed us the dark side of the corporations.
It showed the characteristics of a psychopath, as mentioned above: it only cares
about their benefit, and breaks the moral and social laws to get what it wants. It
exposed the reality of corporations.

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