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2. 1.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

2. Effective Oral and Written Communication

3. Agility and Adaptability


i think we must focus in our critical thinking first, and also in our effective communications,
because those skills are fundamental to work correctly in a society; it helps us to understand
better what is happening around us and express ourselves in a fluent way. also, i think those skills
develop other which are mentioned in the text, because critical thinking is fundamental for all
aspects of our lives.

3. Agility and Adaptability and Effective Oral and Written Communication

As we can see with this situation, a teacher have to have the ability of adaptability, because, as the
text says, we live in a world that is constantly changing, for example this pandemic, all the
teachers had to adapt their classes to a virtual mode. On the other hand, is fundamental that
teachers have effective oral communications because their job is exactly that, communicate
information to others, and give it as clear as possible to make then understand. So, that is why I
think those skills are important to become a successful teacher.

4. I think we need patience, resilience, temperance and other values to be successful in a job, but
most important, I think is passion. We should not do things mandatory, because when we do it,
the things do not flow in a good way, with good energy, and it then become in a problem because
that grind down us. so, is necessary to know that everything we do in our lives, we must do it
because we want, because it has a purpose for us, and because we love what we do.

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