What Would You Do With A Million Dollars?: Philip Brewer

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What Would You Do With a Million Dollars?


Have you ever thought about winning a million dollars? What would you do with so much
money? In the following text, we will find out what some people would do if they won a million

If you had a million dollars (tax free), what would you do with that money? Will you invest
it, take a trip, start a business, quit your job, or give it to charity?

Philip Brewer

There's an old joke people tell around here. One farmer asks another, "What would you do,
if you won a million dollars?" The other farmer thinks for a moment, then says, "I guess
keep farming until the money runs out."

I didn't give up very much to become a full-time writer (because I had been saving for this
for a long time — the closing of the site where I worked just accelerated things by a couple
of years). We dropped our standard of living just a bit. If I won a million dollars, we could
move back up to the standard of living that we had when I was getting paid a salary. We
had also been looking for houses, and have had to put that on-hold indefinitely. (I want a
small house within walking distance of downtown. I've got plans to make it super energy-
efficient.) Winning a million dollars would make buying a house possible.

Other than that, I don't expect winning a million dollars would change my life a whole lot. I
pretty much like my life just as it is — why screw it up?

Linsey Knerl

Assuming it is AFTER taxes, I'd like to start a small family-support office in my hometown.
I'd staff some counselors and support workers and contract with the state to assist families
in the area.

I'd also like to buy a few hundred acres of farmland to rent out. The land would generate
some passive income while leaving something for my children's inheritance.

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Slika 33.1.1

Paul Michael

I'd give my $1 million to Richard Branson, telling him he could keep half of the profits he
made from whatever venture he decided to start with it. He's way smarter than me, I know
he'd turn the $1 million into some serious cash. Then I'd buy my own island and retire there
with my family, sipping ice cold beers on a perfect white beach.

Kenaan Hamzeh

I would start to go on vacations a lot more frequently. I would most likely go to my favourite
vacation spot, which is Mexico. For the first time in my life I would take a first class trip to
Mexico and stay at the one series of resorts I trust. I suggest if you haven’t used them go
to the Palace Resorts. Vacations fill up a lot of my life, I love paradise, and I go there yearly.


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My family already has our vacation plans already for the next few years. Every anniversary
either only my parents go, or I go as well, and at winter break (this year Christmas and
New Year’s) we are going as a family with my sister. If I had a million dollars I would make
that a lot more frequent.

http://www.wisebread.com/what-would-you-do-with-a-million-dollars and


Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

tax – porez invest – ulagati

charity – dobrotvorna ustanova quit – napustiti
joke – vic, šala guess – pogoditi, nagađati
writer – pisac run out – potrošiti
site – mesto give up – odustati
salary – plata accelerate – ubrzati
on-hold – na čekanju drop – opasti
distance – daljina, udaljenost expect – očekivati
downtown – centar grada screw up – pokvariti, upropastiti
support – podrška assume – pretpostaviti
hometown – rodno mesto staff – snabdeti osobljem
counselor – savetnik contract – sklopiti ugovor
state – država assist – učestvovati, pomoći
acre – hektar rent – najmiti
income – prihod generate – proizvoditi
inheritance – nasleđe retire – povući, penzionisati
venture – (rizično) ulaganje, opasan sip – srknuti
poduhvat trust – verovati
cash – keš fill up – ispuniti
vacation – odmor
spot – mesto
paradise – raj
anniversary – godišnjica
break – odmor

Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions

(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):

full-time – puno radno vreme within – unutra, u, unutar

indefinitely – neodređeno other than – osim
a whole lot – veoma
pretty – prilično
frequently – učestalo, često
likely – verovatan
yearly – svake godine
frequent – učestali

Tabela 33.1.

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Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

charity – donation, gift invest – contribute money to make money

joke – humor, gag quit – abandon, leave
writer – author guess – try to figure out
site – place of activity, location run out – fail, expire
salary – income, pay accelerate – increase speed
distance – interval, space drop – fall
downtown – city, business district expect – hope, predict, forecast
support – help, assistance screw up – make a mess of
hometown – home assume – guess, expect
counselor – adviser, instructor staff – supply with employees
state – government, country contract – agree, arrange, negotiate
acre – piece of land assist – help
income – cash, earnings rent – hire, lease
inheritance – heritage generate – produce, create
venture – adventure retire – depart
cash – money, assets sip – drink slowly
vacation – holiday trust – believe, place confidence in
spot – location, place fill up – fuel, feed
paradise – heaven, utopia
anniversary – celebration, remembrance,

Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions

(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):

indefinitely – continually, endlessly within – inside, in

a whole lot – very much other than – besides, also, likewise
pretty – quite
frequently – often, periodically
likely – probably
yearly – annually
frequent – common, repeated

Tabela 33.2.


• In the following text, we could see that everybody would do a different thing with so
much money; it is their right. Everything depends on the person. There were many
examples of the second conditional.

Napomena za testove napredovanja: Kako biste što bolje usvojili gradivo, uz ovu lekciju
dostupni su testovi za vežbu koji se odnose na razumevanje teksta i vokabulara iz ove
nastavne jedinice.

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