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Overpopulation has environmental and social consequences that increase problems between


Overpopulation has caused problems that happiness since there is no space for so much human or
probably yes, however, consequences have been noted where there is social deterioration, the
quality of human life is decreasing every time because everyone wants to live in a good way
without realizing it that excess people are consuming our survival aids such as natural resources.
Where employment options are decreasing and population increase half of them will go through
famine and to end the diseases caused by the population increase.

Topic sentence 1

The excess of population produces decrease in natural resources. First, in foodstuffs because
there is faster consumption and the planet does not generate them quickly, namely, their growth
is slow and climate change does not help accelerate growth of them. Second, overpopulation
requires too much demand in services such as drinking water, this is exhausted by the waste of
people. Third, more infrastructures is needed, the more economic spending on new machinery to
develop methods and products for our survival therefore, more pollution into the air and this
produces harm healthy.

 A help could be that governments teach the population to reuse these natural resources,
for example in the case of water we can reuse it in our home by doing the following:

 When you wash the clothes in the washing machine, the water with soap that the machine
expels we can reuse cleaning inside the house, or for example inside of the bathroom.

 When you wash the crockery, you can save that water with soap to wash other dishes and
so on.

 Another example can be when it rains, you collect that water in buckets and you can reuse
it to put in your plants or wash your car.
Topic sentence 2

Environmental terms: more garbage is generated and the decomposition of these odors can be
harmful to human health, as well as emissions of gases, pesticides, detergents and other chemical
products that cause air pollution, causing storms, floods or even droughts.

On the other hand, due to overpopulation, we have increased deforestation, remembering that
trees are sources of oxygen and cleaning toxins that are harmful on the being human.

 There are methods of reusing garbage that help minimize the environmental damage that
we have generated. For example we can recycle plastic by making crafts or we can recycle
garbage including kitchen waste that are helpers in nutrients for the growth of plants.

 In terms of deforestation, we currently do not need the use of wood because technology
offers us an option to write instead of using notebooks for example, or we can find other
technological materials that reduce the use of wood.

Topic sentence 3

Social terms: People will need to work in order to survive, however, the high supply of
overpopulation decreases the possibility that all human beings get a job generating
unemployment and famine, consequently there will be disasters among us such as robberies and
murders, apart from this, some people may pay their needs, their things but others cannot
because will have not enough resources for each human being.

 One solution to avoid social growth is to use contraceptive methods since it can be a
solution to mitigate natality, it is not a selfish option but it can help lower population
growth rates.

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