Power Balance of A Hybrid Power Source in A Power Plant For A Small Propulsion Aircraft

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12, DECEMBER 2009

Power Balance of a Hybrid Power Source in a Power

Plant for a Small Propulsion Aircraft
Elena Bataller-Planes, Nieves Lapeña-Rey, Jonay Mosquera, Fortunato Ortı́, Jesús Á. Oliver, Member, IEEE,
Óscar Garcı́a, Member, IEEE, Félix Moreno, Jorge Portilla, Yago Torroja, Miroslav Vasić, Santa Concepcion Huerta,
Matı́as Trocki, Pablo Zumel, Member, IEEE, and José A. Cobos, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper analyzes two different architectures for the transportation sector, this research has been focused mainly
a hybrid power source comprising a polymer electrolyte mem- in the automotive industry.
brane fuel cell and a Li ion battery. The hybrid power source feeds In the field of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles, a comparison
the propulsion motor of an all-electrical aircraft, the Boeing Fuel
Cell Demonstrator. Unregulated and regulated hybrid power ar- of the train drive efficiency of electric vehicles (EV), hybrid
chitectures are examined. The regulation is achieved by means of a electric vehicles (HEV), and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) through
controllable series boost converter (SBC) connected in series with efficiency maps has been performed in [1]. An analysis of the
the fuel cell. Both architectures have been simulated, implemented, current situation of advanced electrical power systems in elec-
and tested in the Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator airplane. tric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles is given in [2]. Mean-
Index Terms—Fuel cell, hybrid power source, power balance, while, the research for the application of fuel cells in aircrafts
series boost converter (SBC). has been mainly focused on auxiliary power units (APUs) and
on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) [4], [5]. In this paper, the
focus is placed on the analysis of two architectures for a manned
I. INTRODUCTION full electrical aircraft.
HE need for CO2 footprint reduction to limit its effect on The Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator is a manned full electrical
T the climate change, the shortage of fossil fuels, and the
increased demand for energy are driving the research in new
aircraft that flies level with only the energy of a polymer elec-
trolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell. It is an example, not only of
and clean sources of energy, higher efficiency processing, and an all-electrical aircraft, but also of an environmentally friendly
saving of energy. The combination of these new sources with aircraft, because the only exhaust product is water vapor.
the potential improvement in the energy processing provided The aircraft’s platform is the Austrian HK36 Super Dimona
by advanced power electronics systems can provide significant motor glider, a two-seater Jar 22 certified aircraft with a max-
reduction of CO2 emissions and reduce the dependence of fossil imum takeoff weight of 770 kg, a wing span of 16.3 m, and a
fuels. maximum lift to drag ratio of 27. The original motor glider was
The industry is aware of this potential, and a lot of research slightly modified to accommodate all different systems (fuel cell
resources and work have been involved on the analysis and system, fuel system, battery, power electronics and control, elec-
evaluation of fuel cells in many applications ranging from dis- tric motor and drive, thermal management system, etc.). After
tributed generation to mobile applications [1], [2], [4]–[8]. In all different systems were installed onboard, the demonstrator
weighs 870 kg, including the pilot.
The airplane has two levels of power demand: a high-power
demand for take off and climb, and a low-power demand for
Manuscript received July 17, 2008; revised September 26, 2008 and January cruise (see Fig. 1). Since fuel cells have relatively low specific
15, 2009. Current version published December 28, 2009. Recommended for
publication by Associate Editor M. G. Simoes. This paper was presented in part
power values, the fuel cell of the Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator
at the IEEE 39th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Rhodes, Greece, Airplane was sized for the cruise power demand. The additional
June 16, 2008. power required for take off and climb is provided by a Li ion
E. Bataller-Planes, N. Lapeña-Rey, J. Mosquera, and F. Orti are
with the Environmentally Progressive Air Transport Department, Boe-
battery, which has higher power density but lower energy den-
ing Research and Technology Europe, Boeing Company, Madrid sity than the fuel cell (for sufficiently high energy storage re-
28042, Spain (e-mail: elena.bataller@gmail.com; nieves.lapena@boeing.com; quirements) [3]. Therefore, the Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator
jonay.mosquera@boeing.com; fortunato.d.orti@boeing.com).
J. A. Oliver, Ó. Garcı́a, F. Moreno, J. Portilla, Y. Torroja, M. Vasić,
Airplane has a hybrid power source comprising a PEM fuel cell
S. C. Huerta, M. Trocki, and J. A. Cobos are with the Depar- and a Li ion battery.
tamento de Automática, Ingenierı́a Electrónica e Informática, Escuela The objective of this paper is the analysis of two electri-
Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII), Universidad Politécnica
de Madrid (UPM), Madrid 28006, Spain (e-mail: jesusangel.oliver@
cal architectures for this hybrid power source: unregulated and
upm.es; o.garcia@upm.es; jorge.portilla@upm.es; yago.torroja@upm.es; regulated.
miroslav.vasic@upm.es; conihuerta@etsii.upm.es; matiastrocki@hotmail.com;
P. Zumel is with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de
Ingenieria, Electronica, Madrid 28911, Spain (e-mail: pzumel@ing.uc3m.es). II. POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. The airplane is equipped with a dc brushless motor consisting
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2009.2022943 of an inverter and an electrical motor that drives a variable-pitch

0885-8993/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Power architecture with unregulated hybrid power source.

Fig. 1. Simplified power profile for the flight mission.

architecture has already been presented and analyzed for a low-

propeller. The motor power is proportional to the torque gener- power (135 W) fuel cell application by [8] but using a converter
ated by the motor and the rotational speed set by the propeller in parallel with the fuel cell. The SBC is composed of six com-
pitch angle. The pilot controls the torque magnitude by means mercial converters in parallel, in a master–slave configuration.
of the throttle lever and the rotational speed by setting it in the Individual serial diodes are added to each converter. The serial
propeller pitch controller. The throttle lever input is processed boost converter, comprising the converters and the serial diodes,
by a controller (the power management and distribution control is bypassed by a power diode. When the SBC is disabled, the
board) that sends the torque command to the motor inverter. The current flows through the bypassing diode.
rotational speed is controlled by the propeller control unit. The advantage of using a dc–dc converter in series with the
During take off and climb, both the battery and the fuel cell fuel cell rather than in parallel, to control the power balance,
supply power to the electric motor. During the cruise, the battery is that the power handled by the dc–dc converter (PSBC ) is a
is disconnected and the fuel cell supplies all the power required fraction of the fuel cell power (PFC ) given by
to maintain a straight level flight. The battery is not recharged
in flight.
The fuel cell system’s maximum output power is 24 kW gross. PSBC = PFC . (1)
The output voltage of the fuel cell system varies following its VBUS
polarization curve (V versus I) from approximately 320 V at
open circuit voltage (OCV) to 215 V at full power. The serial connection of the dc–dc implies lower losses, and
The battery can supply a maximum continuous power in the therefore, lower size and weight of the converter. In the demon-
range of 50–75 kW. The battery voltage depends on its state strator airplane, the fraction of the fuel cell power processed
of charge and current. The nominal voltage is 237 V, the OCV by the dc–dc converter is 15% (3 kW) in the worst-case sce-
when the battery is fully charged is 264 V and the battery can nario. Additionally, the SBC acts as an active filter for the low-
discharge down to approximately 215 V. frequency current harmonics of the inverter that can negatively
The propulsion motor consumes approximately 40 kW dur- impact the behavior of the fuel cell [10].
ing take off and climb (approximately 7 min). The total power
delivered by the sources during take off and climb is approxi- A. Power Balance for an Unregulated Architecture
mately 43 kW. Additional loads include the fuel cell auxiliary
equipment and small actuators, controllers, and other electrical The bus voltage and the power delivered by each source is
equipment. The detailed descriptions of the power sources and a function of the demanded load and the state of charge of the
the airplane’s subsystems are given in [6] and [7]. battery. The simplified power flight profile of the Boeing Fuel
Cell Demonstrator Airplane is shown in Fig. 1. During the high
power demand phase, more than half of the power is drawn from
the battery. As the battery discharges, the battery, bus, and fuel
Among the different architectures that could be used for the cell voltages decrease. Therefore, the fuel cell power increases
Boeing Fuel Cell Demonstrator Airplane [2], [8]–[12], two have (the lower the voltage of the fuel cell, the higher its current and
been finally selected due to their simplicity (architecture 1) and its power), whereas the battery power decreases.
the power management capability (architecture 2). With this architecture, the fuel cell is operated below its max-
In the first architecture (see Fig. 2), the hybrid power source imum power output capabilities in all conditions. The power
comprises the fuel cell and the battery connected in parallel to drawn from the battery and/or the fuel cell depends only on
a distribution bus by means of serial diodes. the V–I characteristics and the internal resistance, showing low
In the second architecture (see Fig. 3), a converter is added design flexibility. Therefore, the battery and the fuel cell of the
in series with the fuel cell to increase the voltage of this branch. demonstrator have been chosen to have similar V–I characteris-
This converter is named series boost converter (SBC). A similar tics in order to use most of the SOC of the battery.

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Fig. 3. Power architecture with regulated hybrid power source.

B. Power Balance for a Regulated Architecture

There are multiple options, depending on the objectives of Fig. 4. PMAD box.
the application, to control the power flow between the sources
and the load. A fuzzy logic algorithm is proposed in [14] to
tections, and a control board. The dimensions of the box are 147
maximize the global energy efficiency. A multiobjective control
× 276 × 438 mm. The PMAD box is in charge of distributing
algorithm is presented in [15] for the power converter based on
the power from the sources to the loads and of managing the
a state diagram that regulates the power flow between the fuel
power flow and protections. The power flow and protections
cell, the battery, and the load. In this case, the objective is to
management comprises the following:
minimize the energy supplied by the battery in order to reduce
1) the control of the wake-up/shut-down sequences;
its size.
2) the protection of the different components;
The power balance can be achieved by regulating the output
3) the interface with the pilot through the instrumentation
voltage of a converter (SBC) connected in series with the fuel
cell to the distribution bus (see Fig. 3). The output voltage of this
4) the regulation of the power balance between the fuel cell
converter sets the bus voltage within the limits of its operating
and the battery;
5) the command of the propulsion motor by means of the
For a given bus voltage, the SBC allows the fuel cell to work
throttle input and the configuration and state of the elec-
at a lower voltage, i.e., at a higher power. In this way, the battery
trical system.
works at a lower power level and lasts longer. Additionally, the
The regulation of the power balance between the sources can
battery is discharged at a lower current, which normally results
be enabled or disabled to obtain the regulated and unregulated
in a higher useful capacity.
architectures, respectively. To disable this regulation, the SBC
The output voltage of the converter is regulated through a
is disabled, and the fuel cell current would flow through the
control loop in such a way that, for a given load, the power
bypassing diode (see Fig. 3). When using the regulated architec-
delivered by the fuel cell, and so its current, is maximized.
ture, the SBC is only enabled when both sources are connected
to the bus.
Both proposed architectures were implemented in the Boeing B. PMAD Control Board
Fuel Cell Demonstrator Airplane within the power management
The PMAD box is controlled by an internal control board. The
and distribution box (PMAD).
heart of the PMAD control board is an field programmable gate
array (FPGA) that implements the digital control loops that are
A. PMAD Functionalities
in charge of the SBC and throttle regulations, and the controls
This box (see Fig. 4) is the integrative element of the airplane that are in charge of the sequences, protections, and interface
electrical system, and is mainly composed of the dc–dc convert- with the pilot. The control board (see Fig. 5) comprises sensing
ers of the SBC (several modules in parallel), dc–dc converters and analog interface circuitry (sensors signal conditioning, dis-
to generate the low voltage buses (24 and 14 V), the power con- play signal conditioning, SBC command reference, and throttle
tactors of the architecture, electromagnetic interference (EMI) interface circuit), digital circuitry (analog-to-digital converters
filters, a filter for the inverter noise based on coils and a power (ADCs), digital-to-analog converters (DACs), FPGA, Flash and
capacitor, current and voltage sensors, distribution buses, pro- PROM memories, clocks, digital input/output (I/O) interface,

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work with the fuel cell delivering its maximum current and the
battery delivering the rest of the load current.
The design of the control loops was based on the frequency
responses obtained through the ac analysis performed by the
simulator of the system under different operating conditions.
Since the dynamic behavior of the main components (battery,
fuel cell, dc–dc converters, and load) was accounted in their
models the simulator became a powerful tool for the design of
the loops. An example of the dc–dc converter reference voltage
(SBC_CMD) to the battery current transfer function used for
Fig. 5. PMAD control board. the design of the current control loop is shown in Fig. 7.
The control loop was first tested using the PEM fuel cell,
with a laboratory power supply replacing the battery and a pro-
and solid-state power controllers (SSPCs) state interface), and grammable load unit replacing the propulsion motor and in-
power circuitry (power supplies conditioning, contactors com- verter. In this test, the fuel cell works at 20 A if the load is equal
mands circuit and SSPCs). The FPGA receives the analog and or higher than 20 A. Otherwise, the control makes the fuel cell
digital information from the sensors (current and voltage mea- supply the demanded current.
surements) and the pilot (switches and throttle lever position), At the beginning, the load current is lower than 20 A, there-
processes them, and commands the power contactors, the solid- fore, the SBC output voltage is set so the fuel cell delivers all
state power controllers, the LEDs and the digital displays on the the current and the laboratory power supply delivers no current.
instrumentation panel, the enabling and command of the SBC, Afterwards, a positive current step is applied and the control
and the torque request to the propulsion motor inverter. increases the SBC output voltage to make the fuel cell deliver
20 A and the laboratory power supply deliver the rest of the load
current (see Fig. 8).
C. Sequences and Protections Once the battery discharges down to the point where the min-
The start-up and shut-down procedures are controlled through imum output voltage of the SBC is reached, the bus voltage is
a state machine, which also protects the sources and the propul- fixed by the fuel cell. Since the battery continues discharging, it
sion motor inverter. is not longer able to supply the difference between the continu-
A low-voltage, low-power battery feeds the PMAD control ous loads power and the maximum fuel cell power, so the fuel
board, and afterwards, allows the start of the Li ion battery by cell would have to operate over its capabilities. To avoid this, a
powering its internal controller. The battery is connected to the control law that decreases the main load power (the propulsion
distribution bus through a classical soft start (see Fig. 2), gradu- motor) was implemented in the throttle control of the demon-
ally charging the capacitors connected to the bus (approximately strator airplane.
8 mF). Once the capacitors are charged, the battery is connected The throttle control sends a proportional torque command to
to the bus through a power contactor. When the bus is energized, the propulsion motor inverter taking into account the throttle
the fuel cell balance of plant gets powered and allows the start of lever position and the state of the system. If the throttle demand
the fuel cell system. The fuel cell stacks are directly connected implies the propulsion motor power being higher than the power
to the bus through an additional power contactor. allocated in the sources, the control automatically reduces the
The state machine monitors the electrical variables to detect torque command to reach a balance between electrical sources
electrical faults and uses the same power contactors to protect the and electrical loads. This is done by means of two control loops
sources and the inverter against overcurrents, negative currents that compare the measured sources currents with their maximum
in the sources, fuel cell current steps, undervoltages, overvolt- allowable currents, respectively.
ages, and regenerative operation of the motor. The low-power Additionally, the throttle control processes the torque com-
lines are protected against overcurrents mainly by SSPCs. mand through a slew ramp limiter in order to obtain smooth
power change rates. Since fuel cells have relatively slow dy-
namics [16], [17], or in other words, fast transient loads can
D. Control Loops have a negative impact on the stacks [18], the slew ramp limiter
The output voltage of the SBC is regulated through a control avoids exceeding the maximum allowable rate of power change
loop that maximizes the fuel cell power, and therefore, the fuel per unit time.
cell current in such a way that the required battery capacity is The SBC control maximizes the fuel cell current and the
minimized. throttle control can decrease both the fuel cell or the battery
In order to determine the desired fuel cell and battery currents, currents when reducing the motor torque command and so the
the load current is compared to the maximum fuel cell current motor power. Since, these controls can influence the sources
(see Fig. 6). If the load current is lower than the maximum currents, there is a link between the SBC control and the fuel
fuel cell current, the hybrid system is forced to work with the cell current control loop of the throttle control (see Fig. 6),
fuel cell supplying all the demanded current and the battery so both cannot work at the same time. A logic state machine
supplying no current. Otherwise, the hybrid system is forced to decides when each one should operate. The throttle limitation

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Fig. 6. Control loops.

Fig. 7. Simulated SBC control to battery current frequency response.

would start operating once the SBC output voltage decreases architecture and control, allowed the evaluation of the system in
down to its minimum while the load is demanding a constant all different operative conditions and faults. The model was also
power. useful to fine-tune the controls and protections before setting
up the tests bench. The fuel cell and the battery were modeled
based on experimental data. The polarization curve was used for
V. SIMULATIONS AND TESTING the fuel cell steady behavior and results of small-signal source
Both architectures were simulated prior to implementing impedance tests were used to fit the fuel cell dynamic behavior.
them in the electrical system. The model for the hybrid power Fig. 9 represents a typical normalized polarization curve of a
system was developed in SIMPLORER and the model for the PEM fuel cell [19] where it can be seen that the output voltage
control was developed in Simulink (MATLAB) to account for from open circuit to full load can vary in almost a 2:1 ratio.
its digital hardware implementation effects (resolution and fi- The model of the battery to perform the simulations is based
nite arithmetic). The cosimulation of the whole system, power on [13] that accounts for the variation of the output voltage as

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Fig. 10. Measured power values with unregulated hybrid source during take

Fig. 8. Validation of SBC control loop (CH1 is the bus voltage, CH2 is the
SBC output voltage, CH3 is the power supply current, CH4 is the fuel cell

Fig. 11. Measured currents with unregulated hybrid source during take off.

In the first case, the measurements were done by voltage and

Hall effect current probes, were conditioned by acquisition cards
Fig. 9. Typical normalized fuel cell polarization curve. and recorded in a computer. Data were acquired at 0.17 Hz.
In the second case, the acquisitions were taken in the PMAD
a function of the state of charge and the effect of the rate of box. Measurements were done by internal Hall effect current
discharge. The discharge curves of the battery cells at different and voltage probes, and were conditioned and recorded by the
constant currents used to build the battery model are in [7]. PMAD control board. A Flash memory controlled by the FPGA
The models of all individual components (fuel cell, battery, of the PMAD control board was used to record the data. Data
dc–dc converters, motor, SSPCs, remote controlled contactors, were acquired at 1 Hz.
etc.) were developed and validated prior to their simulation of the In both cases, the bus, fuel cell, and battery voltages, and the
global system. These models where used to design the control motor inverter, fuel cell, and battery currents were acquired. On
loops implemented in the FPGA. the other hand, the motor, fuel cell, and battery power values
In order to validate the system model, the simulation results were calculated. The motor calculated power values correspond
were cross-checked with test results of the take off and climb of to the power at the input of the inverter.
a typical flight mission, which provide the fastest transients in
the system. The hybrid power source only works during take off
and climb (the first 7 min approximately), that are the critical A. Unregulated Architecture
parts of the flight mission, when a high power level is demanded. Fig. 10 shows the motor, fuel cell, and battery power values,
In cruise, the battery is disconnected and the fuel cell supplies with a natural power balance between the battery and the fuel
all the energy to the horizontal fly. cell. The motor power is approximately 40 kW. At the beginning,
After the implementation, both architectures were tested by as the battery is fully charged, it supplies a little bit more than
reproducing the power profile of the flight mission. All electrical half of the power and the fuel cell supplies the rest of the power.
parameters were recorded along with the PMAD temperatures. The power supplied by the fuel cell increases with time due to
The tests were done statically either by replacing the propeller the battery discharge. Fig. 11 shows the motor, fuel cell and
of the demonstrator by a controllable hydraulic brake or using battery currents. Fig. 12 shows the bus voltage, which coincides
the propeller with the aircraft braked. with the fuel cell and battery voltages. The fuel cell current and

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Fig. 12. Measured voltage with unregulated hybrid source during take off. Fig. 15. Measured power values with regulated hybrid source during take off.

Fig. 13. Comparison of simulation and test results for power values for the
Fig. 16. Measured currents with regulated hybrid source during take off.
unregulated architecture during take off and climb.

B. Regulated Architecture
Fig. 15 shows the motor, fuel cell, and battery power values.
The SBC control successfully increases the power supplied by
the fuel cell, making it work near or at full power. The fuel cell
was forced to operate at 22 kW gross power. Fig. 16 shows the
motor, fuel cell, and battery currents. The SBC control made
the fuel cell work at high current, reaching 100 A during 3 and
a half minutes of the take off and climb. Fig. 17 shows the bus,
fuel cell, and battery voltages on the left ordinate, and the SBC
output voltage on the right ordinate. The difference between
the fuel cell voltage and the bus voltage is the voltage boosted
by the SBC. The battery and bus voltages coincide. The output
Fig. 14. Comparison of simulation and test results for battery discharge for voltage of the SBC is maximum during the first 3 and a half
the unregulated architecture during take off and climb.
minutes and decreases afterwards. At the beginning, the SBC
attempts to make the fuel cell operate at the programmed current
power increase, and the bus voltage decreases as the battery (100 A), but it is limited by its maximum output voltage (26 V).
discharges. Therefore, by boosting its maximum voltage it makes to operate
The motor torque request was abruptly reduced at nearly the fuel cell 26 V below the bus voltage. However, it is not
8 min, thus the motor power and current decreased conse- enough to set the fuel cell voltage to the voltage corresponding
quently. Large ripples observed in the measurements shown in to the programmed current (216 V). As the battery discharges
Figs. 10–12 are due to the operation of the controllable hydraulic with time, the difference between the fuel cell desired voltage
brake that replaced the airplane’s propeller during the test bench and the bus voltage decreases, and therefore, the output voltage
campaign. of the SBC decreases. Once the battery is discharged enough, the
Figs. 13 and 14 show the comparison between simulated and SBC is able to force the fuel cell to operate at 100 A. After that,
measured power values and battery discharge, respectively. The the output voltage of the SBC decreases with time, following
simulation results are in close agreement with the test results. the further battery discharge.

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climb (40 kW motor power for 7 min) a regulation forcing the

fuel cell to operate at 22 kW of gross power could allow a battery
capacity saving of 440 W·h or 2 A·h; and a regulation forcing
the same fuel cell to operate at 23 kW of gross power could
allow a battery capacity saving of 540 W·h or 2.5 A·h.
Taking a typical energy density of 70 W·h/kg for Li ion bat-
teries, the capacity saving would correspond to a weight saving
of 6.3 kg when forcing the fuel cell at 22 kW and 7.7 kg when
forcing the fuel cell at 23 kW. On the other hand, taking a typical
handling power density of converters of 0.5 kW/kg, including
heat sinks, the additional weight due to the converters would
correspond to 6 kg. The additional hydrogen mass consumed by
the fuel cell is no higher than 50 g in both cases. Therefore, for
Fig. 17. Measured voltages with regulated hybrid source during take off. this particular system and this particular application, the total
weight saving would correspond to approximately 0.3 kg when
forcing the fuel cell at 22 kW and 1.7 kg when forcing the
fuel cell at 23 kW. The weight savings would increase with the
duration of the operation.
The models can also compare the time the hybrid power
source can supply a constant power while avoiding the fuel cell
power exceeding a programmed limit in the throttle conditioning
In the unregulated architecture, the natural distribution makes
the fuel cell increase its power contribution within time, fol-
lowing the battery discharge. Once the fuel cell reaches the
programmed power limit, the fuel cell power would carry on
increasing while the battery power would carry on decreasing.
Fig. 18. Comparison of simulation and test results for power values for the
However, at this point, the throttle control starts decreasing the
regulated architecture during take off and climb. torque command sent to the inverter motor, thus succeeding to
decrease the power demanded by the motor.
In the regulated architecture, the fuel cell is forced to operate
at its power limit, and, once the battery gets discharged enough,
the fuel cell power would increase over its limit while the bat-
tery power would continue decreasing. Once again, the throttle
control avoids the fuel cell going beyond the programmed limit.
However, due to the battery savings, this time is reached later
than in the unregulated architecture.
Therefore, by using a regulated architecture, the hybrid power
source will supply a constant power demand for longer.
The simulations results show that for a typical takeoff and
climb power rate (40 kW motor power) and when the fuel cell
power limit is programmed to be 22 kW gross power, the reg-
ulated hybrid power source can supply the constant power for
Fig. 19. Comparison of simulation and test results for battery discharge for one more minute (from 8 and a half minutes to 9 and a half
the regulated architecture during take off and climb.
minutes). For the same typical take off and climb, when the fuel
cell power limit is programmed to be 23 kW gross power, the
The motor torque request was abruptly reduced at nearly 8 regulated hybrid power source can supply the constant power
min, thus the motor power and current decreased consequently. for 1 and a half more minutes (from 9 and a half minutes to 11
The ripples observed in measurements of Figs. 15–17, on the minutes).
contrary to those of Figs. 10–12, are low because, in this case, the
test was done using the propeller of the aircraft as the mechanical
load instead of the controllable hydraulic brake. VI. QUALITATIVE EVALUATION OF BOTH ARCHITECTURES
Figs. 18 and 19 show the comparison between simulated and In this section, the advantages and disadvantages of both
measured power values and battery discharge, respectively. The architectures are discussed according to different criteria that
simulation results are in close agreement with the test results. might be crucial depending on the particular application.
The models can compare the battery savings for the regulated 1) Complexity: The unregulated architecture is simpler. It
versus the unregulated architecture. For a typical take off and does not require any additional wide input voltage-wide

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output voltage dc–dc modules and the implementation of a power source can supply a certain power level for longer with-
current loop to control them under all different conditions. out exceeding the fuel cell power capabilities, maximizing, this
2) Reliability: Due to its simplicity, the unregulated archi- way, the total energy of the hybrid power source; moreover, the
tecture is more reliable in terms of components failure. regulated hybrid power source has a more reproducible behavior
Although protections are necessary to avoid damaging the because it has a lower dependency of the external conditions,
sources with heavy load conditions, that could be caused such as temperature, ageing, or operation.
by any fault, those are also necessary in the case of the Both concepts have been simulated, implemented, and thor-
regulated architecture. oughly tested in the Fuel Cell Demonstrator Airplane, the first
3) Efficiency: The efficiency of the unregulated architecture manned prototype to prove straight level flight with fuel cell
is higher than that of the regulated architecture since the power. The unregulated architecture was more appropriate for
power of the fuel cell is not processed by any dc–dc con- the demonstrator mainly because in this particular application
verter. the battery energy saving, and so the possible weight reduction,
4) Cooling: Related to the efficiency, the cooling require- was not significant enough. The increase of the takeoff and climb
ments for the unregulated architecture are lower than those time offered by the regulated architecture was neither required
of the regulated architecture because of the lower losses. because 5 min were sufficient to reach the cruise altitude. On the
5) Impact on battery size: The regulated architecture allows other hand, the safety and reliability of the system were crucial.
minimizing the size of the battery that supports the fuel The unregulated configuration was inherently more reliable due
cell during the take off and climb because it forces the fuel to its simplicity and did not force the fuel cell to operate at its
cell to supply all the load current up to its programmed maximum power output, thus reducing the risk of a fuel cell
limit. In this way, the battery capacity is minimized. trip off during take off and climb, and decreasing the amount of
6) Weight: Although the weight of the regulated architecture water and hydrogen to be carried onboard during the test flights.
is penalized by the dc–dc converters, the benefit of having In addition, a bigger battery could provide the full power for
a smaller battery can overcome this weight penalty. As a shorter take off and climb in the case of a fuel cell trip off,
a consequence, the regulated architecture system can be allowing the aircraft to climb up to a safe altitude.
7) Duration: Since the regulated architecture saves some bat- REFERENCES
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tery. The unregulated architecture implies a natural balance tion number: POWER-D-07-02171).
between the sources. The regulated architecture controls the [8] L. Gao, Z. Jiang, and R. A. Dougal, “Evaluation of active hybrid fuel
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converter connected to the distribution bus in series with [9] M. Marchesoni and C. Vacca, “New DC–DC converter for energy storage
the fuel cell. The output voltage of the converter is regu- system interfacing in fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles,” IEEE Trans.
Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 301–308, Jan. 2007.
lated through a control loop that maximizes the fuel cell [10] S. K. Mazumder, R. K. Burra, and K. Acharya, “A ripple-mitigating and
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[11] L. Changrong and L. Jih-Sheng, “Low frequency current ripple reduction
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chitecture discharges less the battery, allowing the use of smaller 2007.
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other consequence of the battery energy savings is that the hybrid pp. 1250–1255, Sep. 2004.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ericsson. Downloaded on February 14,2020 at 00:23:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[13] S. C. Hageman, “Simple PSpice models let you simulate common battery Fortunato Ortı́ received the M.S. degree in aero-
types,” Electron. Design News (EDN), vol. 38, pp. 117–132, Oct. 2009. nautical engineering from Polytechnic University of
[14] A. A. Ferreira, J. A. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, and L. de Araujo Silva, “Energy Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1968, and the Ph.D. de-
management fuzzy logic supervisory for electric vehicle power supplies gree in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford
system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 107–115, Jan. University, Stanford, CA, in 1971.
2008. He was with IBM from 1974 to 1994. From 1994
[15] Z. Jiang, L. Gao, and R. A. Dougal, “Flexible multiobjective control of to 1998, he was on the faculty of the University Al-
power converter in active hybrid fuel cell/battery power sources,” IEEE fonso X El Sabio, Madrid, Spain, and was engaged
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 244–253, Jan. 2005. in teaching of fluid mechanics. He is currently a Se-
[16] W. Friede, S. Rael, and B. Davat, “Mathematical model and characteri- nior Scientific Advisor with the Boeing Research and
zation of the transient behavior of a PEM fuel cell,” IEEE Trans. Power Technology Europe, Madrid, Spain. His current re-
Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1234–1241, Sep. 2004. search interest includes environment.
[17] G. Fontes, C. Turpin, S. Astier, and T. A. Meynard, “Interactions between
fuel cells and power converters: Influence of current harmonics on a fuel
cell stack,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 670–678,
Mar. 2007. Jesús Á. Oliver (M’05) was born in Toledo, Spain, in
[18] S. K. Mazumder, K. Acharya, C. L. Haynes, R. Williams Jr., M. R. von 1972. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in elec-
Spakovsky, D. J. Nelson, D. F. Rancruel, J. Hartvigsen, and R. S. Gemmen, trical engineering from the Universidad Politécnica
“Solid-oxide-fuel-cell performance and durability: resolution of the effects de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1996 and 2007
of power-conditioning systems and application loads,” IEEE Trans. Power respectively.
Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1263–1278, Sep. 2004. Since 2001, he has been an Assistant Professor of
[19] P. P. J. Wingelaar, J. L. Duarte, and M. A. M. Hendrix, “Computer con- electrical engineering at the Universidad Politécnica
trolled linear regulator for characterization of polymer electrolyte mem- de Madrid. He has authored or coauthored over 40
brane fuel cells (PEMFC),” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Ind. Electron. Conf., technical papers and holds one patent. He has been
2004, pp. 821–826. actively involved in over 25 R&D projects for com-
panies in Europe, the U.S., and Australia. His current
research interests include modeling and control of power electronics systems,
fuel-cell-powered systems, and energy-efficient design.

Elena Bataller-Planes received the M.Sc. degree

in industrial electronics from the École Superieure
d’Électricité (SUPELEC), Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Óscar Garcı́a (M’98) was born in Madrid, Spain,
in 2001, the M.Sc. degree in industrial engineer- in 1968. He received the Master’s and Doctoral de-
ing from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, grees in electronic engineering from the Universidad
Valencia, Spain, in 2001, and the M.Sc. degree in in- Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, in 1992 and
dustrial electronics from the Universidad Politécnica 1999, respectively.
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2009. He is an Associate Professor at the UPM. He has
At the Boeing Company, she was responsible for been involved in more than 40 research projects, holds
the electrical system of the Boeing Fuel Cell Demon- five patents, and he has authored or coauthored more
strator Airplane, which was the first manned fuel cell than 100 papers in IEEE conferences and journals.
aircraft in aviation history and proved a level manned flight with a fuel cell
system as the only source of power. Her research interests include power man-
agement, system design and integration, and electrical vehicles.
Félix Moreno received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
degrees in telecommunication engineering from the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid,
Spain, in 1980, 1986, and 1993, respectively.
Nieves Lapeña-Rey received the M.Sc. degree in He is currently an Assistant Professor in elec-
chemistry from the Universidad Complutense de tronics and microelectronics at the Escuela Técnica
Madrid, Spain, in 1993, the M.Sc. degree in chem- Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII), UPM.
istry of materials from the University of Kent, Eng- His current research interests include embedded sys-
land, U.K., in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in chemical tems (and/or intelligence) design, systems on chip,
engineering from the Imperial College of Science, and evolvable hardware applied to digital signal pro-
Technology and Medicine, London, U.K. cessing and digital control systems. He participated
She was the Leader of the Fuel Cell Demonstrator in different research projects related to those fields of interest.
Airplane project. Since January 2007, she has been
the Team Leader and the Technical Manager for the
Environmentally Progressive Air Transport Depart-
ment, Boeing Research and Technology Europe, Boeing Company, Madrid,
Spain. Her current research interests include novel applications of fuel cell
technology to aviation and reduction of hazardous heavy metals in aeronautical Jorge Portilla, photograph and biography not available at the time of
parts. publication.

Jonay Mosquera received the M.S. degree in aero-

nautical engineering from the Technical University
Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany, in 2003. Yago Torroja was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1963. He received the Electronics
He worked at he Boeing Company as the Aero- Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM),
nautical Engineering of the Boeing Fuel Cell Demon- Madrid, in 1990 and 2000, respectively.
strator Airplane. He is an Associate Professor of Electronics at the Automatic Control, Elec-
tronics, and Informatics Department of UPM since 2002 and part of the Research
Centre of Industrial Electronics (CEI-UPM). His research interests are focused
to wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, electronic interfaces for musi-
cal expression, and low power design and estimation.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ericsson. Downloaded on February 14,2020 at 00:23:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Miroslav Vasić received the M.S. degree from the Pablo Zumel (M’06) received the M.S. and Ph.D.
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Bel- degrees both from the Universidad Politécnica de
grade, Belgrade, Serbia, in 2005, and the Master’s de- Madrid (PUM), Madrid, Spain, in 1999 and 2005,
gree in industrial electronics in 2008 from the Univer- respectively, and the M.S. degree from the Ecole Cen-
sidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, trale Paris, Paris, France, in 2000.
where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. de- In 2003, he joined the Departamento de Tecnologı́a
gree. His current research interests include switching- Electrónica, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
mode power supplies, power architectures, and digital Madrid, where he is currently an Assistant Professor.
control applied to power electronics. His current research interests include power electron-
ics for renewable energy sources and digital control.

José A. Cobos (M’92) received the Master’s and

Doctoral degrees in electrical engineering from the
Santa Concepcion Huerta received the B.Eng. de- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid,
gree in electronic engineering from the Instituto Tec- Spain, in 1989 and 1994, respectively.
nologico de Celaya, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2003. Since 2001, he has been a Professor at UPM. He
She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree was engaged in the field of power supply systems
from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), for telecom, aerospace, automotive and medical ap-
Madrid, Spain. plications. His current research interests include low
Her current research interests include digital con- output voltage, magnetic components, piezoelectric
trol of switching-mode power supplies, power elec- transformers, transcutaneous energy transfer, and dy-
tronics, and dynamic voltage scaling techniques. namic power management. He has authored or coau-
thored over 150 technical papers and holds three patents. He has been actively
involved in over 40 R&D projects for companies in Europe, the U.S., and
Dr. Cobos is an AdCom Member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society
(PELS), and the Chair of the Technical Committee on DC Power Systems. He is
an Associate Editor of the IEEE-PELS letters and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
POWER ELECTRONICS. He received several awards, including the UPM Research
Matı́as Trocki received the M.S. degree in industrial engineering from the and Development Award for faculty less than 35 years of age, and the Richard
University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2008. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Award of the IEEE (year 2000).
He has been associated with the Centro de Electrónica Industrial, Universidad He is the Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral studies of the Escuela Técnica
Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid. Superior de (ETS) Ingenieros Industriales of the UPM.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ericsson. Downloaded on February 14,2020 at 00:23:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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