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PHILIPS AS 230/AS 235Midi System AINULAQNNL INDEX @ Mexico Es necesario que lea cuidadosamente su instructivo de manejo. ees Acc en Garantia @ Norge ‘Typeskilt finnes pa apparatens bakside. Observer: Nettbryteren er sekundertinnkoplet. Deninnebygdenetdelenerderforikkefrakoplet Nettet sa lenge apparatet er tilsluttet nettkontakten. pagina 75 @ Austral Guarantee o.oo page 74 @® New Zealand Guarantee... - page 74 Declaracién de conformidad con normas El que suseribe, en nombre y representacién de: Audio Electronics Sdn. Berhad ~ Penang declara, bajo su propia responsabilidad, que el equipo: Combinacién fabricado por : Audio Electronics Sdn. Berhad en st ‘marca tips. modelos: AS230/AS235 objeto de esta declaracién, cumple con la normativa siguiente: Reglamento sobre Perturbaciones Radioeléctricas, Real Decreto 138/1989, ‘AnexoV. Hecho en — : Penang Firma: Un haBeel Nombre: Khoo Bee Im Cargo : Safety Coordinator English pages § 2 llustrations pages 76-78 ©® Frangais pageti 2 & llustrations pages 76-78 @®Deutsch seite19 § é Abbildungen Seiten 76-78 & . @Nederlands paginazz 2 Afbeeldingen pagina’s 76-78 3 @®Espajfiol pagina3s 3B | = llustraciones paginas 76-78 ff © Italiano pagina 43 | Mustrzioni pagine 76-78 @® Dansk sides1 x 2 Figurer side 76-78 8 — @® Svenska sidass | | Figurer sidorma 76-78 _— S| @ Suomi sivut65 zg 5 Kuvat sivut 7678 @ INSTALLATION INSTALLATION * Unpack all parts and remove protective material. * Tighten both record playertransit screws 2 properly (Fig 3). Screw in clockwise irection (record player not all versions) * Insertthebatteriesinto theremote control transmitter, as shown in the battery ‘compartment (Fig. 4). * Do not connect the unit to the mains before checking the mains voltage and before all other connections have been made. * Do not cover any vents and make sure that there is a space of several centime- ‘tres around the unit for ventilation. CONNECTIONS (Fig. 2) A) Terminals for loudspeakers, minimum. impedance 8 ohms. Attach loudspeaker cables to the unit (see Fig. 2 and 3). Left speaker: connect the brown and white dotted wire to terminal + L, the brown wire to terminal —L. Right speaker: repeat the same procedure. B) CD-TVIN, for connecting a compact disc player, or for the sound channel of a TV set, etc. C) PHONO IN terminals, for connecting record player (not all versions). D) RC OUT, can be connected (with the optional cable SBC 1103 or 4822 321 21204) to the REMOTE IN of the CD player, ifithas corresponding socket for remote control. E) GRID selector (not all versions). See TUNER. Importantnotesforusersinthe U.K: MainsPlug This apparatus is fitted with an approved moulded 13 Amp plug. To changea fusein this type of plug proceed astollows: * Remove fusecoverandtuse. ** Fix new fuse which should be a BST362 5A, A,S,T.A of BS approved type. « Refitthe fuse cover. Ifthe fitted plugis not suitable for yoursocket outlets, itshouldbecutoffandan appropriate plug fitted ints place, if the mains plug contains a fuse, this should havea value of 5 A. Ifa plug without s fuseis used, the fuse.atthe distribution boardshould notbe greater than5 A. Note: ‘The severedplugmustbedestroyedtoavoida possible shock hazard should it be mserted intoa 13 Asacketelsewhere. Howtoconnectaplug ‘The wiresin the mains leadare colouredwith the following code: blue = neutral (N}, brown live. (U) As these coloursmaynotcorrespondwith the colour markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceeds follows: * Connectthebluewaretotheterminalmarked Nor coloured black * Connect the brown ware to the terminal marked Lor coloured red. * Do not connect either wire to the earth terminal in the plug, marked E (or +) of coloured green (or green and yellow). Before replacing the plugcover, make certain thatthe cordaripisclampedoverthesheathof the lead—not simply over the two wires. Copyright: : Recording and playback of material may re- guire consent, See Copyright Act 1986 and ‘ThePerformer's Protection Acts 1958101972. English % 2 & E Deutsch "ns Espafiol Naliano, Dansk Svenska Suomi INSTALLATION ysy6ug F) Terminal for FM 75 ohm antenna. The antennawire supplied with the unitcanbe connected to this terminal. Adjust the position of the FM antenna for optimum reception. For good FM stereo reception use an FM outdoor antenna or the connection to your house distribution system. G) Power cord. Do not connect the unit to the powerwithouthavingcheckedwhether the voltage given on the type plate corresponds with the local AC outlet voltage. Ifnot, please consult your dealer. ‘The type plateis located on the rear ofthe unit. H) PHONOSUPPLY socket notallversions), for connecting a external record player without its own power supply section. 1). Voltage selector (not all versions). If your version has this selector, check that the setting corresponds with your local mains voltage. Positioning the Loudspeakers The best position can be found by experimenting. Bass reproductionisamplified by placing the speakers on the floor. Placing loudspeakers behind curtains, etc. has an unfavourable effect on treble reproduction. ‘Trytokeepthearrangementasevenly spaced as possible, CONTROLS ON THE UNIT (Fig. 1) 1 POWER ON/OFF Toswitchtheunitonandoff. To disconnect the set from the mains, withdraw the mains plug from the wall socket. 2 GRAPHIC EQUALIZER (3 BAND) To adjust tone. 3 STANDBY indicator Flashes whenoperatingtheremotecontrol 4 REMOTE SENSOR Toreceivesignals fromthe remotecontrol. 5 DISPLAY To indicate the functioning of the unit, 6 BAND To select between MW. LW and FM. 7 PRESET DOWN Button To decrease the TUNER preset number orto recall up the preset stations stored in the memory. 8 PRESET UP Button ‘Toincrease the TUNER presetnumber or to recall up the preset stations stored in the memory. 9 TUNING UP To tune to higher frequencies. 10 TUNING DOWN To tune to lower frequencies. 11 MONO To switch the TUNER (FM only) to mono mode. 12 PROGR button To store preset stations. 13 VOLUME To agjust the volume level. 14 HIGH SPEED DUBBING BUTTON with indicator To switch the High-Speed Dubbing on and off. 15 DYNAMIC BASS BOOST BUTTON with indicator To switch the Bass Boost on and off for extra bass. 16 SOURCE SELECTION Buttons To select the sound source: TUNER Button To switch to Radio mode. TAPE Button To switch to Tape mode. CONTROLS PHONO Button To switch to Phono mode CD-TV Button To switch to CD/TV mode (for external sources, €.g. CD or TV sound). 17 CASSETTE COMPARTMENT DECK II 18 Controls DECK II (Playback) — PLAY > Button: to start playback. — REW Button: to fast-rewind the cassette. - WIND Button to fast-forward the cassette. — STOP-EJECT Button: to stop and eject the cassette. — PAUSE Button: tointerruptplayback. 19 Controls DECK T — RECORD Button: to start recording, ~ PLAY > Button: to start cassette playback. — REW Button: to fast-rewind the cassette. - WIND Button to fast-forward the cassette. — STOP-EJECT Button: to stop and elect the cassette. ~ PAUSE Button: to temporarily interrupt recording or playback. 20 PHONES: Connection for headphones (impedance 8-32 ohms). 21 CASSETTE COMPARTMENT DECK I ON THE REMOTE CONTROL (Fig. 2) Using the Remote Control Before using the remote control, always selected the desired selection source e.g... CD, TAPE, TUNER or PHONO, to set the remote controlinthe relevant mode. The unit will be in this mode, until another function selection button is selected... * Connect the RG OUT socket to the RE- MOTE IN or RCS IN socket of your Com- pact Disc player. An optically cable SBC 1103 or 4822 321 21204 is available for this purpose. 1 STANDBY button 2 VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons To adjust the volume level. 3 SKIP NEXT/PREV button Toselectpresetstations and for operating a CD player. 4 DISC UP/DOWN button To select the discs in a CD changer. 5 STOP button For a CD player : to stop playback. 6 PLAY/PAUSE button For a CD player : to start and interrupt playback. 7 CD button To switch to CD mode. 8 CASS button To switch to Tape mode. 9 TUNER button To switch to Radio mode. 10 PHONO button ‘Toswitch to Phono (record player) mode. 11 SEARCH UP/DOWN button Totuneto the frequencies in Radio mode and to search for tracks in CD mode. 12 BAND button To select between MW. LW and FM. 13 SHUFFLE button For a CD player : to play all the tracks of aD in a random order. 14 SCAN button For scanning of preset stations (not all versions) and for scanning CD tracks. 15 REPEAT For a CD player : To repeat a track of a cD. 16 PROG To store preset stations and CD tracks. ON THE RECORD PLAYER (Fig 3) ( Adaptor disc for 45 rpm records. ‘Transit protection screws. Lever to raise or lower the record player arm. [33-45 selector for selecting the appropri- ate rpm. [I Fixing clamp for the record player arm. English AMPLIFIER TUNER AMPLIFIER TUNER * Press POWER 1 toswitch the uniton and the unit will go into standby mode. The standby indicator 4 lights up. * Selected the required sound source (CD-TV, TUNER, TAPE or PHONO). = The display will show the sound source you have selected. * Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control on the unit (or 4 VOLUME ¥ on. ‘the remote control). © Set the tone with the EQUALIZER. * For extra amplification of the bass, use the BASS BOOST control. Notes: = Ifyouconnectheadphones, the speakers are switched off — Pullthe power plug out of the walloutletto switch off the power voltage completely. Tuner Note: Tuner Grid In some versions of this unit, the tuning step can be changed if required. In North and South America, the frequency step between adjacent channels in the "MW" is 10 KHz. In all other parts of the world, itis 9 KHz. Your unit has been preset in the factory for correct operation in your area. — To change to 9 KHz. * Switch the unit off with POWER. © Press the TUNING DOWN button and hold it down, then switch the unit on with POWER. 9 kHz will appears on the display. © The unit is now set to 9 kHz. = To change to 10 KHz, * Switch the unit off with POWER. * Press the TUNING UP button and hold it down, then switch the unit on with POWER. 10 kHz will appears on the display. * The unit is now set to 10 kHz. TUNING * Press TUNER on the unit, * Select the tuning range with the BAND button. — MW, LW or FM will appear on the TUNER display. * Press TUNING UP or DOWN for 0.5 seconds ormore, thenrelease the button. = The tuner will automatically search for the first station of sufficient signal strength. + Repeatthisprocedureif youwishtoselect another station or itis not the station of your choice. or: To tune to weak stations, press TUNING UP or DOWN briefly until you read the correct frequency or the reception isatits best. * Switch to MONO if there is interference noise during FM stereo reception. TUNER RECORD PLAYER STORING PRESET STATIONS Select the required band (MW, LW or FM) with the BAND button. To store an MW, LW or FM station: * Press PROGR once. = The display shows PROGR. * With "TUNING UP" or "TUNING DOWN" on the unit, tune to the desired station. ~ Pressthenumbered preset button (from 0 up to 19) using the PRESET UP or PRESET DOWN buttons to store the station. * Press PROGR again. = The frequency, preset number and stereo setting are now entered in the memory. ‘* Repeat this procedure to store other frequencies and presets in the memory. Notes: ~ Storing astation in memory automatically erases any station previously stored un- der the selected preset number. ‘TUNING TO PRESET STATIONS © Selectanumberbetween upto 19using the PRESET UP or PRESET DOWN on the unit or by pressing SKIP NEXT/SKIP PREVIOUS on the remote control. ~ Thepresetnumber, frequency andband (MW, LW or FM) will appear on the display. — The unit will tune to the displayed sta- tion. . RECORD PLAYER * Press PHONO button. * Place a record on the turntable. For records with a large centre hole, use the adapter [i]. ‘* Remove the stylus protector by pulling it forward. * Use the selector [4] to select the appropriate speed. © Make sure that the arm is not fixed with lip I. ‘* Move the lever [3] to the ¥ position, © Move the tonearm inward. This tarts the recordplayer. Position the arm abovethe desired track. * Move the level [3] carefully to the ¥ position. The record starts to play. © The record can be interrupted by moving tever [3] to the ¥ position. To continue, move lever [3] to the ¥ position. ‘* The record player stops automatically at the end of the record and the arm returns. tots support. * Stopping can be done at any given moment. Setthelever[3] tothe ¥position and then move the player arm outwards. Whenyoureachthesupport, theturntable will stop. * Set the lever [3] to the ¥ position, secure the arm and replace the stylus protection cover. Notes: If the auto-return mechanism of the record player fails to work, the firsttime after transit, move the tone arm toward the centre by hand, The mechanism will activate, and the tone arm will return. Do not use force; be positive, but gentle, Once the auto-return mechanism has been reset in this manner, i function automatically thereatter. English CASSETTE DECKS ysy6uz, CASSETTE DECKS GENERAL INFORMATION Copyright: Recording is permissible insofar as copyright or other rights of third parties are not infringed. = Recording is only possible with DECK I. — The tape in the cassette is secured at both ends with leader tape. At the begin- ning and end of the cassette, nothing will be recorded for six to seven seconds. ~ For recording, cassettes of IEC type I should be used. ~ The recording level is set automatically, regardless of the position of VOLUME. ~ Accidental erasure can be prevented by breaking the small tab in the top left-hand comer of the back of the cassette. (See Fig.12) This protection can be reversed with a piece of adhesive tape placed over ‘the same corner. — Store the cassettes at room temperature and do not put them too close to magnets and transformers, for example, TVs and loudspeaker boxes. For U.K. only: Recording and Playback of material may require consent. See Copyright Act 1956 and The Performer's Protection Acts 1958 to 1972. INSERTING A CASSETTE * Press STOP-EJECT on DECK Tor DECK w. — The cassette door opens. * Insert a cassette tape into the compartment with the open side downwards and the full spool on the left. * Close the cassette door. RECORDING FROM OTHER SOUND SOURCES * Press TUNER, PHONO OR CD*TV to ‘select the sound source. * Place a cassette tape in DECK I. * Press RECORD to start the recording. ~ Whenthe tape hasreachedits end, the tape stops. ‘© To interrupt recording, press PAUSE. * To continue recording, press PAUSE again. * Press STOP-EJECT if you want to stop the recording before the end of the tape. Caution: During recording, it is not advisable to fast- rewind, or fast-forward a tape in DECK 11. DUBBING CASSETTES ‘Place the blank cassette you want to dub in DECK I and the source cassette in DECK I. — Make sure that both cassettes have their full spools on the left. * Press HIGH SPEED DUBBING if you want to dub at high speed. * Press PAUSE button on DECK J, then press the RECORD button. * Press PLAY on DECK IT to start the dubbing. ~ The pause button on DECK Iwill auto- matically be released. ~ When the tapes reach the end, dub- bing stops. — The RECORD and PLAY buttons will automatically be released. * If you want to dub the other side of the cassette, flip both cassettes over to continue dubbing. CASSETTE DECKS PLAYBACK Playback of one cassette * Press TAPE on the unit (or on the remote control). * Place the cassette tape in DECK I or DECK IL. * Press PLAY > tostart playback. — Playback stops when the tape reaches the end. * Press STOP-EJECT if you want to stop playback before the end of the tape. Continuous playback of two cassettes ‘* Press TAPE onthe unitorremote control, ‘Place pre-recorded cassettes in DECK I and DECK 1. ‘* First press PLAY > on DECK If, then PLAY», follow by PAUSE on DECK I. — Playback begins with DECK 1. * Playback stops when the tape in DECK I reaches the end. ~ The pause button will be automatically released and playback continues with DECK. * Press STOP-EJECT if you want to stop playback before the end of the tape in DECK I or DECK I. WINDING THE TAPE * Press REW to fast-forward the tape. ‘* Press WIND to fast-rewind the tape. * PressSTOP-EJECT tostop fast-forward or fast-rewind, or before the end of the tape. English MAINTENANCE sy6uz 10 MAINTENANCE ‘THE SYSTEM ‘* Achamois eather slightly moistened with wateris sufficientforcleaningthe housing of the unit and the enclosures. * Do not use cleaning agents containing alcohol, spirits, ammonia or abrasives. THE RECORD PLAYER * The record player requires no maintenance because self-lubricating bearings are used. * The stylus unit can be removed in one piece and replaced (see Fig 7 and 8). Carefully press the frontedge ofthe stylus unit downwards until it becomes loose. Mount a new stylus unit into place. Then push the foremost part upward until you can feel and hear the stylus click into place. * The dust cover is fitted with frictional hinges. Itcanbe settoalmostany position. If this is not the case, carefully tighten the screws, Fig 2. The hinges must not be lubricated! ‘THE CASSETTE DECKS * To ensure good recording and playback quality, clean the heads A and B, the capstans C and pressure rollers D (Fig. 14) after every 15 hours of operation. + Use a cassette tape cleaner or a piece of cotton woo! dipped in alcohol. ‘* The mechanism must not be lubridated! FAULTS AND THEIR LIKELY CAUSES * If @ fault occurs, first check the points listed below before sending the unit for repair. Ifthe remedies failto help, consult your dealer. Problems with the cassette decks ‘These are mainly caused by dust and dirt on theheads. See whether cleaning them helps. PROBLEMS WITH THE WHOLE SYSTEM Electrostatic charge may cause unexpected symptoms. See whether these symptoms disappearif you take the AC mains out of the wall socket and plug it again after a period of time. This unit complies with the radio interference requirements as laid down in EC (European Community) regulations. 72 73 74 ‘GUARANTEE AND SERVICE VALID FOR AUSTRALIA (GUARANTEE AND SERVICE FOR NEW ZEALAND ‘The benefits given to the purchaser by this warranty arein addition toal other rights and remedies, which, under the Trade Practices Actor other Commonwealth or State law, the purchaser or owner has in respect of the product. ‘The Philips product caries the following warranties: C-series HiF-systems: 12 months. Compact Disc Play- ers: 12months, Home Audio Systems: 6 months, Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players and radio recorders: 90 days. ‘Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring ‘within the specified period from the date of delivery, will be rectified ftee of charge by the retailer from ‘whom this product was purchased. Note: Please retain your purchase docket to assist prompt service. Conditions of this warranty 1. Allclaims for warranty service must be made tothe retailer from whom this product was purchased. All transport charges incurred in connection with war- ranty service or replacement will be paid by the purchaser, 2, These warranties donot coverbatteriesandextend only to defects in materials or workmanship occur- ringunder normal use of the product where operated in accordance with our instructions. Philips Consumer Products Division, Technology Park Figtree Drive, Australia Centre Homebush 2140, New South Wales ‘Thank-you for purchasing this quality Philips product. ‘The document you are now reading is your guarantee card. Guarantee Philips NewZealandLtdguaranteesthisproductagainst defective components and faulty workmanship for 2 period of 12 months. Any defect in materials or work- ‘manship occurring within 12 months from the date of purchase subject to the following conditions will be rectified fre of charge by the retailer from whom this product was purchased. Conditions. 1. The product must have been purchased in New Zealand, and this guarantee cardcompleted at time of purchase (this is your proof ofthe date of pur- chase). 2 The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty workmanship on the part of the manufacturer. 3. The guarantee does not cover failures caused by ise, neglect, normal wear and tear, accidental breakage, use onthe incorrect voltage, use contrary tooperatinginstructons, unauthorised mosifica- ‘tion to the product or repair by an unauthorised technician, 4, Reasonable evidence (inthe form ofa sales docket or completed guarantee card) must be supplied to indicate thatthe product was purchased no more than 12 months prior to the date of your claim, 5. In the event of a failure, Pilips shall be under no liability for any injury, orany loss or damage caused ‘toproperty or products other than the productunder guarantee. This guarantee does not prejudice your rights under ‘common law and statute, and is in addition to the normal responsibilities of the retailer and Philips. Howto clai Should your Philips product fail within the guarantee period, pleaseretumnittothe retailer fromwhomitwas purchased. In most cases the retailer will be able to satisfactorily repair or replace the product. However, should the retailer not be able to conclude. ‘the mater satisfactorily, or if you have other difficul- ties claiming under this quarantee, please contact ‘The Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand Ltd, ES3P.0. Box 41.021 Auckland ‘B (09) 84.44 160 GARANTIA PARA MEXICO Este aparato esta fabricado con materiales de alta calidad y ha sido culdadosamente verificado. Phtps, pr lo tanto, daa usted una garantia de 12 meses apatir de su fecha de compra. La garantia ampara la reposicién de las piezas defectuosas debidas a falas en su montaje o en los materiales, incluyenda la mano de obra necesaria para su reemplazo en nuestras ‘Sucutsalesotalleres autorizados. En caso de fallas en su aparato le rogamos se sirva poner en contacto con su distribuidor. Esta garantia no cubriré las avertas que resulten come consecuencia de una instalacin incorrecta del aparato, manifiesto maltrato 0 uso inadecuado del mismo. Philips se obliga a reparar y devolver a usted su aparato en un plazo no mayor de 30 dias habiles contados a partir de la fecha de haber ingresado su aperato.a unode nuestros taleres. Para que esta garanta sea valida, es necesatio ‘que el certficado que figura en la parte posterior de esté instructivo haya sido debidamente enado en el momento de la compra del aparato. En caso de extravio del certificado con la presentacién de la factura o remisién de su aparato podrd hacer efectiva la garantia correspondiente, Siusted tiene alguna duda o pregunta que no le pueda solucionar su distribuidor, por favor ponerse en contacto con’ Oficinas Centrates de Servicio, Av. Coyoacén No. 1051, Col. del Valle, 03100 MEXICO, DF. B 5.75-20-2205-75-01-00 BEF, eae Le symbo'scurtopalans igqubdusensen Alemagee, at symboo! op do vert ssaleen'an cepassng m Ouse. Esa sofal enetpaauete esta SB pat Ridota Questo simboo euleato o Gistnaio wo ls Cotman, Det raite oh mptngen secerteneiie Detomie p embtage sr ‘sada ae or Ftd ‘Tami pattautsessaolovg merit on \onkohot acastasn saksaa vaio, AS 230 AS 235 LY ae 3141 01611701 Printedin Malaysia

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