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Definition :

A stroke is an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain resulting in a sudden
loss of brain function. A stroke is something called a ‘brain attack’ It occur when blood flow
to a part of the brain is suddenly stopped and oxygen cannot get to that part. This lack of
oxygen may damage or kill the brain cells. Death of a part of the brain may lead to loss of
certain body function controlled by that effected part. Blood flow can be compromised by
variety of mechanisms.

Causes :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Transient ischemic attack
Cerebral thrombosis Absent

Cerebral embolism Present

Cerebral hemorrhage Absent

hypertension present

Heart disease Present

Clinical Manifestation :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Confusion Present

Dysphagia present

Dysarthria Present

Vision losss Absent

Weakness Present

Weight loss present

Diagnostic Evaluation

Book Picture Patient Picture

Complete physical and neurological exam Present

Computerize tomography Present

Computerize tomography with angiography present

Conventional angiogram Absent

Blood chemistry tests Present
Heart test Present

Carotid Doppler Ultrasound Present

Management :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Thrombolytic medicine Absent

Anticoagulant medicine Present

Opioid analgesics Present

Anti-inflammatory drugs Present

Oxygen therapy Present

Surgical Management :

 Carotid endarterectomy


1. Irregular heart rhythms

2. Decrease alertness
3. Lung infection
4. Poor bladder function
5. Systemic infection
6. Poor healing

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