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Definition : Benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterized by progressive enlargement of

the prostate gland (commonly seen in men older than age 50), causing varying degrees of
urethral obstruction and restriction of urinary flow.

Causes :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Arteriosclerosis Absent

diabetes Present

Nutritional disturbances. Absent

Metabolic Imbalance Absent

production of androgenic hormones decreases Present

Due to ageing

Dissociation of the androgen receptor

Production of increased amount of dihydroxy testosterone

Dihydroxy testosterone is converted by enzymes with 5 x reductase to testosterone

Promotion of prostatic cell proliferation

Benign prostatic hypoplasia

Hypertrophied cell places pressure on the neck of the bladder

Compress the uretheral sphincter

Urinary retention
Clinical Manifestation :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Blood in your urine Present

Weak urine stream present

nocturia Present

weakness Present

Terminal dribbling Absent

urinary retention present

Diagnostic Evaluation
Book Picture Patient Picture

Rectal examination Present

Cystourethroscopy Present

Urodynamics Absent

Serum Creatinine and BUN Present

Blood chemistry tests Present

Urinalysis Present

Ultrasound Present

Management :

Book Picture Patient Picture

Balloon dilation of the prostatic Absent

Alpha-adrenergic blockers Present

adrenergic blockers Present

5 α reductase inhibitor Present

Antibiotic Present

Surgical Management :
Book Picture Patient Picture

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Absent


Transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP), Absent

open prostatectomy Absent


• Urinary stasis, urinary tract infection (UTI), or
• Renal calculi
• Bladder wall trabeculation
• Detrusor muscle hypertrophy
• Bladder diverticula and saccules
• Urethral stenosis
• Hydronephrosis
• Paradoxical (overflow) incontinence
• Acute or chronic renal failure
• Acute postobstructive diuresis.

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