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Subject : English for Professional Nurse Name :.......................

Program / Semester : Bachelor Science in Nursing /I Students` Reg No :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Duration time : 90 Minutes Signature :.......................
Lecturer : Rizal Ilbert.SS.,MM * You may not consult your dictionaries!

I. Choose the incorrect.

1. My feet was throbbing after the long walk home.

2. Three people were kill and five injured in the crash.
3. My ankle is still too painfully to walk on.
4. Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.
5. The booklet contains information on painful relief during a labour.
I. Choose the correct one to be the best answer!

6. He ………. coffee in the morning.

a. don’t usually drink d. is not usually drinks
b. doesn’t usually drink e. is not usually drinks
c. doesn’t usually drinks

7. His father and his mother ……………… teachers.

a. is d. does
b. are e. do
c. do

8. They often …………………… the home work together.

a. do d. done
b. does e. doing
c. did

9. The bookstore always (open ) in the morning and ( close ) in the evening.
a. opens – close d. opens – closes
b. open – close e. opening closing
c. opened - closed

10. My uncle and my aunt ………….. late.

a. never come d. never coming
b. never comes e. are never come
c. never to come

11. Reading books ……….. one of her hobbies.

a. are d. were
b. is e. do
c. was
12. The sun always ( rise ) in the east and ( set ) in the west.
a. are rise - set d. are rising – is setting
b. is rises - set e. do rise – do set
c. rises - sets

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13. The mice at that house …………. very annoying.

a. are d. be
b. is e. to be
c. been

14. The children always ………… football in the in front of their school.
a. play d. to play
b. playing e. played
c. plays

15. The game he plays so well…………. badminton.

a. are d. playing
b. to be e. is
c. being

16. Look ! they ………………….. ( play ) tennis now.

a. are play d. are playing
b. play e. is playing
c. playing

17. My sister or my brother ……………….. ( not watch ) TV at the moment they

(read ) the book.
a. are not watching - read d. are not watching - are reading
b. is not watch -reading e. is watch - is read
c. is not watching – are reading

18. You see, the bus ……………… ( come ). Let’s go !

a. come d. is coming
b. came e. are coming
c. has come

19. Which sentence is correct ?

a. Today is holiday. “Where do your father going now ?”
b. Today is holiday. “Where are your father going now ?”
c. Today is holiday. “Where is your father go now ?”
d. Today is holiday. “Where is your father going now ?”

20. She …… ( not go ) anywhere now, but she likes….. (stay ) at home.
a. do not goes – stay d. is not going - stays
b. does not going - staying e. is not going – staying
c. is not go – stay

21. A : “Who ……..the boy …… ( run ) to you ?” B: “He is my son.”

a. are the boy running d. is the boy running
b. does the boy running e. is the boy to run
c. is the boy running
22. Mrs. Tan, I need to fill a medical report ....... your health status.
a. on
b. of
c. about
d. for
23. ............. you explain the function of a scalpel?
a. Should
b. Will
c. Do
d. Can

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24. My name is Harris. How can I ... you?

a. tell
b. address
c. see
d. know
25. You ... address me with Shanty.
a. will
b. must
c. shall
d. may
26. I’m nurse Shanty. I ... take care of you in this ward.
a. may
b. should
c. must
d. will
27. Now, I need to visit ... patients.
a. another
b. other
c. others
d. a
28. Let me ... my friend to you.
a. introducing
b. introduces
c. introduce
d. introduction
29. Dr. Smith is a ... . He’s just finished his specialization in Surgery in Oxford University.
a. doctor
b. nurse
c. sergeant
d. surgeon
30. Could you tell me how to get to ... ? My wife needs to check her pregnancy.
a. Pediatric Ward
b. Gynecological Ward
c. Geriatric Ward
d. Maternity Unit
31. It is used to weigh a patient during his/her initial assessment.
a. Sling
b. Scale
c. Scalpel
d. Stretcher
32. Sling is a triangular piece of cloth attached to a neck, used to support ...
a. a broken neck
b. a broken arm
c. a breaking arm
d. a broken leg
33. It is 11.45 am.
a. It’s eleven to forty five
b. It’s forty five past eleven
c. It’s forty five to eleven
d. It’s fifteen to twelve

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34. The dispensary is just ... the ER in front of the cashier.

a. in
b. inside
c. by
d. next to
35. Would you ... me the location of your pain?
a. point at
b. tell
c. show
d. telling
36. The Obstetrician is available ... Monday ... 11.00 – 13.00 pm.
a. on - in
b. on - on
c. in - at
d. on - at
37. Have you .... him injection?
a. give
b. gave
c. giving
d. given
38. Please get me some ... to wrap her open wound!
a. clothes
b. sling
c. bandage
d. paper
39. The little boy ............... from difficulty breathing.
a. Suffering
b. Is suffered
c. Suffers
d. Is suffer
40. Where is the pain? Could you ............the pain?
a. Tell
b. b. show
c. c. point at
d. d. feel
41. Well, now it is time for me to ....... your eyes.
a. See
b. Look into
c. Check
d. Measure
42. Have you ever had any ..... with your eyes?
a. Mistake
b. Wrong
c. Error
d. Problem
43. How many times have you ....... any self-medication, ma’am?
a. Take
b. Taken
c. Took
d. Taking

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44. Which one is correct?

a. Show me where the pain is?
b. Show me where is the pain?
c. Show me where is the pain in?
d. Show me where is in the pain?
45. Do you know the cause of your pain?
a. The viruses
b. The pills
c. The causes
d. The because
46. Choose the correct.
a. What is the pain like?
b. What likes the pain?
c. What does the pain like?
47. My ankle is still too ........l to walk on.
a. Pain
b. Painfully
c. Painful
d. Painfulness
48. Muscular ache and pains .......... soothed by a relaxing massage.
a. Can
b. Can be
c. Be
d. May
49. Strong light …… my eyes.
a. Hurt
b. Hurts
c. Hurted
d. Hurting
50. My feet ............. after the long walk home.
a. Throbbed
b. Throbbing
c. Throb
d. Throbs
51. He ............ his knee playing hockey.
a. Was injured
b. Were injured
c. Injured
d. Is injured
52. This cream should help to ........ the pain.
a. Relief
b. Relieves
c. Relieve
d. Reliefs
1. What is this instrument .... ?
a. to
b. for
c. of
d. with

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2. Would you .... a manometer for me, please?

a. send
b. give
c. take
d. do
3. Can you ... the function of a scalpel?
a. tell
b. explained
c. explain
d. told
4. My name is Harris. How can I ... you?
a. tell
b. address
c. see
d. know
5. You ... address me with Shanty.
a. will
b. must
c. shall
d. may
6. I’m nurse Shanty. I ... take care of you in this ward.
a. may
b. should
c. must
d. will

7. Now, I need to visit ... patients.

a. another
b. other
c. others
d. a
8. Let me ... my friend to you.
a. introducing
b. introduces
c. introduce
d. introduction
9. Dr. Smith is a ... . He’s just finished his specialization in Surgery in Oxford University.
a. doctor
b. nurse
c. sergeant
d. surgeon
10. You are going to check ... signs.
a. important
b. urgent
c. vital
d. basic
11. Could you tell me how to get to ... ? My wife needs to check her pregnancy.
a. Pediatric Ward
b. Gynecological Ward
c. Geriatric Ward

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d. Maternity Unit
12. It is used to weigh a patient during his/her initial assessment.
a. Sling
b. Scale
c. Scalpel
d. Stretcher
13. Sling is a triangular piece of cloth attached to a neck, used to support ...
a. a broken neck
b. a broken arm
c. a breaking arm
d. a broken leg
14. A gag is used for ... a patient closing his mouth.
a. stop
b. stops
c. stopped
d. stopping
15. It is 11.45 am.
a. It’s eleven to forty five
b. It’s forty five past eleven
c. It’s forty five to eleven
d. It’s fifteen to twelve
16. The dispensary is just ... the ER in front of the cashier.
a. in
b. inside
c. by
d. next to
17. Would you ... me the location of your pain?
a. point at
b. tell
c. show
d. telling
18. The Obstetrician is available ... Monday ... 11.00 – 13.00 pm.
a. on - in
b. on - on
c. in - at
d. on - at


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