Name Symbol Atomic Number No of Neutrons No of Protons/Electrons Electron Configuration Valancey

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Name Symbol Atomic No of No of Electron Valancey

number Neutrons Protons/Electrons Configuration

Hydrogen H 1 0 1 1

Helium He 2 3 2 2 (noble) zero

Lithium Li 3 4 3 2,1 +1

Beryllium Be 4 5 4 2,2 +2

Boron B 5 6 5 2,3 +3

Carbon C 6 7 6 2,4 +4

Nitrogen N 7 8 7 2,5 -3

Name Symb Atomi No of No of Electron Valancey

ol c Neutron Protons/Electr Configurati
numb s ons on
Oxygen O 8 9 8 2,6 -2

Flourine F 9 10 9 2,7 -1

Neon Ne 10 11 10 2,8

Sodium Na 11 12 11 2,8,1 +1

magnes Mg 12 13 12 2,8,2 +2
Alumini Al 13 14 13 2,8,3 +3
Silicon Si 14 15 14 2,8,4 +4
Name Symbol Atomic No of No of Electronic
no neutrons Protons Configurat
and in

Phosphorus P 15 16 15 2,8,5

Sulfur S 16 17 16 2,8,6

Chlorine Ch 17 18 17 2,8,7

Argon Ar 18 19 18 2,8,8

Potassium K 19 20 19 2,8,8,1
Calcium. Ca. 20. 2,8,8,2

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