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Tetanus Toxoid

A. Generic Name Tetanus Toxoid

B. Brand Name Tetatox

C. Classification EPI vaccine, Anti-tetanus

D. Indication For booster injection only for persons 7 years of age or older
against tetanus
E. Mechanism of Tetanus toxoid absorbed induces active immunity to tetanus
Action: antigen by stimulating the immune system to produce
specific antitoxin.
F. Dosage 0.7g IM
G. Side Effects: Redness, warmth, edema, rash, fever, ain, nausea
H. Adverse Effects: Paralysis of the radial nerve, Guillian-Burre syndrome
I. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, febrile illness and other acute infections,
patients with low immune response.
J. Nursing - Special care should be taken to ensure that the injection
Responsibilities: does not enter the blood vessel
- Monitor Vital sign
- Educate the patient to increase fluid intake
- Educate patient that pain and tenderness in the injection
site may occur.
- Determine date of last tetanus immunization
- Advise patient for proper fever reducing drug dose for fever
K. Reference Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook

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