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Congressional  Avenue,  Quezon  City


 Bachelor  of  Science  in  Business  Administration    
This  Exam  contains  4  pages.  Check  the  number  of  pages  and  make  sure  it  has  the  correct  number  of  pages  
and  their  proper  numbers.  
All   the   items   have   to   be   answered   within   sixty   minutes.   Since   there   are   ten   questions,   you   have   eight  
minutes  to  answer  each  questions.  Write  all  of  your  answers  in  the  space  provide  for  after  each  question.      
Answer   the   questions   legibly,   clearly,   and   concisely.   Your   answer   should   demonstrate   your   ability   to  
explain  the  concepts  involved  while  being  to  provide  for  relevant  examples  if  necessary.  
You  may  start  the  exam  when  you  are  ready.  You  may  leave  the  room  at  any  time  if  you  need  to  do  so.  
Please  leave  your  exam  on  the  professor’s  table  while  you  step  out.  Encircling  or  drawing  a  star  around  the  
logos  will  help  earn  you  5  extra  points,  if  this  was  the  midterm  exam.  But  it  is  not.  Five  points  will  be  given  
to   those   who   participated   during   the   Paligsamahan.   So,   if   you   had   any   type   of   participation   during   that  
event,   please   don’t   forget   to   write   it   at   the   top   of   this   page.   Name   all   the   continents   of   the   end   of   the  
exam  and  you  can  get  five  points,  too.  Please  do  not  leave  you  seat  unless  your  first  ask  for  permission  to  
do  so.  GOODLUCK!  
1.    What  is  the  Brand  Value  Chain,  and  what  are  its  elements?  

2.   Bob   Narley   is   a   talented   chemist.   He   was   able   to   produce   wildly   popular   flavor   of   Vape   Liquids   that  
mixes  nicotine  and  caffeine.  This  is  the  first  of  its  kind,  and  cannot  be  easily  duplicated  by  just  anyone.  He  
wants  the  marketing  of  his  company  to  be  positioned  based  on  this  achievement.  What  would  you  say  to  
Bob  Narley  in  order  to  help  him  come  up  with  a  positioning?  
3.  Same  facts  as  above.  Identify  the  Point  of  Parity  of  the  product.  
4.  What  is  Search  Engine  Advertising?  

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5.  Differentiate  Firm-­‐based  equity  and  Consumer-­‐based  equity.  

6.  What  is  Selective  Distortion?  
7.  What  is  an  Affinity  Diagram?  
8.  Explain  Globalization  as  a  new  Marketing  Reality.  

9.    Explain  the  Hierarchy  of  Marcom.  
10.  Name  at  least  5  VALS  psychological  segment?  
11.  Corporation  Wa  Lang  Pake,  a  distributor  of  chicken  in  the  Metro  area,  was  struck  by  bad  luck.  Its  
chicken  has  been  connected  with  the  avian  flu.  After  through  examination  and  a  quarantine  imposed  by  
the  DOH,  it  was  found  out  that  the  whole  issue  was  false.  The  corporation  now  seeks  to  offset  the  bad  
publicity.  What  is  your  advice  on  the  matter?  
12.  Same  facts  as  above.  How  would  you  help  rebuild  the  Brand  of  the  corporation?  

13.  Explain  Herzberg’s  Theory?  

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14.What  is  the  Competitive  Parity  Method?  

15.  Explain  Online  Behavioral  Targeting?  

16.    What  is  customer-­‐defined  value?  

17.  Explain  Customer  Loyalty  vs.  Customer  Profitability.  

18.  Briefly  explain  the  relationship  between  Advertisers  and  3rd  Party  Ad  Servers  in  the  Online  Advertising  

19.    How  do  you  ensure  Customer  Retention?  

20.  Identify  and  explain  at  least  3  different  types  of  Rich  Media  in  Online  Advertising.  


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