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Weather Clap Clap

target_English : Weather
This is a great game that I got from Minami Sensei in Oita. It's very simple and is great to use part way
through a lesson, e.g. in the weather theme ( ) teach four words,
then try this game, then the rest of the words and then the song.

1. Everyone stands up.

2. Everyone says "What's the weather like?" ( or "How's the weather?" if you like, both are on the CD)
3. Everyone claps two times.
4. Everyone chooses one type of weather and whilst singing the line ( e.g. "It's rainy") they do the
5. If any of the kids have chosen the same weather as the teacher, they are out and sit down.
6. Repeat from 2 until all the kids are sat down.

You can use it with any of the themes, especially things like "How are you?" or "Animals" ( try asking
"Do you have any pets?") or anything really. The kids probably already play the rock paper scissors
version of this game with the teacher to choose who goes first in a class activities, so they pick it up
really quickly.
Now "mingle" probably isn't very high on your "words to teach" list, and quite rightly so. But the real
magic of this game comes when making groups!

1. Get rid of any tables and chairs and get the kids together in one big group.

2. Whilst singing the "mingle chant" the kids move around, mingling with each other.

3. The kids ask you a question that you can answer with a number e.g. "How old are you?" or "What
time is it?",
4. You answer and the kids get into groups of that number e.g. you say "I'm 4 years old" and the kids
get into groups of four.

5. Repeat from 2.

Pass the parcel, answer nnquestions weather video seasons what do you look like

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