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adult english
language programmes

Welcome to
welcome to atc
ATC language & travel
Language & Travel
English M50

the Irish way Heuston

Dublin Ferry

with ATC
About Ireland - General Information
Dun Laoghaire
About ATC - Practical Information 4
Since ATC was founded over 40 ago we
35 years ago, we Students attending our courses can choose BRAY
have seen Ireland become one of the most to live with aancarefully selected
Irish family or in Irish host
residential About ATC - School Facilities N11 6
prominent locations in the world for learning family or in residential
accommodation. Learningaccommodation.
English the Irish
Adult English Courses 8
English as Over this time
a foreign we haveDuring
language. welcomedthat Learning
way with English
ATC is anthe Irish way you
experience withwill

students to ATC from
time, thousands all overhave
of students the world.
travelled to an experience
always you will always remember.

Rd Bray Station

 General English (DART line) 8
They haveacross
the to Ireland to improve We are committed to providing quality

ATC from world to improve their

their knowledge
knowledge of English
of English the natural
the natural way -wayin We at ATC
English are committed
language to providing
programmes tailoredquality
to Quinsbor
ough Rd
 Intensive English 8


nd R
English language programmes to suit your

in company
the company of charming
of charming and and talkative
talkative Irish suit your individual needs. We look forward Florence Rd


am Rd
needs. We lookyou forward to welcoming
you of a you,  Business Seminars 8

Albert Av
Irish people.
people. to welcoming and assure

Ave Ave
and we assure you of a professional caring

professional and caring service throughout

Nov ont
 Exam Courses

ara m
Ave Sid

nd R
We offer a wide range of courses for students service
your throughout your stay.


th R


Windgates ria
of different ages and levels of English, all of  Individual Tuition 9




of which
which areare approved
approved by by
thethe Department
Department of ve

en tA

 Business English C

of Education
Education andand Skills in
Science. Ireland.
Our Allwhich
courses, of our


th R



courses are conducted by fully qualified
are conducted by fully qualified teachers,

 Professional Internship Programme 9

Pia, Ugo
Ugo and
and Edward
Edward Greevy



teachers and have an international
have an international reputation reputation

Bray Head
Directors  Demi-Pair Programme 9
for academic excellence. Sea

Teacher Training Programmes 10

Summer Residential Centre for Adults 11

Accommodation 12

Social Programme - Dunluice House 14

Junior Courses 15

Travelling to Ireland 16

2 1
about ireland
Ireland his greatest works: Ulysses and The Dubliners.
Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, W.B. Yeats, Jonathan
Ireland is a beautiful island with a population of Swift and Bram Stoker are just some of the
just 4.5 million people and offers a unique and famous writers who were born or lived in Dublin.
unforgettable language learning experience for This modern city also has many theatres, cinemas
students of all ages. The Irish people are very and concert venues to entertain visitors. Shops
friendly and full of conversation, visitors are and museums, art galleries and exhibitions are
warmly welcomed and find it very easy to relax plentiful in this young and exciting capital city.
and talk to Irish people. Ireland’s deeply rooted
historical and cultural tradition means that you
always have something fun and exciting to do Bray
during your stay.
Bray, regarded as a suburb of Dublin city,
From Dublin in the east to the rugged Atlantic
is located south of Dublin at the gateway to
coastline in the west, Ireland has something to
Wicklow, ‘The Garden of Ireland’. Bray offers
offer everybody. Irish theatre is among the best
students the best of both worlds. You can enjoy
in the world, and many of the biggest names in
all the splendour of Wicklow and yet you are
Hollywood, from Orson Welles to Pierce Brosnan
only a 35-minute train (DART) ride away from
and Colin Farrell, began their acting careers on
Dublin city centre. Bray offers a wide range of
the Irish stage. Traditional music and dance are
shops and theatre venues, noted restaurants and
widely enjoyed, with Ireland having produced
pubs, with live music and entertainment regularly
such international names as U2, Enya and The
throughout the year.
Corrs and the phenomenally successful show,
Riverdance. Come to Ireland and walk in the The town of Bray is named after the imposing
footsteps of our many literary greats including rock hill, which gives the town its character.
Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, WB Yeats and Seamus A walk up the hill offers a unique view over
Heaney, all of whom have influenced Ireland’s Dublin Bay. Bray’s natural beauty has made it an
language and culture. attractive holiday destination since the early 19th
century. Early holiday-makers from Britain and
Dublin built splendid Victorian houses as summer
Dublin homes like those typically seen on the seafront.
ATC is located in four of these buildings, the
Ireland’s capital city, Dublin, is located on the beautifully restored Dunluice House. Carefully and
east coast of Ireland and is a vibrant, safe and completely refurbished and upgraded, Dunluice
inspirational city world renowned for its warmth House combines Victorian elegance with modern
and hospitality. Dublin has a population of comforts. The classrooms are bright, spacious and
approximately 1.5 million people and is a very warm, with magnificent views across the Irish
welcoming city. Dublin has produced, or been Sea. Bray offers something for everyone, from its
home to, some of the greatest literary names famous walks, (with the popular Bray Promenade
in history. Dublin’s most famous literary son is and Bray Head located beside the school) to horse
James Joyce and Dublin is the setting for two of riding, golf, sailing and angling.

2 3
about atc

Teaching Staff Administrative Team

All of our teachers are native English speakers, All ATC office staff are fully qualified, well-
are university graduates and have a specialised trained and motivated individuals. Our friendly
qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign administrative team is here to assist you with
Language. Our teachers are all dedicated every aspect of your stay and to ensure it meets
professionals and have several years experience with your expectations. Our administrative team
teaching English to students from all over the includes a full time Accommodation Officer who
world. Many have lived and worked as teachers will take care of the individual needs of students.
abroad and have first-hand knowledge of other We also have a Student Welfare Officer and
cultures, customs and traditions. Our teaching administrative support staff who will organize
staff is guided by our Director of Studies as she your social programme and assist you throughout
works closely with her team in monitoring the your stay.
progress of our students.

ATC Quality Assurance

At ATC Language & Travel the quality of service
that we provide to our students is of paramount
importance to us and we continually strive to
deliver only the very highest level of service.
We guarantee that each student will receive
individual attention from us to ensure that every
part of their language learning programme caters
for their individual needs.
ACELS (Advisory Council for English Language
Schools) - ATC is recognised by the Department
of Education and Skills as an English Language
School for the Teaching of English as a Foreign
MEI (Marketing English in Ireland) - ATC is a
founder member of Marketing English in Ireland.
Quality English - ATC is a member of Quality
English – An association of privately owned
English Language schools that are committed to
providing high quality English language courses
to international students.
ISOQAR - ATC, a quality assured firm, is
committed to maintaining effective quality
management at every level within the business, in
compliance with ISO 9001: 2008.

4 5
school facilities

ATC is located on the Bray seafront in ATC Study Centre & Library
4 adjacent Victorian buildings. The The Study Centre is available for students who
school, Dunluice House, carefully wish to study independently using the material
available in our library. The students can use
refurbished and upgraded, combines
this room to do their homework or practise/
Victorian elegance with modern improve their skills in English. The student library
comforts. The classrooms are bright contains a wide selection of both educational
and recreational reading material. Teachers are
and spacious, and many have available to give advice or help students with
magnificent views across the Irish Sea. their studies.

ATC Multimedia Room Course Curriculum Class times are divided so that students receive
ATC Classrooms lessons from more than one teacher, two per
ATC’s computer room is equipped with 25 Our curriculum for both General and Intensive morning, allowing them the benefit of more than
ATC has 20 classrooms in Dunluice House and all computers. Internet and email facilities are free. courses is based on the Common European one voice and teaching style and having a team of
cater for audio and audio-visual technologies, The room is open from 13:30 to 17:00 Monday Framework of Reference for Languages, and teachers liaise on their learning paths. A variety
with plenty of space to facilitate communicative to Friday. The school also has wireless (WI-FI) focuses very much on student-centred learning. of classroom layouts suits different learning
language practice. A variety of classroom layouts, internet access available throughout the building Our teachers use methodologies such as CLT styles.
with both tables and lecture chairs, suits different for those students who wish to use their own (Communicative Language Teaching), TBL
learning styles. laptops. (Task-Based Learning), and CLL (Cooperative Progress
Language Learning) which aim to develop our
students’ communicative skills and deepen their Progress tests are done in class on a regular basis
ATC Cafeteria understanding of the English language. The and in negotiation with teachers and the Director
and Common Room Common European Framework of Reference of Studies. ATC aims to see students improving
for Languages describes six levels of language at a rate of one level per 80-120 hours, although
Coffee and tea are available in our comfortable learners may differ in this; it may take one student
ability, from A1 up to C2. Students are accepted
cafeteria. In addition we have a student common 4 weeks, another 8 weeks to improve. We use
at all levels, from Beginner (level A0) and
room and private garden and patio area. the CEF to help teachers and students to navigate
Elementary (level A1) up to Advanced (level C1)
and Proficiency (level C2). their progress, and we can recommend extra
In Class work to be done in the self-access study centre to
Testing promote it.
ATC Language & Travel offers a comprehensive
range of English Language courses including On the first day of school, students are given a Certification
General English, Business English and placement test which includes a written and oral
Examination courses - Cambridge, IELTS, and needs analysis. They are then placed in a class All students receive a certificate of attendance
Teacher Training programmes. Our General and on completion of the course, which includes a
appropriate to their ability and needs.
Intensive English classes are available year round short didactic report signed by two teachers. All
with courses commencing each Monday. Class Placement ATC reports include the number of hours studied,
which may be used for educational credits on
Each lesson is one full hour (60 minutes). Classes return to education establishments at home.
are available at all levels year round. ATC classes
hold a maximum of 14 students, but you can
expect an average of 8 to 12 students in class at
most times of the year. There are usually between
12 and 16 nationalities in the school at any one
time, so you can expect a truly international mix.

6 7
english courses TIMETABLE (Monday-Friday)

09.00 - 11.00 11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 13.30 14.15 - 17.15

- Intensive Lessons
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2: - Business Seminars
English Language Mid-morning break
Fluency Practice - Exam Preparation
- One-to-one Tuition

 General English Students may begin each Monday on a continuous Exam Courses Professional Internship
enrolment system. All levels from elementary to Programme
 Intensive English Students can study and prepare for a range of
advanced are catered for throughout the year. By
 Exam Courses the end of the course students will see an overall internationally recognised English language The Professional Internship Programme is a
improvement in their standard of English and exams including: IELTS, Cambridge, TOEIC, TOEFL, very worthwhile and beneficial platform to
 Individual Tuition
improved confidence in their language ability. TIE, Trinity ESOL and others. These exams are achieve “hands on” experience in a specific
 Business English available year round except for Trinity ESOL, area, in addition to improving English language
 Professional Internship Programme which is only available in the summer. Trinity skills. This course includes 4 weeks of General
and TIE exams are available onsite for groups English tuition and a professional non paid work
 Demi-Pair Programme Intensive English of candidates. ATC is an ETS examination centre placement for a minimum 12 weeks. The types
 Teacher Training Programme and provides onsite examination of TOEIC. Exam of roles available are administrative positions
The Intensive course syllabus is based on the
 Summer Adult Residential Programme courses are set up for groups of 6 or more. If in the following areas: Human Resources,
need for practice in fluency and accuracy in
fewer than 6 students enrol for a specific exam, Healthcare, Accountancy, Financial services, IT,
spoken English. The Intensive course is 26 hours
the course may be cancelled and student coached Pharmaceutical, Sales and Marketing sectors.
per week, and includes the General English
individually in our supervised self-access centre. Students must be over 20 years of age and have
General English programme (20 hours) and a further 6 hours per
week taken over two afternoons. The focus of the an intermediate level of English or above. This
The General English course syllabus is 20 afternoon classes is on discourse structures and programme is available to EU nationals only and
hours per week and is designed to improve the on conversation. Students may request specific Individual Tuition is not available during the months of June, July
students’ understanding of the English language areas they wish to focus on. and August. 
system and performance in the skills of listening, Individual tuition is available to supplement
speaking, reading and writing. general courses. The syllabus is set by the
student, in negotiation with the teacher, who
Business Seminars will design a course to match the particular Demi Pair Programme
needs of each individual student. The focus is on The Demi Pair Programme offers students the
These seminars are on offer to all ATC students communicative ability in the student’s area of
who have an intermediate level or above, all year opportunity to live for free with an Irish family
work or study, for example, banking and finance, and work in the home for up to 18 hours per week
round free of charge. From September to June insurance, law, medicine, education, hotel and
these classes take place once per week for 90 whilst also continuing to study at the school. A
catering, marketing, etc. The amount of individual Demi-Pair attends a General English course in the
minutes per session. In July and August, they take hours in addition to the general course depends
place twice per week. The classes are in the form mornings and assists in the family home in the
on the individual student’s needs. afternoons and evenings. A Demi Pair stays with
of workshops given by experienced teachers, with
a fine balance between theory and practice. The a host family free of charge for a minimum of 3
syllabus covers business correspondence, note- months (non-EU students 6 months). The host
taking, case histories, negotiating, meetings and Business English family will provide full board accommodation for
preparing for interview. They are very popular the student. ATC takes an active role in ensuring
This course includes 6 hours of Business English the students’ well being during his/her stay. Our
and are a welcome addition to all those taking
in your chosen area of work to complement the Host Family Officer knows all our host families
General and Intensive courses. Students can
General English 20 hour course. This may be a personally and regularly meets with the Demi Pair
register for the seminars on arrival.
group or individual class, with a maximum of 8 students to ensure the programme meets with
per class. The focus is on business needs such their expectations.
as: negotiation, meetings, presentations, report
writing and intercultural conventions in business.

8 9
teacher training

Teacher Development Our aim is to provide teachers with the

for Teachers of English opportunity to develop their English language
skills; to expand their knowledge of current
This programme is offered as an in-service approaches and methods in language teaching;
teacher development programme for non-native and to explore different practical teaching
speakers of English. We offer one course for techniques for promoting language learning.
primary school teachers, one course for secondary Our courses are delivered through seminars and
school teachers, and one for teachers of adults. practical workshops, with input from our team
Teachers may receive EU funding to participate
in these courses. Our programme for Teachers
of experienced trainers. During these seminars
and workshops participants are encouraged to
residential summer programme
of English to Adults is listed on the Comenius/
Grundtvig Training Database (
engage in discussion in order to share ideas and
experiences and are given the opportunity to
for adults - trinity hall, dublin
education/trainingdatabase/ ). collaborate on tasks in order to create their own
resources and put the theory into practice. Location of Accommodation Accommodation
Each week consists of 25 hours in the classroom
and 5 hours of cultural excursions.
Trinity Hall is located in a very prestigious This modern accommodation consists of single
residential area of Dublin less than 4 km from the en-suite rooms (twin on request) in apartments
Teacher Training Timetable
very centre of the city. The LUAS (tram) station is accommodating typically 5 or 6 people. These
 50 hours of lessons in total only 750 metres from Trinity Hall and the journey apartments include a living room and kitchen
into Dublin city is approximately 10 minutes. area, with light catering facilities available. The
bedrooms are spacious and are fitted with a
wardrobe, study desk and chair.
English Language Location for Classes
9.00 - 11.00 Development
The classes for this programme will take place in
Teacher Training: the heart of Dublin City Centre in the historic and
Current Approaches world famous Trinity College Dublin. Students will  20 or 26 lessons per week
11.30 - 1.30 and Methodologies travel to class in Trinity College by LUAS (tram) (1 lesson = 60 minutes)
in Teaching & Learning each morning.  Classes Monday to Friday
 Accommodation in single or twin rooms
Teacher Training Workshops
Course with private bathroom
(two afternoons per week)
14.30 - 17.00  Maximum of 14 students per class
Cultural Excursions Our curriculum for both General & Intensive
(two afternoons per week) English is based on the Council of Europe’s
- average class size 10-12
Common European Framework of Reference,  Familiarisation tour of Dublin
using methods that suit learners best. Courses
 Certificate presented at the end of course
commence each Monday on a continuous
enrolment system.  LUAS ticket - unlimited travel
by tram in Dublin

Students can stay at Trinity Hall on a self catering or half board basis. Dates available: End June – to end August

10 11

Students attending an ATC Our host families are happy to provide meals to
suit individual palates. All families are notified in
course can choose from a range
advance of any allergies or specific food requests
of accommodation options. that students may have, provided we have been
notified by the students or their agents.
During the months October to May, students are
Host Family Accommodation usually accommodated in single rooms. However,
Most of our students choose to stay with a host a single room supplement may apply during the Student Residence Self-catering Accommodation
family. We have worked with many of our host summer months. Our school, Dunluice House (June to September)
The ATC residence is located only 700 metres
families for several years. All our families are is located on the seafront in Bray, allowing
from the school on the seafront and offers During peak season ATC reserves additional
visited regularly and are carefully selected by our students to walk to school saving time
accommodation in single and twin rooms accommodation for our students in apartments
our Accommodation Officer. Junior students are and money. During the summer months some
with private bathroom. and houses within walking distance of
provided with bed, breakfast, packed lunch and students’ host families may be located in areas
Dunluice House in Bray. These houses generally
evening meal each day of their stay and live which would require public transport in order to Features:
accommodate 5 or 6 students in twin and single
as part of their host family. For adult students, reach the school.
 Single & twin rooms all en-suite room accommodation.
accommodation is arranged on a bed, breakfast
 Two fully fitted kitchens Features:
and dinner basis (Monday-Friday), with full board
at the weekend. Self-catering Accommodation  Two living rooms with TV / DVD  Modern furnished apartments
(Year Round)  Two washers/dryers  Shared bathroom facilities
Student Apartments  Bed linen and towels  Fully fitted kitchen
Located next door to the school, the ATC student  Wi-Fi access throughout the building  Washing Machine
apartments offer accommodation in single or twin
* Rules and conditions for self-catering
rooms on a self catering basis. The apartments
accommodation must be accepted
have 2/3 bedrooms with shared bathroom,
and signed on arrival.
kitchen and living room.

Features: Guest House, B&B, Hostel &

Hotel Accommodation
 Single & twin rooms
ATC use a wide range of guest houses, bed and
 Shared bathrooms
breakfasts, hostels and hotel accommodation
 Fully fitted kitchen within walking distance of the school. For more
 Living room with TV/DVD information about prices, dates and availability
please contact our Accommodation Officer.
 Washer / dryer
 Bed linen and towels
 Wi-Fi access throughout the building

12 13
social programme - dunluice house junior courses

The social programme is organised on a Sample Afternoon Activities

weekly basis all year round. This optional  Monday - Familiarisation tour of Dublin City
programme offers a combination of
 Tuesday - National Gallery of Ireland
local and city tours. Afternoon visits, full
 Wednesday - Video/DVD in school
day excursions and weekends away to
different parts of Ireland can be arranged  Thursday - Guinness Storehouse
At ATC we provide an extensive range of Classes are held for 15 hours per week, with
with our Student Welfare Officer. A  Friday - Walk up Bray Head Junior summer courses as well as year a maximum of fifteen students in each class.
round short stay programmes for groups. All teachers are qualified and experienced.
selection of DVDs is also available to
The Junior Curriculum is based on the The timetable is organised to allow each student
watch every afternoon in our school. Evening Suggestions Common European Framework of References to gain the maximum benefit from their course.
A wide range of sporting facilities are for Languages and aims to develop students’ In addition to the classes, a full range of sports,
 Bowling/Theatre in Bray communicative ability in English and to recreational and cultural activities is provided.
available locally such as horse-riding, broaden their understanding of Irish
 Night out in Traditional Irish Pub in Dublin
golf, swimming, sailing, hill-walking, etc. culture and heritage. ATC-Residential
 Greyhound Racing in Dublin
The programme includes: full board
ATC Year Round accommodation, 15 hours tuition per week,
Junior Programmes organised sports and recreational activities, one
Weekend Activities half day and one full day excursion per week, a
This programme is available to groups year full evening activity programme including discos,
Full day excursions by private bus to a wide round from September to June. It is a tailor- video screenings, Irish music and dancing, quiz
variety of destinations. We can arrange short made programme designed to meet the specific nights, karaoke and many other activities. ATC
breaks, car hire and accommodation throughout needs of each individual group and offers both offers residential accommodation in secondary
the country on request. residential and host family accommodation schools, colleges and university campuses.
options. Tuition generally takes place in the The accommodation varies from single rooms
mornings and can be 15 to 20 hours per week with private bathrooms to multi-bedded rooms.
depending on the group’s needs. The syllabus Our residential centres are located in Dublin
emphasises culture and conversation through and throughout Ireland.
project work and language work which focus on
oral and aural skills. In addition to the English ATC-Host Family
language classes we offer a comprehensive range
of half day and full day tours to places of cultural The programme includes: full board
interest, and an evening activity programme accommodation with a host family (packed lunch
suitable for the age profile of the students. Monday-Saturday), 15 hours of tuition per week,
This programme is generally from 1 to 4 weeks organised afternoon sport and recreational
in duration. activities, one disco and video screening per
week, one half day (entrance fee only) and one
full day excursion each week. Carefully selected
Junior Summer Courses
Irish families provide accommodation for our
Students from 10 to 17 years of age can study students. The families usually accommodate two
English on our junior programmes in Ireland. or three students of different nationalities, and
Participants can choose a two, three or four they offer a warm welcome in a friendly family
week course. environment.
14 15
welcome to to atc
language & travel DUBLIN
M50 Line Heuston
CITY Dublin Ferry


Flights Dun Laoghaire
Dublin Ferry
There are direct flights to Dublin from all the DART
major European cities. Line
Since ATC was founded over 40 years ago we Students attending our courses can choose BRAY
have seen Ireland become one of the most to live with a carefully selected Irish host N11
prominent locations in the world for learning family or in residential accommodation.
Before travelling to Ireland, all students
English. Overinthis
participating ATC time we have
Language welcomed
& Travel Learning English the Irish way with ATC is BRAY

students to ATCmustfrom all over
ownworld. an experience you will always remember.

programmes arrange insurance Seapoint
Rd Bray Station

They have travelledthat
to Ireland to improve We are committed to providing quality (DART line)

against all expenses might arise due to

ough Rd
accident, illness or of
their knowledge loss of personal
English effects and
the natural way English language programmes tailored to Quinsbor


nd R
- in the company of charming and talkative suit your individual needs. We look forward Florence Rd


am Rd
Albert Av
Irish people. to welcoming you and assure you of a

Ave Ave

professional and caring service throughout

Nov nto

Visa Ave Sid

nd R
We offer a wide range of courses for students your stay.


th R


Windgates a
of different ages and
ATC levels of English, all ori

Students attending Language & Travel courses Vic



from EU countries
of which do not by
are approved need
thea Department
visa to enter Ave




of Education and Skills in Ireland. All may
Students from non-EU countries

of our


th R


courses are conducted by fully qualified check
a visa to enter the country and should



with their nearest Irish Embassy before travelling. Pia, Ugo and Edward Greevy


teachers and have an international reputation

Bray Head

for academic excellence. Directors c res


Airport Transfers
An airport transfer can be arranged only when
flight information is received in writing by ATC
Language & Travel at least 10 days prior to arrival.

School Holidays
The school is open all year, except for two weeks
at Christmas and all national public holidays.

All information contained in this brochure was

correct at time of going to print. ATC reserves the
right to amend or cancel programmes as required.

16 17

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