Name: Program & Year: TIME & DAY: 10:00-11:30AM TF Class Schedule

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TIME & DAY: 10:00-11:30AM TF


1. Why is Gender Equality important?

Gender equality is crucial especially when a nation or a society aims to achieve

economic, social and cultural advancement, stability and cohesiveness. Gender equality is
about ensuring both men and women have equal enjoyment of opportunities, rights,
obligations, protection, power, rewards, and resources. In other words, men and women
should be treated with utmost fairness and respect. Gender equality is important because
it does not only promote and uphold the protection of human rights but it also becomes a
vital element towards achieving a stronger, healthier and safer nation and it is also
essential in economic prosperity in the sense that equal societies have lower rates of anti-
social behavior and violence, thus, making people healthier, productive and have a
wholesome wellbeing compared to those unstable, unequal societies. Gender equality
promotes the idea of fairness and justice among people, may be man or woman at all
aspect and sphere of life. With that spirit of equality, we can attain peace and progress.

2. Why are Gender issues a concern for both sexes?

Gender issues are a concern for both sexes because each of us, whether you are a
straight man or woman, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual or
pansexual, can be affected and become a victim of gender violence. It impacts not only
women but also people of all ages and backgrounds. Therefore, all of us must be aware,
involved and concerned about these issues than can surely affect our wellbeing as an
individual and for which can subsequently cause economic and social breakdown if these
are not address and handled accordingly.
3. What is the difference of Sex and Gender?
Based on what I have understood in our class about the difference between Sex
and Gender is that Sex refers to the physical attribute-body characteristics notably sex
organs which are distinct in individuals. Sex is biologically determined or in simplest
term, it is something assigned at birth. It is relatively fixed and it does not change through
time and across cultures whereas, Gender is defined as the composite of attitudes and
behavior of men and women which refers to one’s masculinity and femininity. It is an
acquired identity and is developed, learned and perpetuated primarily through family,
education, religion and other social institutions. It is based on socially constructed
features. Unlike Sex, Gender may change and vary through time and across culture due to
the fact that it is socialized and that social values and norms are not static. Gender is how
we see and perceive ourselves as whether a man, a woman, or any of the LGBTQIAP+. It
is individual’s concept of one’s self. A perfect illustration for this is that, sex is when I
have female genitalia since I was born and since I am a woman, I can give birth and can
breastfeed. However I identify myself as bisexual which is my gender. I less likely to
wear female outfits. I am more into wearing plain t-shirts and jeans. I act more like a man
than a woman but I still find myself attracted to both men and women.

4. What have you learned in my class?

Gender and Society is definitely what I consider the most interesting subject I had during
my second semester for the academic year 2019-2020. Aside from the fact that this specific
course deeply focuses on individuals’ sexuality, sexual practices, social relationships, gender
identity, gender roles, gender related issues and the like, this also enables me to learn and
know more about myself, who and what I am as an individual and to be confident about it.
Ever since, I really feel uncomfortable talking regarding my sexuality, but with this subject, I
found the will and the extraordinary enthusiasm to conquer my withstanding fear.

Due to the threats brought about by the Corona Virus, we weren’t able to finish this
course. However, with that short amount of time that we had with our instructor for this
subject, I believe I have gained a bunch of worthwhile experiences and learning.
One of the many learning I had is the knowledge I acquired during our first-ever meeting
about the difference between sex and gender. I can still clearly recall when Sir Josh asked us
individually what are the differences between these terms. It took us a while to find the
correct answer but later on, it was revealed by our brilliant instructor. According to him, Sex
is the biological characteristics that define humans as male or female which include genetics,
anatomy and physiology. It is natural and born with. It can never be changed except when
there is the intervention of science and medical treatments. Sex has also no variation from
culture to culture and time to time. On the other hand, Gender is defined as the socially
constructed set of roles and responsibilities associated with being girl and boy or men and
women, and in some cultures a third or other gender. It is learned and not born with. It is how
we view ourselves and present it to the society.

Aside from that, I have come across to different gender-related terminologies such as
gender roles which refers to the sets of behavior, roles and responsibilities attributed to
women and men respectively by society by which are reinforced at the various levels of the
society, gender mainstreaming which means the systematic integration of the respective
needs, interests, and priorities of men and women in all the organization’s policies and
activities; and many more.

We have also discussed love and friendship which is very fun because all of the students
in the class can relate to, making it very engaging and wholesome. We were also encouraged
to speak and share to the class our experiences in love and friendship and what are the
prejudices or biases we have encountered along. Moreover, Sir Josh had shared as well his
insights regarding this matter.

Our short meeting with this subject has allow me to establish gender research and
analysis which enables us to examine and challenge social norms around to know what it
means to be a woman or man in society, and to pursue justice and equality for all, which
should be fundamental facets of development. And I am grateful for that learning and some
sort of realization.

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