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Euthanasia: The Pros and Cons

The term euthanasia is from the Greek language, and it literally means “good death”.
Euthanasia is the act of a physician or other third party ending a patient's life in response to
severe, persistent and untreatable pain and suffering. It is sometimes referred to as assisted
suicide, physician-assisted death, physician-assisted suicide, mercy killing, and other variations;
however, assisted suicide and euthanasia have differences.

Assisted suicide is intentionally and knowingly providing the means for another to
commit suicide. For example, providing a prescription medication to someone with the
knowledge that they intend to use it for the purpose of suicide.

Euthanasia involves a person, such as a physician, knowingly acting to cause the death of
a person suffering from severe and incurable pain. For example, a physician giving injections of
drugs to induce coma and then stop the heart.

New Mexico, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont are the only United State’s
states that allow physician assisted suicide. Anyone who wishes to be euthanized must be over
the age of 18 years old. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as Dr. Death, was one of the first
doctors to actively pursue physician assisted suicide for his patients and to bring the issue into
the forefront of society.

Euthanasia is known as many different things, but they all mean the same thing.
Euthanasia is administering a lethal dosage of a certain medication, or ending all life support
means, and letting a person who is terminally ill pass away at their own will. Many different
things charge the debate surrounding this hot button issue. Terminal diseases and illnesses are
painful, especially when the person inflicted is nearing the end of their battle. Unimaginable
pain, uncertainty, and a loss of control are things that no one should have to endure when they
are nearing their death. However, the opposition believes that religious, moral, and ethical values
all must take importance and that death should come naturally as it is intended to. In order to
gain a true understanding of the issue of euthanasia, it is vital to learn all about the debate from
both sides of the fence.

The Pros of Euthanasia

One of the main advantages of euthanasia is the relief it gives on sick people with
terminal diseases like cancer. There are people who are suffering from incurable medical
conditions who suffer the pain caused by their ailments and who would rather die instead of live
the rest of their lives in pain and suffering. Euthanasia puts an end to a patient’s suffering. It also
gives dignity to a dying a person. Supporters of euthanasia claim that it is the right of the person
to live and to die the way he or she desires especially if they look at life as not worth living for.
If a man or woman only has months to live and do not wish to appear sick and weak when the
day comes, euthanasia can make this possible without inflicting more pain. In the end, a sick
person dies with dignity and still be as handsome or beautiful as he or she used to be during his
or her days without the ailment. Advocates for euthanasia consider the act as the most humane
way to end the suffering of a human being or animal instead of the use of other means such as
using guns. Moreover, the process or method is done in such a way that the person or animal will
not feel any pain. Dying people who are considering euthanasia can also choose the day they
want the act to be done.

Furthermore, Euthanasia could also help ease the burden on hospitals. Many people argue
that the hospitals have a severe problem with overcrowding, especially when it comes to
terminally ill patients. Allowing the patients to choose to end their suffering in a timely manner,
on their own accord of course could ease this burden that the hospitals are facing. It would save
money, as well as allow the hospitals to serve more people.

The Cons of Euthanasia

The biggest issue surrounding physician assisted suicide is the moral one. The idea that
every human life is precious and has value is undermined by euthanasia. Death is nothing to take
lightly, and many people believe that it is morally wrong to permit the killing of any person, no
matter what their circumstance may be. Several faiths see euthanasia as a form of murder and
morally unacceptable. Suicide, too, is "illegal" in some religions. Religion has played a very
large role into the debate on euthanasia. The majority of religions believe that if you aid your
own death, it is considered suicide, which is the ultimate sin. Morally, there is an argument that
euthanasia will weaken society's respect for the sanctity of life.

Euthanasia can be a worst kind of abuse. People are in very vulnerable positions, such as
terminally ill patients, are very open to abuse by caregivers and even family members. They can
become a burden onto families, which may prompt them to convince them that choosing
euthanasia is the right choice for them. When it comes to medical facilities, it is very possible
that this type of practice can be misused for reasons such as saving money, saving space, and
even personal issues.

In addition, mercy killing is against the oath of physicians. People in health care have the
responsibility to save lives and keep others healthy. With euthanasia, doctors or physicians who
practice this act are violating their oath to preserve lives and not do harm unto others. This act is
a clear opposition to the principles of medicine which is to provide cure for illnesses and render
care to patients.

If voluntary euthanasia is allowed, then there is a danger of it developing into a slippery

slope situation where say, sick elderly people end up having their lives terminated because
selfish relatives don’t want to look after them, or out of greed for inheritance money. Once we
allow doctors to kill patients, we will not be able to limit the killing to those who want to die
(Singer, 2008). While the term terminal typically means that the person will inevitably die, one
cannot count out the fact that medical miracles happen every single day. Even people in the most
bleak of situations have been able to pull out of it miraculously and go on to live a full life.

In conclusion, Euthanasia has always remained a controversial topic debated upon by its
proponents and opponents. People from both sides will always discuss about its advantages and
disadvantages. Whichever has more weight, perhaps, depends on the situation and it is best to
consider these factors all the time.

 Euthanasia- deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve
persistent suffering.

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