The Risks of Tiktok App in Achieving A Wholesome Christian Life

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With the rapid advancement of technology in the global market, the emergence of
various social media apps have also immensely increased. Not so long, when an app called
Tiktok was introduced to billions of people all around the world which has brought a dramatic
change as to how we live our lives and connect with the modern society. Young and even old
ones are getting hyped up with this social network, thus, making this the highly downloaded
app during the quarantine season.

Technology has proven to be both a blessing and a curse to organized religion. In the
Seventh Day Adventist Church Community, technology and the use of any certain types of app
which include Tiktok are not discouraged. However, we are being reminded as to the amount of
time we spent on these social apps that might subsequently compromise our spiritual health-
our beliefs, faith and fundamental understanding of God.

Parents grow more concerned about the time their children are spending watching and
recreating videos in Tiktok, instead of reading the word of God and contemplating on it.
Furthermore, church leaders have to ask the congregation to turn off their phones before
services begin to ensure the serenity and holiness of the Sabbath. It is now a huge challenge for
the church to sustain the attention and community amid constant distraction brought about by
this digital era.

Indeed, technology has getting more prevalent in every facet of our lives-even in our
spirituality. For that reason, the Adventist church are making the best possible ways to
incorporate it in different areas towards spiritual promotion and advancement. The belief is
that, technology has not effect at all. However, what makes it good or bad lies on how we make
use of it, therefore, we, as bearers of Christian faith, must use technology and any other social
media apps to bring people together in true worship.

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