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Knowledge and creativity

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Knowledge and Creativity
Greater communication skills are compulsory for any specialist in various ways and
under different circumstances. For instance, a lack of good communication prevents an expert
like a lawyer from expressing to his client that his primary goal is to deliver benefit to the
client. Good communication skills are essential for a successful and rewarding outcome.
Improving communication skills will help the lawyer to express himself and be more
confident. Henceforth, more confidence will help attract more clients and influence others in
the same profession. Mastering good communication will make practicing more enjoyable,
because if the lawyer is communicating well with people they will trust him and start liking
him, and will make it easier to like and enjoy helping. A client may feel abandoned and
experience discomfort if they are not duly heard and gets responded to their feeling and
cause. An unsatisfied client might also look for a different option or opinion (alternative).
Especially if the client is going through a crucial mental state due to their current case, it will
make them feel horrible if they are left unheard. In order to connect to the client and to have
them believe the effectiveness, a lawyer must polish his listening skills. When a lawyer
deliberately listens to the client, he can hear the level of communication that may increase his
understanding of the client’s problem. A true audience is someone who can feel the speaker
and attempts to understand his/her expressions.

Once the connection is created between the speaker and the audience, the speaker
comes to a comfort zone from which his/her belief towards the audience becomes stronger
and starts to express his/her feelings, opinions, and concepts in an even more independent
manner. An audience should also be easily understandable by the speaker therefore, he
should not use any complicated terms that may confuse or derail the speaker. In this way,
speakers will start to believe the audience based on information that has been provided and
this will assure that they are not going be judged.

Currently, I am experiencing a wonderful insight into the interpersonal instances

where I can easily understand people’s thoughts as well as I can provide them just and
equitable solution to them of the problems they encounter. Ever since, I have started this
module, my way of dealing with my classmates, friends and even other people outside the
class has changed radically to an extent that they feel more comfortable in sharing their
thoughts and problems of which I can come up with an amicable discussion and thereafter
suggest an effective get through.
When I was designated as an arbitrator in resolving a dispute between two of my
teammates, I discovered that none of them were coming up with a good solution. In both
cases, it was important to establish a shared faith to find an appropriate solution. Later on, I
turned up with a few points to resolve the dispute by demonstrating an insight into the
underlying problem, investigating the matter in detail, and finally arranging a meeting with
the two parties. Only because of this effective communication skills that I have adopted form
this module allowed me to resolve the dispute. Now I can easily use listening and writing
skills to approach and communicate with people.

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