EQ JOURNAL 2 - Lachica

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Q: How do you think you could best motivate yourself to be the best version of yourself as a leader?
If there are no restrictions at all, what kind of a leader do you want to be for your subordinates and the
people around you?

Personal Reflection:

The best way that I could motivate myself to be the best version of myself as a leader is being able to adapt
to change. When you are open for improvements and any other form of open feedback you will grown as a
person, but you have to filter whether the feedback that comes from the people whom you trusted are
worth to be improved or not. When you have that ability to adapt to change, you can never be wrong in life
because you are flexible.

The kind of leader I want to be formy subordinates and the people around me is an authoritative leader.
Someone has the authority to deal with colleagues. Someone that exemplifies respect and decency.
Someone that is worthy to be emulated through my actions, words, and deeds. When you are an
authoritative leader, it doesn’t mean that you are bossy, but a leader who has the heart for the people.
Who recognizes the effort of his/her subordinates and of course someone that symbolizes strength when
big problems will come in the way. The composure and grit is always visible. Pressured yet able to maintain
an organizing personality.

Q: What are the specific qualities or behaviors do you want to develop to be an emotionally intelligent
leader? Describe the ideal outcome or goal for yourself. What is the deeper meaning or personal
significance that this goal has for you?

Personal Reflection:

The very reason why I relinquished myself to this leadership training it is because I want to further develop
my EI. Since it is the best time to really master the art of leadership through EI this is something that I need
to be serious about. I want to be inculcate the necessary qualities of being self-aware, to hone my
relationship management skill, to be more socially aware, at the same time to really deepen my self-
management skill. When you master and develop it further, you will always have strong dispositions in life
since you have developed it for your self. There are many things that I’ve deciphered and realized one thing
is how to manage my emotion/feeling when negative comments/feedbacks are thrown at me. Before, I
don’t know how to cope with these issues, now that I have attended this leadership training, I have gained
another essential learning and concept which is really beneficial to my role as a training leader in our
division. I have now the additional shield to combat negativities in the workplace or even in the training
venue where participants are having difficulties or concerns.

The ideal outcome or goal I want to achieve is being able to respond to their concerns with respect and to
give appropriate solutions through good communication. When you have good dialogue making and
respect, you will surely have a peace of mind and you will be emotionally stable.

The deeper meaning of this personal goal is to really achieve an emotionally aware and effective leader in
me. It is because, as a novice in the office I have doubts in myself even others are complimenting me for a
job successfully done. I have this fear that I will be failing all of their expectations and the end result is being
able to do my part superbly. That is why I want to show more effort, compassion and love to the job given
to me. I don’t have regrets because I am learning from it and in fact, it helps me a lot to be the best version
of myself.

Q: What aspects of your leadership life do you feel will be improved by the learnings in this training
program? Reflect on situations you came across in the past that you feel you could’ve handled it better.
Do you want to develop in this area? Why is it essential for you to improve on this? Set a metric on how
you will know if you’ve attained your desired outcome?

Personal Reflection:

I believe it is in the emotional aspect. To become an efficient leader and a leader with a heart you should
have the high tolerance on stressful undertakings or situations. That is the very reason, why Emotional
Intelligence is essential and vital when you are not okay or at ease.

There are many life’s experiences that I myself felt challenged on it. The advantage is, I amnot a quitter or
even a loser. I stand on my decisions and I fight for what is right. When I had a short misunderstanding with
my previous school head. To make the story short, since I was the faculty president at that time, I talked to
him properly and listened to his side, why he does all those things (not telling us where his errands were,
not always coming to school, and he has filled out his DTR without being able to log in the school’s
biometric). From our conversation, I appreciate his honesty, mistakes and lapses. From that on, we built a
strong teacher-school head connection/ friendship.

I really wanted to improve and develop in this area to be more emotionally prepared and ready for
whatever emotional shortcoming may come along the way. When you have the necessary weapons to
combat these unforeseeable situations you will be victorious. It is also vital to learn from others, be open to
others and hear from others for you to be more equipped and be guided to the appropriateness of the
solutuons you will be giving to the person or individual that needs your help.
Q: Based on the results of the High5 Test, what are those strengths telling you about you and your
capabilities? In what situations do you see those strengths demonstrated/magnified the most? Think
about the jobs, tasks, roles in your company that you can display your Top 5 strengths?

Personal Reflection:

Based from the results of my High5 Test, I was notified that I am an empathizer, coach, believer, commander and
tme-keeper. And with the result, I believe I am like this. This is my natural personality. There are many situations that
I used these strengths of mine. That resulted to success. As for me, when you display these strenghts you will attain
your desired goal and you are always guided.

Being an empathizer, a coach, believer, commander and time-keeper will make you more emotionally intelligent
leader. I have to be in the shoes of others so that I could understand them more. I have to be a believer of their or my
wlidest dreams. I have to be a commander to give right directions in their lives. I have to be a coach to give them the
opportunity to improve and I have to be a time-keeper because time is always important and time-is-of-the-

Q: How can you capitalize on your strengths to address your areas of development in the 4 quadrants of
the Emotional Intelligence? What do you see as possible first steps to accomplishing your goal of
becoming an emotionally intelligent leader? What might you do to take you closer to that? What could
you do differently this time around?

Personal Reflection:

To always have an open mind and heart. I think this is the best thing that I need to do and to take closer to
that in order to become an emotionally intelligent leader. When you always have that open mind and heart,
you are willing to create to accept new learning and ideas for you to improve further and to become a more
emotionally mature leader.

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