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4th activity; Read the introduction and last chapter of Rizal's annotation of Antonio

Morga's Sucsesos de Las Islas Filipinas then compare and contras Rizal and
Morga's different views about Filipinos and Philippine culture.

 In comparing the annotation of Rizal and Morga’s views about Filipino and
Philipipine culture are neutral, nor do they "bias" of the observations of Filipinos
and Philippine culture. But they differ in how they express themselves. Antonio
Morga in his style of writing has sentences that do not quite understand what it
means. His writing is abstract. In rizal's annotation it is an evident to understand
what Morga meant in Sucsesos de Las Islas and he explains it well. It was more
easy and clear to understand.

5th activity; About the novel,. Noli Me Tangere. Write an essay with the aim of
answering the ff. 1) What is freedom? 2) How is the lack of freedom portrayed in
the novel? 3) How is the situation in the novel different from today?

 Achieving independence is one of Rizal's most sought after goals. He wants a free
country and an equal right for all. So because of his longing for the people he
loves, he has taken several steps to open the minds of all Filipinos. The writing of
Noli Me Tangere and also El Filibusterismo was Rizal's instrument to open the
minds of the Filipinos and to achieve freedom in exchange for his life.
 The lack of freedom portrayed in the novel includes; the government was ruled by
the Spanish, prioritizing the trades from different countries, nipa houses were
being demolished in the city of Manila. Filipinos were called Indios, a perfect
example of discrimination. Only the family who belongs to the Ilustrados were
allowed to be educated. Filipino women have no freedom to study at Universities.
They are also not allowed to engage in professional work and work freely with
men, though they are permitted to run their business. And also usage of Spanish
Flag in all vessels.
 The study of Noli Me Tangere was created by our National Hero Jose Rizal to
expose to our Filipinos the problems and problems of our Philippine nation. It
addresses a lot of people's problems that the Filipino people do not address
because they are blinded by reality. for when we learn these truths the power of
the mighty will be broken. When the so-called "free" Filipino people fight, they
will achieve our long-term freedom. n the character of Ibarra I saw the personality
of Jose Rizal. I saw an educated, hardworking, courageous, Godly and patriotic
person. I also understood a lot about our country as explained by Noli Me
Tangere. It is true that our country before is very different from our country today
but because of Noli Me Tangere I have learned that there are things that were
problems that are still problems such as human discrimination, corruption, riots,
unreasonable laws, powerful ones, secret acts and so on. All in all, it is a subject
that not only provides information but also helps us open our minds to making
great changes in our country. As students, learning the Noli Me Tangere helps
shape our status here in our hometown.

6th Activity; About El Filibusterismo, Compare and contrast the characters, plot
and theme of Noli Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

 The two novels Jose Rizal is different in many respects, though it is written by the
same writer or author, and it is also assumed that it focuses on the story and has
the same characters. but there is no doubt that there is still a difference. The book
of Noli means its title "Social Cancer" This novel by Rizal is a Romantic Novel, It
is "a work of the heart" "a book with emotion" with freshness, color, humor,
lightness and glimmer of intellect. The book of el Filibusterism with the meaning
of its title "The Reign of Greed" it is a political novel a work of the mind and “a
book of thoughts” containing bitterness, disgust, pain, violence and sadness.
 Rizal's original intention was to make El Filibusterismo longer than Noli Me
Tangere, But in print, it became shorter than Noli. It only has 38 chapters
compared to Noli with 64 chapters, Rizal had to relinquish el Filibusterismo for
lack of funding. Friends of Rizal and the Rizalists today have different opinions
on which is the better novel and Noli or the Fili, But for the most part, this is just
as good a novel from the vista point of history. It illustrates well the real
conditions of the Philippines and the Filipinos of the Spanish period.
 The theme of el Filibusterism, El fili is a political novel that evokes, and suggests,
Awakens even more earnestly the earnest desire to achieve true liberty and the
people's rights. THIS was written by rizal and he wholeheartedly dedicated it to
the three martyrs better known as the Gomburza or Gomes, Burgos and Zamora.
The theme discussed in the novel Noli Me Tangere is the unacceptable acts of
government and church officials during the Spanish period in the Philippines. The
novel portrays the cancers of society that may be illuminated by readers. Through
the development of a novel about these cancers, young people are able to
strengthen the inspiration for the social system. It also discusses the strategic
ways of suppressing injustice experienced by Filipinos. It promotes peaceful
means of fighting oppressive friars and politicians.

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