Rocking The Daisies - 2011 & 2012 - Case Study

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Rocking the Daisies – 2011 & 2012 – Case Study


 Rocking the daisies did market research in order to understand audience and gain
consumer insights. Business decisions were made based on this research.
 Online monitoring was used to measure return on investment (ROI) and helped in
creating better festival experience.
 Online conversation was tracked before, during and after the festival to understand
audiences needs and preferences.
 Data collected during this period was used to mine insights about the audience.
 These insights gained were used to identify new commercial opportunities and
increase ROI for sponsors.

Concepts related to the case

Online monitoring to measure festival success and gaining audience insights – In this case
conversations were tracked in real time across multiple online platforms and fed into a
customized real time dashboard. Insights gained from this data were used by organisers to
create better festival experience.

Case study questions

What were the key insights drawn in connection with the Rocking the Daisies festival?

 Use online monitoring to measure marketing success.

 Online monitoring helps organisers to gauge audience behaviour and for sponsors to
understand value proposition.
 Insights generated from online conversations can be used to understand needs and
wants of audience and therefore, create a better festival experience.
 New business opportunities can be spotted from online data.

How can the festival organisers take what they’ve learned to make changes? Suggest
some ideas.

There was massive excitement among consumers on social media when Rocking the Daisies
announced that Bloc Party, an internationally – renowned band, was headlining the festival.
To generate conversations and buzz online, Rocking the Daisies organisers should introduce
more international bands to headline the festival in the future.
On social media, there was a lot of conversations surrounding the festival tickets. They were
in high demand. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the festival organisers to increase ticket
fees in the long term to generate greater ROI.

Bidding process can be introduced by organisers for branded stages to increase sponsorship

Why would ongoing monitoring be important in this case?

Ongoing monitoring gathers and analyses online data in order to understand your market,
know who your audience are, their wants and needs.

With online monitoring, you can gather information about your audience, competitors, and
the market, which will help you make better business decisions in the long run.

Ongoing monitoring will help tailor content or messages that will resonate with your

Ongoing monitoring will also further optimise and improve marketing efforts.
Case study – Coca-Cola Company


 Coca-Cola accepted that they need to act like publishers in order to earn consumer
attention, and need to engage with their consumer and not dictate to them.
 Coca-Cola develops a content strategy in order to double sales by 2020 and redefine
their business.
 Coca-Cola talks "Liquid and Linked" content.
 ‘Liquid’ embodies the notion that our networked and connected world enables ideas
to spread rapidly.
 ‘Linked’ makes sure that ideas are always centred on the core brand story and

Concepts related to the case

1. Storytelling: Coca-Cola recognized the power of storytelling as a part of liquid

strategy. Stories create an emotional connection, connect people and spread ideas,
which leads to conversations. The idea of Coke's "Live Positively Principles" sounds
like a big area to expand into from a content marketing stand-point and can work with
an unhealthy product.
2. Consumer-generated content: Brand stories encourage consumer reactions and
engagement. These are often created by the consumers themselves. Coca-Cola
actively encourages fans. Creativity coupled with digital technology means that
consumers have greater power than ever before to create and drive brand stories.
3. Unified brand experience: Coca-Cola is putting a lot of emphasis on creating a
coherent and accessible brand experience. Coke recognizes that the world's most
engaging content must have real substance and it is necessary to filter to reflect
brand’s key values.

Case study questions

What is Coca Cola’s overarching goal? Why is this significant?

Coca Cola’s overarching goal is to expand their business, to be more precise doubling their
size of sales by 2020. They're planning to do this by using liquid & linked content strategy
that stands for fast networked world and ideas which brings in more customers for its
products. This is significant for the long-term survival and thriving of the company and to
compete with rivals like Red-bull who are ahead of the game with the catchy phrase " Red-
bull gives you wings".

What is brand storytelling?

Brand story telling is the positive image of the company. It shows the purpose of the
company to satisfy its customers by creating stories that has an emotional connection,
connect people and spread ideas, which leads to conversations. It makes the company
standout and differentiate itself from the competition. This fantasy story should ensure that
the consumers start buying or buying more of its products.

What do you think about the content audit? Is it a process you would undertake?

The content audit is a good way to know whether your content suits the brand identity of the
company and the market they are trying to reach in order to create targeted and valuable
brand content that delivers on strategic objectives. Yes, that is a process i would undertake.
Analyze the content marketing strategy being used by the Government of India in the
present Covid 19 scenario in various platforms (both traditional platforms like
television, newspapers etc. and online platforms like social media, GOI website etc.),
Provide specific examples.

A multi-pronged strategy is necessary to manage the crisis and build a resilient Indian
education system in the long term.

One, immediate measures are essential to ensure continuity of learning in government

schools and universities. Open-source digital learning solutions and Learning Management
Software should be adopted so teachers can conduct teaching online. The DIKSHA platform,
with reach across all states in India, can be further strengthened to ensure accessibility of
learning to the students.

Two, inclusive learning solutions, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalized, need
to be developed. With a rapid increase of mobile internet users in India, which is expected to
reach 85% households by 2024, technology is enabling ubiquitous access and personalization
of education even in the remotest parts of the country. This can change the schooling system
and increase the effectiveness of learning and teaching, giving students and teachers multiple
options to choose from. Many aspirational districts have initiated innovative, mobile-based
learning models for effective delivery of education, which can be adopted by others.

Three, strategies are required to prepare the higher education sector for the evolving demand–
supply trends across the globe—particularly those related to the global mobility of students
and faculty and improving the quality of and demand for higher studies in India. Further,
immediate measures are required to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on job offers,
internship programs, and research projects.
Four, it is also important to reconsider the current delivery and pedagogical methods in
school and higher education by seamlessly integrating classroom learning with e-learning
modes to build a unified learning system. The major challenge in EDTech reforms at the
national level is the seamless integration of technology in the present Indian education
system, which is the most diverse and largest in the world with more than 15 lakh schools and
50,000 higher education institutions. Further, it is also important to establish quality
assurance mechanisms and quality benchmark for online learning developed and offered by
India HEIs as well as e-learning platforms (growing rapidly). Many e-learning players offer
multiple courses on the same subjects with different levels of certifications, methodology and
assessment parameters. So, the quality of courses may differ across different e-learning

Five, Indian traditional knowledge is well known across the globe for its scientific
innovations, values, and benefits to develop sustainable technologies and medicines. The
courses on Indian traditional knowledge systems in the fields of yoga, Indian medicines,
architecture, hydraulics, ethnobotany, metallurgy and agriculture should be integrated with a
present-day mainstream university education to serve the larger cause of humanity.

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