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Sunday, March 15, 2020 DECCAN


Survival ofthe fittest
No recognisable creatures can survive in the Dead Sea,
which means no jumping dolphins, no swimming fish,
and no seaweed to get stuck between your toes. The
massive levels of salt prevent the existence of all life
forms, except some bacteria discovered in recent years.


Lo and behold
loo mann
ouple of months back while
attending a workshop,
I wanted to use the re-
stroom urgently. Guided by a lady
employee and walking through a
mini maze, I finally reached the THE LOO TUTORIAL
Dead Sea place.
On the door, was a huge poster

bearing the title ‘Loo Manners’.
felt like I was in a cocoon of tran-
ty. An overall soothing feel-
Well, it was a list of command-
ments which had to be kept in WHICH BORE A NOTE
ing wrapped me and even though
I was surrounded by people, I
mind before entering. As I was
in a great hurry, I zoomed past
couldn’t hear them. I felt solely and went in at my own risk. Once BE ON CAMERA ONCE
connected to the sea. That is the magic
of fl
floating in the Dead Sea in Israel. It is
inside, I had to spend some pre-
cious seconds searching for some YOU EXIT.’
the earth’s lowest point. light as it was pretty dark. I no-
From a distance, the sand was ticed a small switch to my right After getting back, I couldn’t
brown and as I started approaching hidden with a paper. help turning back to look at all
the water, it got interspersed with
white sand. The temperature on
The Dead Sea in Israel is a powerhouse of wellness, writes After tapping the switch/pa-
per several times, a bright light
the faces which came out of the
restroom. The expression on
the periphery was cold and the salt
was quite crusty and hard here. As I
Khursheed Dinshaw flashed over a note which read…
…‘turn me off when you leave’.
their faces surely made me smile
all the way back home. When
walked inside the sea, the salt got soft Hurriedly, I attended to nature’s I narrated this to everyone at
and resembled edible salt in texture. call and saw the next instruc- home, all burst into laughter and
The water got warmer. tion behind, that read… ‘Use less had only one concern... whether
You can float or walk in the water water and leave the place dry I used the washroom or returned
which has an oily texture since it for the next person’. Baffled by after reading the list of Do’s and
contains numerous minerals. There this, I turned off the flush soon Don’ts.
are a number of hotels located within enough for the written directive This reminded me of an
walking distance from the Dead Sea. to be satisfied by my quick reac- incident back in our good old
Most of them have their own desig- tion. Now, I was getting better at Airforce days when we hosted
nated areas where beach chairs, sun this. I turned around to the tap dinner parties at home.
decks and cabanas have been set up which posed the third challenge It was on one such day, when
for guests to soak in the wellness vibe bearing the jotting … ‘Wash your before entering the kitchen, I
of the sea. Bath robes and towels are hands but do not waste water.’ went around the house to see
provided by these hotels and there is How does one get this right? I whether everything was in order
a facility for open air showers near responded to this by washing and so, just to be careful that my
the sea. It is recommended to take hands and allowing least possible kids do not soil the freshly hung
a shower every 20 minutes as the drops slipping out. This was like towels in the washroom, I put
sea water is extremely saline. Dead a game for me with clues pasted a small post-it on it which read
Sea water is more saline than ocean everywhere in the room. When I ‘Don’t use’ for them.
water. was getting ready to wipe hands, That evening, the party went
the paper towel had a line which off perfectly as planned. The
It’s mined read, ‘Use less paper and save next morning, after waking up
After this surreal experience, I was the environment’. I did comply from my slumber, as I crawled
curious to learn about the wellness to their demand by wiping hands into the restroom, I found the
products which are made using Dead Chunky Dead Sea mud with my own handkerchief. The two towels hanging neatly side-
Sea mud, salt, plants and water. And loo tutorial finally ended when by-side untouched and with the
so I headed to the Ahava Products I reached the door, which bore a post-it still on. I can still vividly
Visitor Centre for a tour. Ahava is li- Apple of Sodom tree. PHOTOS BY AUTHOR note saying, ‘Smile….you’ll be on recall that embarrassed look on
censed to mine mud and salt from the camera once you exit.’ my face.
Dead Sea in Israel. that is mined in chunks from the conditions. The visitor centre also feet and stiff muscles. Natural Dead Though I have seen instruc- Till today, I am reminded of it
The tour started with the decom- northern side of the Dead Sea. Its offers Dead Sea bath salts which are Sea salt can be sprinkled on food for tions in many restrooms, this whenever I hang fresh towels for
missioned mineral salt hooper which inner layers were grey in colour while ten times more concentrated than added flavour. In Israel, this rich salt was a tad bit too much for a small guests at home.
had filled 284,770 salt bags. It was re- the outer layer was brown in colour. other sea salts and contain over 40 comes in a variety of flavours. You room with tags everywhere. PRIYA ANAND
placed in 1992 by semi-automatic This mud, which contains numer- minerals. can choose from hot chilli pepper,
filling machines. I learnt that there ous minerals, is mined every few garlic and ginger, orange and chilli,
is a seaweed that grows in the sea months and stored in containers. It Minerals galore mint and sun-dried tomato, organic
which helps in skin exfoliation while is then filtered and Dead Sea water Some of these minerals include cal- dill, organic rosemary and one which
the culture sourced from the Apple is added to it. The minerals in the cium, magnesium, potassium, iron even has merlot wine in the salt. The
of Sodom tree has an anti-wrinkle mud are easily absorbed by the skin. and zinc. These bath salts are recom- golden Dead Sea salt comes with ed-
effect. It took five years of research By improving blood circulation, the mended for reducing skin problems ible gold colour while more unusual
to perfect the culture. As I walked mud nourishes the skin leaving it and relieving pain caused by rheu- ingredients with the salt include truf-
around, I saw the multi-layered mud soft and smooth. It also treats skin matism. They also reduce swelling in fle, seaweed and black carbon.

Containers where
Dead Sea mud is

Dead Sea bath salts

Kavya M

The theme for the next photo feature is

‘Perfect moment’ . Submit your entry (one per
person) with your name, a caption, and information
about where you have taken the photo to sundaydh@ latest by March 23, 2020
► File size should at least be 500 KB. The subject line for the mail is ‘My Take’.
Abandoned by man,
Shravya Savithri K
adopted by nature
The hidden star Tuluveshara Temple, Basrur,
Andaman Kundapur Taluk

Padmajit Nadagouda Patil Mithun Guddethota

The real treasure is

hidden within us
A pearl in the horizon Playing hide and seek Jenkal Gudda, Sirsi
Saptasagar, Karnataka Kasargod

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