Ac Circuits

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Electric Circuits 2

Course Outline
I. Induced EMF and Alternating Currents
II. Alternating current circuits
III. Phasor, series and parallel circuits
IV. Power factor
V. Sinusoidal circuits analysis
VI. Resonance
VII. Polyphase systems

In the first of these, the voltage is said to be an induced EMF and in accordance with
Faraday’s Law, its magnitude at any instant of time is given by the equation
e = N dΦ/dt x 10-8 volts
Where N = number of turns in the coil
dΦ/dt = rate at which the flux, in maxwells, changes through the coil.
Note that by this method of developing an EMF, there is no physical motion of the
coil or magnet; the current through the exciting coil that is responsible for the
magnetism is altered to change the flux through the coil which in which the voltage is
induced. By second and third method, there is actual physical motion of the coil or
magnet, and in altered positions of coil or magnetic flux through the coil changes. A
voltage developed in either of these ways is said to be generated EMF and is given by
the equation

e = Blv sin θ volts

Where B = flux density in tesla or wb/m2
I = length of wire in meter
v = velosity of wire in m/s with respect
to the flux.
note: 1 weber = 108 lines of flux
1 tesla = 104 gauss

A generator has 800 rectangular circuit loops each being 40cm long. If the armature
of radius 8cm rotates at 120rev/sec in a magnetic field of 0.13T. What is the induced
EMF and the current produced if the resistance is 15Ω. Consider the coil is in
perpendicular with the flow of the flux.

Electromotive force generated by the rotation of the coil

A coil of a single turn is shown in the figure. The coil rotates in a counterclockwise
direction at a uniform speed in a uniform magnetic field. As the coil assumes
successive positions, the emf induced in it changes. When in position 1, the emf
generated is zero, for in this position neither active conductor is cutting magnetic lines
but is moving parallel to these lines. (when the coil is in this position, the rate of
change of flux linkages is zero. When the coil reaches position 2, its conductors are
cutting across the lines obliquely and the induced emf has a value. When the coil
reaches position 3, the conductors are cutting the lines perpendicularly and are cutting
therefore at the maximum possible rate. Hence, the induced emf is less, due to a lesser
rate of cutting. At position 5, no lines are being cut, and, as in 1, there is no induced
emf. Inposition 6, the direction of the induced emf in the conductors will have
reversed, as each conductor is under a pole of opposite sign to that for posiitons 1 to
5. The induced emf Increases to a negative maximum at 7 and then decreases until the
coil again reaches position 1. The region corresponding to position 1 and 5 in which
the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the direction of the flux and in which no emf
is induced in the coil by rotation is called the neutral zone.

V2(t) v1(t)

θ ωt

consider the two voltages:

V1(t) = Vm1 sin ωt
V2(t) = Vm2 sin ωt + θ
V1(t) lags V2(t) by θ
V2(t) leads V1(t) by - θ

Let V1(t) = Vm1 sin (10t – 30) volts

V2(t) = Vm2 cos (10t + 10) volts
Find the angle for which
a. V1(t) lags V2(t)
b. V2(t) leads V1(t)

1. Find the angle by which I1 lags V1 if V1(t) = 100 cos (120πt – 40) and
a. I1(t) = 10 cos (120πt + 20)
b. I1(t) = 100 sin (120πt – 70)
c. I1(t) = - 0.5 cos (120πt – 110)

2. Find A, B, C and θ if
20.5 cos (120πt – 30) + 10.5 sin (120πt + 120) = A cos (120πt) + B sin (120π) = C cos
(120πt + θ)

Assignment no. 1
I. Given V1(t) = - 10 sin (377πt - 45)
V2(t) = 20 sin (377πt – 30)
V3(t) = - 10 cos (377πt + 30)
Evaluate the angles by which
1. V3(t) leads V1(t)
2. V2(t) lags V1(t)
3. V1(t) leads V2(t)
4. V2(t) lags V3(t)
5. V3(t) leads V2(t)

II. Find A, B, C and θ if

A cos (240t + 45) + 20 sin (240t – 75) = 12 cos (240t) – B sin (240t) = C sin (240t +

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