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Bulletin of the Harry Stephen Keeler Society

No. 1............................................. January, 1997

Well, like it or not, youÕve gotten
yourself into the Harry Stephen Keeler
Society. What did you do to deserve this?!
You simply expressedÑor seemed to ex-
press!Ñinterest in the work of AmericaÕs
comic Kafka, the sole practitioner of the
webwork plot, master of the deus ex
machina, consummate crafter of convo-
luted capersÑin short, one, Harry S.
The Keeler News will be printed, oh,
roughly once a month, and will carry
IÕm also less interested in pointing out
items of interest to the few, the not-too-
everything that Keeler is not than in ex-
proud, the Keelerites. YouÕll find ads for
ploring what he so exuberantly is. Keeler
Keelerganzas (have any to sell? let me
was not a writer who failed to live up to
know!), reviews, letters, and trivial
literary standards; he was a creator of his
Keeleriana of every sort.
own standards. And thatÕs just what
As our ranks grow, I hope to put out a
makes him fascinating.
much more substantial newsletter
(proposed name: Webwork) which will be
big enough to include a lot more features,
including previously unpublished work
by HSK himself. Over a dozen Keeler
Send Õem in!
novels have never been printed in any
language. What better forum for them ¥ Letters
than a Keeler Society newsletter? ¥ Reviews
As editor of the Keeler News, I ¥ Books for sale
promise never to give away any impor- ¥ News items
tant plot elements from a Keeler novel. ¥ Names of more Keelerians
2 Keeler News No. 1

mirror image of a comic dream about a

Book terrifying reality. This vast pseudo-

Milwaukee is riddled with dead-end
streets, flying-machine factories, mudflats,
taxicabs in scores of bright designs, and

unique establishments. ThereÕs UmlaufÕs
$33.33-One-Hour-All-Outfit haberdashery
and barbershop. ThereÕs the Buffalo Bill
Shootery, where you can try your luck
shooting at a Òspray of whitish-marble-
The Search for X-Y-Z. London and sized glass balls.Ó And thereÕs ErnieÕs
Melbourne: Ward Lock, 1943. Ratskeller of the 40 Biers, featuring a
robotic band in costumes from around the
This is vintage webworkÑKeeler glee- world, moving in time to ErnieÕs World-
fully doing what only Keeler does. The Famous 22-Tube All-Globe Radio (Keeler
plot is so intricate that a good dozen new has anticipated Disneyland and Chuck E.
facts are presented on each of The Search Cheese!). But not all spots in Wiscon City
for X-Y-ZÕs over 300 closely-printed pages, are so cheerful. One scene is set in a
and each of those facts is likely to be a sec- square that is completely hemmed in by
tion of a plot-string whose other sections warehouses, and is accessible only
may turn up, unexpectedly, on any other through Òsubwaylike gangways.Ó Perfect
page of the book. It is a web in x-y-z di- for both claustrophobics and agorapho-
mensions, pasted together with hideous bics! EzraÕs tiny hotel room is even more
puns, absurd laws passed yesterday, deChirico-ish: it is furnished in spartan
Electra complexes, and noms de plumeÑ metal furniture; its big window faces an
all reeking with the ripe, glorious smell of enclosed yard, and lacks both pane and
red herrings. windowshade. At night, with his light on,
Our protagonist is one Ezra Jenkins of Ezra can see nothing outdoorsÑbut any-
Wauwaukauchee Lake, WisconsinÑa one lurking outdoors can see him and
gee-whiz, whitebread young romantic like reach him!
most Keeler heroes. Like Ezra Abner Hick This eerie city is known as ÒAmericaÕs
of The Portrait of Jirjohn Cobb, Ezra Berlin.Ó So of course, much of its popula-
Jenkins is a country bumpkin dressed in tion talks like this: ÒBut de point iss dot
ludicrous rural clothes, but blessed with a vunce in a plue moon comes someputty
fine education that lets him speak literary vot iss imbortant.Ó Readers will be intro-
English (thank you, Harry, for sparing us duced to Herman Hieronymus, the ruth-
some dialect). EzraÕs mission is to find his less Kraut King of Wiscon City (thatÕs not
brother, X-Y-Z Jenkins, in the metropolis an anti-German slur: heÕs a sauerkraut
of Wiscon City. Ezra has to find X-Y-Z pickler!). ThereÕs StateÕs Attorney Foxhart
within a few days, or else Ezra is headed Cubycheck, whose name alone is worth
for prisonÑand he canÕt hire a private eye the price of the book. ThereÕs an entity
or contact the police for help. Why? Well, called LifeÕs Triple Enigma spending a lit-
the reasons are revealed at length within tle time on Honomiehl Road, just out of
the first few pages of the novel, and of town. And thereÕs Olivia Debrevois, the
course, they only succeed in making the most cultured, wisest, and blackest
situation still more absurd and woman poet youÕve ever met.
Kafkaesque. This brings us to the striking racial
Wiscon City, in fact, seems taken from dimensions of this story. Despite the pres-
the world of KafkaÕs AmerikaÑit is the ence of typical Keeler cartoons who say
Keeler News No. 1 3
things like, ÒAh tÕought yoÕ uz de boss!Ó
Keeler is also determined to slap contem-
porary racial stereotypes in the face. Not
Keeler on the Net
only does he introduce Madame
Debrevois, but he creates a Chinese- The Internet is a boon to oddballs all
American gunman who holds a degree over the world. If youÕre one in a million,
from Yale, and who bitterly notes: there are dozens more like you on the
ÒChopsuey restaurant waiterÑbusboyÑ Net. This applies to Keelerites, and it
shirt-sorter in a Chinese laundryÑthat, gives us a great way of keeping in touch.
believe it or not, is the complete pro- Many of you have e-mail addresses
gramme of openings in t h i s Êland of and are already part of my Keeler mailing
ee-quality, to a Chink!Ó And then thereÕs list. This is a group of about a dozen peo-
the appearance of a group of ÒIndians ple who keep abreast of Keelerism by e-
from whose ancestors this entire state, mailing each other. Just e-mail me at
with its plethora of Indian names, had and IÕll add you to the
been stolen bag and baggage by the noble list.
white man.Ó ItÕs good to see that KeelerÕs Bill PoundstoneÕs well-written Harry
heart is in the right place, even when his Stephen Keeler Home Page was the first
mind is lost in the never-neverland of Keeler site on the World Wide Web. The
Wiscon City. URL is:
The structure of this novel is delight- Keeler.html. (Make sure to capitalize
ful. It is divided into ÒThe Book X!Ó, ÒThe ÒKeeler.Ó)
Book X-Y!Ó, and ÒThe Book X-Y-Z!Ó Our own Society has a home page at
(exclamation marks included, of course).
Most chapters are subdivided into num- html.
bered sections, some only a paragraph IÕve also started the Keeler Dustjacket
long. Vault. This is a site where you can view
ThereÕs plenty of the patented Keeler and download images of cover art from
syntax, and thousands of sentences that about a dozen HSK novels, as well as read
only Harry could write: Ò ÔTo hell with the the blurbs from their dustjackets. ThereÕs
identities of future Chiefs of Police of this room for more, so help me out! The ad-
town, Doc,Õ retorted the Chinese.Ó dress is
In short, the reader of this unique and jackets.html.
oneiric text is in for a perverse treat. It is a Go aheadÑplunge into the Amazing
windowÑno, ten thousand windowsÑ Web and become a cyberkeelerite! N
into a parallel world populated by a cast of
ghosts. The most substantial of these
characters haunts every page, even Read any good Keelers lately? Want to
though he is alluded to only briefly: he is
share your observationsÑbut no crucial
the Òauthor of one or two published pot-
boilers,Ó who goes by the name of ÒHenry plot twists!Ñwith the rest of us? Write
Stepney KolerÑor Keiler.Ó N a review for the Keeler News!
ÑRichard Polt
Keeler News is perpetrated by:
Richard Polt Keeler Society Web site:
828 Newell St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 USA
Republished by: Harry Stephen Keeler Society, 4745 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45232
Keeler News No. 1 4

Harry Stephen Keeler Society

828 Newell St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 USA

Three titles available from Richard Polt:

THE MYSTERIOUS MR. I. Dutton, first ed. Fine, no dj. $30.

THE RIDDLE OF THE TRAVELING SKULL. 1938 Triangle reprint. Very good, with
good dj. $20.

SING SING NIGHTS. A.L. Burt reprint. Fair, no dj. $15.

A few booksellersÕ terms:

Fine = Nearly new, with slight signs of aging, but no defects.

Very good = A complete book, as issued, with very few blemishes or signs of wear.
Good = A complete book with no major defects, showing normal wear and aging.
Fair = A worn book with defects such as a torn dust jacket, loose binding, etc.
Reading copy = A book which has little or no value as a collectible item, but has
complete text.
dj = dustjacket (paper cover)

Do you have any spare Keelers that you want

to offer to our other members? Sell them here!
Let me know what youÕve got, describe it and price it.
IÕll print your ad in the next Keeler News.

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