Bioresource Technology: Tingyue Gu, Seyed Omid Rastegar, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi, Ming Li, Minghua Zhou

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Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

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Advances in bioleaching for recovery of metals and bioremediation of fuel T

ash and sewage sludge

Tingyue Gua,1, , Seyed Omid Rastegarb, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavic, Ming Lia, Minghua Zhoua
Key Laboratory of Pollution Process and Environmental Criteria, Ministry of Education, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Urban Ecology Environmental Remediation and
Pollution Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, PR China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
Biotechnology Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Bioleaching has been successfully used in commercial metal mining for decades. It uses microbes to biosolubilize
Bioleaching metal-containing inorganic compounds such as metal oxides and sulfides. There is a growing interest in using
Bioremediation bioleaching for bioremediation of solid wastes by removing heavy metals from ash and sewage sludge. This
Heavy metal review presents the state of the art in bioleaching research for recovery of metals and bioremediation of solid
Solid waste
wastes. Various process parameters such as reaction time, pH, temperature, mass transfer rate, nutrient re-
quirement, pulp density and particle size are discussed. Selections of more effective microbes are assessed.
Pretreatment methods that enhance bioleaching are also discussed. Critical issues in bioreactor scale-up are
analyzed. The potential impact of advances in biofilm and microbiome is explained.

1. Introduction investigated bioleaching for bioremediation of solid wastes, but this

application is not yet ready for deployment for practical bioremedia-
Many industrial activities generate solid wastes that are toxic to the tion. The slow reaction kinetics is a major bottleneck (Pathak et al,
environment. They pollute air, water and soil. Removing organic mat- 2017). Optimizations of operating parameters such as reaction time,
ters from solid wastes is relatively easy using biological, chemical and pH, temperature, mass transfer rate, nutrient requirement, pulp density
physical means. However, the degradation of inorganic matters, espe- and particle size are needed to improve bioleaching process efficiency
cially those compounds containing heavy metals is usually difficult (Rastegar et al., 2014b; Arshadi and Mousavi, 2014; Bosecker, 1997;
(Kulshreshtha et al., 2014; Lee and Pandey, 2012). There are various Ilyas et al., 2014). A proper pretreatment method is also an effective
methods used to extract metals from metal oxides and sulfides such as way to improve bioleaching. This review discusses various issues in
hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. These classical methods for metal bioleaching for the bioremediation of solid wastes with recovery of
extraction face problems such as environmental pollution, low recovery useful metals as value-added products.
yields and high operating costs (Pathak et al., 2009). Bioleaching uses
microorganisms to solubilize metal oxides and sulfides. This process is 2. History of bioleaching
sometimes called biosolubilization, which is simple and low cost (as
low as 1/3–1/2 of the costs in conventional processes) (Bosecker, 2001; Since the 1940s many researchers have contributed to the clar-
Watling, 2006, Motaghed et al., 2014). It is also environmentally ification of the mechanisms of specific microorganisms used in the
friendly as long as the leachate is contained and acidic wastewater is biosolubilization of metal oxides and sulfides (Mishra et al., 2005).
neutralized before discharging (Kulshreshtha et al., 2014; Lee and Most notably, sulfide ores have been bioleached in copper mining
Pandey, 2012). commercially in several countries (Ehrlich, 2001). The term biohy-
Bioleaching has been used to recover various metals from low-grade drometallurgy is used to describe a subfield in hydrometallurgy that
mineral ores and tailings for many years at industrial scales using involves biotechnology. It uses microbes to interact with insoluble
processes such as dump bioleaching, heap bioleaching and in situ bio- metal oxides/sulfides to convert them into soluble metal ions for further
leaching (Watling, 2006; Cox and Bryan, 2017). Researchers have recovery. It was first practiced in Rio Tinto mines in southwestern Spain

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Gu).
Permanent address: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701, USA.
Received 14 February 2018; Received in revised form 1 April 2018; Accepted 7 April 2018
Available online 21 April 2018
0960-8524/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

in the beginning of the 1890s (Mishra et al., 2005). Bioleaching has 3.1.2. Leptospirillum
been used for decades at industrial scales without operators knowing Leptospirillum ferrooxidans is an acidophilic obligatory chemolitho-
the exact roles of microorganisms in metal solubilization until 1961 troph that uses Fe2+ as an energy source. This bacterium can tolerate a
when Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was discovered in the leachates lower pH (about 1.2), and higher concentrations of uranium, mo-
(Brandl, 2008). This bacterium oxidizes Fe2+ to Fe3+ and then using lybdenum and silver than what A. ferrooxidans can, but it is more
Fe3+ as an electron acceptor (i.e., oxidant) to solubilize metal sulfides. sensitive to copper and is also unable to oxidize sulfur compounds. L.
In 1965, Acidianus brierleyi as the first iron and sulfur-oxidizing ar- ferrooxidans has a lower growth rate than A. ferrooxidans, but it can be
chaeon was discovered (Brierley, 2007). Since 1980, bioleaching has accelerated by the addition of Zn2+. Furthermore, L. ferrooxidans is less
been effectively practiced at industrial scales for mining in various lo- widespread than A. ferrooxidans, and this may reflect an inability to
cations owing to the better understanding of the microbes involved compete in the natural environment (Ewart and Martin, 1991). Because
(Mishra et al., 2005). Bioleaching of numerous copper ores such as of this, a co-culture of L. ferrooxidans with A. ferrooxidans or A.
chalcopyrite concentrates has been carried out since 1997 in Chili, thiooxidans is sometimes used to solubilize metals in a sulfidized solid
Mexico, USA, Australia and South Africa. Dump bioleaching at a high matrix (Bosecker, 1997; Hoque and Philip, 2011). With regard to
altitude was found to be a very low cost process for extracting copper growth temperature, Leptospirillum sp. have an upper limit of around
from ores (Watling, 2015). Other successful commercial operations 45 °C and a lower limit of around 20 °C (Rawlings, 2013).
including bioheap leaching and in situ bioleaching have been reported
as well (Watling, 2006, 2015).
To increase bioleaching efficiency, some pretreatment methods 3.2. Thermophilic bacteria and archaea
were used. For example, the Fairview Mine in South Africa has the
longest history of using the BIOX process for biooxidation pretreatment Due to high microbial activities with heat generation in exothermic
of sulfidic gold ores (Kaksonen et al., 2014). The Youanmi project in biooxidation in stirred tank reactors and in heaps, thermophiles are
Australia utilized moderately thermophilic bacteria including Sulfoba- desired in bioleaching to tolerate the high temperatures. Increased
cillus thermosulfidooxidans and biooxidation with operating tempera- operating temperatures and the use of thermophilic bacteria improve
tures between 45 and 55 °C . Another notable process was developed by not only reaction rates but also yields of extracted metals from some
GeoBiotics. It is called GEOCOAT for the biooxidation of refractory gold minerals. Moderately thermophilic bacteria grow at a temperature
ores by coating the concentrate slurry onto a support rock or a substrate around 50 °C. Extreme thermophiles which are usually archaea
material, and stacking this coated material in a biooxidation heap (Kaksonen et al., 2017) can grow at a temperature above 60 °C. A.
(Mishra et al., 2005; Rawlings, 2013). brierleyi is an archaeon formerly classified under genus Sulfolobus. Sul-
folobus species are capable of utilizing Fe2+, S0 and sulfides as energy
3. Microbes used in bioleaching sources that are also used by Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, which is
a spore-forming facultative autotrophic bacterium. However, in lab
3.1. Mesophilic bacteria tests, its growth will only occur in a culture medium enriched with
yeast extract (Bosecker, 1997; Rastegar et al., 2014a). This hampers its
Most industrial microorganisms used in the bioleaching are meso- use in the field unless it is grown in a mixed culture with other microbes
philic bacteria. Microbes in the Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum that supply its nutritional needs.
genera are mesophilic that prefer temperatures between 25 and 35 °C
for growth. 3.3. Heterotrophic bacteria and fungi

3.1.1. Acidithiobacillus Heterotrophic bacteria and fungi rely on organic compounds as

Bacteria in the Acidithiobacillus genus are rod-shaped, Gram-nega- energy sources in their metabolism. In the growth phase, they secrete
tive and non-spore forming. They can grow under aerobic condition. different organic acids such as lactic, citric, oxalic and gluconic acids as
They derive energy by oxidizing sulfur compounds such as elemental well as enzymes. These compounds can solubilize metals from a solid
sulfur, sulfides and thiosulfate that are either reduced or partially re- matrix by forming soluble metal complexes and chelates. Bacillus spe-
duced electron donors. Sulfate is usually the final oxidation product. cies are found to be the most effective bacteria, while some fungal
Most Acidithiobacillus species are chemolithotrophic species that use species in the Aspergillus and Penicillium genera are often used in bio-
CO2 in the air as the carbon source. This means that they do not need an leaching (Rastegar et al., 2014a, Rasoulnia et al., 2016; Vakilchap et al.,
organic carbon supplement in bioleaching operations, which is very 2016).
advantageous. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thioox-
idans, Acidithiobacillus caldus, Acidithiobacillus albertis, Acidithiobacillus
acidophilus, Acidithiobacillus concretivorus, Acidithiobacillus prosperus are 3.4. Mixed culture consortia
the most important Acidithiobacillus species in bioleaching. All of them
are rod shaped. These bacteria can oxidize elemental sulfur and gen- It is simple to operate a pure-culture bioreactor in a lab because
erate sulfuric acid that can reduce the culture medium pH to as low as there is no shift in the microbial population structure over time. It is
1, making them appropriate in the bioleaching of metal oxides and also less complex to study the intrinsic bioleaching mechanisms in such
sulfides to recover metals (Hoque and Philip, 2011). a bioreactor. Due to the strong acidity produced by bioleaching mi-
A. ferrooxidans, A. thiooxidans bacteria can grow well at an acidic pH crobes, often one microbe continuously thrive in the bioreactor even
between 1 and 3, while other Acidithiobacillus genus require a higher pH without sterilization of the culture medium and solids, unless another
that is not sufficiently acidic for bioleaching (Hoque and Philip, 2011). organism can tolerate the low pH. In recent years, some researchers
Thus, these two microbes are the most popular Acidithiobacillus species used mixed culture communities for bioleaching (Feng et al., 2013,
in bioleaching. A. ferrooxidans is a more important species in bio- Latorre et al., 2016). In one study, the use of a co-culture of A.
leaching because in addition to harvesting energy by oxidizing reduced thiooxidans and A. ferrooxidans considerably increased the recovery
sulfur compounds, Fe2+ is used as an energy source. In the absence of yields of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn from waste printed circuit boards compared
oxygen, A. ferrooxidans is able to grow on reduced inorganic sulfur with results using the single cultures of these bacteria. Much more re-
compounds using ferric ion as an alternative electron acceptor with CO2 search will be done using mixed cultures in the future due to its po-
as the carbon source. Like A. thiooxidans, A. caldus does not use Fe2+ as tential to make bioleaching more practical in the field that often har-
an electron donor in its metabolism. bors mixed culture communities (Li et al., 2014, Ma et al., 2017).

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

2H++SO42- Fig. 1. A schematic illustration of steps of

Fe2+ bacterial cell - mineral interactions with de-
tails on the actions of A. ferrooxidans on
S2O32- pyrite. The sessile cells in a biofilm con-
Fe3+ Fe2+
Fe3+ sortium generate ferrous ion and thiosulfate
with the latter finally oxidized to sulfuric
acid. [Figure redrawn with modifications
QS molecule FeS2 after Schmidt and Schaechter (2012)].

Biofilm attachment O2


Chemotaxis Quorum sensing (QS) Mature biofilm Detached cells


4. Bioleaching mechanisms bioleaching, it is produced by different Acidithiobacillus bacteria. Ferric

ion is also a strong oxidizing agent that is reduced during the solubi-
4.1. Contact bioleaching lization of metal sulfides. Oxalate, malonate, citrate and succinate are
the most important organic ligands produced by different bacteria and
In contact leaching, cells attach to the surface of solid particles. fungi. In the following reactions the formation of Fe3+ from oxidization
Sessile cells in biofilms are embedded in the extracellular polymeric of Fe2+ is shown. Fe3+ dissolution of metal sulfides (MeS) is also shown
substances (EPS) secreted by the sessile cells (Schmidt and Schaechter, below (Mishra et al., 2005; Rastegar et al., 2016).
2012). The cells suspended in the bulk fluid are called planktonic cells.
2Fe 2 + + 2H+ + 0.5O2 → 2Fe3 + + H2 O (2)
Microbes in nature often form synergistic biofilm consortia (Costerton,
2007). Some microbial members in a community produce metabolites MeS + 2Fe3 + → Me 2 + + S 0 + 2Fe 2 + (3)
to benefit other members. Some other members can protect sessile cells
against harmful environmental factors such as antimicrobials (Li et al., Although no contact is required in this type of bioleaching, biofilm
2016). formation on solid particles can nonetheless improve bioleaching per-
Fig. 1 is a schematic illustration of the mechanism of bioleaching of formances because biofilms provide a diffusional barrier that leads to
FeS2 by A. ferrooxidans. The mechanism is mainly found to be mediated locally concentrated metabolites such as organic acids on particle sur-
by microbial enzymes (oxidases or reductases). In the presence of faces. This will be further discussed in Section 9.
oxygen, A. ferrooxidans oxidizes FeS2 and uses O2 as the terminal
electron acceptor in the following reactions (Schmidt and Schaechter, 4.3. Thiosulfate and polysulfide mechanisms
2012; Mishra et al., 2005; Rastegar et al., 2016),
Recently, the dissolution of metal sulfides was categorized de-
FeS2 + 3.5O2 + H2 O → Fe 2 + + 2H+ + 2SO42 − (1) pending on their solubility in acids. These are (i) acid-insoluble metal
sulfides (thiosulfate mechanism), and (ii) acid-soluble metal sulfides
There is still a lack of experimental evidence to show exactly how
(polysulfide mechanism) (Schippers and Sand, 1999).
contact leaching takes place, in which microorganisms break the metal
In the thiosulfate mechanism, metal sulfides such as FeS2, MoS2,
sulfide bond in metal sulfides (Watling, 2006).
WS2 are exclusively oxidized by Fe3+. The reactions in the thiosulfate
mechanism are shown below:
4.2. Non-contact bioleaching
FeS2 + 6Fe3 + + 3H2 O → S2 O32 − + 7Fe 2 + + 6H+ (4)
With the non-contact bioleaching mechanism, physical contact is
S2 O32 − + 8Fe3 + + 5H2 O → 2SO4 2 − + 8Fe 2 + + 10H+ (5)
not required between solids and microbes. Solubilization of metals from
insoluble solids using bacteria and fungi relies on the three methods In the polysulfide mechanism, some metal sulfides such as ZnS, PbS,
below (Bosecker, 1997): FeAsS, CuFeS2 and MnS2 are dissolved by the combined effects of Fe3+
and H+ ions. Due to proton attack, the chemical bonds between metal
(1) Secretion of organic and inorganic acids (proton formation), and sulfur moiety are broken and H2S·+ radical is formed and is sub-
(2) redox reactions, and sequently converted to H2S2. It is further oxidized via higher poly-
(3) secretion of complexing agents for ligand formation. sulfides and polysulfide radicals to elemental sulfur. Hence, this me-
chanism is called the “polysulfide mechanism.” The reactions for this
Sulfuric acid is a popular inorganic acid for chemical leaching. In mechanism are shown below:

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

2MS + 2Fe3 + + 2H+ → 2M 2 + + H2 S2 + 2Fe 2 + (6) working solution is pumped out through other wells or collected in
drifts. The solutions are collected downhole and pumped to the surface
H2 S2 + 2Fe3 + → 0. 25S8 + 2Fe 2 + + 2H+ (7) for recovery. Underground leaching is used for mining nonferrous
0.25S8 + 3O2 + 2H2 O → 2SO4 2 − + 4H+ (8) metals and precious elements, and it is feasible for mining phosphates
and borates as well (Petersen, 2016). A major drawback of underground
leaching is the slow rate of chemical reactions.
5. Designs of bioleaching reactors and processes Tank leaching is an industrial bioleaching technique that has much
higher reaction rates than other techniques but it is more expensive due
The design of a bioleaching process depends on microbial activities, to increased capital costs (Watling, 2015; Petersen, 2016). It is popular
chemicals or minerals in ores or solid wastes. Thus, a process proven for for gold and zinc ore concentrates. Pilot plants for bioleaching of Cu, Ni
a particular solid may not be suitable for another solid. In the following, and Zn from metal sulfide concentrates utilizing mesophilic and ther-
some of the most popular process setups in bioleaching are explained. mophilic microbes have been set up and a commercial process to ex-
tract Co from a pyrite concentrate has been reported (Bosecker, 1997;
5.1. Laboratory bioleaching Watling, 2015; Petersen, 2016).

Several different experimental approaches have been used to eval- 6. Operating parameters and performances
uate bioleaching. They include airlift percolator, shake flask, airlift
reactor, stirred-tank reactor, aerated column and ore column (Borja There are various parameters in the bioleaching process that can be
et al., 2016). Experiments were performed by researchers using airlift divided into chemical, microbiological and mineralogical categories. To
percolators consisting of a glass tube with a sieve-plate at the bottom. It improve bioleaching performances, various operating conditions need
was filled with particles suspended in a leaching solution inoculated to be optimized.
with bacteria. The leaching solution was recirculated back to the
column top by compressed air just like in other air-lift bioreactors for 6.1. pH
fermentation. This percolator reactor suffered from low dissolved O2
and slow mass transfer, leading to low metal recovery yields. Sub- An appropriate pH of the culture medium can enhance the activities
merged leaching using shake flasks, stirred-tank reactors have been of microbes in bioleaching. It also affects solubilization of metals and
evaluated by researchers. Shaking and stirring increase the rate of the stability of metal ions in the liquid phase (Asghari and Mousavi,
aeration. This shortens reaction times considerably with increased 2014; Fonti et al., 2016; Yu et al, 2014). pH in the range of 2–2.5 was
metal extraction yields (Bosecker, 1997; Borja et al., 2016). Column the optimal value for the commercial bioleaching of a metal sulfide by
leaching involves passing leaching solutions through a solid stationary A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans. When pH was greater than 2.5, the
phase to model the dissolution of contaminants from the sample in the bioleaching rate decreased due to: (1) a decreasing Fe3+ concentration
field. It is used to model a heap or dump bioleaching processes with a as a result of Fe3+ precipitation in jarosites such as ammonium jarosite,
scale as large as several kilograms and up to a few tons of solids and (2) the attachment of bacteria to the jarosite, leading to decreased
(Bosecker, 1997; Borja et al., 2016). bioleaching performance. For Penicillium, the optimum pH range for
growth was much wider, between 2 and 8 (Asghari and Mousavi, 2014;
5.2. Industrial leaching processes Fonti et al., 2016).
Different strategies to maintain a low pH have been applied in-
Currently, industrial scales of bioleaching for the extraction of cluding: (1) a pre-acidification stage of the sediment slurry (to neu-
metals from different low grade ores are being practiced. Dump tralize acid-consuming substances), (2) addition of Fe3+ ions, (3)
leaching has been used industrially to recover precious metals and biostimulation of indigenous S-oxidizers in a low-grade ore or a solid
copper from ores. In this method, an acidified water or acidified ferric waste, and (4) bioaugmentation with Fe-oxidizing and S-oxidizing
sulfate solution is sprayed on solid particles in the dump and the lea- bacterial strains with Fe2+ and S0 as energy sources (Fonti et al., 2016).
chate solution is collected in ditches at the base of the dump in a When Fe2+ is added to a culture medium, S0 appears to have a buf-
continuous operation (Pradhan et al., 2008). fering effect that prevents excessive pH shift (Asghari and Mousavi,
Dump leaching of copper sulfide ores to recover copper has been 2014). Some studies controlled the culture medium pH. In this way the
practiced in several countries and this technique has been expanded for variation of pH due to the bioleaching processes was not assessed
other commodity metals as well, including gold, nickel, uranium and correctly. In general, the recovery of metals in a bioleaching process
zinc (Watling, 2015). The metal extraction efficiency is low and the represents the sum of bioleaching plus chemical leaching due to the low
duration of the operation lasts many days. In order to increase effi- initial pH in the medium (Fonti et al., 2016).
ciency, the leachate solution is controlled before going into an oxida-
tion basin with microorganisms that produce Fe3+. This method faces a 6.2. Redox potential
problem which is the possible escape of the leachate solution into
natural water supplies causing water pollution. Thus, measures must be Owing to the biooxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in the culture medium,
taken to prevent runoff. the redox potential of the medium increases (redox potential up to
Heap leaching is another industrial bioleaching method that has +700 mV or more vs. Ag/AgCl). The high redox potential is suitable for
advantages over traditional methods, especially when other econom- leaching of metals in an ore or solid waste. The culture medium redox
ically feasible options are limited (Fig. 2) (Rawlings, 2002). It is similar potential increases with the bacterial activity which benefits bio-
to dump leaching. It is mostly used for ores that have fine sizes, but still leaching of the metal. However, the redox potential during bioleaching
too coarse for flotation. Pipes are inserted to supply sufficient O2 in is not significantly affected by the amount of S0 provided (Asghari and
different locations in the heap. Mousavi, 2014; Fonti et al., 2016).
Another industrial leaching method is the so-called underground There are some reported studies that controlled redox potential to
leaching method used to mine tailings that are too poor for in situ accelerate bioleaching at the initial stage of bioleaching. Some re-
leaching (Rawlings, 2002; Watling, 2015). In underground leaching, searcher showed that a high redox potential favors the bioleaching of
the deposit is mined by several wells arranged in series, polygons, or pyrite while a low redox potential favors the bioleaching of chalco-
rings. A liquid containing bacteria is introduced into the wells. It filters pyrite. Chalcopyrite leaching stops almost completely when the redox
through the stratum and leaches the useful metal components. The potential slips beyond the critical potential at a ferric to ferrous molar

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

Fig. 2. A schematic illustration of a heap leaching process for copper ore. [Figure redrawn with modifications after Rawlings (2002)].

ratio of about 1 (Gericke et al., 2010; Petersen and Dixon, 2006). 6.5. Temperature
Electro-bioreactor was also used to control the solution’s redox poten-
tial in the bioleaching of chalcopyrite, and it was shown that with a The optimum temperature to have high metabolic activities from
redox potential range of 400–425 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl), chalcopyrite could mesophilic microorganisms in bioleaching is around 30–35 °C. At a
be effectively extracted (Ahmadi et al., 2010). The Nernst equation higher temperature between 50 and 80 °C, thermophilic bacteria should
below can be used to adjust the redox potential (E) by manipulating be used. When a temperature is much higher than the suitable tem-
operating temperature and ion concentrations (Zhao et al., 2015a), perature for growth, microbes do not grow well or even die. Because
metal oxide and metal sulfide solubilization processes are exothermic,
RT [Fe3 +] heat can accumulate which increases the culture medium temperature
E= E∘ + ln
F [Fe2 +] (9) undesirably and thus it should be controlled (Bosecker, 1997; Pradhan
et al., 2008; Fonti et al., 2016).
where E° is the standard reduction potential (at 25 °C, 1 M solutes or
1 bar partial pressure for gases), R the universal gas constant, T absolute
6.6. Nutrients
temperature and F Faraday constant.
Microorganisms used for bioleaching need different nutrients.
Chemolithotrophic microbes can derive energy from reduced inorganic
6.3. Pulp density
compounds like sulfur and Fe (II) ions as electron donors. They use CO2
instead of organic carbon as the carbon source. Usually a mineral
The pulp density (i.e., the solid mass to liquid volume ratio) is one
supplement is added in lab tests if the feed particles do not have them
the most important factors in bioleaching. In general, the bioleaching
(Rastegar et al., 2016).
efficiency decreases when pulp density increases because of: (1) in-
creased toxicity of heavy metals in the solid waste that inhibits meta-
bolic activities of microbes, (2) the adsorption of metal ions in the so- 6.6.1. Elemental sulfur
lution to the solid matrix in the medium and therefore decreasing the S0 is an electron donor (i.e., energy source). As shown in the me-
solubility of the metal in the bioleaching medium, and (3) inadequate chanism discussion above, elemental sulfur may be an important in-
mixing that leads to insufficient O2 supply. In several published studies, termediate in the oxidation of sulfide minerals. Increasing the amount
1% (w/v) was found to be the optimal pulp density for petroleum re- of available S0 can improve bacterial growth and the rate of acidifica-
finery waste catalysts (Pradhan et al., 2010; Asghari and Mousavi, tion and therefore the biosolubilization efficiency. However, in some
2014). In a different study, 1% (w/v) of fuel-oil ash was also the op- studies, too much S0 showed a negative impact on biosolubilization of
timum for bioleaching of oil-fuel ash (Rastegar et al., 2016, 2015a) some minerals such as MgO, CaO, Al2O3 (Asghari and Mousavi, 2014;
Fonti et al., 2016). S0 powder is the main commercial S0 source in
bioleaching. Its very low solubility is a disadvantage. S0 pastilles pro-
6.4. Particle size duced by power plants are favored for bioleaching due to low cost
(Asghari and Mousavi, 2014; Fonti et al., 2016).
The solid waste particle size in the bioleaching medium is another
important factor in metal solubilization. The bioleaching of fine parti- 6.6.2. Ferrous ion
cles in ash and sludge has a huge advantage. The large surface to vo- The main source of Fe in the culture medium for bioleaching is
lume ratios accelerate bioleaching reaction rate. However, in the bio- usually in the form of FeSO4 with a concentration of 0.3–16 g/L. An
leaching of ores, energy is needed to create small particles. A particle increased amount of Fe2+ in the medium increases energy supply be-
size smaller than 45 µm is usually preferred. It should be noted that, cause this electron donor is oxidized to Fe3+. In one study, the bio-
sometimes, a very small particle size can damage the structure of fungal leaching rate for iron oxidizing bacteria increased after adding 3 g/L of
cells in bioleaching microbial communities and results in a lower bio- Fe2+ in the culture medium. However, the rate decreased at higher
mass, leading to decreased bioleaching efficiency (Islam and Ting, Fe2+ concentrations because of: (1) lowered metabolic activity, (2)
2009; Asghari and Mousavi, 2014). elevated Fe3+ precipitation rate that hampered diffusional mass

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

transfer for bioleaching, (3) improper bacterial adaptation in the cul- 7.1.1. UV
ture medium, and (4) metabolite toxicity including Fe3+ toxicity One research group used UV mutation to treat A. ferrooxidans GF
(Asghari and Mousavi, 2014; Fonti et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2015). and Acidiphilium cryptum DX1-1 for chalcopyrite bioleaching (Xu et al.,
2010). They obtained high-performance bacteria that increased the
6.6.3. Dissolved O2 and CO2 dissolution of copper (Xu et al., 2010). Another group of researchers
Oxygen has a fundamental impact on the overall bioleaching pro- treated mixed microorganisms with mutagen diethyl sulfate (DES), UV,
cess (Gleisner et al., 2006). The dissolved O2 supply comes from aera- and their combinations. It was found that the best one increased the
tion, stirring or shaking. Under O2 limitation, the rates of S0 and Fe2+ content of Cu2+ by 101% in 20 days of bioleaching compared with the
oxidization reactions decrease, resulting in a delay in sulfuric acid control culture (Kang et al., 2009).
production and metal solubilization. A dissolved O2 concentration be-
tween 1.5 and 4 mg/L is often required for optimal microbial activities 7.1.2. Microwave
in bioleaching (Kock et al., 2004). Some conflicting results in the lit- The complexities and the intergrown nature of ores result in a poor
erature could to attributed to whether the oxygen effects are detected in liberation of valuable minerals (Olubambi et al., 2007; Ola-Omole et al.,
the bacterial culture with and without the presence of sulfide minerals 2016). It has been shown that bioleaching efficiency can be improved
(Mandl et al., 2014). after microwave treatment. Microwave has been investigated for mi-
In addition to aerobic conditions for the oxidation of sulfur, some neral processing for many years (Ola-Omole et al., 2016). It can reduce
bioleaching microorganisms are also able to use Fe3+ as an oxidant in processing costs owing to the reduction in the energy required for
anaerobic respiration when cells are deprived of oxygen (e.g., under- grinding. Metal extraction yields can be improved with a shorter pro-
neath an aerobic biofilm that serves as an oxygen barrier through cessing time due to accelerated chemical reaction rates (Olubambi
oxygen consumption and O2 diffusional limitation). The reduction of et al., 2007). The drawback is an extra processing step that consumes
Fe3+ regenerates Fe2+ that is used by those aerobic cells with access to energy (Pathak et al., 2017). For ash and sludge with sufficiently small
oxygen within the same biofilm structure (Schmidt and Schaechter, particle sizes, this pretreatment is not needed.
2012). This anaerobic process is important to explain sulfuric acid
formation even without oxygen which often is a limiting factor in in situ 7.1.3. Ultrasonication
bioleaching. A. ferrooxidans anaerobically reduces ferric ion using S0 as Microbes and ores or solid wastes can be sonicated before bio-
the electron donor in the following reaction, leaching to improve metal extraction efficiency. The application of ul-
trasound expands the advantages of bioleaching while avoiding or
S 0 + 6Fe3 + + 4H2 O → HSO4− + 6Fe 2 + + 7H+ (10) lessening its shortcomings to an acceptable level. A summary of bio-
3+ 0 leaching conducted with ultrasonic is given in Table 1. Some ultrasonic
Fe oxidation of S is one of the two steps in sulfur metabolism in
irradiation effects are discussed below (Capote and de Castro, 2007).
bioleaching microbes. In the first step, sulfur:ferric ion oxidoreductase
converts sulfur to sulfite and in the second step sulfite:ferric ion oxi- Stimulation of microbes. The effects of ultrasound on the
doreductase converts sulfite to sulfate in the periplasmic space (Sugio
bacterial metabolic activity depend on some factors such as the type
et al., 1992). Different from the two-step mechanism above, Corbett and
of microbes (Gram negative or Gram positive), their shape (rod or
Ingledew (1987) proposed that electrons donated by S0 enter the re-
coccus) and size (big or small) (Vyas and Ting, 2018). The underlining
spiratory chain via the bc1 complex. The electrons are transported
mechanisms are not clear (Erriu et al., 2014). Recently, ultrasound has
through the periplasmic membrane and are finally used for the reduc-
been reported to enhance enzymatic/microbial activities by improving
tion of Fe3+. More work is needed to elucidate the mechanism for
stirring at microscopic and macroscopic levels and changing the
electron transport from S0 to Fe3+.
permeability of cell membranes (Vyas and Ting, 2018). Vargas et al.
In addition to O2, CO2 is critically important because it provides the
(2004) observed that using ultrasonic treatment of more than 4 min
carbon requirements for the growth of autotrophic bacteria. However,
caused an increase of around 28% in metabolic activity due to the
the effect of CO2 supplementation on microbial growth was probably
disruption of A. niger and release of invertase enzymes (Vargas et al.,
overlooked in many instances because dissolved CO2 was more difficult
2004). It should be noted that sonication of extracellular enzymes in a
to measure than dissolved O2. The optimal inlet CO2 concentration for
solution only leads to a reduction in bioactivity due to enzyme
ferrous ion oxidation was found to be between 7% and 17% (v/v) in
denaturation and thus sonication should be optimized and controled.
several studies (Bosecker, 1997; Kock et al., 2004; Fonti et al., 2016). Improved bioleaching efficiency. The effects of ultrasound on

7. Pretreatment in bioleaching bioleaching efficiency are related to the type of bioleaching process
including: one-step bioleaching (the ore/solid waste is added to
Some pretreatment methods have been increasingly used to increase inoculum at the beginning of inoculation), two-step bioleaching (a
metal extraction efficiency in bioleaching. Pretreatment can be used for high cell count or metabolite concentration is obtained first and then
either microorganisms or solid particles. ore/solid waste is added), and spent medium leaching (the
microorganisms are removed before the addition of ore/solid waste)
7.1. Pretreatment of microorganisms and solid wastes (Vyas and Ting, 2018). The mechanical effects from ultrasonication are
significant where the reactions in a bioleaching process are
In the bioleaching process, selecting and breeding efficient bacteria heterogeneous. Although in one way increasing sonication intensity is
for solid waste bioleaching are becoming more and more important. desired to enhance mechanical effects in order to increase metal
Mutation breeding is a frequently-used and effective method to obtain extraction, but it also increases the membrane permeability of
high-performance microorganisms (Xie et al., 2013). Mutation of mi- microorganisms that leads to increased toxic effect of the metals to
croorganisms was used to increase the tolerance of microorganisms to the microorganisms. An optimum intensity (1.5 W/cm2) was found for
solid wastes with high toxicity. Mutation of cyanogenic bacteria was A. niger bioleaching.
used to promote gold recovery with bacteria tolerant of alkaline con-
dition (Natarajan and Ting, 2014). There are different methods to Enhanced selectivity in bioleaching. Ultrasound pretreatment
mutate microorganisms to increase bioleaching efficiency. The effects increased the selectivity in extraction favoring leaching of metals like
of different pretreatment methods on bioleaching are summarized in Ni. One study showed that up to 92% Ni and 12.5% Fe were extracted
Table 1 and discussed below. in a one-step bioleaching process within 20 days (Vyas and Ting, 2018)

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

Table 1
Pretreatment to improve metal extraction.
Ore/waste Bioleaching process Pretreatment condition Outcome Ref.

Lateritic nickel ore One-step 30 min sonication of broth + spores + ore at 20 kHz, Ni: 95% Swamy et al.
1.5 W/cm2 Fe: 0.2% both in 14 days (1995)

Lateritic nickel ore One-step 30 min sonication of broth + spores + ore at 43 kHz, Ni: 95%, 14 days Sukla et al.
1.5 W/cm2 Fe: 0%, 14 days (1995)

Lateritic nickel ore One-step 30 min sonication of broth + spores + ore at 43 kHz, Ni: 95%, 14 days Kar et al. (1996)
1.5 W/cm2 Fe: 0%, 14 days

Black shale Two-step 7 min sonication, 40 kHz, during 15 days of growth and Cu: 92%, Zn: 87% , Co: 71% over 24 days Anjum et al.
36 days of bioleaching Al: 92%, 24 days (2010)
Fe: 83%, 21 days

Hospital waste incinerator Spent medium 10 min sonication of spent medium + waste at 40 kHz, Increase of around 20 mg/kg Al, 15 mg/kg Anjum et al.
bottom ash leaching 18 days of bioleaching Fe and 5 mg/kg Zn on sonication (2014)

Olivine ore Two-step 15 min sonication, 37 kHz, 0.2 W/cm2, during 7 days of Ni: 15.7%, 17 days marginal increase in Mg, Chiang et al.
growth and 17 days of bioleaching Al, Si & Cr (2014)

gold ore One-step 30 min Ultrasonic of L. ferriphilum YXW at 40 kHz, As: 93.2, Fe: 58.7, 10 days Yuan et al.
500 W (2013)

gold ore One-step 10 s microwave, of L. ferriphilum YXW As: 99.7, Fe: 76.0, 10 days Yuan et al.

gold ore One-step 120 s UV of L. ferriphilum YXW As: 95.2, Fe: 66.8, 10 days Yuan et al.

Arsenic-rich gold One-step 180 s UV of bacterial flora Fe2+oxidation rate (%): 99.8 Xie et al. (2013)
concentrates 120 s UV of bacterial flora Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 98
60 s UV of bacterial flora Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 81

Arsenic-rich gold One-step ultrasound 10 min Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 99.8 Xie et al. (2013)
concentrates ultrasound 20 min Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 99.8
ultrasound 30 min Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 99.8

Arsenic-rich gold One-step microwave 10 s Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 98 Xie et al. (2013)
concentrates microwave 20 s Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 99.6
microwave 30 s Fe2+ oxidation rate (%): 99.6

without pretreatment. With ultrasonic pretreatment, the reaction rate beneficial to bioleaching because of: (1) increased metal solubilization
and recovery rate were both increased with 95% Ni extracted in 14 days efficiency due to promotion of chemolithotrophic microbes used in
while the leaching of Fe was negligible. The negligible leaching of Fe bioleaching, (2) increased metal concentrations after bioleaching, thus
was due to the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ during sonication that led to facilitating the subsequent metal precipitation stage, (3) decreased use
the formation of peroxide and free radicals. of chemical reagents in the bioleaching process due to reduced feed,
and (4) harvest of the heating value stored in the carbon content in the Acceleration of metal extraction reactions. The maximum ash (Rasoulnia et al., 2016). Burning temperature should be controlled
extraction efficiency was achieved within 24 days when a solid waste and optimized to avoid the fusion of ashes and metal volatilization.
was treated ultrasonically, leading to higher metal recovery yields than
those achieved over 36 days without sonication pretreatment. With 8. Bioleaching for bioremediation
ultrasonication longer than 24 days, metal recovery yields started to
decline, probably due to precipitation because of leachate saturation or Many thermal power plants in developing countries burn coal or
undesirable reactions such as complexation reactions. fuel oil because the much cleaner natural gas is not always available or
affordable. Coal and fuel oil produce large amounts of fly ash and
7.2. Solid waste pretreatment bottom ash. The residual organic matters in the ashes can be removed
using different biological, chemical and physical methods easily
The main aim in the pretreatment of a solid waste is to increase the (Reijnders, 2005). However, inorganic materials which are different
accessibility of valuable metals for subsequent bioleaching to improve compounds containing metals, some of them heavy metals, often in the
metal extraction efficiency. This is done to: i) extract some metals that form of metal oxides and sulfides, are not degraded by these methods
can compete with the main target metals in the bioleaching stage (e.g., (Bosecker, 2001; Lee and Pandey, 2012). In the following sections, the
the extraction of Cu, Fe and Al can compete undesirably with the ex- characteristics of different solid wastes including fuel-oil ash, coal ash
traction of gold, silver and some other rare and expensive elements), ii) and sewage sludge and their bioleaching for the recovery of metals as
remove toxic compounds that have negative effects on microorganisms value-added products are discussed.
by using water or acid wash to neutralize the culture medium which can
counteract the release of carbonate and oxidization that increase pH, 8.1. Fuel-oil ash
affecting acidophilic bacteria adversely, and iii) make accessible valu-
able metals with increased concentrations in the solid and be able to use 8.1.1. Chemical characteristics
flotation or magnetic separation to remove less valuable metals The fly ash collected by a cyclone collector is called CY fly ash. It is
(Arshadi and Mousavi, 2015). called EP fly ash if it is collected by an electrostatic precipitator (Tsai
Thermal pretreatment of fuel ash by incineration prior to bio- and Tsai, 1998). Bottom ash is collected at the bottom of a furnace. It is
leaching removes carbonaceous compounds (Bharadwaj and Ting, heavier than fly ash. Fuel oils contain Fe, Ni, V, and Zn, in addition to
2013) and concentrates inorganic matters. This pretreatment is Al, Ca, Mg, Si, and Na. These metals exist in the crude oil supply. They

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

Table 2
Summary of bioleaching of fuel-oil ash in the literature.
Microorganism Condition Type of reactor Recovery Ref.

A. ferrooxidans pH = 1 Shake flask V 82% Rastegar et al. (2015b)

inoculum percentage = 1% Ni 86%
initial Fe2+ concentration = 1 g/L Cu 87%
pulp density = 4% (w/v)
Time = 10 days

A. ferrooxidans pH = 1 Shake flask V 74% Rastegar et al. (2015a)

inoculum percentage = 1% Ni 95%
initial Fe2+ concentration = 2.6 g/L Cu 88%
pulp density = 1% (w/v)
Time = 4 days
A. thiooxidans pH = 1 Shake flask V 96.4% Rastegar et al. (2016)
initial sulfur = 9 g/L Ni 100%
pulp density = 1% (w/v) Cu 99.2%
Time = 7 days

A. thiooxidans pH = 1 Reactor V 77.6% Rastegar et al. (2016)

initial sulfur = 9 g/L Ni 89.7%
pulp density = 1% (w/v) Cu 65.7%
Time = 8 days

P. simplicissimum pH = 3 Shake flask V 100% Rasoulnia et al. (2016)

pulp density = 1% (w/L) Ni 40%
Time = 10 days Fe 48.3%

A. niger aeration rate = 763 mL/min, sucrose concentration = 102 g/L Reactor V 83% Rasoulnia and Mousavi (2016)
inoculum size = 40 mL/L Ni 30%

are enriched in the ash after incineration. Transition metals (Fe, Mn, incubated for 9 days. With an increased incubation time and more ef-
and Co) and alkaline-earth metals (Ba, Ca, and Mg) may also be added ficient mass transfer (e.g., by using an airlift column instead of a bubble
for the suppression of soot or for corrosion control (Al-Malack et al., column), it is expected that the recovery yields could be improved
2013). Thus, they can be found in the ash as well. considerably.
In another work (Rasoulnia and Mousavi, 2016), fuel-oil ash was
bioleached using Penicillium simplicissimum with an initial pulp density
8.1.2. Bioleaching of fuel-oil ash of 1% (w/v). Several different bioleaching methods including one-step,
Several studies for the recovery of heavy metals from fuel-oil fly ash two-step, and spent-liquor methods were tested. The highest extraction
are summarized in Table 2. For instance, V, Ni and Cu were bioleached yields of V and Ni were bioleached with the spent-liquor method. Al-
from fuel-oil ashes with operating conditions of pH 1, 1% (v/v) in- most 100% V, 40% Ni and 48% Fe were recovered. Using simulated
oculum, 1 g/L initial Fe2+ concentration, 4% (w/v) pulp density and chemical leaching with a mixture of 5237 ppm (w/w) citric acid,
incubation time of 10 days in shake flasks. At these conditions the 3666 ppm gluconic acid, 1287 ppm oxalic acid and 188 ppm malic acid
maximum recovery yields were 82% V, 86% Ni and 87% Cu, reflecting as comparison, it was found that bioleaching increased Ni and V re-
improvements of 20%, 16% and 8%, respectively when compared with coveries by 12% and 19%, respectively.
chemical leaching. Using a modified shrinking core model, it was found
that the bioleaching process was controlled by diffusional mass transfer
(Rastegar et al., 2015b). A recent work statistically optimized different 8.2. Coal ash
parameters on the bioleaching of fuel-oil ash by A. ferrooxidans using
the response surface methodology (RSM) (Rastegar et al., 2015a). With 8.2.1. Chemical characteristics
initial conditions of pH 1.3, 2.6 g/L Fe2+ and 1% (w/v) pulp density, Coal is widely used for electricity generation. Coal fly ash remains a
maximum recovery yields of 74% V, 95% Ni, and 88% Cu were ob- serious environmental problem. The chemical characteristics of coal fly
tained in shake flasks with 100 mL culture medium. V was then re- ash differ significantly from those of fuel-oil fly ash (Reijnders, 2005).
covered using NaOH for pH adjustment to form NaVO3, which was The major metal oxides in coal are SiO2, Al2O3, FeO3, CaO, MgO, Na2O
precipitated using NH4Cl from the bioleachate liquor. After calcination, and K2O (Meawad et al., 2010). Coal fly ash is considerably richer in
V2O5 was produced. It was subsequently used to make highly ordered various valuable elements such as Ni, Zn and Cu. The chemical ele-
single crystalline NaV6O15 nanorods with high purity, which are useful ments in fly ash are listed in Table 3 (Jadhav and Hocheng, 2015). Finer
in many industrial applications (Rastegar et al., 2015a). fly ash particles tend to be richer in these elements because of the
Another work studied Cu, Ni and V recoveries from fuel-oil ash condensation-volatilization process (Sahoo et al., 2016).
using A. thiooxidans in small shake flasks with 50 mL culture medium,
which was then scaled up to a 2.4 L bubble column bioreactor (Rastegar 8.2.2. Bioleaching of coal ash
et al., 2016). The optimal bioleaching initial conditions were found to Table 4 lists several organisms that have been used for the bio-
be pH 1, 9 g/L sulfur and 1% (w/v) pulp density. The highest recovery leaching of coal ash. The bioleaching of fly ash using newly isolated
yields after 9 days of incubation were 99.2% Cu, 100% Ni and 96.4% V, fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Penicillium glabrum were investigated in
respectively for the shake flasks. Risk assessments using various toxicity one-step and two-step bioremediation processes. Using F. oxysporum in
assessments indicated that the Cu, Ni and V levels in the ash after bioleaching, the bioremediation process recovered Mo (100%), S
bioleaching were all well below US EPA regulatory limits for safe dis- (64.4%) Ni (50%) and Cu (33.3%). P. glabrum recovered Mo (100%), S
posal. In the 2.4 L bubble column bioreactor, the highest recovery (57.4%), Ni (25%), Si (24.7%), V (12.5%), Ti (5%) and Sr (3.2%) from
yields were 65.7% Cu, 89.7% Ni and 77.6% V, respectively with an the fly ash (Taştan, 2017). After 4 h of bioleaching, An Aspergillus niger
initial pulp density of 1% (w/v) after an 8-day incubation period. These broth removed almost 100% metals except Cr (93% recovered), Ni
efficiencies were lower than those from the shake flasks which were (83%), As (78%), and Pb (70%) (Jadhav and Hocheng, 2015). The

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

Table 3 Table 5
Elements in coal fly ash (ppm by mass). Physicochemical and biological properties of sewage sludge.
[Reproduced from Pathak et al. (2009) with permission from Elsevier].
Element Jadhav and Hocheng (2015) Meawad et al. (2010)
Property Value
Aluminum 10.7 ND*
Antimony ND 4.6 pH 5–8
Arsenic 0.86 43.4 Total solids (%) 0.83–12
Barium ND 807 Volatile solids (% TS) 30–88
Beryllium ND 5 Moisture (%) up to 95
Boron 20.3 311 Protein (% TS) 15–41
Cadmium 0.35 3.4 Nitrogen (% TS) 1.5–6
Calcium 24.31 ND Phosphorus (ppm) 0.8–11
Chromium 18.2 136 Potassium (ppm) 0.4–3
Cobalt 9.08 35.9 Silica (% TS) 10–20
Copper 40.2 112 Organic acids (mg/L HAc) 200–2000
Fluorine ND 29 Total coliforms (numbers/g dry) 1.2 × 108
Iron 29 ND Fecal coliforms (numbers/g dry) 2 × 107
Lead 10.1 56.8 Fecal Streptococci (numbers/g dry) 2.1 × 105
Magnesium 50.3 ND Salmonella sp. (numbers/g dry) 7.9 × 102
Manganese 66 250 Enteric virus (numbers/g dry) 3.6 × 102
Mercury ND 0.1 Cu (ppm) 112–2300
Nickel 22.5 77.6 Ni (ppm) 23.3–622
Potassium 17 ND Zn (ppm) 354–3096
Selenium 10.4 7.7 Cr (ppm) 45.8–8110
Silver ND 3.2 Cd (ppm) 1.5–54
Sodium 31.4 ND Pb (ppm) 26–465
Strontium ND 775
Thallium ND 9
Titanium 0.8 ND
8.3. Sewage sludge
Vanadium 1.07 252
Zinc 36.3 148
8.3.1. Chemical characteristics
* ND: not determined. The treatment of municipal wastewater produces huge amounts of
sewage sludge. Different types of sludge are produced, including the
operating initial pulp density, shaking speed and temperature were primary sludge from mechanical treatment and secondary sludge from
optimized to maximize metal recovery. Toxicity tests were carried out biological treatment. Incineration is often used to dispose of municipal
for the fly ash before bioleaching on the germination of Vigna radiata sewage sludge. The process produces fly ash in the off-gas and bottom
(mung bean). It was found that the mung bean failed to germinate with ash. The fly ash compositions differ depending on the locality. It usually
20% (w/v) pulp density. In comparison, after the bioleaching treat- contains Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, As and Hg. Metals such as Al,
ment, a 78% germination rate was observed at the same pulp density. Cu and Zn may be abundant enough in sewage sludge and their in-
The bioleaching of Al and Fe elements from coal fly ash using cineration ash, making their recoveries economical (Ishigaki et al.,
Thiobacillus thiooxidans (now reclassified as A. thiooxidans) was in- 2005; Lee and Pandey, 2012). Table 5 shows physicochemical proper-
vestigated. A batch bioleaching experiment was carried out at an initial ties and heavy metal contents of sewage sledge.
pulp density of 10% (w/v) in the inoculated culture medium. After
3 weeks of incubation, it resulted in extraction recovery yields of 25% 8.3.2. Bioleaching of sewage sludge
Al and 22% Fe (Seidel et al., 2001). Table 6 shows a summary of sewage sludge bioleached with dif-
These initial investigations on bioleaching provided encouraging ferent methods. The recovery yields of metals depend on the miner-
results. There is a growing interest in using bioleaching to treat coal alogy of metals, several different factors and the method applied for
ash. Coal ash is considered by the US Department of Energy as a good bioleaching. For example, in different studies for the bioleaching of
source of valuable rare earth elements for recovery. The value in the anaerobic sludge using A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans, the recovery
recovery of useful metals will incentivize more stringent fly ash cap- yields of different metals were 34–100% Cu, 18–80% Cr, 18–69% Cd,
ture, resulting in less emission. It is anticipated that intensive bio- 10–58% Pb, 58–99% Mn, 42–100% Ni, and 38–100% Zn. Results
leaching research will be carried out in this area in the near future. showed that most metals tend to dissolve easily from metal sulfides in
the sludge (Kim et al., 2005; Pathak et al., 2009). Batch and continuous
modes of sewage sludge bioleaching using Thiobacillus sp. with Fe2+

Table 4
The bioleaching of coal ash in the literature.
Microorganism Conditions Efficiency Reactor type Ref.

F. oxysporum pH 5.0 Mo (100%), S (64.4%) Ni (50%) and Cu (33.33%) Shake flask Taştan (2017)
Biomass concentration = 1 g/L
Pulp density = 0.5–1%

P. glabrum pH 6.0 Mo (100%), S (57.43%), Ni (25%), Si (24.7%), V Shake flask Taştan (2017)
Biomass concentration = 1 g/L (12.5%), Ti (5%) and Sr (3.2%)
Pulp density = 0.5–1%

A. niger Time 4 h Cr 93%, Ni83%, As 78%, Pb 70%. Shake flask Jadhav and Hocheng
shaking speed: 50-rpm, temperature: 30 °C, solid/liquid (2015)
ratio: 1 g/100 mL

T. thiooxidans 3 weeks 25% for Al and 22% for Fe Shake flask Seidel et al. (2001)
Pulp density = 10%

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

and S0 in the culture medium have been reported in the literature (Kim

Pathak et al. (2009), Seth et al.

Bosshard et al. (1996), Wu and

Kim et al. (2005), Pathak et al.
et al., 2005; Pathak et al., 2009). A continuously stirred tank reactor

Pathak et al. (2009), Filali-

(CSTR) inoculated with A. ferrooxidans offered higher recovery yields of

Meknassi et al. (2000)

Ishigaki et al. (2005)

Cd (50–93%), Cu (33–91%), Ni (48–98%) and Zn (62–94%) within a

Wang et al. (2009)

Krebs et al. (2001)

Chen et al. (2016)

Jain et al. (2010)

Zhu et al. (2013)

relatively short incubation time compared to batch bioleaching (Seth
et al., 2006; Pathak et al., 2009). In some reported studies, the si-

Ting (2006)
multaneous sludge digestion and metal leaching (SSDML) was carried

out in bioleaching reactors. The bioleaching for SSDML with A. fer-

rooxidans led to recovery yields of 41–100% Cu, 48–100% Zn, 25–100%

Cd and 15–84% Ni (Filali-Meknassi et al., 2000; Pathak et al., 2009).
The bioleaching of secondary activated sludge in a dual-stage pro-

Shake flask in one-/

cess was reported in the literature (Jain et al., 2010). The sludge was
Continuous mode

Two-stage rector
Type of reactors

first treated using less acidophilic thermophilic sulfur oxidizing mi-

Shake flask

Shake flask
Shake flask

Shake flask

Shake flask

Shake flask

Shake flask
crobes in an auto-heated aerobic digester at a temperature between 55

and 60 °C. It was then fed to a CSTR reactor for bioleaching at 30 °C by
mesophilic sulfur oxidizing microbes, leading to recovery yields of 76%
Cu, 78.2% Mn, 79.5% Ni and 84.2% Zn. A mixed culture containing A.
Cu: 33–91%, Ni 48–98%, Zn 62–94%, Cr 6–8%, Cd-50–93%, Pb 3%, Mn-

Cu 67%, Zn 78%, Cr and Cd 100% at 10 g/L pulp density in the presence

Cu and Pb 60–70%, Al, Mn, Zn 80–100%, Fe 30% in 2 days at 10 g/L pulp

thiooxidans was used to treat fly ash collected from burned sewage

Cu, Cd, Zn 80%, Al 60%, Ni, Fe 30% in the presence of sewage sludge

Cd 96%, Mn 91%, Pb 73%, Zn 68%, Cr 35%, Fe 30% from 1% water-

Cu 34–100%, Ni 42–100%, Zn 38–100%, Cr 18–80%, Cd 18–69%, Pb
10–58%, Mn 58–99% with S 30–100 g/L in 1–16 and 10 days (in one

Cu 41–100%, Ni 15–84%, Zn 48– 100%, Cr 9–50%, Cd 25–100%, Pb

sludge. The culture medium was mixed with 4% (w/v) of the fly ash
from an anoxic sewage sludge as nutrients and 10 g/L S0 for incubation
Cd, Ni, Zn 60–80% in batch culture with 200 g/L pulp density

lasting 14 to 21 days. The process leached almost 80% of Cu, Cd, Zn,
and 60% Al, and 30% Fe, Ni with low Pb dissolution (Krebs et al., 1997,
Cu 57–85%, Cd 53–68.5%, Zn 39–56.4%, Pb 2–19.6%

2001). With the utilization of a mixed culture consortium of iron- and

sulfur-oxidizing bacteria at an initial S0 concentration of 2–5 g/L, the
Cu 76%, Ni 79.5%, Zn 84.2%, Mn 78.2% in 24 h

process leached almost all Cr and Cd, plus 67% Cu and78% Zn (Ishigaki
Cu 73.1%, Zn 78.7%, Pb 24.7%, Cd 79.5%

Cu 75.3%, Zn 72.6%, Pb 34.5%, Cd 65.4%

et al., 2005). Similar levels of leached metals from fly ash were also
7–93% in 1–4 and 14 days (in one study)

obtained at a higher pulp density of 40 g/L in a semi-continuous tank

Leaching efficiency and conditions

reactor with a Thiobacillus sp. strain when pH was lowered by adding

10 g/L S0 and sulfuric acid (Krebs et al., 2001). When Pseudomonas
putida was grown with 24–42 g/L glucose at a pulp density of 20 g/L for
washed sample in 20 days
suspension in 2–3 weeks

7 days recovery yields were between 60 and 80% for most bioleached
5–69%, Mn 77–100%

metals. When the fly ash loading was greater than 30 g/L, the yields fell
density in 30 days

below 20% because of the lack of carbon source (Krebs et al., 1997).
The effect of gluconic acid produced by A. niger instead of citric acid
of 2–5 g/L S

has been examined because the metals inhibited the accumulation of


citric acid. The operating conditions were 2–3 weeks of incubation

time, 100 g/L sucrose concentration at 40 g/L pulp density, which led to
recovery yields greater than 80% Cd and Zn, roughly 60% Cu, 5–10%
(iii) A. thiooxidans, A. ferrooxidans, (mixed culture of
(i) A. ferrooxidans (with ferrous sulfate/S addition)
A. ferrooxidans, A. thiooxidans (Fe and S oxidizers)

Ni and Cr and 95% Pb (Bosshard et al., 1996). A similar study on the

bioleaching of metals in the fly ash from a sewage sludge incinerator
(i) A. ferrooxidans (aerobic sludge digestion-

Less-acidophilic thermophilic sulfur-oxidizer

using A. niger was reported (Wu and Ting, 2006). With a pulp density of
10 g/L over a period of 30 days, the recovery yields were 80–100% for
S and iron oxidizing bacterium)

Al, Mn, Zn; 60–70% for Cu, Pb and roughly 30% for Fe in both one-step
(i) Mixed culture of A. thiooxidans
(ii) Thiobacillus sp. strain TM-32

and two-step bioleaching processes. The bioleaching of fly ash pre-

treated with water wash using A. niger for 20 days at 10 g/L pulp den-
sity in one-step or two-step processes was also reported. Pretreatment
due to removed alkaline chlorides (K, Na, Ca, etc.) resulted in the en-
hanced metal recovery with yields of 96% Cd, 35% Cr, 30% Fe, 91%

A. ferrooxidans

A. ferrooxidans

Mn, 73% Pb and 68% Zn (Wang et al., 2009).

Microbe used

(i) P. putida
(ii) A. niger

The benefits of bioleaching on the pyrolysis of sewage sludge have

been reported in the literature. Published data indicated that after
bioleaching, the sewage sludge had different physicochemical proper-
ties that enhanced later metal removal. One study (Chen et al., 2016)
Sewage sludge bioleaching in the literature.

Sewage sludge (anaerobically digested sewage

Specific type and source of waste/by-product

used an initial pulp density of 6% (w/v). It achieved optimal metal

removal yields of 79.5% Cd, 73.1% Cu, 24.7% Pb and 78.7% Zn. The H/
Fly ash (municipal solid waste) from

C, N/C ratios in the sewage sludge after bioleaching were reduced but
electrostatic precipitator unit

the O/C ratio increased favorably. The fulvic acid, humic acid, and the
Fly ash of municipal solid waste

total humic contents of the sewage sludge after bioleaching treatment

Secondary activated sludge

were higher in comparison with sewage sludge before bioleaching.

Thermogravimetric analyses showed that there was less residue after
the pyrolysis of the bioleached sewage sludge in comparison with the
sewage sludge before the bioleaching treatment.
Sewage sludge

Sewage sludge

Sewage sludge

9. Biofilms and microbiome in bioleaching

Table 6

The majority of microbes in nature live in microbial communities

T. Gu et al. Bioresource Technology 261 (2018) 428–440

known as biofilms (Costerton, 2007; Zhao et al., 2015b). Different Appendix A. Supplementary data
microbial species in a biofilm consortium play different roles, making
biofilms robust and resistant to harmful environmental factors. In the Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
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