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Netconf Manager Adaptor, System

Administrator Guide


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© LM Ericsson LMI 2014-2015. All rights reserved. No part of this document

may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright


The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to
continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall
have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use
of this document.

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1 About This Document 1

1.1 Target Group 1
1.2 Prerequisites 1
1.3 Typographic Conventions 1

2 Netconf Manager Adaptor System Administration 3

2.1 NMA Load Balanced Nodes Changes 4

3 Configuration Tasks 5
3.1 Installation Directory Structure 5
3.2 Netconf Manager Adaptor Process 5
3.3 Parameter Handling 5
3.4 Upgrade/Install Impacts ( for NMA Load Balanced Nodes
Changes) 12

4 Logging 15
4.1 NMA Load Balanced Nodes Changes 18

5 Updates on MeContext attributes post synchronization

: 19

6 MIM Switching 21

7 Subscription from NMA towards Node 23

8 Corrective Maintenance 25
8.1 Corrective Maintenance for the Netconf Manager Adaptor 25

9 Action Support 27

10 Troubleshooting 29
10.1 Troubleshooting Netconf Manager Adaptor 29
10.2 Next Line Support 29

Glossary 31

Reference List 33

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Netconf Manager Adaptor, System Administrator Guide

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About This Document

1 About This Document

This document describes system administration tasks associated with Netconf

Manager Adaptor (NMA), supported in OSS. The Netconf Manager Adaptor is
a MIB adaptor for all COM/ECIM nodes as well as EIM based SGSN nodes.
NMA provides supervision support for nodes that support notifications.

Note: 1. PICO is the RBS 6401 offering from the RBS family.

2." Load Balanced Nodes” currently refers to 5K PICO and 1K TCU


1.1 Target Group

The intended target group for this document is:

• System Administrator.

1.2 Prerequisites
It is assumed that users of this document:

• Are familiar with OSS-RC

• Have knowledge of Solaris

• Have the appropriate authority to perform the tasks in this document

• Have a working knowledge of Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

• Have a working knowledge of Telecom Security Services (TSS)

• Have a working knowledge of the OSS Explorer (OEX) applications

• Have knowledge of WRAN CS data base

• Have a knowledge of what is expected of a MIB Adaptor

1.3 Typographic Conventions

The typographic conventions for all Customer Product Information (CPI) in
OSS-RC are found in Reference [2].

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Netconf Manager Adaptor System Administration

2 Netconf Manager Adaptor System


An overview of Netconf Manager Adaptor (NMA) is shown below: .

Figure 1 NMA Architecture

NMA (NetConf Manager Adaptor) handles mediation of COM/ECIM nodes.

NMA is a common MIB Adaptor that uses NM as an interface to talk with
Network Elements and CS to store data. This Adaptor is generic to SGSN and
COM/ECIM nodes. NMA uses MIM definitions provided by WRAN MOM to
know the data to be discovered from the network element and sends requests
to NM to discover MO’s. Each NMA MC is a single process multi-threaded

NMA System Administration can be divided into the following areas:

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Netconf Manager Adaptor, System Administrator Guide

2.1 NMA Load Balanced Nodes Changes

An overview of Netconf Manager Adaptor changes for load balanced nodes
Solution is given below.

The current NMA adapter is a single MC process (jvm) supporting 2K PICO.

The project decision is to scale out NMA & NM existing solutions horizontally
to support load balanced nodes. Multiple NMA MCs (Adapters) approach will
result in minimum change to existing NMA architecture. Currently only one
NMA adapter ‘NMA’ is attached to all the nodes..

Figure 2 Existing NMA-NM solution with single NM-NMA

NM and NMA is now scaled horizontally with multiple MCs. No of MCs will be
determined during installation/upgrade based on number of PICO and TCU cell
count given in system.ini. In 14B onwards 1:1 mapping is maintained between
NMA and NM. In future releases the mapping can be modified to m:n if required
with minimal design changes. Multiple adapters will be exposed to CS and
WMA and each adapter will be a separate MC. All the MCs possess same
functionality and capable of managing any NETCONF based node.

Figure 3 NMA-NM scalable solution with multiple NM-NMA Adapters

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Configuration Tasks

3 Configuration Tasks

This chapter describes various configuration tasks which may be performed

by the Administrator.

3.1 Installation Directory Structure

The installation directory structure for the Netconf Manager Adaptor is as


The various sub-directories under this directory are:

1. etc: Contains the file and other configuration files

2. bin: Contains scripts for starting the NMA managed component as well as
script for downloading MIM files from the node.

3. lib: Contains the NMA libraries

3.2 Netconf Manager Adaptor Process

NMA has multiple processes that are listed under the group NetConfAdaptor.
To get a list of all the nma managed component processes running, use the
following commands:

NMA Managed Component List :> ps -ef | grep -i nmamc

NMA MC group i.e NetConfAdaptor should be restarted or made online

only when the NM MC group i.e.NetconfManager is online. Additionally it
should be ensured that whenever any nma MC under the NetConfAdaptor
group is restarted or made online the corresponding NM MC under the group
NetconfManager is online. For instance if nma1 is restarted or made online,
nms_netconf1 should be online.

3.3 Parameter Handling

The Configurable parameters for NMA are described in Table 1:

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Table 1 Configurable Parameters for NMA

Parameter Type Default Description
notificationHandlerMaxPoolSize Integer 20 The maximum size of thread
pool through which each batch of
notifications is processed.
sftp_port String 22,3131 The SFTP port to be used when NMA
0,38830 downloads missing MIM files from
the node. The 3 ports are used in the
mentioned order if downloading fails.
numberofretriesforbatch Integer 5 The number of retries in case
of failures while processing one
batch of notifications. The number
of notifications in a batch is set
by batchsizepercstransaction
parameter. The batch is processed
in one CS transaction and contains
notifications for only one node
mimFileDirLoc String /var/fi The location of a MIM fragment
lem/nbi file on the node is set in the MIM
_root fragment's corresponding Schema
MO on the node. This is either
set in the location attribute or as
an MORef in the fileInformation
attribute of the Schema MO. If set in
the fileInformation attribute it is to
be preceded by the base location as
specified in this parameter.
sgsnSynchPriority Integer 1 The synch priority of EIM based
SGSN nodes as compared to that of
any other COM/ECIM based nodes.
If the parameter synchPriority
(see below) is set as true then a
greater value of sgsnSynchPriority
to that of ecimSynchPriority will
ensure that synch requests of SGSN
nodes will be prioritized over that of
COM/ECIM based nodes.
partialSyncCorePoolSize Integer 10 The core size of thread pool that
executes partial synchronization
requests of SGSN nodes irrespective
of whether they are EIM based or
COM/ECIM based.

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Configuration Tasks

Parameter Type Default Description

ecimMOMappingFile String /opt/er The location of the mapping file
icsson/ to be used by NMA for mapping
nms_umt MO names on the node to the
s_wranm OSS compatible names. This is
om/dat/ used only for MOs that are part
ECIM_Ma of the MIM fragments that are
pping_F marked as black listed. Black listed MIM files are listed in the file
perties /opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wranmom/
neSupervisionTimeOut Integer 5 Time in seconds that the thread
executing the re-subscription of
notifications for a node should finish
else the interrupt status of the thread
will be set.
partialSyncTimeOut Integer 5 Time in seconds that the thread
executing the partial synchronization
of SGSN node should finish else the
interrupt status of the thread will be
prbsFullSyncMaxPoolSize Integer 10 The maximum size of thread pool
that executes synchronization
requests of all PRBS nodes attached
to NMA.
nodeNotificationLimit Integer 10000 The maximum number of
notifications for a node that
can be buffered at any time in NMA.
If the count crosses this limit then
the buffer is cleared of notifications
for this node and the node is marked
as unsynchronized.
maxMOsForOneTrans Integer 500 The maximum number of MOs
that will be updated into WRAN
DB before the CS transaction is
fullSyncTimeout Integer 10 Time in seconds that the thread
executing the synchronization of a
node should finish else the interrupt
status of the thread will be set.
sftp_file_path String /opt/er The path where the script for
icsson/ downloading MIMs is placed.

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Parameter Type Default Description

epgFullSyncCorePoolSize Integer 5 The core size of thread pool that
executes synchronization requests
of all EPG nodes attached to NMA.
epgFullSyncMaxPoolSize Integer 5 The maximum size of thread pool
that executes synchronization
requests of all EPG nodes attached
to NMA.
prbsFullSyncCorePoolSize Integer 10 The core size of thread pool that
executes synchronization requests
of all PRBS nodes attached to NMA.
nonEPGFullSyncMaxPoolSize Integer 5 The maximum size of thread pool
that executes synchronization
requests of all Non EPG nodes
attached to an NMA instance.
nonEPGFullSyncCorePoolSize Integer 5 The core size of thread pool that
executes synchronization requests
of all Non EPG nodes attached to
csconnectionmgrsize Integer 120 The maximum number of CS
transactions that can be started at
any time.
partialSyncMaxQueueSize Integer 5000 The maximum number of partial
synchronization requests that can
be queued in NMA at any time. Any
new partial synchronization requests
will be rejected.
systemnotificationlimit Integer 50000 The maximum number of
notifications for all nodes that
can be buffered at any time in
NMA. If the number of notifications
crosses this limit then the node with
highest number of notifications will
be marked as unsynchronized in
Seg CS and its set of notifications
buffered in NMA will be removed.
This step will be repeated until the
total number of notifications buffered
in NMA will decrease below the

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Configuration Tasks

Parameter Type Default Description

batchSizePerCSTX Integer 100 This is the maximum number of
notifications that are processed for
a node in a batch. Notifications in
a batch belong to only node. NMA
maintains maximum of 20 threads
configured using the pas parameter
notificationHandlerMaxPoolSize for
processing notifications.
csTransactionTimeout Integer 240 NMA opens connection with CS
when processing notifications and
when synching the node to OSS.
This is the time for which the
CS transaction is opened. If the
transaction is not closed till this
time then CS will throw inactive
transaction error. NMA does a
periodic check while processing a
batch of notifications as well as while
synching the node and if required
then rests the CS transaction.
nePingIntervalMinutes Integer 15 The periodic interval in which every
supervised COM/ECIM node will be
re-subscribed for notifications by
neSupervisionCorePoolSize Integer 10 The core size of thread pool that
executes subscription requests of all
supervised nodes attached to NMA.
dirtyAttributeWriterInterval Integer 30 The periodic interval in which every
supervised COM/ECIM node will be
re-subscribed for notifications by
ecimSynchPriority Integer 1 The synch priority of COM/EIM
based nodes as compared to that
of any EIM based SGSN nodes. If
the parameter synchPriority (see
below) is set as true then a greater
value of ecimSynchPriority to that
of sgsnSynchPriority will ensure
that synch requests of COM/ECIM
nodes will be prioritized over that of
EIM based SGSN nodes.

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Parameter Type Default Description

synchPriority Boolean false If the parameter synchPriority (see
below) is set as true then a greater
value of ecimSynchPriority to that
of sgsnSynchPriority will ensure
that synch requests of COM/ECIM
nodes will be prioritized over that of
EIM based SGSN nodes.
ecimBlackListedMIMsFile String /opt/er The location of the file that contains
icsson/ the list of MIMs that are marked as
nms_umt black listed implying that some of
s_wranm the MO names on OSS for these
om/dat/ MIMs differ from what is there on the
ECIM_Bl node. The mapping between these
ack_MIM two names Is held in the mapping
_List_F file whose default location is /opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wranmom/
perties dat/
partialSyncMaxPoolSize Integer 10 The maximum size of thread pool
that executes partial synchronization
requests of all nodes attached to
neSupervisionMaxPoolSize Integer 10 The maximum size of thread pool
that executes subscription requests
of all supervised nodes attached to
notificationHandlerCorePoolSiz Integer 20 The core size of thread pool through
e which each batch of notifications is
notificationHandlerTimeOut Integer 5 Time in seconds that the thread
executing the synchronization of a
node should finish else the interrupt
status of the thread will be set.
nmaadm_password String nmaadm NMA creates a unix user nmaadm
when the package is installed. This
user has a password set to nmaadm.
NMA must also create this password
for the user nmaadm. User can
configure password for nmaadm with
the help of this parameter..

Note: A restart of the MC is required if the any of the above parameters are

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Configuration Tasks

3.3.1 Changing Parameters using PAS

The Directory path is as follows:


To display the parameters use the following Command:

./pastool -get ""


Name Value
notificationHandlerMaxPoolSize 20
sftp_port "22,31310,38830"
numberofretriesforbatch 5
mimFileDirLoc "/var/filem/nbi_root"
sgsnSynchPriority 1
partialSyncCorePoolSize 10
ecimMOMappingFile "/opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wranmom/dat/ECIM_Ma
neSupervisionTimeOut 5
partialSyncTimeOut 5
prbsFullSyncMaxPoolSize 10
nodeNotificationLimit 10000
maxMOsForOneTrans 500
fullSyncTimeout 10
fullSyncCorePoolSize 20
sftp_file_path "/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/bin/"
epgFullSyncCorePoolSize 5
epgFullSyncMaxPoolSize 5
prbsFullSyncCorePoolSize 10
nonEPGFullSyncMaxPoolSize 5
nonEPGFullSyncCorePoolSize 5
csconnectionmgrsize 120
partialSyncMaxQueueSize 5000
systemnotificationlimit 50000
batchSizePerCSTX 100
csTransactionTimeout 240
nePingIntervalMinutes 15
neSupervisionCorePoolSize 10
dirtyAttributeWriterInterval 30
ecimSynchPriority 1
synchPriority "false"
ecimBlackListedMIMsFile "/opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wranmom/dat/ECIM_Bl
partialSyncMaxPoolSize 10
neSupervisionMaxPoolSize 10
notificationHandlerCorePoolSize 20
notificationHandlerTimeOut 5
nmaadm_password "nmaadm"

To change a parameter use the following Command:

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Netconf Manager Adaptor, System Administrator Guide

./pastool -set "packagename " "parameter name" "value"


For example to set "trmaxFileSize":

./pastool -set "" "maxMOsForOne

Trans" "500" int

For example to set "enable":

./pastool -set "" "synchPrio

rity" "true" boolean

3.3.2 isExclusive Tag Handling

When writing struct-type attributes to the node, NMA should use the
mimManager to query if the struct-type has the isExclusive tag. If tagged,
then NMA should write only the populated struct-member to the southbound
netconf message.

3.4 Upgrade/Install Impacts ( for NMA Load Balanced

Nodes Changes)
Whenever PICO or TCU cell Count for LTE/WRAN will be increased by user,
below steps must be followed.

1. To Add Number of PICO WCDMA cells in the WRAN Network

• /opt/ericsson/sck/bin/config_ossrc_server –a –u <No. of PICO

WCDMA cells>

To Add Number of PICO LTE cells in the LTE Network

• /opt/ericsson/sck/bin/config_ossrc_server –a –l <No. of PICO LTE


To Add Number of PICO LTE cells and PICO WCDMA cells in the UTRAN
(WRAN+LTE) Network

• /opt/ericsson/sck/bin/config_ossrc_server –a –u <No. of PICO

WCDMA cells> -l <No. of PICO LTE cells>

To Add Number of TCU cells in the Network

• /opt/ericsson/sck/bin/config_ossrc_server –a –l <No. of TCU


2. Verify if system.ini file updated with appropriate PICO cells

• cat /ericsson/config/system.ini | grep pico

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Configuration Tasks

3. Login as root on master server and execute the following commands:

• /opt/ericsson/nms_netconf/bin/ upgrade

• /opt/ericsson/nms_nma/bin/ upgrade

4. Restart MAF MC using the below command:

smtool –coldrestart MAF –reason=other –reasontext=pico_increase

Note: 1. Till 14A.1, there was just one NMA/NM MCs which used to manage
all the COM/ECIM nodes along with SGSN nodes. From 14 B onwards
the operator will need to configure multiple NMA/NM MC’s on its server
for PICO and TCU support. The additional NMA/NM MC’s will be
created based on the PICO [LTE + WCDMA] and TCU cell count once
user follows above steps.

2. WCDMA PICO cells , LTE PICO and TCU Cells should less than or
equal to WRAN , LTE and TCU cells respectively in all scenarios.

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4 Logging

Logging is used for fault-localizing. The log level of all the logs in NMA by
default is INFO. Changes of log level to DEBUG should be done only when fault
information is to be sent to Ericsson.

NMA logs are stored by default in /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/log/.

Logging parameters are configured by editing the file

which is located by default in /opt/ericsson/nms_nma/etc/. This file is
created by NMA at package installation time.

NMA logs are updated in 6 different files. The different log files being updated

1. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/neSupervision.log

2. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/full_sync.log

3. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/notification.log

4. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/exception.log

5. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/nms_nma.log

6. /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/partial_sync.log

All the logs have INFO as the default log level. The log level can changed for
individual log file. For example, the config parameters for full_sync.log file are:

log4j.category.full.sync=INFO, FULLSYNC







HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %X - %m%n

The first line mentions the log level. It should be changed to DEBUG when
collecting logs for sharing with Ericsson. It takes around a minute for the log
level to take effect. After changing the log level wait for one minute and then

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execute the use case for which error is being observed which is the full synch
of a node. The full_sync.log file doesn't capture the logs at real time. The full
synch related log messages are collected and cached and once the synch is
completed the messages are marked ready for being written. A separate thread
that runs once every 30 seconds updates these messages into the full_sync.log
file. In case any issue with respect to the synch status of a node is observed
then along with full_sync.log file, exception.log file be also shared.

Similar, to the full_sync.log the logs written in neSupervision.log and

partial_sync.log files are also not real time.

Some of the other logging parameters are mentioned are

Table 2 Logging Parameters for Client

Parameter Values Description
log4j.appender.R.Max Default = 5 Number of backup
BackupIndex files
log4j.appender.R.Max Default = 2048kb Log file size
log4j.appender.R.File Default = <user_home_dire Log file name and
ctory>/.epcnsd/epcnsd. location

The logging level can be set globally or per package. The default global logging
level is INFO. The available logging levels are shown in .

Table 3 Logging Levels

Logging Level Logged Information
OFF None
FATAL Logged information of type FATAL
ERROR Logged information of type ERROR
WARN Warnings
INFO Information
DEBUG Logged information of type DEBUG
ALL All logged information

An example file , is shown in Example 1:

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R, NOTI

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log4j.appender.NOTI.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %X

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p %X - %m%n

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p %X -

log4j.category.full.sync=INFO, FULLSYNC
log4j.appender.FULLSYNC.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p %X

log4j.category.partial.sync=INFO, PARTIALSYNC
log4j.appender.PARTIALSYNC.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p

log4j.category.exception.log=INFO, ERROR_LOG
log4j.appender.ERROR_LOG.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p %, NESUPERVISION

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log4j.appender.NESUPERVISION.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p

Example 1 Sample Client Log File

4.1 NMA Load Balanced Nodes Changes

Each NMA MC (Adapter) maintains separate log files in corresponding
directories/var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/log/<adaptorname> . based
on the name of the adaptor i.e /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/log/nma1
for nma1 adaptor or /var/opt/ericsson/nms_nma/log/nma for nma
adaptor and so on

Logging parameters are configured by editing the log4j_<adaptorname>.pr

operties file which is located by default in /opt/ericsson/nms_nma/etc/
e.g or etc. This file is
created by NMA at package installation time.

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Updates on MeContext attributes post synchronization :

5 Updates on MeContext attributes post

synchronization :

1. Any COM/ECIM node that supports notifications will have the

notificationsSupported attribute of it's MeContext MO set as true. NMA
reads this attribute to decide what values have to be updated for different
attributes of MeContext MO post synchronization.

2. If a COM/ECIM node doesn't support notifications then the time at which the
synch is completed is updated for lostSynchronisation field of MeContext
MO. The mirrorMIBsynchStatus is marked as DISCOVERED and the
connectionStatus is marked as DISCONNECTED. In case of synch failure
the lostSynchronisation field is not updated and the mirrorMIBsynchStatus
is marked as UNSYNCHRONIZED whereas the connectionStatus is

3. If a COM/ECIM node supports notification then after a successful

synch request, the lostSynchronisation attribute of MeContext MO is
set as SYNCHRONIZED. The mirrorMIBsynchStatus is marked as
SYNCHRONIZED and the connectionStatus is marked as CONNECTED.
If the synch fails, then the time at which NMA was last able to
successfully subscribe for notifications on the node is set as the value of
lostSynchronisation. The subscription for notifications is renewd every
15 minutes by a new subscription request. In case of synch failure the
lostSynchronisation field is not updated and the mirrorMIBsynchStatus
is marked as UNSYNCHRONIZED whereas the connectionStatus is
marked as DISCONNECTED. Moreover. there are two other attributes
bcrLastChange and bctLastChange in MeContext MO which are updated
with the time at which the last synch was completed. These attributes are
updated only after a synch has completed successfully. In case of a synch
failure these attributes are not updated..

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MIM Switching

6 MIM Switching

1. Each Schema MO on the node holds the data for one MIM fragment that
the node supports. Alternatively, one Schema MO is defined for each of the
MIM fragment that the node supports.

2. The data configured in a Schema MO includes the MIM name, MIM

Version and the location of the MIM file on the node. The Schema MO
has 5 attributes namely baseModelIdentifier, baseModelVersion, identifier,
version and location.

3. The MIM name is mentioned in either the baseModelIdentifier or identifier

attribute of the Schema MO. Preference is given to the baseModelIdentifier
attribute. If this attribute is not set then the value for the attribute identifier is
taken as the MIM name. Correspondingly, the MIM version is read from
either baseModelVersion or version attribute depending on whether the
MIM name is read from baseModelIdentifier or identifier attribute.

4. If the MIM file for the version specified in the Schema MO is not present
on the OSS then NMA first reads the RanosCompatibilityInfo_Ecim.xml file
in /opt/ericsson/nms_umts_wranmom/dat directory. This file contains the
versions that are compatible with the version of the MIM present on the
OSS. If the version specified in Schema MO is neither explicitly supported
by OSS nor compatible as per RanosCompatibilityInfo_Ecim.xml then NMA
tries to download the MIM file from the node. The download location is
mentioned in the location attribute. The value mentioned in the location
attribute is taken as it is for downloading the MIM file.

5. The MIM file is downloaded onto the OSS server in the below directory:

6. The file is downloaded and saved in the OSS with the name
mimName_mimVersion_mp.xml. The MIM name is established using the
Schema MO whereas the MIM version is the best compatible version. A
Ranoscompatibility file is generated which takes into account only the MOs
and attributes that the version on the OSS supports.

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Subscription from NMA towards Node

7 Subscription from NMA towards Node

NMA pings every COM/ECIM based node that supports notifications

(established using the notificationsSupported attribute of MeContext MO) once
every 15 minutes. Here ping means an attempt to re-establish the subscription.
If it fails, the node is marked as disconnected.

NMA then again tries to ping the node after 15 minutes. In case if it fails even
the second time then the next attempt i.e. the 3rd) is skipped. In short, the retry
interval increases from 15min ->30min -> 45 min -> 60 min(at max) and the
interval time increases on two successive failure.

The below diagram further explains this behavior.

Figure 4 Subscription Frequency

After repeated failures, if NMA is able to successfully ping (subscribe) then it

executes the replay subscription use case where NMA expects the node to send
it all the past notifications from the time that it was able to successfully ping
(subscribe). This should result in NMA receiving all those lost notifications and
finally one replayComplete notification. Once NMA receives the replayComplete
notification the node will then be marked as SYNCHRONIZED.

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Corrective Maintenance

8 Corrective Maintenance

Actions to take when a system error message is displayed.

Note: Netconf Manager Adaptor does not support warm restart of the
Managed Component (nma). Selecting warm restart has no effect on
Netconf Manager Adaptor, cold restart should be used instead.

8.1 Corrective Maintenance for the Netconf Manager

Scenarios in which corrective maintenance is required for the Netconf Manager
Adaptor are outlined in Table 8.

Table 4 Corrective Maintenance - Netconf Manager Adaptor

Description Cause Action
MOID missing MOId attribute is Please check value of the key
undefioned on the attribute of the MO on the node that
node side is mentioned in the error message
Null pointer Schema MO's is Check from the node response that
exception in Full missing or node whether Schema MO's are defined
synch log name is given or not
incorrect during
node addition 2. Check that the node
name should be same as
managedElementId of the node
and it is case sensitive
Connection Either the node is Please check the node status and
Exception shutdown or node is also check that node is configured
not confgured with with Netconf protocol or not (i.e.
required protocols over SSH or over TLS)
to communicate
2. Please check that the
Managed Element name
(managedElementId or the
RDN of ManagedElement MO)
should be same on the node and
OSS, if it does not match, NMA
(MIB adapter) cannot sync the

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Action Support

9 Action Support

It is possible to execute all the defined actions against the ManagedObjects

on the node and get the response (if any) from the node. This can be done by
selecting the Request Action operation from MO Brower through any of the
client applications GUI [ either CEx or NSD-EPC]. However NMA does not
support executing the actions on SGSN nodes of version < 13B (non ECIM
type). Though it’s possible to execute the action from client applications but
NMA will not send these requests to node.

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10 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes how to extract data required by the local Ericsson help
desk, in the event of faults or problems, that cannot be solved as outlined in the
previous chapter, occurring.

10.1 Troubleshooting Netconf Manager Adaptor

Common problems, and the actions which should be perform to solve them,
are shown in Table 10.

To extract this information execute the following steps:

1. Log on to the OSS server.

2. Reproduce the fault while initiating the appropriate tracing as described in .

3. Keep a record of what other applications are running when the fault occurs.

4. Depending on what traces are required, and how tracing was initiated, go
to the relevant directory to obtain the trace file.

5. Forward the content of the relevant trace file(s) with a description of the
problem, using normal fault reporting procedures.

Table 5 Troubleshooting Netconf Manager Adaptor

Description Cause Action

10.2 Next Line Support

In cases where the System Administrator is advised to contact the next line of
support include the following measures:

In the event where it is necessary to raise a problem to next line of support,

please take the following steps before issuing a Customer Service Request

• Reproduce the fault with logging level set to DEBUG or ALL, and trace
type set to 0-199, as described in.

• Keep a record of what other applications are running when the fault occurs.

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The OSS Glossary is available in Reference

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Reference List

Reference List

[1] Operations Support System (OSS) Glossary, 0033-AOM 901 017/2

[2] OSS Library Typographic Conventions, 1/154 43-AOM 901 017/4

[3] CIF Self Management Log Viewer, 1553-CNA 403 6065

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