The LT1122 Fast Settling Jfet Op Amp: by George Erdi and Walt Jung

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The LT1122 Fast Settling

JFET Op Amp By George Erdi and Walt Jung

The LT1122 is a new, high perfor- example, THD at an inverting gain of Q12 sources load current greater than
mance JFET input op amp. Opti- 10 is 0.001% or less to 20kHz, with Ii, the control loop turns off, and Q13
mized around high speed and fast non-inverting performance only can then no longer return to sinking
settling performance, the LT1122 uses slightly worse. For IM distortion via load current immediately. If un-
a modified bipolar-FET process. The the CCIF method, the LT1122 has checked, this would lead to crossover
performance resulting is a combina- performance as much as 2 orders of glitches, when the output must
tion of not just excellent AC param- magnitude better than typical indus- quickly change from sourcing to sink-
eters, but low input currents and DC try JFET amplifiers such as 156/356 ing load current. Here however, the
precision, achieved within a junction- types. The low total distortion is largely problem is solved by Q7, an addi-
isolated process. due to two design factors. One is the tional main loop drive input which
LT1122 SR
Unity-gain stable, the LT1122 fea-
which is not
tures a 14MHz gain bandwidth and a V+
only high at
typical 80V/µs slew rate (SR) with R6
80V/µs, but
controlled symmetry. For a 10V step, I3
which also is Ii
it settles to 1mV at the sum node in J8
340ns(typ), or 540ns max. The
symmetrical. Q11
LT1122’s excellent DC accuracy speci-
This factor
fications include an open-loop gain of Q9 Q12
eliminates the
500V/mV(typ) into a 2k load, (250V/
even order dis-
mV into 600 ohms), input bias/offset R9
tortion effects
currents of 75 and 40pA(max) respec-
present in a to-
tively, and an input offset voltage of VOUT
pology with
0.6mV(max). For driving difficult
asymmetric Q10
loads, the LT1222 has a 40mA cur-
transconduct- SIGNAL FROM Q6
rent limit, and can drive 600 ohm PREVIOUS STAGES Q7 Q13
ance. Another
loads to ±12V(min).
factor is the lin- I4
R8 R7
The LT1122 achieves these com- ear all NPN out-
bined parameters with a unique poly- put stage, V–
gate JFET. In conventional FET tech- which features A4 • F1

Figure 1. LT1122 Output Stage

nology, the gate contact is tens of high output
micrometers away from the actual current and very high speed. can provide the short term sink cur-
channel of the FET, creating a re- rent required. This allows Q13 to turn
This LT1122 output stage is shown
sponse pole due to the gate implant back on more slowly, but without
in Figure 1 in simplified form, and has
series resistance and capacitance, adding distortion.
several features which contribute to
thereby limiting bandwidth. In the
high linearity. One is the local loop Fast settling is the main feature of
LT1122 JFET design, a polysilicon
which controls the idle current in the LT1122, and is 100% tested in a
layer provides a gate contact directly
Q12 (Ii). This loop is comprised of settling time test fixture described on
over the channel, eliminating this pole.
Q12, R9, Q9, R6, J6, Q10 and Q13, the data sheet. The LT1122 is avail-
In addition, the circular structure
and it causes the output follower Q12 able in 4 electrical grades, 2 premium
and small drain diffusion used mini-
to always conduct the idle current or (A & B) and 2 standard (C & D). Of
mizes gate-drain capacitance.
more, so providing a low output im- these, the A & C parts are 100% tested
Atop these and other speed related pedance. Without precautions how- for settling, with the others (B & D)
circuit improvements, the LT1122 has ever, this type of stage can also distort sample tested.
very low audio range distortion. For for some conditions. If for example,

6 Linear Technology Magazine • June1991

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