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Carl Rogers

By Chris, Colby, and Dan

Thursday, October 21, 2010 1

Key Terms
 Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy-
Rogers encouraged therapists, friends, and
family to drop their facades and genuinely
express their true feelings.
 When they allow others to feel
unconditionally accepted and reflect
others feelings, they may deepen the
others self understanding and self
acceptance (Myers)

Thursday, October 21, 2010 2

Key Terms
 There are few examples of genuineness,
acceptance, and empathy in American
 One of the few examples is between
Lester and Angela. After learning that
Angela is a virgin, Lester comforts her,
telling her that she truly is beautiful, and
they open up, and bond over each others

Thursday, October 21, 2010 3

Key Terms
 Unconditional positive regard – This refers
to an attitude of total acceptance
towards another person.
 Again, the movie American beauty has
very few examples of this, as it is mostly
centered around unhealthy relationships.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 4

Key Terms
 One example of it however is again
between Angela and Lester
 After learning she is a virgin, Lester gives
Angela unconditional love, saying that she
is beautiful, and not to worry
 A counter example of unconditional
positive regard is between Jane and her
mother. In the beginning of the movie, her
mother asks Jane if she is trying to look ugly

Thursday, October 21, 2010 5

Key Terms
 Self Concept – All the thoughts and
feelings we have in response to the
question “Who am I?”
 All of the characters in American Beauty
have very interesting self concepts
 Jane for example has a very low view of
herself and sees herself as an ugly,
generally worthless person

Thursday, October 21, 2010 6

Key Terms
 Frank Fitts has a very troubled self concept.
When he thinks about himself, he sees as
structured, perfect American, but deep
down inside he is secretly gay
 Carolyn also would like to see herself as a
model member of society. She prides
herself on her career, and her family
dinners. However, Carolyn’s true self
concept is almost as a failure. She cannot
compete with the rival real-estate
company and beats herself up about it

Thursday, October 21, 2010 7

Key Terms
 Actual Self – What we believe that we are,
deep down, at this moment in time
 Ideal Self – What we feel that we should
be. Our ideal self is based off of our society
and our upbringing
 Frank Fitts is an example of a character
who’s actual self and ideal self are not
lined up

Thursday, October 21, 2010 8

Key Terms
 Frank Fitts’ actual self is deep down a
homosexual, even though he will never
admit it
 However, Frank Fitts ideal self is a socially
straight edged heterosexual
 By the end of the movie, Lester Burnham’s
ideal self is lined up with his actual self. He
is not concerned with how others see him,
but presents his actual self to those around

Thursday, October 21, 2010 9

Carl Rogers Theory
 Carl Rogers theory is a very basic and
practical one, developed through
experiences with clients. Rogers viewed
people from a very basic view, either
good or healthy, or not bad or ill.
 He viewed health as the normal
progression of life, and any abnormality,
be it mental illness, criminality, or some
other issue was just simply a distortion of
that natural tendency

Thursday, October 21, 2010 10

Carl Rogers Theory
 The main basis of his theory was that
everything was built on the actualizing
tendency, which is the built in motivation
that any organism has to develop itself to
its fullest potential
 In other words, everything wants to be the
best that it can be.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 11

Carl Rogers Theory
 His theories do not just apply to humans
either. It is also true for plants and animals
 For instance, a plant is always trying to
grow larger, whether that means it has to
grow through a sidewalk, or a rock, it will
try to overcome any obstacle.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 12

Healthy Personality
 Carl Rogers would describe a healthy
person as someone who has an accurate
perception of their world, and is open to
trying new things, someone who lives in the
present, not in the past or in the future.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 13

Healthy Personality
A person with a healthy personality would
be someone who has trust in themselves,
and someone who truly feels as though
they are free
 If a person truly feels free, they will be able
to be creative and express themself 

Thursday, October 21, 2010 14

Unhealthy Personality
 According to Rogers, a person with an
unhealthy personality would be someone
who has false perceptions of their
surrounding world and are not open to
new thing
 They are constantly worried about the past
and future. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010 15

Unhealthy Personality
A persona with an unhealthy personality
would also be someone who does not trust
themselves and therefore is constantly
doubting their own decisions
 Lastly they would feel confined, not free,
and therefore cannot be creative and are
unable to express themselves.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 16

Character Analysis
 According to Carl Rodgers, Frank Fitz is an
unhealthy man because his incongruence
between his ideal self and actual self.
 His ideal self is a tough, heterosexual,
military man who has an obedient son.
These conditions of worth were probably
instilled by his military background.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 17

Character Analysis
 He tries to show these values with beatings
of his son and talks about structure and
homophobia. His aversion to the idea of
homosexuality is apparent several times.
 When he is driving Ricky to school, he
makes sure Ricky shares in his homophobic
beliefs, and says that they have
“something to be ashamed of.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010 18

Character Analysis
 However, his ideal self is very different from
his real self. Though he wants to be a
tough heterosexual man, he is actually
homosexual and wants to have a loving
relationship with his son.
 He shows part of his real self when he tries
to kiss Lester.
 This huge incongruence between his real
self and ideal self causes Fitz anxiety, and
Carl Rodgers would say it makes him

Thursday, October 21, 2010 19

Character Analysis
 Though he tries to hide it, it often seems as
if Frank wants to have a better relationship
with his son. One of these times came just
after Fitz told Ricky to take a drug test.
 He seems to hesitate and looks as if he will
tell Ricky he doesn’t have to take it. But he
remembers that he is supposed to be strict
and says, “Never mind.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010 20

Works Cited
 Boeree, Dr. C George. Personality Theories:
Carl Rogers. Print.
 Myers, David G. Exploring Psychology. 6th
ed. New York: Worth, 2008. Print.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 21

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