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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW


Name of the students

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Author note

Table of contents



Literature review..............................................................................................................................2


Results and discussion.....................................................................................................................4

Conclusion and identified limitations..............................................................................................6


References and bibliography...........................................................................................................7



Selected article is Intergenerational transmission of education in China: New evidence from the

Chinese Cultural Revolution


The Chinese revolution has brought the noticeable impact on the parental as well as children’s

educational system. In the journal article, empirical analysis has been done in which it has been

identified that higher level of intergenerational persistence in education is visible in the urban

areas, where the negative result has been found in the rural area (Chen, Yanbin, et al). Reviewing

the introduction section it has been identified that in order to influence the transmission f the

economic status, parental education brings the significant influence. The paper has been

developed based on the intergenerational educational transmission system that can be considered

as the inherent abilities of ion parents (Chen, Yanbin, et al). The theme of the article has been

developed that with the Cultural Revolution, parental education significantly influences the

child’s educational standard. Depending on two important mechanism such as nature and nurture

effects, the paper has tried to examine the different dimensions of the transmission effect, which

has been identified after the introduction of cultural revolution in china.

Literature review

The literature review section of the article has focused on analyzing the nature and nurture effect

in the particular situation. The generic factors can be considered as the responsible characteristics

those can influence the education system among children (Wang, James). The section has been

critically analyzed the nurture effect of parents ob children’s education. In case of twin children,

nurture effect is dominant in case of fathers. In order to analyze the children’s educational

outcomes, the instrumental variables have been used. In the particular section, Chinese cultural

revolution has been used as the significant instrument that has helped to identify the comparison

between children’s educational system in both the urban and rural areas. The historical materials

related to the parental educational abilities with the restricted sample have been analyzed.

As stated by Chen, Yanbin, et al in order to analyze the intergenerational educational

transmission system it has been identified that the concepts such as school interruptions,

instrumental variables such as public policies are very important in terms of reducing the

educational inequality all over the world. Through different political vents in china, the cultural

revolution has been used as the significant instrument for estimating the nature effect of

educational and income inequality in current generation. The particular section has described the

evidences related to historical data, where it has been mentioned that in between 1966 and 1968,

the poor educational system in china has been shown, which has been recovered in 1971 (Wang,

James). In the changing political environment, the cultural changes have also brought revolution

in educational sector, where in between 1971 to 1976, the higher educational infrastructure has

been provided to the Chinese people. In the year 1976, with the end of Chinese revolution, the

entrance examination system has got resumed and after the Cultural Revolution, everyone has

got permission for further exam (Leff, Anastasia). In order to measure the nurture effect in

intergenerational mobility, the Influences of urban individuals have been measured based on the

potential abilities of people to complete the higher education.

In the comparison, it can be said that the exogenous variation in individual’s educational

attainment has got visible among the control and cohort group. The literature review section has

mentioned that after the cultural revolution in china, the educational system has not got

interrupted (Leff, Anastasia ). The instability in the educational system has been recovered

during this era. In the year 1958, the rapid school expansion has influenced the suitable control

on radical education reformation system. The particular literature review section has also

mentioned about the dominant effect of cultural revolution amongst female population compared

t male population.


The particular article has been developed in both the primary quantitative sources. Most of the

sections of the particular article have been developed based on the historical evidences. By

continuing this, it can be said that measuring the impact of child education both the fathers and

mothers education has been measured by segmenting in urban and rural areas. For the data

analysis, regression method has been applied. By measuring the relationship between dependent

and independent variables, the first stage regression has been done. In the first stage regression,

the nurture effect in both the urban and rural areas have been identified.

Results and discussion

In the particular section, using the OLS regression and regression coefficient have been used for

measuring the rate of parental education in both the rural and urban areas. In the analysis t has

been identified that the fathers’ education can bring the significant nurture effect in the children’s

educational system. It has been identified that the annual income of father can significantly

influence the children educational transmission process, however, the mechanism is still

unknown. In the 5years interval, the education controlling factors have been measured using the

OLS regression analysis technique (Chen, Yanbin, et al). Depending on the schooling, the

education has been measured. From the panel A: urban sample, the standard errors have been

identified ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1 (Chen, Yanbin, et al). In the IV estimation

controlling process, birth cohorts have been defined where the same standard errors have been

identified. Analyzing the results it has been clearly identified that in order to promote the low

Inequality as well as providing standard educational opportunities in both the urban are rural

areas, in that case, offering the educational resources has become necessary. Through the

Chinese Cultural Revolution this inequality in the society has been identified (Li, Hongbin, and

Meng). On the other hand, examining the results it has also been identified that the income level

of people also gets influenced by the educational capabilities. It has been identified that the

people with the strong educational background earns more. It is quite visible among the urban

areas. Therefore, in order to partially influence the children’s education, father’s education is

quite important. On the other hand, the study has also identified that compared to the father’s

education. Mother’s educational background is less important for the children. Therefore, in the

analysis influence of father’s income and educational background have been mentioned as the

important factors that can influence the home educational environment (Wang, James).

The results have specifically focused on the Chinese market. In the particular article, the IV

regression and OLS regression methods have been used with the new CHIP 2013 dataset. After

the proposal of Chinese revolution, the potential mechanisms as well as intergenerational

transmission have been critically analyzed in the particular research paper. Identifying the

nurture effects it can be said that the coefficients have shown the huge comparison in parental

education in rural and urban areas (Wang, James). The availability of the educational resources

can be considered as the responsible factor that has created educational inequalities between

urban and rural areas. It can be said that the Chinese culture has got highly influence by

interruption of schooling.

In the historical evidences, it have been identified that through the income channel, the fathers

education is being passed among the children. However, by arguing this the article has

mentioned that home environment has also been considered as the dominant factor in the

children educational system, which can get influenced the existing societal culture. Therefore, it

can be said that in the particular study, two factors have been considered as the responsible

factors that influence the children’s education in china (Lo, William Yat Wai). In the article, the

unequal distribution of educational resources is quite visible. It has also been identified in this

study that the Chinese Cultural Revolution has also brought an interruption in the educational

sector, which has created the measuring gap. However, it is true that with the end o this era,

everything has back to normal situation. In the five years analysis it has been identified that the

Cultural Revolution has created one year interruption in the high school graduates. In the end, it

can also be said that school can be used as the important weapon in china for the poverty

reduction process.

Conclusion and identified limitations

In the entire article, it can be concluded that after the Cultural Revolution the schooling system

in China has become different in different regions. In this situation it is quite difficult to analyze

the educational interruption. It is true that through the article the author has opposed the actual

educational interruptions, which has been created by individuals in both the rural and urban

areas. However, it is true that the entire interruption has been described based on the

assumptions, which has created standard errors. In the particular article, the IV regression and

OLS regression results have been quite similar, however, in several context, the IV estimate can

be lower than the OLS estimate. Therefore, the major limitation in this article is if the estimation

rate will get changed, in that case the treatment status towards the population will also get

changed. In the particular study, income level of the fathers have been measured using the

database of annual labor earning report in china, however, in the case of rural areas, it has only

covered the non agricultural areas, where the equation has got influenced.


In this article, the author could have added some theoretical concepts. The article has explained

more about the Chinese educational status in rural and urban areas. However, how the Cultural

Revolution has impacted on the educational system, could have been done by the researcher.

References and bibliography

Chen, Yanbin, et al. "Intergenerational transmission of education in China: New evidence from

the Chinese Cultural Revolution." Review of Development Economics 23.1 (2019): 501-527.

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(2019): 56-94.

Harmel, Robert, and Yao-Yuan Yeh. "Attitudinal differences within the cultural revolution

cohort: effects of the sent-down experience." The China Quarterly 225 (2016): 234-252.

Leff, Anastasia A. The Impact of Interrupted Education on Earnings: The Case of China’s

Cultural Revolution. Diss. Bates College, 2019.

Li, Hongbin, and L. S. Meng. Scarring Effects of Deprived College Education during China’s

Cultural Revolution. Working Paper, 2017.

Lo, William Yat Wai. "The road to privatization of higher education in China: A new cultural

revolution?." (2017): 381-383.

Rosen, Stanley. "New directions in secondary education." Contemporary chinese education.

Routledge, 2017. 65-241.

Wang, James CF. The Cultural Revolution in China: an annotated bibliography. Vol. 8.

Routledge, 2018.

Zhong, Hai. "Effects of quantity of education on health: A regression discontinuity design

approach based on the Chinese Cultural Revolution." China Economic Review 41 (2016): 62-74.

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