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Jilavu Alexandru Cristian


University of Bucharest Bucharest, RO

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Expected May 2021
”Radu Greceanu” National College Slatina, RO

Romanian Baccalaureate Diploma 2014 - 2018
– GPA: 9.51/10

Technical Skills

• Programming Languages: Java, C/C++, Javascript, Python

• Advanced knowledge of data structures and algorithms
• linux, git, jira, subversion, agile

Work Experience

Junior Software Developer at DC Tech Solutions July 2019 - present

Bucharest, Romania
– Worked on developing a wep application for a transportation company. I used Java 8, Spring, JSF and
SQL for backend, but also used some javascript, HTML, and CSS for the frontend
– Worked with Google Script, a javascript based scripting language, REST APIs and SQL for developing
a tool which provides an extended weather forecast

Personal Projects

The management and administration of an agricultural company

Java aplication Feb. 2018 - May 2018
– Used SQL for the database
– Many functionalities like: add employee, add agricultural machinery, managing finances
– User friendly interface
Attended the Google Digital Hub for Programmers

10 weeks of Java courses with experienced mentors Nov. 2018 - Jan. 2019

Awards, Grants & Honours

12th place out of 88 teams in the FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Olympiad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2018
Part of the scientific committee of a local contest for Computer Science “INFO-OLT” . . . . . 2017 - 2018
Qualified for the National Olympiad of Informatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016

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