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Tower Nusantara QUOTE

.E.A Building, 3rd Floor,
Mega Kuningan Barat kav. E4 no.1 DATE Tuesday, May 19, 2020
outh Jakarta 12950 QUOTE # PDG - 001 - CN - 1
hone: [021-780-3423] CUSTOMER ID 154
ax :[021-780-3424] VALID UNTIL August, 2, 2020
repared by: Jonathan Sirait

T. Prakarsa Data Gemilang

L.KAMBOJA UJUNG 23A, RT.008, RW.004,
omang, Jakarta Utara
repare For : Mr. Michael Wawan Gani

Price / Unit Qty Amount

Spesifikasi Tower Monopole 15 Meter :

Pipa welded 5 inch ; t 4,7mm ; 6 mtr

Pipa welded 4 inch ; t 4,5mm ; 4 mtr
Pipa welded 3 inch ; t 4mm ; 3 mtr
Pipa welded 2 inch ; t 3,1mm ; 2 mtr
Baseplate 400x400x12mm + Stiffener 12mm
Join flange 10 mm Rp 12,500,000.00 4 Rp 50,000,000.00
Stiffner 10mm
Baud mur 16mm x 5cm hot dip galvanize
Step ladder Ø 16mm
Jarak anak tangga (step ladder) dari kiri ke kanan 40cm
Anchor L 22mm + Cakar ayam 800x800x1500mm
Finishing Hot Dip Galvanized

Jasa Instalasi dengan Material Installasi (JABODETABEK) Rp 6,500,000.00 4 Rp 26,000,000.00

Spesifikasi Tower Monopole :

Pipa welded 4 inch ; t 4,5mm ; 6 mtr

Pipa welded 3 inch ; t 4mm ; 3 mtr
Pipa welded 2 inch ; t 3,1mm ; 1 mtr
Baseplate 400x400x12mm + Stiffener 10mm
Join flange 10 mm Rp 7,000,000.00 75 Rp 525,000,000.00
Stiffner 10mm
Baud mur 16mm x 5cm hot dip galvanize
Step ladder Ø 16mm
Jarak anak tangga (step ladder) dari kiri ke kanan 40cm
Anchor L 19mm + Cakar ayam 800x800x1000mm
Finishing Hot Dip Galvanized

Jasa Instalasi dengan Material Installasi (JABODETABEK) Rp 4,250,000.00 75 Rp 318,750,000.00

[42] Subtotal Rp 919,750,000.00

1. Harga Penawaran berlaku 2 Minggu Tax rate Rp 0.06
2. Pembayaran dengan menggunakan Cek, / Giro akan dinyatakan Terbayar pada saat Tax due Rp -
dana pembayaran telah di terima di Rekening APN Other Rp -
3. Harga Penawaran Belum Termasuk dengan Harga Pengiriman Barang TOTAL Rp 919,750,000.00
Company Name QUOTE
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP] DATE 12/15/2010
Website: QUOTE # [123456]
Phone: [000-000-0000] CUSTOMER ID [123]
Fax: [000-000-0000] VALID UNTIL 1/14/2011
Prepared by: [salesperson name]

[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP]


[Service Fee] 230.00 230.00
[Labor @ $75/hr] 75.00 5 375.00
[Parts] 25.00 3 X 75.00
New client discount -
[42] Subtotal $ 680.00
1. Customer will be billed after indicating acceptance of this quote Tax rate 6.250%
2. Payment will be due prior to delivery of service and goods Tax due $ 4.69
3. Please fax or mail the signed price quote to the address above Other $ -
Customer Acceptance (sign below): TOTAL $ 684.69

x ___________________________________________
Print Name:

If you have any questions about this price quote, please contact
[Name, Phone #, E-mail]
Thank You For Your Business!
HELP © 2014 Vertex42 LLC

Getting Started
Customize the template with your company name, address, and
other contact information. Then, save a backup of the file to use as a
template for future quotes.

For repeat customers, update the customer info section and

customer ID and save a backup of the quote to use as a template for
future quotes for that specific customer. You may want to name the
file something like "Quote Template - Customer Name."

Valid Until
This field is set up to be 30 days after the value in the Date field, but
you can manually enter a date of your choice.

Place an "x" in the Taxed column if the amount is Taxable. The
Taxable subtotal is the sum of the amounts for the items with an "x"
in the Taxed column.

Just above the Total, you will see a field labeled "Other." This can be
changed to whatever you want, such as "Shipping."

Sending a Quote to a Customer

One of the best ways to send a quote, besides printing a paper copy
and mailing it, is to email the quote as a PDF attachment. You can
create a PDF with Excel by exporting to PDF or going to Save As
and choosing PDF.

Additional Help
The link at the top of this worksheet will take you to the web page on that talks about this template.


TIPS Spreadsheet Tips Workbook

ARTICLE Simple Invoicing for Small Businesses

ARTICLE Add a Customer List to Your Spreadsheet

Price Quote Template


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Do not submit copies or modifications of this template to any website or

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Please review the following license agreement to learn how you may or
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Do not delete this worksheet.

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