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A14 Thursday, July 23, 2020 THE OKLAHOMAN | OKLAHOMAN.




Nonprofits can apply FA S H I O N & H E A LT H

for $75,000 grant

The Fred Jones Family

Foundation, a nonprofit
and charitable founda-
tion dedicated to sup-
porting organizations that
increase the quality of
life in central Oklahoma,
has opened applications
for the 2020 Mary Eddy
Jones Signature Gift.
The $75,000 grant was
created to award organiza-
tions that have a primary
focus on arts, culture and/or
landscaping improvements.
Organizations applying must
be based in Oklahoma and
registered with an official
tax-exempt status letter.
To apply, go to fredjones.
id=15127. Applications are
due by 5 p.m. July 24.

Junior League receives

Beacon Award

The Journal Record

awarded the Junior League
of Oklahoma City the
Beacon Award in the cat-
egory of Nonprofits Serving
Nonprofits for its part-
nership with Concordia
Life Plan Community.
The two organiza-
tions have been working
together for six years to
provide health-related
programming for seniors.
The Beacon Award is
given annually to spotlight
organizations giving back to
the community. The Junior
League of Oklahoma City
was selected out of five
nonprofits for the award. The skin around the eyes is thin and prone to damage — the bigger the broad-spectrum coverage sunglasses, the better.
Hearing Helpers Room

needs new benefactor

After 22 years, Hearing

Loss Association of
America Central Oklahoma
Chapter’s Hearing Helpers
Demonstration Room has

closed as of June 1. Because
of budget concerns, among
other reasons, INTEGRIS
has ended its partner-
ship with the room, which
had offered hearing assis-
tive technology to help
those with hearing loss.
The chapter is seeking By From Mayo Clinic News Network Davis says the bigger, the bet- your lifetime of cataract formation.”

a new major benefactor ter, like movie stars wear. Davis says to choose sunglasses
for the room. To become a good pair of sunglasses is The skin around the eye is some that are labeled as having broad
sponsor, beneficent cor- much more than a fash- of the thinnest skin on the body and spectrum coverage or protection
poration or individual ion statement. They are so it’s more susceptible to damage. against UVA and UVB rays, she said,
donor, call 640-5152. an investment in your Davis said sunglasses help and look for the same phrases on the
For more information, go health, says Dr. Dawn Davis, a to prevent skin cancer around sunglasses you buy for your children.
to Mayo Clinic dermatologist. the eyes and good shades also “We suggest sunglasses on chil-
They make you styl- guard against vision loss. dren as early, and as young, as they
Care Center relocates ish and keep you safe. “Ultraviolet light can pass through will wear them,” Davis said.
during expansion “It’s a very good invest- the eye to the lens and cause cata- Start young, and create a
ment to have big sunglasses racts,” she said. “So, if you wear sun- lifelong habit of staying styl-
During its site expan- around the eyes,” Davis says. glasses, you decrease your risk over ish and safe in the sun.
sion, The Care Center’s
victim services team will
temporarily relocate to Red
Rock Behavioral Health

Ways to volunteers and the benefits of doing so

Services’ Planet Rock facil-
ity at 4130 N Lincoln Blvd.
The purpose of this short-
term move is to continue
offering an optimal environ- By More Content Now serve as an example.” Studies indicate volun- in an office or their home,
ment for those most in need Although the U.S. has teerism benefits not just while others assist on the
of intervention. Completion Alexis de Tocqueville, a changed in many ways, the receiver but the giver as streets and in shelters.
of The Care Center’s 1403 French civil servant, was Americans are still viewed well. A UnitedHealthcare/ Some volunteers are
Ashton Place expansion is impressed with America’s as a people willing to roll up VolunteerMatch study at-the-ready when natu-
anticipated in winter 2021. service-mindedness when sleeves and pitch in where determined mental ral disasters strike.
However, the victim services he made a nine-month visit needed. By November, and emotional ben- When volunteer needs
team will resume its work to the United States in 1831. for example, two months efits to spending free are unclear, organizations
on-site this fall. The Care He wrote in “Democracy in after Hurricane Harvey time helping others: 93% such as VolunteerMatch
Center often refers child America”: “In the United dumped 5 feet of rain of people reported an help connect people with
abuse victims to Red Rock States, as soon as several on Houston, more than improved mood, 79% opportunities. Local
Behavioral Health Services inhabitants have taken an 10,000 Samaritan’s reported lower stress churches, newspapers,
for follow-up services, opinion or an idea they Purse volunteers had levels, and 88% reported schools and chambers of
including counseling. wish to promote in society, joined relief efforts. increased self-esteem. commerce are resources.
Fundraising for the new they seek each other out U.S. Bureau of Labor Currently, homeless- Plus,
7,000-square-foot build- and unite together once Statistics 2016 findings, ness is a target concern for teer is a thorough list of
ing is ongoing through The they have made contact. the most current on this many; there are at least volunteer websites.
Care Center’s capital cam- From that moment, they subject, show a quarter of 500,000 homeless people Can’t volunteer time?
paign. For more informa- are no longer isolated but the population volunteers, in America. Some vol- Give. Organizations
tion or to make a donation, have become a power seen compared to the global unteers quietly assemble always need donations
go to from afar whose activities volunteer average of 10%. food and clothing packets of money or supplies.

Zoo fundraiser goes

virtual this year [METROCREATIVE
For the first time, anyone
with an internet connec-
tion can join the Oklahoma
Zoological Society’s annual
fundraiser, Safari Soiree,
from 7 to 9 p.m. July 24.
Originally scheduled in
the spring, the event was
postponed because of
the ongoing pandemic.

See DEEDS, A16

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